Associate Professor |
Department of Education Policy and Leadership |
Dr. Wong is an Associate Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership, the Education University of Hong Kong. She earned her B.A. (communications) and M.Ed (educational leadership and foundations) from the Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, and Ph.D. (Education) from the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Following her Ph.D., she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wong has participated in various research projects over the past ten years (such as Participatory Citizenship, Applied Learning, Curriculum Reform, Work-Based Learning, Hong Kong refugee, Teachers’ Perceptions of Citizenship Education, School Leadership for Civic Learning) and has been involved in international projects (such as research undertaken on a UNESCO project on out of school children, comparison of higher education study for Asia-Pacific region students, teacher preparation programs in Mainland, China). Her work has been recognized by EdUHK through publication awards. She has served as a reviewer of international and local academic journals, and she is the handling editor for Citizenship Teaching and Learning.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book (author) Wong, K. L. L (2024). Citizenship Education, Global Citizenship Education and Multicultural Education.. Lee, J.C.K. & Kennedy, J., Routledge Handbook on Life and Values Education in Asia (209-212). USA: Routledge: USA: Routledge. Chau, C.C.W. & Wong, K. L. (2021). Evolution and controversies of social studies in the Hong Kong education context. in K. Kennedy (Eds.), Routledge (50-68). London & New York: Routledge. Wong, K. L.& Lee, C. K. J. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions of moral, civic and national education practices in schools. in K. Kennedy, Routledge (136-147). London & New York: Routledge. Ng, S. W. & Wong, K. L. (2018). Education for justice-oriented and participatory citizenship in a politicized era in Hong Kong. In Pineda-Alfonso, J.A., Alba-Fernandez, D., & Navarro-Medina (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Education for Participative Citizenship and Global Prosperity. (133-151). USA: IGI Global. |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Li, H., Ieong, M. U., Wong, K. L. L., Zhu, J. X., & Chen, , C. C. (2024). University students’ concepts of nation in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau: Patriotism or nationalism?. Higher Education, online, 1-17. Briffett Aktas, C., Ying J., Wong, K. L. (2024). Humility’s role in the student voice for social justice pedagogical method. Educational Philosophy and Theory Briffett Aktaşa, C., Wong, K.L., Kong, W.F.O., & Ho, C.P. (2023). The Student Voice for Social Justice Pedagogical Method. Teaching in Higher Education, Latest Articles, online. Wong, K. L., Briffett Aktas, C., Kong, W. F. O., Ho, C, P., (2023). The student voice for social justice (SVSJ) pedagogical method: Learning outcomes and challenges. Active Learning in Higher Education, online, 1-20. Wong, K. L., Qiu, D.F., Kuang, X.X., Zhang, X.Z., Xie, M., Lee, J. C.K., (2023). Relationships among teachers’ emotional competences, emotional labour strategies and self-efficacy in moral and character education: A Hong Kong case. Citizenship Teaching and Learning Cheung, A. C. K., Wong, L. K., Dai, J. B., Wang, H. F. (2023). Effect of a student teaching internship program on the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers in rural China.. International Journal of Educational Management, 37(2), 2023, 373-392. Ieong, M.U., Wong, K. L., Li, H., Chen, C. C., Zhu, J.X.. (2022). University students’ perception of “good citizens” in Greater China: a comparative study of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China.. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, online, 1-19. Wong, K. L., & Chiu, M. M. (2022). Perceived school and media influences on civic / citizenship education: Views of secondary school principals and teachers in Hong Kong. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 3, 415-436. Wong, K. L., & Chong, E, K. M., Leung, W.T., & Leung, Y. W., (2022). Wong, K. L., & Chong, E, K. M., Leung, W.T., & Leung, Y. W., Experiential Learning for Civic Education: Student Participation and Voice. Citizenship Teaching and Learning. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 17 (2), 20-41. Wong, K. L., Lee, C. K. J., Kennedy, K. J. (2022). School Leadership for Civic Learning: The Case of Socio-Political Turbulence in Hong Kong. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 50(3), 511-530. Briffett Aktas, C., Wong, K. L. (2022). How did this happen? Educational Solutions to Societal Injustice.. Dewey Studies, 5(2), 579-591. Lee, C. K. J., Wong, K. L., Kong, R. H. M (2021). Secondary school teachers’ self-efficacy for moral and character education and its predictors: A Hong Kong perspective.. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, online, 1-30. Lee, J. C. K., Wong, K. L., & Kong, R. H. M. (2021). Secondary school teachers’ self-efficacy for moral and character education and its predictors: A Hong Kong perspective. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 27(1-4), 32-47. Wong, K.L., Haste, H., Lee, C, K, J., Kennedy, K, J., & Chan, K, S, J. (2021). A Proposed Model for Teachers’ Perceptions of National and Moral Education: A National Identity Building Curriculum in Post-Colonial Hong Kong. Journal of Educational Change, 22(2), 221-246. Wong, K. L. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions of preparing “good citizens” for the democratic development: Hong Kong case. Educational Studies, 47(2), 238-255. Waghid, Y., & Wong, K. L. L. (2020). On the responsibility of schools to cultivate democratic citizenship education. Citizenship Teaching & Learning. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 15(3), 267-269. Kennedy, K.J., Wong, L.K.& Ng, H.Y. (2019). Being Asylum Seekers in Hong Kong: Institutions, Action and Power. Asian Journal of Social Science, 47(4-5), 534-565. Wong, K.L., & Lee, J.C.K. (2019). Learning to live together in polarized and pluralistic societies: Hong Kong teachers' views of democratic values versus patriotic values. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 14(3), 307-330. Wong, K.L., Lee, C K J., Chan, K.S.J. & Kennedy, K.J. (2019). Teacher self-efficacy in cultivating students to become ‘good citizens’: a Hong Kong case. Teacher Development, 23, 155-173. Wong, K.L. (2018). Hong Kong Teachers' Perceptions of "Protest Participation" as a Characteristic of "Good Citizenship". American Journal of Chnese Studies, 25 (2), 107-122. Bagnall, R. G., & Wong, L. K. L. (2018). Issues in the Hong Kong Applied Learning Trials.. Asian Education Studies, 3(1), 62-72. Wong, K. L., Lee, C. K. J., Chan, K. S. J., & Kennedy, K. J. (2017). The model of teachers’ perceptions of “good citizens”: Aligning with the changing conceptions of “good citizens”. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 12(1), 43-66. Wong, K.L.,Lee, C. K. J., Chan, K. S. J., & Kennedy, K. J (2017). Constructions of Civic Education: Hong Kong Teachers’ Perceptions of Moral, Civic and National education. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 17, 1-19. Wong, K. L., Lee, C. K. J., Kennedy, K. J., & Chan, K. S. J. (2015). Hong Kong Teachers’ Receptivity towards Moral, Civic and National Education. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 10(3), 271-292. Bagnall, R. G., & Wong, L. K. L. (2014). Applied learning policy in Hong Kong as a contribution to lifelong learning.. The International Journal of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (IJCELL), 7(1), 93-118. Kell, P., Maclean, R., Ha, S. Y.Y., Wong, F. W. K., So, B. H. C., & Wong, L. K. L. (2011). Getting senior schooling to work: work-based learning in a senior secondary school in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Learning, 18(3), 385-404. Kell, P., Maclean, R., Ha, S. Y.Y., Wong, F. W. K., So, B. H. C., & Wong, L. K. L. (2011). Getting senior schooling to work: work-based learning in a senior secondary school in Hong Kong. AVETRA, online, 1-33. |
Conference Papers Invited conference paper Kennedy, K.J., & Wong, K.L. (2018, November). ‘Leading for Civic Learning’: School Leaders and the Creation of Democratic Citizens. The 19th UNESCO-APEID International Conference, Effective School Leadership for the 21st Century: Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, Thailand. Wong, K, L. (2018, April). “Leadership for Civics Teaching”: The Role of Schools in Encouraging Teachers to Promote the Understanding of Citizenship in a Complex World”. the 12th annual APNME international conference on moral education, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Wong, K.L., Kuang, X.X., Chiu, M.M. (2017, July). Teacher Self–Efficacy, Student Civic Learning, School Activities, and Future Participation: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea. the 13th citizED International Conference, Seoul, Korea. Wong, K. L. L. (2015, June). Teachers’ Receptivity toward Moral, Civic and National Education: Preparing Students to be “Good Citizens”. Redesigning Pedagogy : Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Education, Singapore. Refereed conference paper Wong, K. L., & Briffett Aktas, C. (2024, May). Student Voice: Social Justice Principles to the Pedagogical Planning Process in Higher Education. Conference on Impact for Educational Equity: Dialogues and Pathways for Diversity and Inclusion, Hong Kong. Jing Yu; Koon Lin Wong (2023, December). Practicing citizenship in the digital era: Examining Chinese higher education students’ practices of digital citizenship. Paper presentation]. HKERA-APERA International Conference 2023, Hong Kong. Koon Lin Wong; Carla Briffett-Aktaş (2023, December). Applying social justice principles to the pedagogical planning process in higher education (HE). Paper presentation]. The Asia-Pacific International Schools Conference (AISC) 2023, Hong Kong. Bhowmik, M., Wong, K.L., Islam, GMR, Rahman, M. (2023, July). Social media, civic engagement and well-being: The case of Bangladeshi youth. Paper presented at the 18th European Congress of Psychology, Brighton, UK. Wong, K. L., Chan, K., Chong, E. K.M. (2023, July). Media information literacy: Social engagement, social trust, global competences, and wellbeing. Paper presentation]. 