Prof WALKER, Allan David    汪雅量 教授
Adjunct Research Chair Professor
Department of Education Policy and Leadership
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership & Change
(852) 2948 6566
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Educational Leadership

Comparative Educational Leadership

Curriculum Leadership

Leader Development

Education & Development

School Effectiveness and School Improvement

School Organization and Educational Administration

Education and Politics

Qualitative Methods

External Appointments

Co-director and Board Members of Trustees

  • University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA): Centre for the Study of Leadership and Ethics (CSLE)

International Education Consultant

  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, CHILE (2018-present)
  • ESRC (Economic & Social Research Council), UK (2013-14)
  • Task Force on Setting Up Principals Institute, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government (2010)
  • Mini-Master in Education Management program for the Thai Ministry of Education (2009)
  • An International Research and Training Programme entitled ‘Quality Improvement and Strengthening of Training Capacity in Educational Administration and Management in Vietnam’ by Netherlands School of Educational Management in collaboration with Department of Educational Administration and Policy, CUHK. (2003-04)
  • A Research project entitled ‘Perspectives on the Leadership of Schools with Substantial Number of Ethnic Minority Students in the East Midlands’ by Centre for Educational Leadership and Management by University of Leicester, UK (2003-04)

International Fellow

  • International Fellow of Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, School of Education, University of Glasgow, UK (since 2013)

Research Fellow

  • National College for School Leadership, Nottingham, UK (since 2003)

Honorary Professor

  • Guizhou Education University (June 2019 – June 2024)
  • Fudan University (June 2010 – May 2015)
  • East China Normal University. (June 2010 – May 2015).

Adjunct Professor

  • Griffith Institute for Educational Research, Griffith University, Australia (since 2013)
  • University of Canberra, Australia (since 2014)

Distinguished Overseas Professor

  • The Collaborative Innovation Center for National Education Policy-making (CICNEP), The Chinese Mainland (April 2014 - March 2017)

Distinguished Professor

  • Faculty of Education, Guangxi Normal University, The Chinese Mainland (December 2018 - December 2023)

Guest Professor and Senior Research Fellow

  • Centre for Global Studies of Educational Leadership and Collaboration of Department of Educational Management, East China Normal University, The Chinese Mainland (December 2019 - December 2022)

Guest Professor

  • Yunnan Normal University, The Chinese Mainland (December 2019 - December 2022)


  • Board of Australian International School Hong Kong (2018-2019)

Advisory Committee Member / Advisory Board Member

  • Research Project, Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Global Network of Scholars and Leaders of Rethinking Teacher Education, The University of New Castle, Australia
  • Faculty of Education, Nanjing Normal University, China
  • National Excellence in School Leadership Institute (NESLI)

Education Panel / External Review Panel Member

  • Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014 of HKSAR Government University Grant Committee, HKSAR Government
  • Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2006 of HKSAR Government University Grant Committee, HKSAR Government
  • 5-Year Strategic Plan (2016/17 - 2020/21) Review Tung Wah College, Hong Kong

Selection Panel Member

  • The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), Research Grants Council, Hong Kong

Education Consultant

  • Research Grants Council (RGC) Earmarked Grant application (2001-02)
  • Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR Government Working Group on the Professional Development of Principals (2001-02)
  • Stewards Pooi Kei College
  • Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School
  • PLK Laws Foundation College
  • PLK Luk Hing Too Primary School
  • Wong Tai Sin District Secondary School Heads Association

Executive Committee

  • The EdUHK Schools Limited (The EdUHK Jockey Club Primary School and The EdUHK HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre) (Till June 2020)

Committee Member

  • English Schools Foundation (ESF) Board's Nomination Committee (Till June 2020)

Developer and Organizer

  • Blue Water: Principals’ Self-assessment Scheme

An innovative self-reflection guide for individual and groups of principals at all levels of experience

  • Serving principals Needs Analysis Programme (in English and Chinese)

A professional learning programme designed specifically for school leaders

(Programme is tendered by Education Bureau, HKSAR Government)

  • Needs Analysis for Aspiring Principals Programme

An integral component of a broader policy designed to improve both the performance and preparedness of future school leaders in HK

(Programme is tendered by Education Bureau, HKSAR Government)

  • Structured ongoing professional learning and support scheme for beginning principals in Hong Kong

(Programmes are tendered by Education Bureau, HKSAR Government)

  • Structured ongoing professional learning and support scheme for leaders (Middle Leaders and School Principals) in international schools

(Programmes are commissioned by English Schools Foundation, Hong Kong)

External Assessor

  • Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE), Harvard University (2012)
  • University College London
  • University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Appointment and Promotion for Principal’s Institute, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya
  • Appointment and Promotion for UCL, United Kingdom
  • Appointment and Promotion for University of Melbourne
  • Appointment and Promotion for University of Oklahoma
  • Appointment and Promotion for The Open University of Israel
  • Degree of Master in Principalship, University of Malaya

External Examiner

  • University of Toronto (OISE) (PhD Thesis) Canada
  • University of Leicester (EdD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • University of Bristol (EdD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • University of East Anglia (PhD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • Nottingham Trent University (PhD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • BI Norwegian School of Management (PhD Thesis) Norway
  • Nanyang Technological University (PhD Thesis) Singapore
  • The University of Sydney (EdD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Canberra (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Southern Queensland (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of New South Wales (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Nottingham (PhD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • University of Queensland (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Western Australia (EdD Thesis) Australia
  • Monash University (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Melbourne (PhD & EdD Thesis) Australia
  • Queensland University of Technology (EdD Thesis) Australia
  • Massey University (EdD Thesis) New Zealand
  • Mahidol University (PhD Thesis)
  • University of Malaya (PhD Thesis)
  • University of Hong Kong (PhD Thesis) Hong Kong
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong (PhD Thesis & EdD Thesis) Hong Kong

Editorial Board Member

  • Chief Editor, Journal of Educational Administration (2011-2017)
  • Associate Editor, Discover Education
  • Session Editor, Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (Turkey)
  • Journal of School Leadership (USA)
  • The Journal of Research on Leadership Education (USA)
  • International Journal of Educational Management (USA/UK)
  • Values and Ethics in Educational Administration (USA / Canada)
  • Journal of Authentic Leadership in Education (USA/ Canada)
  • International Journal of Educational Reform (USA)
  • Leadership and Policy in Schools (USA)
  • School Leadership and Management (UK)
  • Educational Management Administration & Leadership (UK)
  • The International Journal of Leadership in Education (UK)
  • Journal of Educational Research & Perspectives (Australia) (serve as a member of the advisory board)
  • Technology and Education
  • EDUCATION 3-13: The Professional Journal for Primary Education (UK)
  • Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (Turkey)
  • Sustainable Education and Leadership in Digital Era (SELDE) (Turkey)
  • Iranian Journal of Higher Education Leadership (Iran)
  • Multicultural Education Review (USA/ South Korea)
  • ECNU Review of Education (China)
  • Educational Administration Review (China)
  • Education Journal (serve as an Advisory Editor) (Hong Kong)
  • New Horizons in Education (Hong Kong)
  • Gateways to Leadership Learning (Hong Kong)

Reviewing Board Member – Academic Books

  • Sage
  • Routledge-Falmer
  • Springer
  • Paul Chapman
  • Thomas Nelson
  • Prentice-Hall
Personal Profile

Allan Walker is Adjunct Research Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership and Co-Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Previously he had served as Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development and Director of APCLC. Prior joining the EdUHK, he has worked in universities in Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong and has conducted leader development courses and/or research in America, Europe and across the Asia Pacific.

Allan has published extensively on educational administration and leadership; and school leadership development and learning. His work also explores the relationship between culture and school leadership. Allan serves on the editorial boards of the top ranked journals in his field and has published over 300 books and articles with international publishers and in the world’s most prestigious academic journals. His recent research focuses on expanding knowledge of school leadership in Chinese and other Asian societies and disseminating this internationally. Allan has also acted as a consultant/advisor on large-scale research and development activities in countries including China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Canada, the US, South Africa, Chile, New Zealand and Australia.

He is known internationally for his passion for school leadership, innovative approaches to leader development and the promotion of leader control and accountability for their own professional learning. In 2010 Allan was made a Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leadership for his contribution to educational leadership research and development globally, but especially in South and Southeast Asia. In 2011, he was awarded an endowed chair professorship by The Education University of Hong Kong in recognition of his outstanding research and academic achievements in international educational leadership. In 2015, he was awarded the Edwin M. Bridges Award by the University Council of Educational Administration in recognition of his significant contribution to the preparation and development of school leaders. He has won six General Research Fund grants and twenty other competitive research and development grants.


