Assistant Professor |
Department of English Language Education |
Journal Publications Zhang, Y. (2024). Investing in and divesting from learning-to-teach practices: A critical ethnography of a teacher of English in China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Online First, 1-15. Zhang, Y., & Gonzales, W. D. W. (2024). World Englishes pedagogy: constructing learner identity. ELT Journal, ccae053, 1-12. Guan, L., Zhang, Y., & Gu, M. M. (2024). Examining generative AI–mediated informal digital learning of English practices with social cognitive theory: A mixed-methods study. ReCALL Zhang, Y. (2024). Researching L2 investment in EMI courses: Techno-reflective narrative interviews. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 1-15. Zhang, Y., & Huang, J. (2024). Learner identity and investment in EFL, EMI, and ESL contexts: A longitudinal case study of one pre-service teacher. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 1- 14. Liu, G., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, R. (2023). Examining the relationships among motivation, informal digital learning of English, and foreign language enjoyment: An explanatory mixed-method study. ReCALL, 36(1), 72-88. Zhang, Y., & Liu, G. (2023). Examining the impacts of learner backgrounds, proficiency level, and the use of digital devices on informal digital learning of English: An explanatory mixed-method study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1- 30. Darvin, R., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Words that don’t translate: Investing in decolonizing practices through translanguaging. Language Awareness, 32(4), 645-661. Liu, G., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, R. (2023). Bridging imagination and informal digital learning of English: A mixed-method investigation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1- 21. Zhang, Y. (2023). L2 investment and techno-reflective narrative interviews. TESOL Quarterly, 58(2), 991-1006. Zhang, Y., & Liu, G. (2022). Revisiting informal digital learning of English (IDLE): A structural equation modeling approach in a university EFL context. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1- 33. |
Conference Papers Zhang, Y., & Gonzales, W. (2024, August). Critical pedagogy meets world Englishes: The role of a decolonized curriculum in learner investment over time. The 21st AILA World Congress 2024, Malaysia. Zhang, Y. (2024, July). Navigating a Metaverse Conference: Experiences and L2 Investment of Novice Scholars. Global English Education China Assembly, Beijing Normal University. Zhang, Y., & Gonzales, W. (2024, July). A Corpus-based and Project-based Pedagogy: World Englishes, Decolonization, and Learner Investment. International Conference on Technology-enhanced Language Learning and Teaching & International Conference on Corpus-based Language Learning and Teaching (TeLLT&CoLLT2024), The Education University of Hong Kong. Zhang, Y. (2024, April). Language Learning in the Classroom and Informal Digital Contexts. Postgraduate and Undergraduate Partnership, Shanghai International Studies University. Zhang, Y. (2024, March). Formal Empowering Language Learners and Decolonizing English Classrooms: The Role of Mother Tongue and Local Culture. MAILE Program, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Zhang, Y. (2024, March). Navigating academia: The narrative of a novice researcher. The 2nd Hong Kong Postgraduate Roundtable in Applied Linguistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 張越 (2024,1). 正式数字英语学习与外语投资:中国香港及内地课程比较。京港联盟合作项目系列讲座,北京。 Zhang, Y., & Fan, R. (2023, December). A structural equation model of using ChatGPT in EFL learning: Understanding, affection, and ethics. The 3rd International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2023, The Education University of Hong Kong. Zhang, Y., & Gonzales, W. (2023, December). A critical World Englishes pedagogy: Investing in learner and Hong Kong English user identities. HKERA & APERA 2024, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 張越 (2023,12). 英語教師學術寫作:體裁,行動研究與實際應用。深圳教育研究院英語在職教師係列講座,深圳。 