18th European Congress of Psychology: “Psychology: Uniting communities for a sustainable world”, Brighton, UK. Yu, J, & Wong, K.L. (2023, May). Digital citizenship in Chinese context: An exploring study of Chinese university students' perceptions.. CiCea/CitEdEV, Madrid, Spain. Chong, E, K. M., & Wong, K. L., Leung, W.T., Leung, Y. W. (2022, July). Experiential Learning for Civic Education: Student Participation and Voice. Moral Education Conference, Manchester, UK. Wong, K.L., Kennedy, K. J. Chan, K.K., (2022, May). A Comparative Study on Teachers and Principals’ Perceptions of Citizenship Education in Time of Stress: Hong Kong Case. CitEdEV, Prague, Czech Republic. Wong, K.L., Chong, E. K. M., Leung, W.T., & Leung, Y.W. (2021, November). Experiential learning for civic education: Typologies and learning outcomes. 47TH Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education, USA. Wong, K.L., Ieong, M., Zhu, J.X. (2021, July). A comparative study of "good citizens": Perceptions of university students in the Greater China. The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education, Hong Kong. Wong, K. L., Lee, C. K. J., Kennedy, K. J. (2021, April). Schools and Citizenship Education in Hong Kong: Teachers’ and Principals’ Perceptions in Times of Stress. AERA, USA. Wong, K, L., & Chiu, M.M. (2021, March). School and Media Influences on Civic / Citizen Education: Views of Secondary School Principals and Teachers in Hong Kong’. CESHK, Hong Kong. Wong, K. L., & Chiu, M. M. (2020, May). Building youth identity and respect for government: Influences of protests, parents and school activities. the 22nd Annual CiCea / 16th Annual CitizED Annual / 3rd joint CiCea/CitizED Conference on Young People's Citizenship and Education: Building Collaborations in Communities, York, UK. Wong, K, L., & Lee, C. K. J., (2020, April). Leadership for Civics Teaching”: Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of “Good Citizens.. American Education Research Association, CA, USA. Wong, K, L. (2019, May). School principals’ decision making about citizenship education in a restrained political context.. 21th Annual Children’s Identity and Citizenship European Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. Wong, K, L., Lee, C. K. J., & Kennedy, K.J. (2019, May). An analysis of the role of Hong Kong School Principals in Supporting the Teaching of Civic Education.. 21th Annual Children’s Identity and Citizenship European Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. Wong, K.L., & Lee, C.K.J. (2018, November). Cultivating Hong Kong Students to Become “Good Citizens”: Teachers’ Perceptions of Democratic Values versus Patriotic Values. TERA-GACC 2018 Conference -Teaching and Learning for Literacy, Taiwan. Wong, K. L., Lee, C. K. J., Kennedy, K. J., & Chan, K. S. J. (2016, December). Hong Kong Teachers’ Perceptions of “Participations in Protests” as a Characteristics of “good citizen”. Paper presented at Association for Moral Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, MA, USA. Li, H., Wong, K. L. L., Bhowmik, M., Kennedy, K. J., & Lai, P. Y. A. (2015, January). Hong Kong perspectives on citizenship education: Learning from the past to create a democratic future. Paper presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Education, held in conjunction with. 11th International CitizED Conference and the Arts, Humanities and Literature Conference, Singapore. Other conference paper Yu, J, & Wong, K.L. (2023, November). Being Citizens in the Digital Era: An Empirical Study of Chinese University Students’ Practice of Digital Citizenship [Paper presentation]. The 15th Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo, Japan.. Wong, K. L., Kennedy, K. J., & Ng, H.Y. (2016, July). Education as a Basic Right: The case of Hong Kong’s Refugees and Asylum Seekers. 12th CitizED International Conference, Birmingham, UK. Wong, K. L., Kennedy, K. J., & Ng, H.Y. (2016, April). Understanding Refugees’ Daily Lives and Education Experiences. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Wong, K. L. (2014, November). Hong Kong teachers’ perceptions of “good citizens”: A mixed methods study. The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association & the Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong. Wong, K. L. (2014, July). Hong Kong teachers’ perceptions of “good citizens”: Hong Kong Case.. 10th CitizED International Conference, Birmingham, UK. Wong, K. L. (2013, July). Teachers’ receptivity of moral, civic and national education in preparing students to be “good citizens”: Hong Kong case.. the 9th CitizED International Conference, Japan. Wong, K. L. (2013, February). Teachers’ beliefs and perceptions of moral, civic and national education in preparing students to be citizens: Hong Kong Case. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference, Kong Kong. Wong, K. L. (2012, February). Moral, civic and national education in Hong Kong primary and secondary Schools: the role of moral education in preparing students to be global citizens. CITC conference, Macau. Wong, K. L. (2006, March). How moral education enhances the quality of Chinese higher education. CIES 50th anniversary conference, USA. Wong, K. L. (2005, October). How moral education enhances students’ learning. CIES West Regional, Canada. |