汪雅量教授學術論著甚富,於教育行政與領導,及學校領才學習與發展外,汪教授亦曾研究領導學習文化對學校領才之影響。汪教授出任多份教育領導國資際學術期刊編輯委員,亦於國際學術期刊及出版社發表、編著超過300份學術論文及著作。 汪教授近期研究專注拓展中國、亞太以至全球教育領導的知識基礎。汪教授亦於本港及世界各地不同機構出任顧問。曾於中國、臺灣、星加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、越南、菲律賓、印尼、挪威、芬蘭、荷蘭、德國、瑞典、瑞士、英國、加拿大、美國、南非、智利、新西蘭及澳洲等地推展領才學習及發展課程,研究領才發展。

汪雅量教授對學校領導研究充滿熱誠,有關創新的學校領才發展思維、以及學校領袖如何自決自身專業發展和學習的研究及發展工作享譽國際。公元二零一零年,汪雅量教授獲澳洲教育領導議會頒受資深研究員榮銜,以表揚汪教授對全球、尤其是東亞及東南亞教育領導研究與發展的貢獻。翌年,汪雅量教授獲香港教育大學頒受冠名國際教育領導講座教授銜,用以表彰汪教授在國際教育領導教研的傑出成就。公元二零一五零年,汪雅量教授獲「教育行政大學議會」(University Council of Educational Administration) 頒授「布瑞傑玆獎」(The Edwin M. Bridges Award)殊榮,以肯定其在教育領袖培訓及專業發展的重大貢獻。 汪雅量教授曾六次榮獲香港研究資助局資助,並曾二十多次獲不同的國際教育科研機構撥款,開展學校教育領導研究。

Research Interests

Educational Leadership

Comparative Educational Leadership

Curriculum Leadership

Leader Development

Education & Development

School Effectiveness and School Improvement

School Organization and Educational Administration

Education and Politics

Qualitative Methods

External Appointments

Co-director and Board Members of Trustees

  • University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA): Centre for the Study of Leadership and Ethics (CSLE)

International Education Consultant

  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, CHILE (2018-present)
  • ESRC (Economic & Social Research Council), UK (2013-14)
  • Task Force on Setting Up Principals Institute, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government (2010)
  • Mini-Master in Education Management program for the Thai Ministry of Education (2009)
  • An International Research and Training Programme entitled ‘Quality Improvement and Strengthening of Training Capacity in Educational Administration and Management in Vietnam’ by Netherlands School of Educational Management in collaboration with Department of Educational Administration and Policy, CUHK. (2003-04)
  • A Research project entitled ‘Perspectives on the Leadership of Schools with Substantial Number of Ethnic Minority Students in the East Midlands’ by Centre for Educational Leadership and Management by University of Leicester, UK (2003-04)

International Fellow

  • International Fellow of Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, School of Education, University of Glasgow, UK (since 2013)

Research Fellow

  • National College for School Leadership, Nottingham, UK (since 2003)

Honorary Professor

  • Guizhou Education University (June 2019 – June 2024)
  • Fudan University (June 2010 – May 2015)
  • East China Normal University. (June 2010 – May 2015).

Adjunct Professor

  • Griffith Institute for Educational Research, Griffith University, Australia (since 2013)
  • University of Canberra, Australia (since 2014)

Distinguished Overseas Professor

  • The Collaborative Innovation Center for National Education Policy-making (CICNEP), The Chinese Mainland (April 2014 - March 2017)

Distinguished Professor

  • Faculty of Education, Guangxi Normal University, The Chinese Mainland (December 2018 - December 2023)

Guest Professor and Senior Research Fellow

  • Centre for Global Studies of Educational Leadership and Collaboration of Department of Educational Management, East China Normal University, The Chinese Mainland (December 2019 - December 2022)

Guest Professor

  • Yunnan Normal University, The Chinese Mainland (December 2019 - December 2022)


  • Board of Australian International School Hong Kong (2018-2019)

Advisory Committee Member / Advisory Board Member

  • Research Project, Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Global Network of Scholars and Leaders of Rethinking Teacher Education, The University of New Castle, Australia
  • Faculty of Education, Nanjing Normal University, China
  • National Excellence in School Leadership Institute (NESLI)

Education Panel / External Review Panel Member

  • Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014 of HKSAR Government University Grant Committee, HKSAR Government
  • Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2006 of HKSAR Government University Grant Committee, HKSAR Government
  • 5-Year Strategic Plan (2016/17 - 2020/21) Review Tung Wah College, Hong Kong

Selection Panel Member

  • The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), Research Grants Council, Hong Kong

Education Consultant

  • Research Grants Council (RGC) Earmarked Grant application (2001-02)
  • Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR Government Working Group on the Professional Development of Principals (2001-02)
  • Stewards Pooi Kei College
  • Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School
  • PLK Laws Foundation College
  • PLK Luk Hing Too Primary School
  • Wong Tai Sin District Secondary School Heads Association

Executive Committee

  • The EdUHK Schools Limited (The EdUHK Jockey Club Primary School and The EdUHK HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre) (Till June 2020)

Committee Member

  • English Schools Foundation (ESF) Board's Nomination Committee (Till June 2020)

Developer and Organizer

  • Blue Water: Principals’ Self-assessment Scheme

An innovative self-reflection guide for individual and groups of principals at all levels of experience

  • Serving principals Needs Analysis Programme (in English and Chinese)

A professional learning programme designed specifically for school leaders

(Programme is tendered by Education Bureau, HKSAR Government)

  • Needs Analysis for Aspiring Principals Programme

An integral component of a broader policy designed to improve both the performance and preparedness of future school leaders in HK

(Programme is tendered by Education Bureau, HKSAR Government)

  • Structured ongoing professional learning and support scheme for beginning principals in Hong Kong

(Programmes are tendered by Education Bureau, HKSAR Government)

  • Structured ongoing professional learning and support scheme for leaders (Middle Leaders and School Principals) in international schools

(Programmes are commissioned by English Schools Foundation, Hong Kong)

External Assessor

  • Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE), Harvard University (2012)
  • University College London
  • University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Appointment and Promotion for Principal’s Institute, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya
  • Appointment and Promotion for UCL, United Kingdom
  • Appointment and Promotion for University of Melbourne
  • Appointment and Promotion for University of Oklahoma
  • Appointment and Promotion for The Open University of Israel
  • Degree of Master in Principalship, University of Malaya

External Examiner

  • University of Toronto (OISE) (PhD Thesis) Canada
  • University of Leicester (EdD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • University of Bristol (EdD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • University of East Anglia (PhD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • Nottingham Trent University (PhD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • BI Norwegian School of Management (PhD Thesis) Norway
  • Nanyang Technological University (PhD Thesis) Singapore
  • The University of Sydney (EdD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Canberra (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Southern Queensland (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of New South Wales (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Nottingham (PhD Thesis) United Kingdom
  • University of Queensland (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Western Australia (EdD Thesis) Australia
  • Monash University (PhD Thesis) Australia
  • University of Melbourne (PhD & EdD Thesis) Australia
  • Queensland University of Technology (EdD Thesis) Australia
  • Massey University (EdD Thesis) New Zealand
  • Mahidol University (PhD Thesis)
  • University of Malaya (PhD Thesis)
  • University of Hong Kong (PhD Thesis) Hong Kong
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong (PhD Thesis & EdD Thesis) Hong Kong

Editorial Board Member

  • Chief Editor, Journal of Educational Administration (2011-2017)
  • Associate Editor, Discover Education
  • Session Editor, Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (Turkey)
  • Journal of School Leadership (USA)
  • The Journal of Research on Leadership Education (USA)
  • International Journal of Educational Management (USA/UK)
  • Values and Ethics in Educational Administration (USA / Canada)
  • Journal of Authentic Leadership in Education (USA/ Canada)
  • International Journal of Educational Reform (USA)
  • Leadership and Policy in Schools (USA)
  • School Leadership and Management (UK)
  • Educational Management Administration & Leadership (UK)
  • The International Journal of Leadership in Education (UK)
  • Journal of Educational Research & Perspectives (Australia) (serve as a member of the advisory board)
  • Technology and Education
  • EDUCATION 3-13: The Professional Journal for Primary Education (UK)
  • Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (Turkey)
  • Sustainable Education and Leadership in Digital Era (SELDE) (Turkey)
  • Iranian Journal of Higher Education Leadership (Iran)
  • Multicultural Education Review (USA/ South Korea)
  • ECNU Review of Education (China)
  • Educational Administration Review (China)
  • Education Journal (serve as an Advisory Editor) (Hong Kong)
  • New Horizons in Education (Hong Kong)
  • Gateways to Leadership Learning (Hong Kong)