Zhang, Y. (2023, July). Researching L2 learner investment: Using techno-reflective narrative interviews in Mainland China and Hong Kong. The 8th HAAL Conference 2023, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Zhang, Y. (2023, June). Negotiating L2 selves in English as a foreign language learning motivational dialogues: The story of an English major in China. The 25th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics, The University of Warwick. Liu, G., Zhang, Y., & Ma, C. (2023, May). Can imagination contribute to informal digital learning of English? A mixed-method investigation. The 2nd APSCE International Conference on Future Language Learning (ICFULL 2023), Beijing Normal University. Zhang, Y. (2023, May). A Linguistic Ethnographical Approach to Critical Teacher Education: Motivation, Investment, EFL Pre-service teachers. 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, America. Zhang, Y., & Liu, G. (2023, May). Predicting informal digital learning of English: Multiple regression analyses of learner backgrounds, proficiency level, and the use of digital devices. The 2nd APSCE International Conference on Future Language Learning (ICFULL 2023), Beijing Normal University. Zhang, Y. (2022, December). A Linguistic Ethnographical Approach to Critical Teacher Education: Motivation, Investment, EFL Pre-service teachers. 第六届中国语用学专题论坛 (The 6th Chinese Pragmatics Symposium), Beihang University. Zhang, Y. (2022, December). Decolonizing EMI Contexts and Researching L2 Learner Investment: Techno-Reflective Narrative Interviews. International Congress on English Language Education and Applied Linguistics, The Education University of Hong Kong. Zhang, Y. (2022, November). Critical EFL Teacher Preparation: Investment, Identity, Chinese Pre-service teachers. SALA-36 and the 43rd LSN Conference, Nepal. Zhang, Y. (2022, November). Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) Investment: A Linguistic Ethnography of Chinese EFL Pre-service Teachers. International Conference on CALL, Xian Dianzi University. Zhang, Y. (2022, October). Critical Genre-based Language Pedagogy—Critical Multilingual Awareness and Foreign Language as L2 Investment. 第七届中国教育语言学高端论坛 (The 7th China Summit on Educational Linguistics), Peking University. Zhang, Y. (2022, July). An Ethnographical Approach to Critical Teacher Preparation: Investment, Identity, Chinese EFL Pre-service teachers. 第七届语言研究青年学者海上论坛暨首届教育语言学国际论坛 (The 7th Shanghai Forum for Emerging Researchers in Applied Linguistics and The First Summit on Educational Linguistics), Fudan University. Zhang, Y. (2022, June). Understanding Language Learning Motivation and Investment: A case study of EFL Pre-service Teachers in China. The 24th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics, The University of Warwick. Zhang, Y. (2021, December). A Critical Genre-based Approach to ESP Lecture Design on English Language Teachers’ Classroom Discourse at Tertiary Level. The 3rd Annual Conference of Asia ESP & the 8th Chinese National Symposium on ESP, Chongqing University. Zhang, Y., & Huang, J. (2021, December). From EFL, through EMI, to ESL A Longitudinal Case Study of a Pre-service ESL Teacher’s Investment. The 9th International Symposium on Second Language Acquisition Research in China, Shanghai International Studies University. Zhang, Y. (2019, November). A Critical Genre-based Approach to ESP Lecture Design on English Language Teachers’ Classroom Discourse at Tertiary Level. The 3rd Annual Conference of Asia ESP & the 8th Chinese National Symposium on ESP, Southeast University. Zhang, Y. (2019, July). From CMI to EMI: The English Learning Motivational Trajectories of First-year Mainland Chinese Engineering Majors. Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity, The Education University of Hong Kong. Zhang, Y. (2019, July). From EMI to ESL: A Case Study of English Language Reflexive Identities in the Narratives of Two Mainland Chinese Postgraduate Students. 2019 Global English Education China Assembly, China. Zhang, Y. (2018, November). Curriculum Design for Education Concentration from the Perspective of Needs Analysis: Practice and Students’ Perceptions. The 2nd Annual Conference of Asia ESP & the 7th Chinese National Symposium on ESP, Southeast University. |
L2 Identity, Investment, and Motivation: Chinese Students' English and Japanese Learning This study aims to understand how motivated Chinese learners are to learn English and Japanese as well as ways in which Chinese learners of English and Japanese invest in their linguistic and social identities. It is an exploratory mixed-method study that draws upon questionnaire surveys, interviews, learner artifacts, and other multimodal data. Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Yue, Ellen |