Developing the Student Voice for Social Justice Pedagogical Method: An International Comparative Study The purpose of this project is to determine the cultural and disciplinary impact of SVSJ pedagogy by comparing regional and national research data from Hong Kong, China (education and educational leadership), mainland China (civic education, English, and general education), and Poland (developmental psychology). The impact of the teaching method, and the applicability and versatility of the theoretical framework of the SVSJ teaching method will be further revised so that it becomes a generally applicable teaching method in higher education. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin, LEUNG, Wing Tat |
A Comparative Study of School Leadership for Civic Learning in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei This study investigates how school leaders can provide suitable policy and support to enhance civic teaching and learning. A mixed method approach, utilizing surveys and interviews with principals, teachers and students will provide the data to test our three-level civic learning model. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin |
Developing the Student Voice for Social Justice (SVSJ) Pedagogical Method: A Comparative Study across Disciplines and Regions The purpose of this project is to determine the cultural and disciplinary impact of SVSJ pedagogy by comparing regional and national research data from Hong Kong, China (education and educational leadership), mainland China (civic education, English, and general education), and Poland (developmental psychology). The impact of the teaching method, and the applicability and versatility of the theoretical framework of the SVSJ teaching method will be further revised so that it becomes a generally applicable teaching method in higher education. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): BRIFFETT AKTAS, Carla Marie (WONG, Koon Lin as Co-Principal Investigator) |
Global Competence and Online Social Networks: Identities, Cognitive Skills, and Sociocultural Factors as Facilitators and Barriers to Using Diversity as a Strength This study aims to help youths develop global competence to embrace diversity, we will study how individual and sociocultural factors serve as facilitators and barriers to youths’ global competence, providing research insights for targeted action to help youths embrace and learn from diversity. Our interdisciplinary project will study how individuals’ global competence, especially in perspective-taking and adaptive thinking, interact with identities, physiological responses, and media information literacy. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): CHIU, Ming Ming (WONG, Koon Lin as Co-Investigator) |
Determinants of Hong Kong Secondary Students’ Senses of Belonging to School, City, Country and the World 決定香港中學生對學校、城市、國家和世界的歸屬感之因素的調查 Understanding the relations between belonging and their determinants across levels will inform policies, procedures, and activities of school, government, and community organizations to help foster students’ belonging across levels and mitigate potential conflicts. Such knowledge can inform the expected effectiveness of policies that (a) focus on school development and activity enrichment (e.g., celebrate special days, strengthen alumni relationship, promote campus inclusivity) (b) focus on community engagement and city belonging, such as the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth, (c) enrich national and civic education contents in curriculum (e.g., encourage civic engagement; learn Chinese culture and history), (d) promote a diverse range of extracurricular activities on campus, in the city, nation, or cross-culturally for national and global belonging (e.g., fund travel opportunities to mainland China, such as school trips; the Youth Development Fund and Youth Entrepreneurship programs), or (e) strengthen students’ international connections (e.g., Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme). Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Hui (WONG, Koon Lin as Co-Investigator) |
Enhancing civic teaching and learning in the changing world Enhancing civic teaching and learning in the changing world Project titled: An analysis of the role of Hong Kong school principals in supporting the teaching of civic education Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 |
Funding Support to GRF Proposal Rated 3.5 by RGC - A Comparative Study of School Leadership for Civic Learning in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong and Taiwan Funding Support to GRF Proposal Rated 3.5 by RGC for a project titled A Comparative study of school leadership for civic learning in secondary schools in Hong Kong and Taiwan Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin |
Applying Social Justice Principles to the Pedagogical Planning Process in Higher Education (HE) A participatory action research (PAR) project that seeks to enhance student's understanding of socially just education in HE by encouraging students to become co-creators and co-investigators in the pedagogical planning of courses. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): BRIFFETT AKTAS CARLA MARIE (WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 as Co-Investigator) |