Reviewing Board Member – Academic Books

  • Sage
  • Routledge-Falmer
  • Springer
  • Paul Chapman
  • Thomas Nelson
  • Prentice-Hall
Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
Gu, Q., Day, C., Walker, A., Armstrong, P., Bryant, D., Chen, J., Ko, J., & Sammons, P. (in press) (2020). Reshaping government reforms for improvement: How schools do it.. London: Routledge.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2018). Deciphering Chinese school leadership: Conceptualizations, context and complexities.. London: Routledge.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2017). Two buckets in a well: Searching for conditions of success in Chinese schools.. Springwood, NSW, Australia.: ICSEI (International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement) Keynote Series.
Lee. M., Wright, E., Walker, A. & Leung, L. (2015). Gateways to leading learning: Leading International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme schools in developing countries: A review of issues and challenges.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, Hong Kong, China..
Quong, T., & Walker, A. (2014). Blue Water: Principals’ Self-assessment Scheme.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, HKIEd..
Walker, A., Hu, R., & Qian H. Y. (2013). Gateways to Leading Learning: Principal leadership in China: An Initial Review.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2012). School leadership as connective activity. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change.
Walker, A. (2011). School leadership as connective activity.. Australia: Australian Council for Educational Leaders..
Walker, A. (2011). Building and leading cultures.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, HKIEd, Hong Kong..
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Bryant, D., Walker, A., & Lee, M. (2023). International patterns and trajectories in principal preparation.. Tierney, R., Rizvi, F., Ercikan, K., and Smit, G. (Eds), International Encyclopaedia of Education, 4th Ed. (356-369). Amsterdam: Elsevier..
Bryant, D.A. & Walker, A. (2023). (In press). Structures that support leader development and school improvement: Insights from mixed method studies.. In Y-W Liou & A. Daly (Eds.), The social leader: Catalyzing networks for educational change. (XX). London: Bloomsbury.
Qian, H., & Walker, A. (2022). Leading Quality Education in the Asia-Pacific. In W.O. Lee, P. Brown, A.L. Goodwin, & A. Green (Eds.), International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific (pp 1-19). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Hallinger, P., Lee, M., & Walker, A. (2022). (in press). Common leadership strategies for International Baccalaureate (IB) program transitions with different emphases: Comparing IB schools in Asia and other regions.. Tan, P., & Harrison, R., The International Baccalaureate as education innovation for a better world? Trends and experiences in Asia. (xx-xx). London: Routledge..
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2022). (in press) Leadership in non-western countries: China.. Tierney, R., Rizvi, F., Ercikan, K., and Smit, G., International Encyclopaedia of Education. (xx-xx). Amsterdam: Elsevier..
Lee, M., Walker, A., & Riordan, G. (in press). (2021). Principals’ direct interaction with individual students: A missing piece in principal leadership research.. Lee, M., Pollock, K., & Tulowitzki, P., How School Principals Use Their Time: Implications for School Improvement, Administration and Leadership. (xx-xx). UK: Routledge..
Qian, H., & Walker, A. (2021). System Leadership for Promoting Collective Responsibility and Communities of Learners: Insights from China. In Brown, S. & Duignan, P. (Eds.), Leading Education Systems (pp. 87-110). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2020). System reform in China: Mobilising and sharing resources across schools.. Harris, A., & Jones, M. S., Leading and transforming education systems. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospect, vol. 52. (33-46). Singapore: Springer..
Walker, A. & Bryant, D.A. (2020). Leading in crisis: The tensions that forge.. In A. Al-Fadala, J. Kirby, O. Zaki, A. Baghdady, & D. Regester, Education Disrupted Education Reimagined: Responses from education’s frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. (104-107). Doha, Qatar: WISE-Qatar Foundation.
Walker, A., & Qian, H-Y. (2019). Leadership and culture.. T. Bush, L. Bell, & D. Middlewood, The principles of educational leadership & management (3rd ed.) (311-330). London: Sage.
Walker, A. (2018). School leadership in Asia.. K. J. Kennedy, & J. C. K. Lee, Routledge handbook on schools and schooling in Asia (989-994). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Bryant, D.A. & Walker, A. (2018). Developments in educational leadership research and practice in Asia. K.J. Kennedy & J.C.K. Lee, Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia (995-1003). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2018). Exploring the successful school leadership literature: How is it defined, practised and developed in China’.. J. Wilkinson & L. Bristol, Examining leadership as a culturally constructed practice: New directions and possibilities. (95-117). London: Routledge.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2018). Sun Yat-sen: A boundary-crosser.. J. S. Brooks, Leading against the grain: Lessons from visionaries for creating just and equitable schools (32-38). New York: Teacher College Press.
Bryant, D.A., Walker, A. & Qian, H. (2017). Asian Geographies of Educational Leadership. D. Waite & I. Bogotch, The Wiley international handbook of educational leadership (375-396). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
Qian, H. Y., Walker, A., & Bryant, D. A. (2017). Global trends and issues impacting the development of educational leaders.. M. D. Young & G. Crow, Handbook of research on the education of school leaders (2nd edition). (53-73). New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis).
Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (2016). Leadership learning and change – An Asian agenda.. Johnson, G., & Dempster, N., Leadership in diverse learning context. (145-171). Netherland: Springer.
Lee, M., Wright, E., & Walker, A. (2016). The emergence of elite IBDP schools in China: A skyboxification perspective.. Koh, A. & Kenway, J., Elite schools: Multiple geographies of privilege (Education in global context). (50-69). London: Routledge.
Lee, T. H., Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (2016). Successful school leadership in Southeast Asia region.. Pashiardis, P., & Johansson, O., Successful school leadership: International perspectives. (27-40). New York: Bloomsbury..
Szeto, S. Y., Cheng, A. Y. N., & Walker, A. (2016). Practicing successful and effective school leadership.. Pashiardis, P., & Johansson, O., Successful school leadership: International perspectives. (121-137). New York: Bloomsbury.
Walker, A., & Truong, T. D. (2016). Confucian values and Vietnamese school leadership.. M. Peters, Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory. (xx-xx). Singapore: Springer.
Qian, H. & Walker, A.D. (2016). Leading as State Agents: Narratives of Shanghai Principals. In Clarke, S. & O’Donoghue, T. (Eds), School Leadership in Diverse Contexts (153-172). UK/Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Qian, H. Y., Walker, A., & Zheng, Y. L. (2016). Research on Chinese principals and their work.. H. Ärlestig, J. Olof, & C. Day (Eds.), A decade of research on school principals: Cases from 24 countries. (331-355). Netherlands: Springer.
Lee, M., Wright, E., Walker, A., & Leung, L. (2015). Leading International Baccalaureate diploma programme schools in developing countries: A review of issues and challenges.. In Jean-Marie, G., Sider, S., & Desir, C., Comparative international perspectives on education and social change in developing countries and indigenous peoples in developed countries. (255-276). North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2015). Principal leadership in diverse cultures: A comparative study.. Normore, A. & Nancy, E., Cross cultural collaboration and leadership for modern organizations. (216-234). California: IGI-Global.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2015). How principals promote and understand teacher development under curriculum reform in China.. Gu Q., The work and lives of teachers in China (165-179). London: Routledge.
Ko, J., & Walker, A. (2014). Transformational schools leadership: Principals’ strategic vision and teacher development practices.. Lee, J., & C. Marsh, C, Asia's high performing education systems: The case of Hong Kong. (151-174). London: Routledge..
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2014). Leading with empathy.. C. M. Branson & S. J. Gross, Handbook of ethical educational leadership. (112-127). London: Routledge.
Bryant, D. A., Walker, A., & Lee, M. (2013). The impact of international, national, and local forces on the enactment of quality leadership preparation programs.. M. Brundrett(Ed.), Principles of school leadership (2nd ed) (221-243). London: Sage.
Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2013). Values: The core value of successful school leadership.. P. Hughes, Achieving quality education for all: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. (217-222). Netherlands: Springer.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2013). Leading curriculum reform in China: Principals in the middle.. H-B Yin & C. K. J. Lee (Eds.), Curriculum reform in China: Changes and challenges. (47-59). New York: Nova Science.
Walker, A. (2012). From policy imposition to real learning: New approaches to leader growth in Hong Kong. M. Lin (Ed.), Structure and development of professional principalship (383-414). Taiwan: Psychological Publishing.
Walker, A. (2012). Principal professional development: Better by design?. Lin, M., Structure and development of professional principalship (467-482). Taiwan: Psychological Publishing..
Qian, H. Y., & Walker A. (2012). Leading curriculum reform in China: Principals in the middle.. H. B. YIN & J. C. K., Lee, Curriculum Reform in China: Changes and Challenges (47-59). New York: Nova Science.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2011). Leadership for learning in China: The political and policy context.. T. Townsend & J. Macbeath, The international handbook of leadership for learning (209-225). Netherlands: Springer.
Walker, A., & Wang, X. J. (2011). Same mother, different lives: The social organization of leadership for learning across three Chinese societies,. T. Townsend & J. Macbeath, The international handbook of leadership for learning (1083-1106). Netherlands: Springer.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2011). The “gap” between policy intent and policy effect: an exploration of the interpretations of school principals in China.. T. Huang & A. Wiseman, The Impact and Transformation of Education Policy in China, International Perspectives on Education and Society Series (187-208). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Walker, A., & Kwan, P. (2011). Assistant principals in Hong Kong – Their responsibility, role alignments, and job satisfaction.. A. R. Shoho, B, Barnett, & A. K. Tooms, Examining the assistant principalship: New puzzles and perennial challenges for the 21st century. (59-79). North Carolina, US: Information Age.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2011). Successful school leadership in China.. C. Day, International handbook of teacher and school development (446-457). Oxon: Routledge.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2011). Leadership for learning in China: The political and policy context.. In T. Townsend & J. MacBeath (Eds.), International Handbook of Leadership for Learning (209-224). Netherlands: Springer.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2011). The “gap” between policy intent and policy effect: An exploration of the interpretations of school principals in China.. In T. Huang & A. W. Wiseman (Eds.), The Impact and Transformation of Education Policy in China, International Perspectives on Education and Policy (187-208). Bingley, UK: Emerald..
Thomas, K. T., & Walker, A. (2011). Life at the sharp end.. C. Miller, & E. Poole, Ethical leadership: Global challenges and perspectives. (93-108). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2011). Successful school leadership in China.. In C. Day (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Teacher and School Development (446-457). London and New York: Routledge.
Walker, A., & Kwan, P. (2010). Vice-principals’ perceptions of ideal and actual responsibility – Alignment and link to career aspirations.. In M. Pol, In M. Pol (Ed.) Studia Paedagogica. (105-125). Czech Republic: Masarykova Univerzita.
Hughes, P., & Walker, A. (2010). Secondary education in developing countries.. P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGraw, International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd ed) (249-254). Oxford: Elsevier.
Walker, A., & Quong, T. (2010). Leading upstream: Professional learning for middle leaders.. A. Normore, Global perspectives on educational leadership reform: The development and preparation of leaders for learning and learners of leadership (357-376). UK: Emerald.
Walker, A., & Townsend, T. (2010). On school management: International Council for School Effectiveness and Improvement and the Commonwealth Council of Educational Administration and Management. P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGraw, International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd. ed.) (681-687). Oxford: Elsevier.
Walker, A. & Kwan, P. (2010). Leadership in Diverse Cultures. In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (Eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Education (824-831). Oxford: Elsevier.
Walker, A (2010). Building and leading learning cultures.. In T. Bush., L. Bell., & D. Middlewood (Eds.), The Principles of Educational Leadership & Management (2nd Ed.) (176-198). London: Sage.
Lumby, J., Walker, A., Bryant, M., Bush, T. & Bjork, l (2009). Research on leadership preparation in a global context. In M. Young, G. Grow, J. Murphy and, J. Ogawa (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Education of School Leaders (157-194). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Walker, A. & Kwan, P. (2008). School leader development in Hong Kong: Status, challenge and adjustment. In J. McBeath & Y.C. Cheng (Eds.), Leadership for Learning: International Perspectives (pp.305-325). Rotterdam: Sense.
Walker, A., Chen, S. Y., & Qian, H. Y. (2008). Leader development across three Chinese societies. In J. Lumby, P, Pashiardis & G. Crow (Eds.), International Handbook on the Preparation and Development of School Leaders (410-434). New York: Routledge.
Walker, A., Hallinger, P., & Qian, H. Y. (2007). Leadership development for school effectiveness and improvement in East Asia. In T. Townsend (Ed.), International Handbook of School Effectiveness and School Improvement (635-658). Netherlands: Springer.
Edited book (editor)
Lee, M., & Walker, A. (Eds.) (2018). School Leadership in International Schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 93(5).. USA: Taylor & Francis.
English, F. W., Lumby, J.G., Papa, R., Samier, E.A. & Walker, A.D. (Eds.) (2009). Best of the Best: the Most Influential International Writing in Educational Administration in the last Forty Years, in English, F.W.. London: Sage.