English Learning in Blended Learning Environments: Investigating and Enhancing Self-regulated Learning of Beijing and Hong Kong Undergraduate Students Dr. Yang (杨滨瑜, Assistant Professor) and I (张越, Assistant Professor) will 1) conduct a research collaboration (two mixed-methods studies using a structural equation modeling approach among over 1000 participants and follow-up interviews of 20 selected survey respondents) to compare English self-regulated learning (ESRL) of Beijing and HongKong undergraduate students (October & November 2023); 2) take a pro-active and locally responsive approach to draw upon the results and provide an online seminar for students and lecturers to share their ESRL experiences to bridge the gap between the teacher and students and learn from the other context (December 2023); 3) provide two online workshops to enhance students' ESRL and teachers' ESRL strategies (January & May 2024); and 4) present our findings at two local and international conferences and universities.This program aims to 1) understand and investigate the English self-regulated learning (ESRL) experience of undergraduate students and lecturers in Beijing and Hong Kong; 2) generate the similarities and differences in ESRL practices in these two contexts; 3) draw on the results to create an online space for Beijing and Hong Kong undergraduates and their lecturers to share their blended learning and ESRL experience, exchange thoughts and strategies, and learn from each other in a seminar; 4) draw upon the results from the study and discussion from the seminar to provide feedback tailored to the needs of students and lecturers for them to learn from each other in one workshop for students (ESRL learning strategies) and another one for lecturers (ESRL teaching strategies); and 5) BHUA Activity Proposal 2023-2024 publicize the results of the study and these activities as successful cases of Beijing-Hong Kong collaboration in English language education research, learning, and teaching practices. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): ZHANG, Yue, Ellen |
Reaching Out Award The Reaching Out Award (ROA) aims to support meritorious students enrolled in full-time publicly-funded programmes at sub-degree or above levels to participate in learning, internship or service programmes, as well as national, regional and international events and competitions that are conducted outside Hong Kong and organised/endorsed by institutions. Date of receipt: 1/8/2023, Conferred by: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
The 2nd Runner-up Prize The event aims at facilitating postgraduate students to present their research to the broader CUHK community, and providing participants with opportunities to enhance their poster presentation skills. The Oral Presentations and Award Ceremony 2023 was held on 17 May 2023 (Wed). Features : CUHK postgraduate students are invited to submit their research poster abstracts in response to our call which will be announced usually around February/March. Research posters in different disciplines are welcome. Selected research posters will be displayed in the University Library during the exhibition period. Electronic posters may also be displayed on an online platform. Participants will be invited to present their research content orally to a panel of judges. Prizes will be awarded to the best poster presentations. Date of receipt: 10/7/2023, Conferred by: CUHK Library, the Graduate School and the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) |
The Best Paper Presentation Award The 2nd APSCE International Conference on Future Language Learning (ICFULL) organised by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) provides a platform for academics and researchers from transdisciplinary areas, including cognitive neural scientists, linguistic researchers, pedagogical designers, theorists of language learning as well as practitioners in various language learning arenas in the world to share and exchange ideas to strengthen research, theories and practice, and explore possibilities for advancing future language learning. The conference program includes keynotes, paper presentations and panelists. All the accepted papers in the conference will be published in ISBN-coded proceedings. Date of receipt: 12/6/2023, Conferred by: Beijing Normal University |
First prize 外研社多语种“教学之星”大赛是由教育部高等学校外国语言文学类专业教学指导委员会、教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和外语教学与研究出版社共同举办,面向全国高等院校教学一线多语种教师的大型公益赛事。 2018年外研社多语种“教学之星”大赛以“教学评测”为办赛宗旨,鼓励广大高校多语种教师提升教学设计能力,深入探索更加高效的教学模式,促进教学理念的贯彻、教学模式的创新和教学效果的提升。 Date of receipt: 9/12/2018, Conferred by: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press |