Dr HO, Chun Sing Maxwell    何振聲 博士
Assistant Professor
Department of Education Policy and Leadership
Associate Co-Director
Academy for Educational Development and Innovation
(852) 2948 8931
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Middle leadership

Teacher professional development

Teachers' entrepreneurial behavior

Teacher entrepreneurialism

Business and personal financial education

Entrepreneurship education

External Appointments

Executive Committee
- President, Hong Kong Association for Business Education (2020 - present)
- ExeCo Member, Hong Kong Association for Business Education (2017 - 2020)

Invited Reviewer
- Emerging Adulthood (2020)
- Educational Studies (2020)
- Education + Training (2020)
- The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (2020)
- International Journal of Comparative Education and Development (2017, 2021)

    Research Interviewee
    - Financial Education for Youth (Youth Research Centre, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, 2019)

    - 理財通識學與教資源套 (iKnow HKEJ, 2020)
    - S1-S3 Money Management Resources and S4-S6 Liberal Studies Resources (Investor Education Centre, 2018)
    - VISA Financial Education for Hong Kong Liberal Studies Financial Literacy Championship (2018)

    - JA Company Programme (Junior Achievement, 2019)
    - Consumer Culture Study Award (Consumer Council, 2017 - 2021)
    - "Folk Story" Youth Entrepreneurship Competition (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 2017 - 2018)
    - Teacher Award for Business and Financial Education (Hong Kong Association for Business Education & Investor Education Centre, 2017 - 2018)

    - Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy Stakeholder Workshops (Investor Education Centre, 2018)
    - Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications

    Personal Profile

    Maxwell is an experienced educator who has dedicated himself to promoting teacher entrepreneurialism, entrepreneurship education, and financial literacy throughout his career. He earned a Bachelor of Education (Business Studies) degree with first-class honours from the Education University of Hong Kong in 2008, following which he rose through the ranks quickly to become head of technology education (KLA) and administration group as a middle manager. His finance and entrepreneurial curriculum won him the Teacher award for business and financial education in 2016, a recognition from the HKABE, HKEdCity, EDB, and IFEC.

    Maxwell continues to contribute to the field of education since joining EdUHK. As a Research Fellow at the Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, he has performed leadership and educational practice research. In 2020, he was awarded the Emerald publishing award for his excellent doctoral research and is now invited to provide leadership training to primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. He has also been named President of the Hong Kong Association of Business Education, demonstrating his continued commitment to the growth of this sector. Maxwell's teacher entrepreneurialism series has trained over 400 school leaders so far.

    In 2021, Maxwell received the Emerald Young Researcher Award for his exceptional contribution to education in Hong Kong, validating his continued research interests in teacher entrepreneurialism, entrepreneurship education, and financial literacy. His efforts were further acknowledged by the Michael Fullan Emerging Scholar award in 2023.

    Research Interests

    Middle leadership

    Teacher professional development

    Teachers' entrepreneurial behavior

    Teacher entrepreneurialism

    Business and personal financial education

    Entrepreneurship education

    External Appointments

    Executive Committee
    - President, Hong Kong Association for Business Education (2020 - present)
    - ExeCo Member, Hong Kong Association for Business Education (2017 - 2020)

    Invited Reviewer
    - Emerging Adulthood (2020)
    - Educational Studies (2020)
    - Education + Training (2020)
    - The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (2020)
    - International Journal of Comparative Education and Development (2017, 2021)

      Research Interviewee
      - Financial Education for Youth (Youth Research Centre, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, 2019)

      - 理財通識學與教資源套 (iKnow HKEJ, 2020)
      - S1-S3 Money Management Resources and S4-S6 Liberal Studies Resources (Investor Education Centre, 2018)
      - VISA Financial Education for Hong Kong Liberal Studies Financial Literacy Championship (2018)

      - JA Company Programme (Junior Achievement, 2019)
      - Consumer Culture Study Award (Consumer Council, 2017 - 2021)
      - "Folk Story" Youth Entrepreneurship Competition (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 2017 - 2018)
      - Teacher Award for Business and Financial Education (Hong Kong Association for Business Education & Investor Education Centre, 2017 - 2018)

      - Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy Stakeholder Workshops (Investor Education Centre, 2018)
      - Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications

      Research Outputs

      Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
      Chapter in an edited book (author)
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈企業家精神〉。載於李子建、姚偉梅、石美寶(主編), 《迎接未來的四大能力 — 家長與孩子一起踏上成功之路》 (頁 147-157)。香港: 中華書局。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈創意思維〉。載於李子建、姚偉梅、石美寶(主編), 《迎接未來的四大能力 — 家長與孩子一起踏上成功之路》 (頁 166-177)。香港: 中華書局。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈理財能力〉。載於李子建、姚偉梅、石美寶(主編), 《迎接未來的四大能力 — 家長與孩子一起踏上成功之路》 (頁 137-146)。香港: 中華書局。
      Edited book (editor)
      何振聲(主編) (2019)。 《為未來做好商業教育 – 校本經驗分享》。香港: 信報出版社。

      Journal Publications
      Publication in refereed journal
      Ho, C.S.M., Bryant, D.A., & Lu, J. (2022). Nurturing teachers’ entrepreneurial behavior in schools: Roles and responsibilities for school principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools, in press
      Ho, C. S. M., & Lee, D. H. L. (2021). Integrating positive financial attitudes to nurture students’ identity as informed financial decision-makers in high power distance Chinese contexts.. Journal of Educational Change, 22(2), 247-270.
      Ho, C.S.M., Lu, J. & Bryant, D.A. (2021). (In press). Understanding teacher entrepreneurial behavior in schools: conceptualization and empirical investigation.. Journal of Educational Change, x(x), xx-xx.
      Ho, C. M., Lu, J., & Bryant, D. (2020). The impact of teacher entrepreneurial behaviour: A timely investigation of an emerging phenomenon. Journal of Educational Administration, 58(6), 697-712.
      Ho, C. S., & Lee, D. H. L. (2020). School banding effects on student financial literacy acquisition in a standardised financial literacy curriculum. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 29(4), 377-391.
      Ho, C.S.M., & Lu, J. (2019). School Competition in Hong Kong: A Battle of Lifting School Academic Performance?. International Journal of Educational Management, 33 (7), 1483-1500.
      何振聲 (2018)。 創業教育——香港STEM教育的新方向。 創新與創業教育,3,36-41。
      Ho, C.S. (2018). Conceptualizing teachers’ entrepreneurial behavior: An exploratory review. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 6(1), 14-28.

      Conference Papers
      Invited conference paper
      Ho, C. S., Lu, J., & Bryant, D. A. (2021, April). Understanding Teacher Entrepreneurial Behavior in Schools: Conceptualization and Empirical Investigation. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, United States.
      Ho, C. S., & Lu, J. (2020, June). The Impact of Teacher Entrepreneurial Behaviour: A Timely Investigation of an Emerging Phenomenon. The Future of Education, Florence, Italy.
      Lee, D. H. L., Ho, C. S., & Tang, H. H. (2020, May). School improvement with professional learning communities.. Webinar on Leading School Innovation in Times of Emergency., Hong Kong.
      Refereed conference paper
      Ho, C.S.M., & Lu, J. (2019, April). School Competition in Hong Kong: A Battle of Lifting School Academic Performance. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
      Ho, C.S. (2018, March). Literature review: Defining conceptual and operational definition of TEB. 2018 International Conference on Business and Social Science, Kyoto, Japan.
      Ho, C.S. (2017, November). Entrepreneurship Education: The missing links of STEM education in Hong Kong. The World Educational Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting and the Hong Kong Education Research Association (HKERA) International Conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR.

      Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
      Written teaching case study or extensive note
      何振聲 (2021)。 〈財爺勿忘承擔教師培訓〉。香港: 《明報》,親子筆陣,P11版。
      何振聲 (2020)。 〈經此一「疫」 別說教師不專業〉。香港: 《信報》,教研陣地,C07版。
      何振聲 (2020)。 〈教師也需要社會經驗〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,親子筆陣,P10版。
      何振聲、白達仁 (2020)。 〈停課啟示錄〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,親子筆陣,P10版。
      何振聲 (2020)。 〈創建反思性對話〉。香港: 《信報》,教研陣地,C04版。
      何振聲 (2020)。 〈教學行政,水火不容?〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,親子筆陣,P18版。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈標準化與靈活性的距離〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,專家筆陣,P18版。
      何振聲、陸佳芳 (2019)。 〈不做教育搞公關?〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,專家筆陣。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈直資慘變練功房〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,專家筆陣。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈借檢討通識教育探討教師專業自主〉。香港: 《信報》,教育講論,C05版。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈為慈善 跑多步〉。香港: 《信報》,教研陣地。
      趙永佳、何振聲 (2019)。 〈檢討直資 借鏡台推公營實驗教育〉。香港: 《香港經濟日報》,評論。
      陸佳芳、何振聲 (2019)。 〈成也團隊 敗也團隊 由新增副校長崗位說起〉。香港: 《教育專業》,第三期, 10-11。
      何振聲、陸佳芳 (2019)。 〈危機還是轉機 三問教師學位化〉。香港: 《教育專業》,第二期,10-11。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈教師學位化 承傳教育專業〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,教得樂。
      趙永佳、何振聲 (2019)。 〈直資非霸權 平民直資增學生出路〉。香港: 《香港經濟日報》,評論。
      陸佳芳、何振聲 (2019)。 〈學校改革前 請先認清何謂學校創新〉。香港: 《教育專業》,管理新思維,第一期,Pg. 26-27。
      何振聲 (2019)。 〈伍華數神王國〉。香港: 《信報》,教研陣地,C04。
      趙永佳、何振聲 (2018)。 〈為學生福祉 探索文憑試「邊緣」科定位〉。香港: 《明報》,觀點,A25。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈幾分鐘決定你DSE命運〉。香港: 《灼見名家》,灼見教育。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈為香港做好中學商業教育〉。香港: 《明報》,教育,教得樂。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈創新思維 教師專業新方向〉。香港: 《信報》,優質教育,教育講論 ,C04。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈老師有病唔敢請假? 何振聲:代價是追進度、代堂!〉。香港: 《香港01》,01生活。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈學生辦年宵攤檔,能賺到什麼?〉。香港: 《香港01》,01博評。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈簡約.不簡單的理財智慧〉。香港: 《信報》,優質教育,教研陣地,C04。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈你家中的書櫃,有多少書是「裝飾品」?〉。香港: 《香港01》,01博評。
      何振聲 (2018)。 〈從商科教師的視角 探究初中單元教學〉。香港: 《香港01》。
      何振聲 (2017)。 〈尋找個人教育哲學的歸宿〉。香港: 《信報》,優質教育,教育講論,C04。
      何振聲 (2017)。 〈成為教師前 我一直以為教師是模範家長〉。香港: 《香港01》,01博評。
      何振聲 (2017)。 〈創新需求〉。香港: 《信報》,優質教育,教研陣地,C04。
      何振聲 (2017)。 〈家長和老師間的微妙關係〉。香港: 《香港01》,01博評。
      何振聲 (2017)。 〈理財教育的龜兔賽跑(上)〉。香港: 《信報》,優質教育,教研陣地,C04。
      何振聲 (2017)。 〈理財教育的龜兔賽跑(下)〉。香港: 《信報》,優質教育,教研陣地,C04。
      何振聲 (2017)。 〈真的hea不了:為還有熱誠的教師鼓掌〉。香港: 《香港01》,01博評。