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Chen, J.*, & Walker, A. (2023). Emotional trajectory at different career stages of principalship: A perspective from excellent principals. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 51(2), 384-404.
Chen, J.*, Walker, A., & Riley, P. (2023). Reconceptualizing principal well-being: State, measurement, and consequences. Journal of Educational Administration, 61(5), 495-513.
Tang, J., & Bryant, D. A., & Walker, A. (2023). In search of the middle influence: Heads of teaching-research groups as leaders of professional learning in China.. Educational Research, 65(4), 444-461.
Zhang, M., Walker, A., & Qian, H-Y. (2023). Teacher leadership for professional learning: A case study of a master teacher studio in Zhejiang province, China.. Professional Development in Education., 49(6), 1214-1229.
Bhowmik, M. K., Walker, A., & Bryant, D. (2023). Reconceptualizing inclusive leadership to address diversity in schools. Multicultural Education Review, 15(2), 139-156.
Ewan Wright, Moosung Lee, Allan Walker, Darren Bryant, Soobin Choi, Kanwal Hassan (2023). Developing the next generation of leaders: a global study of student leadership. Educational Studies, 0, 0.
Qian, H.Y., Walker, A., & Chen, S.Y. (2023). The ‘Double-Reduction’ Education Policy in China: Three Prevailing Narratives. Journal of Education Policy, Online Publication, online..
Qian, H., Walker, A., & Xu, X.H. (2023). Running Schools on Two Legs: The Impact of Policy Oscillation on a Public-Private Partnership School in China. International Journal of Educational Development, 100, 102806..
Qian, H.Y., Walker, A., & Zheng, Y. (2023). Boundary-Spanning Practices of System Leaders in China: Enabling Conditions and Inherent Tensions. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, Online Publication, online..
Bryant, D. A., & Walker, A. (2022). Principal-designed structures that enhance middle leaders' professional learning.. Educational Management Administration & Leadership., 52(2), 435-454.
Tan, C. Y., Dimmock, C., & Walker, A. (2022). How school leadership practices relate to student outcomes: Insights from a three-level meta-analysis. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, xx, xx-xx.
Ho, C.S.M., Bryant, D.A. & Walker, A.D. (2022). Capturing interactions between middle leaders and teacher entrepreneurial behaviour: An examination through a person-environment fit model. School Leadership and Management, 42(5), 498-519.
Zhang, M., Walker, A., & Qian, H-Y. (2022). Teacher leadership for professional learning: A case study of a master teacher studio in Zhejiang province, China.. Professional Development in Education, xx, xx-xx.
Tang, J., Bryant, D.A., & Walker, A. (2022). School Middle Leaders as Instructional Leaders: Building the Knowledge Base of Instruction- Oriented Middle Leadership. Journal of Educational Administration, 60(5), 511-526.
Qian, H., & Walker, A. (2022). Becoming a teacher leader: Capital acquisition and accumulation.. Cambridge Journal of Education, xx, xx-xx.
Lee, M. S., Kim, J. W., Mo, Y., & Walker, A. (2022). A review of professional learning community (PLC) Instruments. Journal of Educational Administration, xx, xx-xx.
Zheng, M., Walker, A., & Qian H. (2021). Master teachers as system leaders of professional learning: Master teacher studios in China. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(7), 1333-1346.
Bryant, D. A., & Walker, A. (2021). School designs that enhance leadership capacity.. Australian Educational Leader., 43(2), 24-28.
Chen, J., & Walker, A. (2021). Emotional trajectory at different career stages of principalship: A perspective from excellent principals.. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership., xx, xx-xx.
Lee, M., Kim, J. W., Walker, A., Bryant, D. A., & Mo, Y. (2021). (in press). Development, validation and application of Professional Learning Community (PLC) instruments.. Journal of Educational Administration, xx, xx-xx.
Lee, M., Ryoo, J. H., Walker, A. (2021). School principals’ time use for interaction with individual students Macro contexts, organizational conditions, and student outcomes.. American Journal of Education,, 127, xx-xx.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2021). (in press). Building emotional principal-teacher relationships in Chinese schools reflecting on paternalistic leadership.. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,, xx, xx-xx.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2020). Expert teachers as drivers of teacher professional learning.. Australian Educational Leader, 42(2), 29-32.
Qian, H-Y, & Walker, A. (2020). Creating conditions for professional learning communities (PLCs) in schools in China: The role of school principals.. Professional Development in Education., xx, xx-xx.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2020). Developing a model of instructional leadership in China.. COMPARE: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. ., xx, xx-xx.
Qian, H-Y, & Walker, A. (2019). Reconciling top-down policy intent with internal accountability: the role of Chinese school principal.. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability., xx, 1-23.
Lee, M., Walker, A., & Bryant, D. (2018). What leadership practices are associated with International Baccalaureate (IB) student achievement: An exploratory study of IB schools in Southeast Asia.. Peabody Journal of Education, 93(5), 565-583.
Walker, A., & Lee, M. (2018). Weaving curriculum connections in International Baccalaureate (IB) schools.. Peabody Journal of Education, 93(5), 468-485.
Lee, M., & Walker, A. (2018). School leadership in international schools: Perspectives and practices.. Peabody Journal of Education, 93(5), 465-467.
Bryant, D., Ko, J., & Walker, A. (2018). How do school principals in Hong Kong shape policy?. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 17(3), 345-359.
Gu, Q., Day, C., Walker, A., & Leithwood, K. (2018). How successful secondary school principals enact policy.. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 17(3), 327-331.
Choi, T.-H., & Walker, A. D. (2018). A heuristic model for tailoring teacher development to educational reforms: Focusing on ambiguity and conflict generation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 74, 72-84.
Walker, A., & Qian H-Y (2018). Exploring the mysteries of school success in Shanghai.. ECNU Review of Education, 1(1), 119-134.
Bryant, D.A., Walker, A. & Lee, M. (2018). Successful leadership in international schools: Lessons from the Asia-Pacific. The Australian Educational Leader, 40(1), 26-29.
Li, L., Hallinger, P., Kennedy, K. J., & Walker, A. (2017). Mediating effects of trust, communication, collaboration on teacher professional learning in Hong Kong primary schools.. International Journal of Leadership in Education., 20(6), 687-716.
Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2017). Leading learning in Asia: Emerging empirical insights from five societies.. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(2), 130-146.
Hallinger, P., Walker, A., Trung, G. T., & Nguyen, D., & Nguyen, T. T. (2017). Perspectives on principal instructional leadership in Vietnam: A preliminary model.. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(2), 222-239.
Qian, H. Y., Walker, A., & Li, X. J. (2017). The west wind vs. the east wind: Instructional leadership model in China.. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(2), 186-206.
Qian, H-Y, Walker, A., Yang, X. (2017). Building and leading a learning culture among teachers: A case study of a Shanghai primary school.. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 45(1), 101-122.
Bryant, D.A., Walker, A. & Lee, M. (2016). A review of the linkage between student participation in the International Baccalaureate Continuum and student learning attributes. Journal of Research in International Education, 15(2), 87-105.
Li, L, Hallinger, P., & Walker , A (2016). Exploring the mediating effects of trust on principal leadership and teacher professional learning in Hong Kong Primary Schools. Eduational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(1), 20-42.
Walker, A., Lee, M. & Bryant, D. A. (2016). Development and validation of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile Questionnaire (IBLPQ).. Educational Psychology: An international journal of experimental psychology (SSCI journal), 36 (10), 1845-1867.
Qian, H. Y., Walker, A. (2015). The education of migrant children in Shanghai: The battle for equity.. International Journal of Educational Development, 44, 74-81.
Hallinger, P., Walker, A., & Trung, G. T. (2015). Making sense of images of fact and fiction: A critical review of the knowledge base for school leadership in Vietnam.. Journal of Educational Administration, 53(4), 445-466.
Walker, A. (2015). Clones, drones and dragons: On-going uncertainties around school leader development.doi: 10.1080/13632434.2015.1041488.. School Leadership and Management, 35(3), 300-320.
Walker, A. & Qian, H. Y. (2015). Review of Research on School Principal Leadership in Mainland China, 1998-2013: Continuity and Change.. Journal of Educational Administration, 53(4), 467-491.
Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (2015). A synthesis of reviews of research on principal leadership in East Asia.. Journal of Educational Administration, 53(4), 554-570.
Ko, J., Hallinger, P. & Walker, A.. (2015). Exploring whole school vs. subject department improvement in Hong Kong secondary schools.. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 26(2), 215-239.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker. A. (2014). Principalship in China: Emerging propositions.. Leading & Managing, 20(2), 60-74.
Walker, A. (2014). Cross-cultural comparative educational leadership and management: Aligning the elements. Canadian and International Education / Education canadienne et international, Retrieved from, 43(1), online.
Walker, A., Lee, M., & Bryant, D. A. (2014). How much of a difference do principals make? An analysis of between-schools variation in academic achievement in Hong Kong public secondary schools.. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25(4), 602-628.
Zheng, Y., Walker, A., & Chen, S. (2013). Strong state - weak profession: A critical analysis of principal development policies in mainland China (1989-2010). Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 41(4), 405-434.
Qian, H. Y. & Walker, A. (2013). How Principals Promote and Understand Teacher Development under Curriculum Reform in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 41(3), 304-315.
Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (2013). Global trends in the preparation of school leaders.. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership., 41(4), 401-404.
Walker, D., Bryant, D.A. & Lee, M. (2013). International patterns in principal preparation: Commonalities and variations in pre-service programmes. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(4), 401-404.
Walker, A., Hu, R., & Qian, H.Y. (2012). Principal leadership in China: An initial review.. School Effectiveness and School Improvement: An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice, 23(4), 369-399.
Lee, M., Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2012). A distributed perspective on instructional leadership in International Baccalaureate (IB) schools.. Educational Administration Quarterly, 48(4), 664-698.
Lee, M., Walker, A., & Chui, Y. L. (2012). Contrasting effects of instructional leadership practices on student learning in a high accountability context.. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(5), 586-611.
Lee, M., Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2012). Leadership challenges in international schools in the Asia Pacific region: Evidence from programme implementation of the International Baccalaureate.. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15(3), 289-310.
Kwan, P., & Walker, A. (2012). Linking vice-principals’ perceptions of responsibilities, job satisfaction and career aspirations.. International Studies in Educational Administration, 40(1), 3-17.
Walker, A., Hu, R., & Qian, H. Y. (2012). Principal leadership in Chinese context: An initial review.. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 23(4), 369-399.
Ko, J. Y.O., Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2012). Exploring school improvement in Hong Kong Secondary schools.. Peabody Journal of Education, 87(2), 216-234.
Walker, A. (2012). Leaders seeking resonance: Managing the connectors that bind schools.. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15(2), 237-253.
Walker, A., & Kwan, P. (2012). Principal selection panels: strategies, preferences and perceptions.. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(2), 188-205.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2012). Reform disconnection in China.. Peabody Journal of Education, 87(2), 162-177.
Walker, A., Qian, H. Y., & Zhang, S. (2012). Secondary school principals in curriculum reform: Victims or accomplices?. Frontiers of Education in China, 6(3), 388-403.
Walker,A. & Qian, H. Y. (2012). Reform disconnection in China. Peabody Journal of Eucation, 87(2), 162-177.
Walker, A., Qian, H.Y., & Zhang, S. (2011). Secondary school principals in curriculum reform: Victims or accomplices?. Frontiers of Education in China, 6 (3), 388-403.
Bain, A., Walker, A., & Chan, A. (2011). Self-organisation and capacity building: sustaining the change.. Journal of Educational Administration., 49(6), 701-719.
Hallinger, P., & Walker, A.D. (2011). School leadership in Asia Pacific: Identifying challenges and formulating a research agenda.. School Leadership & Management, 31(4), 299-303.
Walker, A., & Ko, J. (2011). Principal leadership in an era of accountability: A perspective from the Hong Kong context.. School Leadership and Management, 31(4), 369-392.
Hallinger, P., Lee, M., & Walker, A. (2011). Challenges and changes in program transition of International Baccalaureate schools.. Journal of Research in International Education, 10(2), 123-136.
Thomas, K. T., & Walker, A. (2011). The sharp end: Real life challenges in a complex activity space.. Journal of Public Policy, 10, 186-199.
Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2010). Secondary school vice-principals: commitment, challenge, efficacy and synchrony. British Educational Research Journal, 35(4), 1-18.
Walker, A., & Riordan, G. (2010). Leading collective capacity in culturally diverse schools.. School Leadership & Management, 30 (1), 51-64.
Quong, T., & Walker, A. (2010). Seven principles of strategic leadership. International Studies in Educational Administration - Special Edition on Strategic Leadership, 37(1), 22-34.
Thomas, K. T., & Walker, A. (2010). The sharp end: Real life challenges in a complex activity space. Journal of Public Policy, 10, 186-199.
Walker, A., & Kwan, P. (2010). Vice-principals’ perception of ideal and actual responsibility.. Studia Paedagogica, 15(2), 105-126.
Walker, A., & Riordan, G. (2010). Leading collective capacity in culturally diverse schools. School Leadership & Management, 30(1), 51-64.
Walker, A. & Kwan, P. (2009). Linking professional, school, demographic and motivational factors to desire for principalship. Educational Administration Quarterly, 45(4), 590-615.
Walker, A. & Kwan, P. (2009). Seeking a principalship: Specific position attractors. School Leadership and Policy, 8(3), 287-306.
Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2009). Are we looking through the same lens? Principal recruitment and selection. International Journal of Educational Research, 48(1), 51-61.
Walker, A. & Cheng, Y.C. (2009). Leading international primary schools: An integrative agenda for building understanding. The International Studies in Educational Administration, 37(1), 43-61.
Walker, A. & Kwan, P. (2009). Seeking a principalship: Specific position attractors. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 8(3), 287-306.
Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2009). Are we looking through the same lens? Principal recruitment and selection. International Journal of Educational Research, 48(1), 51-61.
Lee, J., Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2009). Vice-principalship: their responsibility roles and career aspiration. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 12(2), 187-207.
Quong, T., & Walker, A. (2009). Moving beyond heroism: Strategic school leadership. Principal Matters, Spring, 32-38.
Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2008). Vice-principalship in Hong Kong: aspirations, competencies and satisfaction. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 19(1), 73-97.
Cheng Y.C. & Walker A. (2008). When reform hits reality: The bottleneck effect in Hong Kong Primary Schools. School Leadership and Management, 28(5), 505-521.
Walker, A., Qian, H. Y., & Chen, S. Y. (2007). Leadership and moral literacy in intercultural schools.. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(4), 379-397.
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2006). Beginning principals: balancing at the top of the greasy pole.. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(4), 297-309.
Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2004). Validating the Competing Values Model as a Representation of Organisational Culture - Through Inter-Institutional Comparisons. International Journal of Organisational Analysis, 12(1), 21-38.
Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2003). Positing organizational effectiveness as a second-order construct in Hong Kong higher education institutions. Research in Higher Education, 44(6), 705-726.