Applying Social Justice Principles to the Pedagogical Planning Process in Higher Education (HE) A participatory action research (PAR) project that seeks to enhance student's understanding of socially just education in HE by encouraging students to become co-creators and co-investigators in the pedagogical planning of courses. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): BRIFFETT AKTAS CARLA MARIE (WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 as Co-Investigator) |
Building Youth Identity and Respect for Government: Influences of Protests, Parents and School Activities Determine the relations among demographics, parent influence, influence of school activities, Chinese identity, and government legitimacy Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 |
An Analysis of the Role of Hong Kong School Principals in Supporting the Teaching of Civic Education A mixed methods research design will be used and surveys and interviews employed to assess how principal leadership affects teacher autonomy and self-efficacy. Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 |
"Good Citizens" for a Complex World: From the Eyes of University Youth in Hong Kong, in Mainland China and Taiwan This study is to examine “good citizens” from the eyes of university youth in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan. “Today the dominant constructivist paradigm posits that youth are active constructors of meaning rather than passive recipients of adult messages” (Hahn, 2010, p.6). Therefore, understanding how youth people construct meanings of “good citizens” could enhance civic learning and teaching. Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 |
School Leadership for Civic Learning: Preparing Students to Becoming ‘Good Citizens’ for Complex World .. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 |
Towards a Refugee Policy for an Inclusive Hong Kong: Enhancing the Status of China’s International City (Central Policy Unit Project 2014.A5.010.15B) The project has three broad objectives: (1) To identify the main reasons refugees come to Hong Kong and assess the implications for informing policy development, (2) To investigate and seek to understand the everyday experiences of refugees in Hong Kong, (3)To assess refugee family responsibilities and in particular the Administration’s responsibility for educational provision in relation to refugee children. Project Duration : June 2015- August 2016 Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KENNEDY, Kerry John 甘國臻 (WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 as Team Member) |
Work-based Learning in the New Senior Secondary Curriculum: Procedures and Guidelines for Partnerships, Curriculum and Assessment To develop guidelines and procedures for providing and supporting students’ WBL placements, for school-employers partnership as well as for assessing and recognizing WBL in NSS curriculum Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): BAGNALL RICHARD GORDON (WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 as Team Member) |
Promoting Participatory Citizenship amongst the Students: Research Project on HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity The project analyzed, with HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of creativity as case study, how schools can promote participatory citizenship through formal, informal and hidden curricula. Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN, Wai Wa Timothy 阮衛華, LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 as Co-Investigator) |
A Formative Review of Applied Learning Policy and Its Implementation in the Hong Kong Trials (PPR project) The purposes of this project are to: (1) identify and articulate alternative approaches to implementing the ApL policy through the Phase Three (2006-08) trials by different tertiary providers in the six areas of study in ApL; (2) provide a critique of the policy; and (3) generate recommendations for refinement of the policy and alternative models for its implementation. Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): BAGNALL RICHARD GORDON (WONG, Koon Lin 黃觀連 as Team Member) |
Excellent University ePortfolio Supervision Award Recipient of the Support Scheme for Excellent University ePortfolio Supervision in Sem 1, 2020/21 Date of receipt: 1/5/2021, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong |
Best Research Publication Award Our paper (Wong, K. L., Lee, C. K. J., Kennedy, K. J. (2020). School Leadership for Civic Learning: The Case of Socio-Political Turbulence in Hong Kong. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 1741143220933903) has won the awarded Best Research Publication from Cicea. Date of receipt: /1/2021, Conferred by: Children's Identity and Citizenship European Association |
Postgraduate Student Publication Award An award for publishing paper in ranking B in SSCI journals Date of receipt: 4/6/2016, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong |