Dr WONG, Ming Har Ruth    黃明霞 博士
Assistant Professor
Department of English Language Education
(852) 2948 8341
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

English lanaguge teaching and learning, Motivation, Teacher education, ELT Methods, Curriculum

External Appointments

External examinaer of CCC Kung Lee College

External Examiner and Consultant of Hong Kong College of Commerce

Consultant of Buddhist Mau Fung Secondary School

Consultation of Sino College

Personal Profile

Dr. Ruth Wong is an assistant professor of the Department of English Language Education. She joined the University in 2004 and has published research articles in international journals as well as several textbooks and teaching resources for schools in Hong Kong.

Research Interests

English lanaguge teaching and learning, Motivation, Teacher education, ELT Methods, Curriculum

External Appointments

External examinaer of CCC Kung Lee College

External Examiner and Consultant of Hong Kong College of Commerce

Consultant of Buddhist Mau Fung Secondary School

Consultation of Sino College

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Wong, R. (2014). The Effects of Gender Differences on Motivation to Learn English in Regard to Chinese EFL Learners. R. Morrison, 'Motivation: Psychology, Strategies and Impact on Performance' (171-196). New York: Nova Publishers.
Wong, R. (2013). Motivation and English Attainment: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong Students with Different Cultural Backgrounds.. A. B. I. Bernardo and J. S. M. Estacio, Language, Literacy, and Education in the Asia-Pacific: Contemporary Perspectives (165-190). Philippines: De La Salle University Publishing House.
Wong, R. (2011). Is Cultural Capital a Catalyst for Better Career Prospect? A case study.. T. Le & Q. Le, Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Identity: A Global Perspective. (71-80). New York: Nova Science Publishers..
Wong, M. H. R. (2008). Linking motivation to learn English with pedagogy: A case of the newly arrived Hong Kong students. In P. A. Towndrow, C. Koh, & T. H. Soon (Eds.), Motivation and Practice for the Classroom (pp.229-254). Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Wong, M. H. R. (2008). Try an error: A way to improve writing. In H. Gaudart (Ed.), Teaching of Grammar (pp.70-81). Malaysia: Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd..
Wong, R. (2004). Facilitating imagination in teaching creative writing. In B. T. Tan (ed.). Creative Writing in EFL/ESL Classrooms. (30-41). University Putra Malaysia Press..
Textbook (author)
Wong, M. H. R. (2009). Teaching English through Short Stories: A practical guide for teaching elective modules at the senior secondary level.. Hong Kong: Hong Kong: Oxford University Press..
Wong, M. H. R., Yu, Z., & Lim, C. Y. J. (2007). Treasure Plus! Language Arts 1A. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
Lim, J., Yu, Z. & Wong, R. (2007). Treasure Plus! Language Arts 2A & 2B.. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press..
Wong, R., Lim, J. & Yu, Z. (2007). Treasure Plus! Language Arts 1A & 1B.. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press..
Yu, Z., Wong, R. & Lim, J. (2007). Treasure Plus! Language Arts 3A & 3B.. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press..

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Wong, R. (2024). Towards a Comprehensive Framework of Motivation to Learn: a Validation Study.. English Language Teaching, 17(1), 13-25.
Wong, R. (2023). Wong, R. (2023). When no one can go to school: Does online learning meet students’ basic learning needs? Interactive Learning Environments, 31(1), 434-450.. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(1), 434-450.
Wong, R. (2022). Basic psychological needs of students in blended learning.. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(6), 984-998. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1703010
Wong, R. (2022). What do they actually need? An investigation of English learning motivation of the underprivileged students.. English Language Teaching,, 15(11), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v15n11p1
Wong, R. (2021). The alignment of learning objectives and the teaching of vocabulary.. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 18(1), 271-280 http://dx.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2021., 18(1), 271-280.
Wong, R. & Luo, S. Y. (2021). Relationship between motivation to learn English and learner autonomy of Chinese learners in higher education: An empirical study.. Irish Journal of Education, 44, 1-24. https://www.erc.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Wong-Luo-2021-IJE-1.pdf
Wong, R. (2020). When no one can go to school: Does online learning meet students’ basic learning needs?. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1789672, -
Wong, R. (2020). Becoming an EFL teacher: A re-investigation of student teachers’ motivation.. English Language Teaching, 13(5), 64-79.
Wong, R. (2020). Job-related stress and well-being among teachers: A cross sectional study.. Asian Social Science, 16(5), 19-28.
Wong, R. (2019). Basis Psychological Needs of Students in Blended Learning.. Interactive Learning Environments, -
Wong, R. (2019). Immersion and motivation to become teachers: A comparative study.. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 9(5), 510-520.
Wong, R. (2018). Non-native EFL teachers’ perception of English accent in teaching and learning: Any Preference?. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 8(2), 177-183.
Wong, R. & Wong, R. (2017). Alignment of Motivational Strategies: The perceptions of Teachers and Students.. Educational Practice and Theory, 39 (2), 57-85.
Wong, R. (2016). How one-year of overseas teacher education programme improved a teacher's motivation strategies.. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 23 (1), 107-130.
Wong, R. (2015). The contribution of the homestay experience to linguistic self-confidence in L2 acquisition. The Irish Journal of Education, 40, 82-93.
Wong. R. (2015). Impact of overseas immersion homestay experience on linguistic confidence and intercultural communication strategies.. Journal of Intercultural Communication, Retrieved from http://immi.se/intercultural/index_new.html, 37, Online.
Wong, R. (2014). The effects of gender differences on motivation to learn English in regard to Chinese EFL Learners. Journal of Education Research, 8(3), 151-175.
Anne Ma, Ruth M.H. Wong, & Wendy Y.K. Lam (2014). Profiling language and culture strategy use patterns of ESL student teachers in study abroad by using self-reported data. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, DOI:10.1080/14681366.2014.9221, 1-25.
Wong, R. (2014). An investigation of strategies for student motivation in the Chinese EFL context.. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 8(2), 132-154.
Wong, R. (2014). LETs and NETs: Exploring how teachers from diverse cultural backgrounds impact student motivation and preferences.. English Language Teaching, 7(1), 57-65.
Wong, R. (2014). Motivation to learn English and School Grade Level: The case of newly arrived Hong Kong students.. Porta Linguarum, 21, 39-52.
Wong, R. (2013). A change in teaching philosophy: The effects of short-term teaching immersion on English teaching beliefs and practice.. Teacher Education and Practice, 26(1), 43-62.
Wong, R. (2013). The sustainability of change in teacher beliefs and practices as a result of an overseas professional development course.. Journal of Education for Teaching, 39 (2), 152-168.
Wong, R. M. H. (2012). Linking motivation and pedagogy: The case of newly arrived Hong Kong students.. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21(3), 636-647.
Wong, R. M. H. (2011). Developing teacher awareness of language use and language knowledge in English classrooms: Four longitudinal cases.. e-FLT (Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching), 8(1), 19-38.
Wong, R. M. H. (2010). Classifying teacher questions in EFL classrooms: Question types and their proper use.. TESOL in Context, 20(1), 37-57.
Wong, M. H. R. (2010). Educational Challenge: The meaning of leadership in Hong Kong Schools.. International Education Studies, 3 (2), 148-157.
Wong, M. H. R. (2010). The effectiveness of using English as the sole medium of instruction in English classes: Student responses and improved English proficiency. Porta Linguarum, 13, 119-130.
Luk, J. C. M. & Wong, M. H. R. (2010). Sociocultural perspectives on teacher language awareness in form-focused EFL classroom instruction.. Linguistics and Education, 21, 29-43.
Wong, M. H. R. (2010). Carrot or stick? An investigation into motivation orientations in learning English among Hong Kong Chinese students.. The Brazilian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10 (1), 71-87.
Wong, M. H. R. (2010). Mainland Students Learning English in Hong Kong: Does Place-of-origin Affect Motivation?. The TESOL Journal, 2, 109-129.
Young, K. & Wong, M. H. R. (2009). From outside in: from inside out; student’s expectations and perceptions of culturally different teaching styles.. Asian EFL Journal Press, 40, 28-51.
Wong, M. H. R. (2009). National Identity Change: Overseas Students Returning to Hong Kong.. The Linguistics Journal, 4, 36-62.
Wong, M. H. R. (2009). “Try to describe the main point of your lesson.”--Student perception and identification of learning objectives in English lessons.. Journal of Reflections on English Language Teaching, 8 (2), 73-88.
Wong, M. H. R. (2009). Developing criteria for textbook evaluation. TESL Reporter, 42 (1), 52-57.
Wong, M. H. R. (2008). Non-native English-speaking novice researchers developing research skills in the ESL research community. ESP Across Cultures, 5, 153-175.
Wong, M. H. R., & England, L. (2008). Peer feedback in writing classes: Teachers and students working together. Review of Applied Linguistics in China, 3, 114-120.
Wong, M. H. R. (2008). Competency-based English teaching and learning: Investigating pre-service teachers of Chinese's learning experience. Porta Linguarum, 9, 179-198.
Wong, M. H. R. (2008). Motivation to learn English and age differences: The case of Chinese immigrants. Glossa, 3 (2), 365-404.
Wong, M. H. R. (2007). Motivation and strategies to learn English: The case of pre-service teachers of Chinese. The Asian ESP Journal, 3 (2)
Wong, M. H. R. (2007). Motivation and English attainment: A comparative study of Hong Kong students with different cultural backgrounds. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 16 (1), 2-43.
Publication in policy or professional journal
Wong, M. H. R. (2008). Does length of stay matter? The case of Chinese immigrants' motivation to learn English. Samara Altlinguo, 3

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Wong, R. (2020, May). Intercultural communication in Society.. International Online Conference on Education., Online.
Wong, R. (2019, May). Face-to-face learning or blended learning: Views from teachers and learners. 2nd International Conference on Global Challenges of Traditional Education and Distance Learning: Reflections and Concerns, Taipei, Taiwan.
Wong, R. (2013, July). The Sustainability of Change in Teacher Beliefs and Practices as a Result of an Overseas Professional Development Course.. The 3rd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao, China.
Wong, R. (2013, June). The Sustainability of Change in Teacher Beliefs and Practices as a Result of an Overseas Professional Development Course.. The 3rd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao, China.
Wong, R. (2013, April). Motivation to Learn English and Age Differences. 2013 International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP 2013)., Japan.
Wong, M. H. R. (2007, July). We build the road as we travel: Non-native English speaking novice researchers in the English as a second language (ESL) research community. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macau.
Refereed conference paper
Wong, R. (2024, April). Towards a comprehensive framework of motivation to learn: a validation study.. 10th International Conference on Learning and Teaching, Macao.
Wong, R. (2023, May). Positive values and English Teaching: e-resources vs textbook. International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Taichung, Taiwan.
Wong, R. (2023, March). Positive Education & English Language Teaching. 18th Education and Development Conference, Thailand.
Wong, R. (2022, February). Developing grammar awareness and writing skills through a scaffolded grammar learning and teaching plan. CamTESOL, Cambodia.
Wong, R. (2020, May). Scaffolding the Teaching and Learning of Grammar to Build Writing Competency. The Southeast Asian Conference on Education, Singapore.
Wong, R. (2019, September). Difficulties encountered by English ESL teachers in Hong Kong and Its Implication.. 2019 International Conference on Business, Economics, Law, Language & Psychology ICELLP), Hong Kong.
Wong, R. (2019, May). Face-to-face learning or blended learning: Views from teachers and learners,. 2nd International Conference on Global Challenges of Traditional Education and Distance Learning: Reflections and Concerns,, Taipei, Taiwan..
Wong, R. (2019, May). Face-to-face learning or blended learning: Views from teachers and learners. 2nd International Conference on Global Challenges of Traditional Education and Distance Learning: Reflections and Concerns, Taipei, Taiwan.
Wong, R. (2018, June). To be or not to be an EFL teacher: an investigation of student teachers’ motivation.. Asia TEFL 2018 "English Language Teaching in the Changing Glocalised World: Research and Praxis"., Macau, China.
Wong, R. (2018, May). Motivation and attitude: The effectiveness of using pop media in EFL classrooms.. 38th Thai TESOL International Conference., Thailand.
Wong, R. (2017, June). How a one-year overseas teacher education programmed improved a teacher’s motivation strategies. 6th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication., Macao.
Wong, R. (2016, March). Alignment of Motivational Strategies: The perceptions of Teachers and Students.. International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
Wong, R. (2016, March). Alignment of Motivational Strategies: The perceptions of teachers and students.. International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology., Bangkok, Thailand.
Wong, R. (2016, March). What wrong with my teaching? It’s me or them?. International Conference on Language Teaching and Education., Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia..
Wong. R. (2015, April). Profiling language and culture strategy use patterns of ESL student teachers in study abroad.. Intercultural Competence in Communication and Education, Malaysia.
Wong, R. (2014, April). Changeable or not? Teacher Beliefs of Chinese EFL teachers on Task-based Learning.. Paper presented at 2013 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, Taiwan.
Wong, R. (2012, May). Non native English speaking Novice researchers developing research skills in research community. International Conference: Innovative Research in a Changing and Challenging World, Thailand.
Wong, R. M. H. (2011, June). A change in teaching philosophy: The effects of short-term teaching immersion on English-teaching beliefs and practice.. 2nd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao.
Wong, R. M. H. (2011, May). Student perception and the identification of learning objectives in English lessons.. International Language Conference 2011., Malaysia.
Other conference paper
Wong, R. M. H. (2012, June). Non native English speaking Novice researchers developing research skills in research community.. International Conference: Innovative Research in a Changing and Challenging World., Thailand.
Wong, M. H. R. (2010, June). Classifying Teacher questions in EFL classrooms: Question types and their proper use.. The 12th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences., Japan.
Wong, M. H. R. (2009, June). The homestay experience and its contribution to linguistic self-confidence in L2 acquisition: A comparative study. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Marco.
Wong, M. H. R. (2008, December). Developing teachers' awareness of language use and language knowledge through collaboration. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on English in Southeast: Englishes and Literatures-in-English in a Globalised World, Singapore.
Wong, R. M. H., & Yu, Z. C. W. (2006, November). Using language arts activities to facilitate learners autonomy in English lessons. Paper presented at the From Practice to Theory: Reconceptualising the Way We Approach Learner-Centeredness, Vietnam.
Wong, M. H. (2006, February). Non-English major pre-services teachers' motivation and attitudes to learn English. Paper presented at the 2nd CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, Cambodia.
Wong, M. H. (2006, January). Competency-based English as second language: Investigating Chinese major students' English learning experience. Paper presented at the 11th EFL Skills Conference, Egypt.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Authored play, poem, novel, story
Wong, M. H. (2005). My mother and my diary. In A. Maley, & J. Mukundan, (Eds.), Asian Stories for Young Readers (39-44). Malaysia: Pearson Malaysia.

All Other Outputs
Other outputs
Wong, M. H. R. (2010). Revewer of The TESOL Journal. Hong Kong
Wong, M. H. R. (2010). Reviewer of Glossa. Puerto Rico
Wong, M. H. R. (2010). Reviwer of ASian EFL Journal. Hong Kong
Wong, M. H. R. (2009). Reviewer of a journal, Asian EFL Journal.
Wong, M. H. R. (2009). Reviewer of a journal, Glossa.
Wong, R. M. H. (2007). Reviewer of journal article, Making Written Feedback Work.


Proposing and Developing a Grammar Book for Enhancing Grammar Awareness in Reading and Writing Competence
This researcher-student collaborative project aims to develop a set of self-directed learning materials for school students to develop their writing competency starting from the simplest form of a sentence (e.g. SVO) and at the same time enhance their grammar awareness. The self-directed learning materials will be developed by the student teachers but guided by the researcher’s theoretical framework and conceptualisation. Student teachers will pilot the materials in their FE schools where they will also obtain action research data from the users through questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaire data collected will modify a proposed writing competency development sequential plan, and inform the theories of teaching writing to ESL/EFL learner which may be applicable to both the local and wider EFL community.
Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Ming Har, Ruth

Proposing and Developing a Sample Grammar Book for Enhancing Grammar Awareness in Reading and Writing Competence: A Pilot Study to an English Language Programme
The project aims to introduce a new way of teaching grammar in a sequential way to teachers. With teachers’ application of theories learnt throughout the teacher training course, sample grammar book chapters will be developed and piloted in FE schools. The teaching and learning materials aim to help students learn English in a validated sequence, develop their grammar awareness while reading and enhance their writing competence.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Ming Har Ruth 黃明霞

Starting from Scratch: Implementing the Secondary English Language Curriculum in Hong Kong under a New Era (Phase 2)
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Ming Har Ruth 黃明霞

How Invitational is Invitation Education? The Case of Academic Motivation
The purpose of this study is twofold. The first aim is to follow the recommendations of Schmidt et al. (1998) and continue to investigate the internal reliability and construct validity of the IDI while qualitative data are also to be collected. The second aim is to explore the relationship between IE and learning motivation on the other. To this end, this paper seeks to examine whether constructs drawn from invitational theory serve as a source of student learning motivation.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): WONG Ming Har Ruth

Re-construction of Teaching Philosophy and Teaching Practice: Mainland Chinese English Teachers' Professional Development Experience in Australia and Hong Kong
This project aims to investigate how the different learning and cultural experience impact on participants' testing philosophy; investigate how the different learning and cultural experience impact on participants' teaching philosophy; and examine the sustainability of the impact/changes.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): WONG Ming Har Ruth

The Study-abroad Experience and its Influence on the Student Teacher's Perception of Speakers in the Host Country and their Accent
The primary aim of this project is to ascertain to what extent an English-L2 speaker's living experience (e.g. immersion) in an English-speaking country will influence this speaker's preference of English accent, that is, those who have lived in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK tend to be favourably inclined toward learning, and psychologically identifying with speakers of the Australian accent, the Canadian accent, the New Zealand accent, and the British accent, respectively. Comparing the pre-immersion and post-immersion questionnaire filled out by the same student participations, we will be able to assess the possible impact of the immersion experience on their most preferred accent.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LI Chor Shing David (WONG Ming Har Ruth as Co-Investigator)

Assessment and Standardization of English Language Teaching Field Experience
The primary objective is to achieve measurably improved standardization within the English Department in the assessment of field experience. The project will develop a staff training program, with explicit standardisation criteria and training resources.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): TAYLOR Timothy William (WONG Ming Har Ruth as Co-Investigator)

In-service Programme for Guangdong Secondary School English Teachers
A total of 40 teachers and researchers from different parts of the Guangdong province participated in the programme, which was held at HKIEd from 21 May 2007 to 9 June 2007. This was the 8th Programme jointly organised by the Guangdong Education Bureau, the EMB and the Department of English of HKIEd since this kind of collaboration started in 1999. The major aim of the Programme was to further develop the professionalism of these teachers and researchers through reflecting upon English language teaching theories and practice. The participants completed seven modules of the Programme and paid three school visits to local schools to observe different education systems in action. During the programme the participants stayed in our Jockey Club Visitors' Centre to experience the life as full-time students on campus for three weeks.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Ka Wo, Benjamin 李家和 (WONG, Ming Har Ruth 黃明霞 as Co-Investigator)

Curriculum Review for Yew Chung International School - English Years 7-9
The principal of Yew Chung International School contacted the Department of English in May 2006 to seek external consultancy of reviewing the current English curriculum (Years 7-9) of the school. Three academic staff visited the school, had a meeting with the principal and the English panel Chairperson, during which the academic staff were given a briefing. The curriculum documents of the school were reviewed and the writing of the report is underway.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): WONG Ming Har, YU Ching Wah Zita, LIM Ching Yee, Jenny

From Outside In: From Inside Out - Student's Expectations and Perceptions of Culturally Different Teaching Styles
Significant curriculum reform has been undertaken in Hong Kong for over a decade. There have been substantial educational initiatives designed to enhance Hong Kong students' English proficiency. The most prominent initiative has been the introduction of the NET scheme. However the effectiveness of the collaboration between local and NET teachers has not been critically investigated with respect to three factors that impact on classroom learning behaviour: 1) Student expectations and perceptions of their teachers' culturally developed teaching styles; 2) How these perceptions impact on classroom learning expectations; and 3) To what extent these expectations influence in-class behaviour. This paper seeks to engage in a critical analysis of the pedagogy used by local and NET teachers in a local Hong Kong primary school setting. In this paper, it is intended that light will be shed on the implications of pedagogical and cultural factors relating to primary school students' perceptions of those factors that support effective English learning in Hong Kong primary ESL classrooms.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): WONG Ming Har

Attention to Language Knowledge and Attention to Language Use within the English Language Curriculum
This project investigates, from a teacher development perspective, the pedagogical issue of how to promote students’ knowledge of language and their ability to use it in the ESL classroom. Research shows that while both knowledge and use are essential, learners’ attention to one is generally at the expense of the other. Adopting a collaborative action research approach, teachers and researchers jointly plan the collection of classroom data including the recordings of lessons, stimulated recall interviews and researchers’ notes. The study will report on teachers’ approaches and responses to the problem of highlighting language knowledge and language use, and on the process of site-based teacher development.
Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): LAM Yuen Kwan Wendy (WONG Ming Har Ruth as Co-Investigator)