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Walker, A. (2022, December). The future of school leadership: Art, craft and care.. Keynote address presented at International Conference on Future of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing, China..
Walker, A. (2022, June). Leading schools to the future – Contextualising the trends.. Keynote address presented at The International Forum of Future Education, Online Conference., Chongqing, China.
Walker, A. (2021, October). Leading Innovation in Schools: Twists & Turns. Keynote address at The Fourth Global Summit on Teacher Education, Beijing, China, Online Conference, Beijing, China.
Walker, A. (2021, October). Seven leadership streams to teacher learning. Keynote Address presented at Northern Territory Department of Education Annual Leaders' Summit, Darwin, Australia. (virtual conference)., Darwin, Australia.
Walker, A. & Hallinger, P. (2021, June). Leading schools in Eastern Asia: What we need to know. Keynote address at School Leadership Roundtable 2021, Online Conference, China.
Walker, A. (2020, December). Crafting leadership from crisis.. Keynote address presented at The Conference on International Chinese Teaching and Learning, 2020., Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2020, September). Nurturing teachers and staff.. Invited Presentation at The HEAD Foundation Webinar of Educational Leadership in a Crisis., Singapore.
Walker, A. (2020, April). Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined.. Invited Presentation at The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) & Salzburg Global Seminars., Webinar based in Doha.
Walker, A. (2019, November). The Ideal University.. Keynote address at Training Workshop on Ideal University and Research of Directorate General of Higher Education of Cambodia and Cambodia Tertiary Institutes, Phnom Penh, Cambodia..
Walker, A. (2019, November). University for the future.. Keynote address at Training Workshop on Ideal University and Research of Directorate General of Higher Education of Cambodia and Cambodia Tertiary Institutes, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2019, September). Understanding system reform and system leadership in Shanghai, China.. Invited Paper Presentation at the World Education Leadership Symposium., PH Zug, Switzerland.
Qian, H-Y., & Walker, A. (2019, March). Reconciling top-down policy intent with internal accountability: The role of Chinese school principals.. Invited Paper Presentation at The Asia Leadership Roundtable 2019, Guilin, China.
Walker, A. (2018, November). Leading inclusive international schools.. Keynote address at The Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA) Leadership Conference 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.
Walker, A. (2018, September). Leading learning in schools across five East Asian societies.. Keynote address at the International Conference on Ideas and Actions for Educational Excellence, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China.
Walker, A. (2018, January). Leader Renewal: Adapting while staying the same.. Keynote address at The International Education Summit, Santiago, Chile.
Walker, A. (2017, December). Mysteries around school success in Shanghai.. Keynote Address at The International Conference on Education Governance and School Reform: System Change and School Effectiveness, Shanghai, China.
Walker, A. (2017, November). Renewing leadership: Agility and purpose.. Keynote address at The Annual Convention of Hong Kong Principals’ Institute 2017., Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2017, November). School leadership and capacity building.. Keynote address at School Sponsoring Bodies Forum 2017., Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2017, October). Future-oriented school leader development – Agility and purpose.. Keynote address at The International Symposium on “Creating a Blueprint for an International Improvement Community for Teachers”, Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2017, September). Shedding our skins: Renewing leadership.. Keynote address at The World Education Leadership Symposium, Zug, Switzerland., Zug, Switzerland..
Walker, A. (2017, August). Successful schooling: Leading strategically, preparing sensibly.. Invited presentation for the Asia Development Bank and the HEAD Foundation, Singapore.
Ko, J., Harris, A., & Walker, A. (2017, March). The roles of the school principal as a change agent since the introduction of principals’ continuing professional development framework: Some preliminary findings on principalship training in Hong Kong since 2002. Invited paper presentation at the Asia Leadership Roundtable 2017, Tamsui, Taiwan., Tamsui, Taiwan.
Walker, A. (2017, March). The role of school leadership in improving student learning outcomes.. Invited presentation for the Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines., Manila, Philippines..
Walker, A. (2016, November). Leadership for tomorrow’s schools.. Invited presentation for the Asian Development Bank and the HEAD Foundation, Singapore., Singapore.
Walker, A. (2016, June). Harvesting pollen: Leading successful intercultural schools.. Keynote Address at The Annual Meeting of Academy of International School Heads, Bavaria, Germany.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2016, March). Promoting school-based research to turn around a school: An exploration of the role of school leadership.. Invited Presentation at The Asia Leadership Rountable 2016, Singapore.
Walker, A. (2016, March). All things to all people? Ongoing tension around intercultural school leadership.. Keynote address at The Council of International Schools (CIS) Symposium on Intercultural Learning, Hong Kong., Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2016, January). Dimensions of effective intercultural school leadership.. Keynote Address at The Council of International Schools (CIS) Symposium on Intercultural Learning., London, UK.
Walker, A. (2016, January). Two buckets in a well: Searching for conditions of success in Chinese schools.. Keynote Address at The International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) 2016, Glasgow, UK.
Walker, A. (2015, July). Leading international schools – The leaders we want?. Keynote address at The Council of International School (CIS) Regional Conference., Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia..
Hallinger, P., Li, L., & Walker, A. (2015, March). On predicting teacher professional learning in Hong Kong primary schools: Mediating effects of trust, communication and collaboration.. Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
Qian, H. Y., Walker, A., & Zheng, Y. (2015, March). Research on Chinese principals and their work.. Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
Szeto, S. Y., Lee, T. H., Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2015, March). A systematic review of research on educational leadership in Hong Kong.. Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
Walker, A. (2015, January). Cross-cultural leadership in international education.. Keynote presentation at The Annual Council of International School Forum 2015, London.
Walker, A. (2014, October). Leadership (aspiring) – Forging a path to leadership in a global context.. Keynote Presentation at The IB Africa, Europe & Middle East Regional Conference 2014, Rome, Italy.
Walker, A. (2013, November). Visionary leadership and the outstanding academic achievement. Keynote speech presented at The Second International Conference of Regional Centre for Educational Planning (RCEP) Sharjah – Under the Auspices of UNESCO, Sharjah University City, UEA..
Walker, A. (2013, June). Invited paper presentation: The principals that we want in SEAMEO.. The International Conference on the Future School Leaders in the ASEAN Countries., Bangkok, Thailand.
Walker, A. (2013, June). Keynote address: The principals that we want: Clones, drones or dragons.. The International Conference on the Future School Leaders in the ASEAN Countries., Bangkok.
Qian, H., & Walker, A. (2013, March). Invited paper presentation: How principals promote and understand teacher development under curriculum reform in China.. Asia Leadership Roundtable 2013, Shanghai, China.
Walker, A. (2012, December). Keynote address: Becoming the Leader I want to be.. Asian Emerging Leaders’ Summit, Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2012, November). Invited paper presentation: School leadership in Vietnam – Sustainable learning networks for future growth.. The 4th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Walker, A. (2012, November). Keynote address : The leaders we want? Drones, clones, or dragons.. Mitstifer Lecture in the US in conjunction with the University Council of Educational Administration Convention 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA..
Walker, A. (2012, September). Keynote address: School leadership for learning and change – Progress of an Asian agenda.. International Symposium on Leadership, Learning and Change, Brisbane.
Walker, A. (2012, June). Invited paper presentation: Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Department leadership tensions.. International Conference on Responding to the 21st century demands for educational leadership and management in higher education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Lu, J., Wang, H., Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2012, March). Invited paper presentation: Key areas of responsibilities of vice principals in Guangzhou and Hong Kong.. Asia Leadership Roundtable 2012, Ho Chi Minh City.
Walker, A. (2011, December). Invited paper presentation: Seeding sustainable leader learning communities.. Knowledge Exchange Conference 2011, Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2011, November). Moving and stuck schools: conditions for school improvement.. “School Change: China Experience and International Dialogue” International Academic Conference, Institute of Schooling Reform and Development., Shanghai.
Walker, A. (2011, October). Clones, drones and dragons: Ongoing uncertainties around successful school leadership. Chair Professors Public Lecture Series, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong., Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2011, October). Invited paper presentation: Principal as fusion chef: Building more inclusive schools.. International Symposium on “School Improvement and Professional Development for Teachers, Chang Chun.
Walker, A. (2011, September). The making of authentic leaders: ongoing uncertainties.. The 16th Annual Leadership & Ethics Conference,, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada..
Walker, A. (2011, May). Reaffirming resonance.. Keynote address at The Reform of School Evaluation and Teacher. May 18-20, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan., Taipei.
Walker, A. (2011, March). Clones, drones and dragons: Ongoing uncertainties around leader development.. Invited paper presented at Asia Leadership Roundtable 2011., Bangkok, Thailand.
Walker, A. (2010, November). Leading schools in China: Reaffirming resonance.. Keynote address at Third National Principal Development Forum (Profession, Expertise and Expert - Missions and Challenges of Principals) sponsored by National Academy of Educational Administration, Danyang, Jiangsu Province, China..
Walker, A. (2010, September). Connections.. Keynote address / 19th William Walker Oration at the ACEL2010 Conference in conjunction with Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management Conference: Hosting and Harvesting: Creating the change we wish to see in the World., Sydney, Australia.
Walker, A. (2010, April). Who's to blame: Ethical decision at the hard end. Invited paper presented at 2010 AERA Annual Meeting: Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, April 30 - May 4, Denver CO, USA.
Walker, A. (2010, March). Designing & leading a learning school: Aligning conditions that count. Invited Seminar at Dalian Education University. March 9, Dalian, China.
Walker, A. (2010, March). Nurturing a Learning Culture in Asian Schools : Conditions that Count. Invited Seminar at Fudan University. March 5, Shanghai, China.
Walker, A. (2010, January). Culture, influence and (school) leader development. Keynote paper presented at Asia Leadership Roundtable 2010. January 11-12, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
Walker, A. (2009, December). When the rubber hits the road – Reform disconnection. Keynote address at The International Workshop “Policies for teachers and educational leaders in innovative education process. December 9-10, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Walker, A. (2009, August). Footprints or fingerprints: What marks a leader?. Keynote address at PDN Leadership Conference 2009 - The 3 Rs of Leadership: Revolutions, Revelations & Reality August 6-7, Gold Coast, Australia.
Walker, A. (2009, August). Responding to the constant challenge to find the balance between our commitment to care for self and the call to be available to colleagues, family and friends. Keynote address at Northern Zone Catholic Education Conference – The Heart of the Matter: Finding the Balance. August 13-14, Mildura, Australia.
Walker, A. (2009, July). What does (or should) ethical educational leadership look like within a culturally, technologically and economically diverse society?. Invited address at The Charlottetown Conversation, July 6-10, Charlotte Town, Canada.
Refereed conference paper