      The Values Education for Entrepreneurial Spirit (VEES) Virtual Learning Platform: Nurturing Students’ Entrepreneurial Spirit and Sense of Belonging to the Greater-Bay-Area (GBA)
      The goal of the research is to refine the platform and determine its effectiveness. As section 2.5 stated, pedagogical advancement and student growth serve as the primary indicators for measuring the success of this project/platform and offering insights on how to improve the platform further. Table 3 shows the relationship between project objectives, expected outcomes, measurement terms, qualitative evidence, and contributions. 7.1 Quantitative Research: Purpose and Sampling: The quantitative research aims to illustrate the measurable POs1-3 by comparing the impact on teachers and students after using the platform. If the analysis reveals positive changes in both pedagogical advancement and student growth, it will support the effectiveness of our platform in achieving the POs. All students (targeting 1,700 students) and teachers (targeting 40 teachers) will be invited to join the research on a voluntary basis. Data collection: For teachers, we will gather data using pre- and post-questionnaires. We will assess their self-efficacy, technology experience, incentives, and self-assessment to determine their pedagogical advancement in using our platform. We will also research training and management support to gauge the effectiveness of our team's assistance. For students, we will employ a two-pronged approach to collect data: pre- and post-questionnaires, and students' assessment performance. We will measure students' perceptions of entrepreneurial spirit, their sense of belonging to the GBA, their roles within the GBA, and their scores and completion of multiple-choice questions to research their growth in entrepreneurial spirit and understanding of their roles in the GBA. Additionally, we will assess content, ease of use, flexibility of the learning experience, in-person session learning experience, and self-assessment which reflects both the pedagogical advancement of teachers and the effectiveness of our support from the students’ perspectives. Analysis:Analysis: To accurately analyse the survey data, we will test each construct’s survey items and internal validity, while minimizing their measurement errors with Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (Joreskog & Sorbom, 2018). Then, we will compare pre- and post-descriptive results by using t-tests to reflect pedagogical advancement and student growth. As we assume that the platform and our support will enhance pedagogical advancement leading to student growth, we will conduct a regression model as the focal predictor, with posttest entrepreneurial spirit and students’ sense of belonging to GBA as the outcome variable, and its corresponding pretest scores as a covariate, to test the effectiveness of VEES platform. We will also conduct descriptive and exploratory analysis to examine their learning process and assessment performance within the platform. We aim to examine the pathways through which the VEES virtual learning platform affects teacher’ pedagogical advancement and student growth. See Appendix 9 for the details. 7.2 Qualitative Research: Purpose: The objective of this research is to gather evidence and insights from Cycle 1 and 2 pilot schools, ensuring that our platform's refinement aligns with the needs of both teachers and students. The multiple case study design will provide a more profound understanding of the experiences of both students and teachers when they use the VEES platform. This will also provide a comprehensive overview of the changes in students' values and attitudes toward their entrepreneurial spirit and sense of belonging to the GBA and have insightful implications beyond.
      Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing, Maxwell

      Investigating the Potential of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems to Spur School Innovativeness
      This research project investigates Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (EEs) in education, focusing on their role in fostering innovation across schools. Through mixed methods including case studies and surveys, it aims to identify key actors, mechanisms for sustaining innovations, and factors influencing EE evolution. The study's findings aim to inform theory, practice, and policy in educational innovation.
      Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing, Maxwell

      'Train the Trainer': Aspiring School Leaders as Entrepreneurial Trainers in Practices
      The project is a school-based teacher professional development programme. The project team (1) trained the trainer to (2) conduct entrepreneurialism training with (3) a blended learning platform support at school. The school-based teacher professional development programme integrated teacher entrepreneurialism and employ a ‘train the trainer’ approach to form the school-based training. This project addressed the Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB) policy for new teacher professional standards (for detail information, please refer to Section 5(i)). The project's primary aim is to equip teachers with entrepreneurial skills and develop school-based teacher training. All of the training materials developed was integrated via a blended learning online platform. This provided self-paced learning opportunities for the teachers and expand the learning community network from the initial pilot schools to other schools and teachers across Hong Kong.
      Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      School-based Middle leadership Training (2020/21)
      This project aims at applying the research findings on edupreneur in particular into supporting middle leadership development in schools. The team employs a practice-oriented approach to guide teachers’ professional reflection that can be used to review and develop middle and teacher leaders as ‘Edupreneurs’ in schools.
      Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      Production of e-Learning Packages for the Professional Development and Training of Principals and Teachers under the “T-excel@hk” Project
      This project aims to provide services for the production of e-learning packages for the professional development and training the in-service principals and teachers in Hong Kong. T-surf 24/7 which is one of the focus areas under the "T-excel@hk" Project, is a one-stop portal that enables the teaching profession to have easy access to information on various professional development programmes offered by the Education Bureau (EDB), tertiary institutions and other educational bodies, as well as various e-learning resources and repositories for self-paced learning. While the "Pilot Scheme on Self-paced e-Learning Course Fee Reimbursement for Teachers" under T-surf 24/7 has been implemented since March 2018 to encourage teachers to participate in various kinds of e-learning courses or web-based seminars (webinars), the production of local tailor-made e-learning packages for in-services principals and teachers to further facilitate the paradigm shift of principals and teachers from traditional face-to-face lessons to on-line e-learning programmes.
      Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): CHAN, Tsan Ming Kenneth 陳湛明, HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      Investigating Hong Kong Students' Aspirations for the Future
      In recent months, school students have organized school strikes, class boycotts, human protest
      chains, joined front-line protests, been arrested (30% under 18 years) and shot (2 students; 14
      & 18 years), with more than 300 school students involved in the PolyU siege. For other students, the protests disrupted their schooling and their relationships with family, peers and teachers. The longer-term impact on their aspirations, futures and sense of belonging/connectedness to Hong Kong is unknown.This project seeks to map Hong Kong adolescents’ (15-18 years) aspirations and views on the resources/capital needed to achieve their aspirations for the future, and how Hong Kong schools and society can help.

      Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): HALSE CHRISTINE MARGARET (HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲 as Co-Investigator)

      Service Leadership 3Cs for Entrepreneurial Teacher Leaders
      - Disseminate the service leadership model and teacher entrepreneurialism as a teaching professional training programme
      - Illustrate how service leadership and teacher entrepreneurialism address prevailing concerns in schools

      Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      An Adaptive Blended Learning Platform for Business Teachers and Students to Work as a Learning Community
      Enhancing business education through constructing and adaptive blended learning community for teachers and students. This project will construct an adaptive blended learning community for business teachers and students and investigate and inform educators about student’s learning patterns in pursuing a blended learning approach. The project will generate blended learning materials for teachers and students, build a business-subject teachers’ community and develop business-related teaching materials.
      Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      School-based Middle leadership Training (2019/20)
      The project team aims at applying the research findings on edupreneur in particular into supporting middle leadership development in schools. The team employs a practice-oriented approach to guide teachers’ professional reflection that can be used to review and develop middle and teacher leaders as ‘Edupreneurs’ in schools.
      Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      Developing Middle Leaders as Entrepreneurial Teachers
      Disseminate the research result of teacher entrepreneurialism as a teaching professional training programme
      Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      A Reflective Journey: Using Logbook for Consolidating Experiential Learning, Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning)
      The project is built upon the theoretical framework of Action Learning. It utilizes a course logbook to help students document the learning reflection-in-journey so as to enable them to reflect critically and collaboratively in the authentic learning process at the end of the course.
      Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      Designing an eLearning Package
      Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      Business education forum 2018 cum Press release of business teachers survey
      Aim – Support teacher in business education to enhance their policy implementation and middle leadership capabilities.

      1. Identify the needs of business education
      2. Develop a master plan for support business education
      3. Expanding the network of the department of education policy and leadership to business teachers and business corporates
      4. Connect business corporates to support business education

      Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      Adapting the FoolProof Curriculum to promote Personal Finance Education in the Hong Kong Community
      Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Wai Mui Christina 姚偉梅 (HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲 as Co-Investigator)

      Development of the HK Financial Competency Framework 2.0
      Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Wai Mui Christina 姚偉梅 (HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲 as Co-Investigator)

      Constructing an Interactive Journey for Students' Field Experience Reflection
      This is designed to help students, on an ongoing basis, to enhance and learn from their field experience thereby making it easier to prepare their reflection.
      Each supervisor will be responsible for a specified number of students. The supervisor will have access to the students’ progress in using the app. The information will remain available to any later supervisor and so will represent an entire picture throughout the student’s teaching practice.

      Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): KWAN, Yuet Ling Linda 關月玲 (HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲 as Co-Investigator)

      Business teacher entrepreneurialism ‘Being a leader of curriculum planning’
      Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲

      Prizes and awards

      Michael Fullan Emerging Scholar in Professional Capital and Community Award

      Date of receipt: 1/5/2023, Conferred by: Journal of Professional Capital and Community, Emerald Publishing
      Emerald Young Researcher Award 2021

      Date of receipt: /1/2022, Conferred by: Emerald in East Asia and New Asian Tigers region
      Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (Educational leadership and strategy)

      Date of receipt: /9/2020, Conferred by: Journal of Educational Administration
      “Top 10%” Teaching Award 2019/20

      Date of receipt: /6/2020, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
      Principal Chan Yau Kwong Memorial Scholarship for Educational Management

      Date of receipt: /1/2019, Conferred by: The Christian Director Tang Hon Kwan and Principal Chan Yau Kwong Mother and Daughter Memorial Educ
      Award for Dean’s Honour List

      Date of receipt: /6/2017, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
      Teacher award for business and financial education (Student empowerment award)

      Date of receipt: /3/2017, Conferred by: HKABE, HKEdCity, EDB and IEC
      Award for Dean’s Honour List

      Date of receipt: /6/2016, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
      Northcote College of Education Golden Jubilee Scholarship

      Date of receipt: /1/2008, Conferred by: Education Scholarship Fund Committee
      CMA and Donors Scholarship

      Date of receipt: /1/2007, Conferred by: The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
      The Bank of East Asia Scholarship 2006/07

      Date of receipt: /1/2006, Conferred by: The Bank of East Asia Limited