Teaching Interests and Experiences
Programmes and Courses Instructed and Supervised
Board of Examination
Academic Advisories
Field Experience Coordination/ Teaching Practicum Supervisions
Scholarship Panel
University Working Committee
External Appointments
Media Interviews and Press Coverages
Dr Patrick Yun is the Executive Co-Director of the Institute of Professional and Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning (IPVELL) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He also holds an appointment as Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Professional and Vocational Education) in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Dr Yun holds an MBA from the University of Dundee, UK, as well as MA and MSc degrees in Information Systems and IT in Education from the City University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong. He received the Outstanding Academic Performance Award for his Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Professional and Vocational Education) studies at EdUHK. Subsequently, Dr Yun earned a scholarship for his doctoral studies in Social Sciences (Education) at Cardiff University, UK.
In addition to his academic qualifications, Dr Yun maintains professional memberships with the UK Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Hong Kong Logistics Association, and the UK Chartered Institute of Bankers.
Throughout his career, Dr Yun has taught at various higher education institutions in Hong Kong and the UK. He has received several prestigious teaching awards in recognition of his dedication to pursuing teaching excellence and educational leadership.
Dr Yun brings broad expertise in diverse fields, including business management, information systems, e-learning, logistics, economics, accounting, sociology, adult education, and teacher training. He has contributed significantly to strengthening higher education in Cambodia through a World Bank initiative.
At EdUHK, Dr Yun currently serves as Field Experience Coordinator, doctoral student supervisor, and various University committee members. He also holds a school manager position and sits on the Assessment Panel for the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence.
In addition, Dr Yun provides advisory and supervisory services for youth leadership training and development programs within local voluntary organisations, schools and radio broadcasts in Hong Kong. He also holds a Private Pilot License issued by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and actively participates in leading local scout training activities.
Dr Yun's research interests encompass learning outcomes, disadvantaged learners, e-learning and e-pedagogies, metaverse, Web 3.0, curriculum design and implementation, professional and vocational education and leadership, as well as youth leadership development and training. He currently serves as a reviewer for several international journals, such as Cogent Education, Pedagogies: An International Journal, Education Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, Education Sciences, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and Sustainability.
甄沛豪博士 是香港教育大學職業及專業教育及終身學習研究所聯席執行所長、學位教師教育深造文憑(專業及職業教育)課程主任、及教學學系的高級講師,他獲取得英國蘇格蘭登地大學工商管理學碩士、香港城巿大學資訊系統管理碩士、香港大學教育應用資訊科技碩士,並以優異成績完成香港教育大學學位教師教育文憑資格,之後獲得英國威爾士卡廸夫大學頒發獎學金修畢社會科學(教育)哲學博士學位。
甄博士一直在香港和英國的不同高等院校任教,具有廣泛的教學及培訓興趣和相關經驗。甄博士曾教授不同級別的高等及職業教育課程,當中包括:工商行政管理、信息與通信技術、電子學習、物流與供應鏈管理、經濟學、財務及會計學、社會學、成人教育學、職業及生涯發展教育、專業職業教育及職前教師培訓課程等,並屢獲優秀教學獎項 (提名傑出教學校長獎項2020/21、榮獲2019/20 學習領䄂榮譽獎狀、2019/20年度最高10%教學獎、2019年優秀教學表現獎等)。甄博士現時並積極參與由世界銀行資作為柬埔寨高等教育的改善計劃提供教學和訓練服務。甄博士現為香港教育大學教育及人類發展學院(FEHD)學校體驗統籌主任、學位教師教育深造文憑(專業及職業教育)學校體驗統籌主任、畢業專題研究 (總整專案)主任、多個學與教委員會成員及博士生導師。
甄博士的教育研究興趣包括:學習成果、弱勢學習者、電子學習與電子教學、元宇宙、Web 3.0、 課程設計與實施、專業職業教育和教育領導,以及青少年領導培訓和發展。甄博士現為國際期刋Cogent Education, Pedagogies: An International Journal, Education Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, Education Sciences, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and Sustainability 等的審稿人。
Teaching Interests and Experiences
Programmes and Courses Instructed and Supervised
Board of Examination
Academic Advisories
Field Experience Coordination/ Teaching Practicum Supervisions
Scholarship Panel
University Working Committee
External Appointments
Media Interviews and Press Coverages