Wright, E., Bryant, D., Keung, C., & Walker, A. (2023, April). The International Baccalaureate's personal project: Socially classed experiences and outcomes. Paper presented at 2023 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: "Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth", USA.
Bryant, D.A. & Walker, A. (2021, September). Organizational designs that support in situ middle leader development.. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research [online], 6-10 September 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.
Bryant, D.A., Walker, A. & Ho, S.M. (2021, September). Investigating school-based principal succession processes.. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research [online], 6-10 September 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.
Wright, E., Walker, A., Lee, M., Bryant, D. A., & Hassan, S. K. (2021, April). How do students build leadership skills? A global study of Round Square schools. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2021, USA. (virtual conference), USA.
Walker, A., Ko, J., & Bryant, D. A. (2017, August). How do school leaders in Hong Kong align policy enactment and values?. The European Conference on Educational Research 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Szeto, E., & Walker, A. (2016, October). In time of threat: What principal leadership actions are taken to enact moral practices in the school at stake?. The 21st Annual CSLEE Values and Leadership Conference., Ontario, Canada..
Walker, A., Bryant, D. A., & Ko, J. (2016, August). How do school leaders in Hong Kong shape policy enactment?. European Educational Research Association Conference 2016, Dublin, UK., Dublin, UK..
Bryant, D. A., Walker, A., & Lee. M. (2016, May). How does participation in the IB continuum relate to Student Learning Outcomes?. The 2016 IBEC University Conference, Ohio, USA., Ohio, USA.
Bryant, D.A., Walker, A. & Lee, M.S. (2016, April). Exploring the Link Between Student Participation in the International Baccalaureate Continuum and Student Learning Outcomes. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
Huber, S., Skedsmo, G., & Walker, A. (2016, April). World School Leadership Study: Concepts and Design. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, USA.
LI, X., Walker, A., & QIAN H-Y (2016, April). A Contextualized Instructional Model in China: Perceptions in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2016, Washington, USA.
Walker, A., Bryant, D. A., & Qian, H. Y. (2015, November). Leadership development across the globe.. Symposium of The Handbook of Research on the Education of School Leaders: The Historical, Social and Political Context of Preparation and Research on Preparation in the University Council of Educational Administration Convention 2015, San Diego, California, USA..
Qian, H. Y., Walker, A., & Zhang S. (2015, September). The education of migrant children in Shanghai: Battle for equity.. The Education Symposium Switzerland and International School Leadership Symposium 2015., Zug, Switzerland..
Lee, M., Wright, E., & Walker, A. (2014, November). The emergence of elite International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) schools in China: A skyboxification perspective.. The 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society., Brisbane, Australia.
Qian, H. Y., Walker, A., & Yang, X. W. (2014, November). Building and leading learning cultures: A Shanghai case study.. The Annual Meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration,, Washington.
Armstrong, P., Bryant, D. A., Ko, J., Gu, Q., Day, C., & Walker, A. (2014, September). Enacting values and educational purposes: How leaders of the case studies schools mediate policy for improvement. Paper presented at the. Symposium at the BERA 2014 Annual Conference, London.
Day, C., Ylimaki, R., Bennett, J., Johansson, O., Walker, A., Armstrong, P., Gu, Q., & Uljens, M. (2014, September). How successful school leaders mediate and enact government reforms. Paper presented at ECER 2014 -The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe. ECER 2014 -The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe, Portugal.
Gu, Q., Day, C., & Walker, A. (2014, September). Overview of the research design for Reshaping Educational Practice for Improvement: How Successful Schools Enact Government Reforms in England and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the. Symposium at the BERA 2014 Annual Conference, London.
Gu, Q., Day, C., Walker, A., Armstrong, P., Bryant, D. A., Ko, J., Chen, J., & Sammons, P. (2014, September). How successful secondary schools in England and Hong Kong reshape external educational reforms: Key messages from the Research. Paper presented at the. Symposium at the BERA 2014 Annual Conference, London.
Qian, H-Y., & Walker, A. (2014, May). Pursuing equity in a hierarchical and authoritarian political system: The case of Shanghai.. The first Asia Pacific congress on creating inclusive schools., Sydney, Australia..
Walker, A., Bryant, D. A., & Ko, J. (2014, April). How do school leaders in Hong Kong shape policy enactment?. Symposium of Reshaping Educational Practice for Improvement: How Schools Mediate and Enact Government Reforms in the AERA Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, USA..
Bryant, D. A., Walker, A., & Lee, M. (2014, March). The International Baccalaureate continuum: Student, teacher and school outcomes.. The IB Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2014, Singapore.
Ko, J., & Walker, A. (2014, January). The dynamic roles of school principals in leading and improving school improvement in the 21st century: Lessons from Hong Kong.. The 27th ICSEI Congress, Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia..
Qian, H-Y., Walker, A., & Yang, X-W. (2013, November). "Ordinary" schools in Shanghai: How principals can make a difference.. The annual meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration, Indianapolis, IN, USA..
Bryant, D.A. & Walker, A. (2013, March). The impact of the IB continuum on student, teacher, and school outcomes: Preliminary findings of research in the Southeast Asian context.. Paper presented at the International Baccalaureate Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2013, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.
Ko, J.. & Walker, A. (2012, January). Could a community model work for Hong Kong secondary schools?: Evidence and challenges. 25th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Malmo, Sweden.
Qian, H. Y., & Walker, A. (2011, September). From “quality education for few” to “quality for all”: Defining purposes and understanding the context of school leadership in shanghai.. The 16th Annual Leadership & Ethics Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada..
Hallinger, P., Walker, A., & Lee, M. (2011, February). Leadership Challenges in international schools in the Asia Pacific region: Evidence from program implementation of the International Baccalaureate.. Paper presented at the conference on Educational Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia, Penang, Malaysia.
Lee, M., Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2010, December). The importance of school-based teacher learning communities in curriculum implementation and student learning: A multiple case study of five International Baccalaureate schools in the Asia Pacific region.. Paper prepared for presentation at the East Asian Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong..
Lee, M., & Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (2010, November). Internal challenges emerging from external growth: Landscape of International Baccalaureate schools in the Asia Pacific region.. Paper prepared for presentation at the bi-annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia..
Lee, M., Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2010, October). Curriculum implementation and transition in International Baccalaureate (IB) schools: A distributed perspective on instructional leadership.. Paper prepared for presentation at the annual meeting of the University Council of Educational Administration, New Orleans, LA, USA..
Kwan, P. & Walker, A. (2010, April). Vice-principals’ desire for principalship – a hierarchical model.. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Colorado, US.
Kwan, P., & Walker, A. (2010, April). Vice principals' desire for principalship: A hierarchical model. Paper presented at 2010 AERA Annual Meeting: Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, April 30 - May 4, Denver CO.
Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2009, November). Comparative educational leadership in the Asia Pacific. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council Educational Administration (UCEA), Anaheim, CA, USA.
Kwan, P., & Walker, A. (2009, November). Building a four-factor hierarchical structure for explaining vice-principals’ career aspiration. Paper presented at the University Council of Educational Administration Convention 2009 – Leading for learning: Reflecting on Innovative Practices and Partnerships, November 19-22, Anaheim, California.
Walker, A. (2009, November). Leader learning in Chinese Societies. Paper presented at the University Council of Educational Administration Convention 2009 - Paper presented at the University Council of Educational Administration Convention 2009 – Leading for learning: Reflecting on Innovative Practices and Partnerships, November 19-22, Anaheim, California.
Kwan, P., & Walker, A. (2009, September). Principalship desirability – What counts?. Paper presented at the School Leadership Symposium (SLS) 2009 – Conference for School Effectiveness, School Improvement, School Management, September 3-5, Zug, Central Switzerland.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Consulting or contract research report
Wright, E., Bryant, D. A., Keung, C., & Walker, A. (2023). Personal Project (Final Report): How does the IB Middle Years Programme’s capstone experience impact students, educators, and school communities? Research Report submitted to the International Baccalaureate. Bethesda, MD.: International Baccalaureate.
Bryant, D. A., Wright, E., Keung, C., Walker, A., & Hassan, K. (2021). Personal Project (Interim Report): How does the IB Middle Years Programme’s capstone experience impact students, educators, and school communities? Research Report submitted to the International Baccalaureate.. Bethesda, MD.: International Baccalaureate.
Wright, E., Walker, A., Bryant, A. D., Hassan, S. K., & Choi, S. (2021). A Cross-cultural Study of Student Leadership in Round Square Schools. Research Report submitted to the Round Square. Hong Kong
Bryant, D., Walker, A., Wong, Y. L., Adames, A., & Katyal, K. (2018). Final report: ‘A distributive perspective on middle leadership in International Baccalaureate Continuum schools in Northeast Asia’.. Bethesda, MD.: International Baccalaureate Organization.
Choi, T.-H., Walker, A., Tang, S. Y. F., Ko, J., & Chiu, C. S. (2018). Report on outsourcing of education in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: the Education University of Hong Kong.
Walker, A., & Qian, H-Y. (2018). Evaluation & Improvement Report: Pilot Programme on Exchange and Collaboration between School Principals of Mainland and Hong Kong (2017/18) - Developing School Leadership to Enhance Students’ Core Competencies.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change.
Walker, A., Bryant, D. A. & Lee M. (2013). Final Report: The International Baccalaureate Continuum: student, teacher and school outcomes.. Bethesda, MD.: International Baccalaureate Organization.
Walker, A., Bryant, D. A. & Lee M. (2013). Interim Report: The International Baccalaureate Continuum: student, teacher and school outcomes.. Bethesda, MD.: International Baccalaureate Organization.
Walker, A., & Clarke P. (2012). Impact study report on Blue skies: A professional learning programme for beginning principals 2010/2011.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change..
Walker, A., & Clarke, P. (2012). Impact study report on Links 2010-2011: Leading learning and school.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change..
Walker, A. (2011). Blue skies: A professional learning programme for beginning principals 2010/2011 – Final report.. Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change..
Walker, A. (2011). Blue skies: A professional learning programme for beginning principals 2010/2011 – Interim report.. Hong Kong: Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change. [Confidential]. Submitted to the Education Bureau HKSAR..
Walker, A., Lee, M., Bryant, D., & Qian, H. (2011). Principal Preparation Programmes: A synthesis of best practice internationally.. UK: [Confidential]. Submitted to National College for Leadership of Schools and Children’s Services..
Walker, A. (2011). Blue skies: A professional learning programme for beginning principals 2009/2010 – Final report.. Hong Kong: . Hong Kong: The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change. [Confidential]. Submitted to the Education Bureau HKSAR..
Walker, A. (2010). Blue skies: A professional learning programme for beginning principals 2009/2010 – Interim report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership. [Confidential]. Submitted to the Education Bureau HKSAR..
Walker, A. (2010). Blue skies: A professional learning programme for beginning principals 2008/2009 – Final report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership. [Confidential]. Submitted to the Education Bureau HKSAR..

All Other Outputs
Journal editor ('editorial membership' should be excluded)
Gu, Q., Day, C., Walker A., & Leithwood, K. (Eds.) (2018). How successful secondary school principals enact policy. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 17(3). Taylor and Francis.
Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (Eds.) (2017). Qualitative studies of principal instructional leadership in East Asia. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(2). Emerald.
Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (Eds.) (2015). Principal leadership in East Asia. Journal of Educational Administration, 53(4).. Emerald..
Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (Eds.) (2013). International perspectives on leader development: Definition and design. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 41(4).. SAGE Publications..
Walker, A., & Hallinger, P. (2013). International perspectives on leader development: Definition and design. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 41(4).. London: SAGE.
Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (2011). School leadership in the Asia Pacific: Identifying challenges and formulating a research agenda. School Leadership and Management, 31(4).. UK: Taylor and Francis.
Hallinger, P., & Walker, A. (Eds.) (2011). School leadership in the Asia Pacific: Identifying challenges and formulating a research agenda.. United Kingdom: 31(4), School Leadership & Management..
Other outputs
Walker, A., & Qian, H. Y. (2018). Unveiling the complexities of Chinese education: Time to reverse the flow?. Invited Presentations at Beijing Normal University, Peking University, Northwest China Normal University and Central China Normal University, China..
Walker, A., Lee, M., & Bryant, D. A. (2013). International Baccalaureate Learner Profile Questionnaire. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Walker, A., Lee, M., & Bryant, D. A. (2013). International School Leadership Questionnaire. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Walker, A. (2012). Digital Leadership Resource Bank - Leader Learning Asia (LLA). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Kwan, P., & Walker, A. (2010). Facets of Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. doi: 10.1037/t41095-000


Exchange and Collaboration Policy between Hong Kong and Shenzhen Schools: Obstacles, Enabling Conditions and Policy Recommendations
EdUHK aims to strengthen its GBA position and influence to promote a stronger two-way understanding of education developments in Hong Kong and Mainland China both for policy makers and schools themselves. It therefore seeks worthwhile partnerships which can inform policy and benefit school leaders and groups of schools across the GBA. As Hong Kong’s premier education provider, EdUHK has considerable potential to initiate and contribute to policy and school improvement projects in the area and nurture greater mutual understanding between systems. This study proposes to support these intentions.

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the status quo of exchange and collaboration structures across schools in GBA and collect insights and recommendations from key stakeholders about how to grow and enhance successful cross-school partnerships, particularly between Hong Kong and Shenzhen schools. It is designed essentially as a policy study that will provide evidence-informed policy recommendations and bottom-up improvement strategies worthy of scaling up. Evidence and data collected through the project will be analysed and used as a policy, theoretical and empirical foundation for a large-scale research project focusing on building a symbiotic school improvement and leadership model in GBA.


The study has five objectives:
1. To build a foundational understanding of the status quo of exchange and collaborative activities across schools in GBA.
2. To solicit ideas and opinions from key stakeholders in Hong Kong and Shenzhen about the purpose, shape and structure the future school learning partnerships should take. With an emphasis on nurturing cross-school improvement and leadership structures the partnerships can increase cross-system understanding and professionally benefit all parties.
3. To form a network and working team comprised of a range of influential partners to involve in bids for large-scale research projects based on the findings of this project. Partners include international and Mainland researchers, HKEDB policymakers, Shenzhen Education Bureau officials, and outstanding, connected school principals from both sides of the border. This team will be utilised to intentionally (directly and indirectly) influence the policy making process in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
4. To construct a platform that gathers scholars, policymakers, and school leaders to exchange their views on initiatives and models needed to promote and actualise real collaboration and networked learning communities between schools and school leaders in GBA.
5. To synthesise effective strategies based on feedback about how to facilitate integration and collaboration of schools across the border and investigate the structural, political, and school conditions and leadership capacity necessary for cross-border schools to form into a learning community. Based on these findings, a policy report, including recommendations, will be compiled and shared with policymakers. The policy report will include criteria for forming cross-school learning clusters across the GBA clusters, a process for groups to follow, the purpose and aims of the learning clusters, their possible learning foci, required resources, an evaluation framework, principals’ responsibilities, and educational (schools and school system) benefits.

Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David, QIAN, Haiyan

Identifying professional growth and trajectories of development of teachers and school leaders in contexts: A mixed-method study
This study seeks to characterise how teachers and schools manage to tackle contextual challenges professionally by examining a novel theoretical model with nine propositions:

1) Exceptional teachers and schools succeed in their approach to overcome contextual complexity.
2) Quality leadership, teacher trust and commitment reduce goal conflicts in school governance and the uncertainty in professional learning.
3) Teacher learning networks and distributed leadership promote collective capacities in enacting school policies and initiatives.
4) When teachers and schools minimise risk aversions, they will exploit existing strengths and explore opportunities to innovate.
5) Resilience fluctuates when teachers and the school have incompatible goal-conflicts, but hybrid teacher leadership increases the chances of outstanding professional growth.
6) Resilience is a collective professional quality of teachers in schools succeeded in challenging contexts.
7) Professional growth rises robustly if personal and organisational drivers are compatible.
8) Gradual school changes rely on factors applicable to all schools, but profound and radical changes require charismatic figures and critical incidents to make things happen.
9) Wiser individual and collective professional choices result in vigorous professional identities.
This study will employ a mixed-method, two-part design to understand professional growth and trajectories. General teacher/principal profiles will be developed first by latent class analysis from an online territory-wide survey of 400-500 teachers and 80- 100 principals. Sixty case studies will be created from semi-structured interviews of teachers/principals purposively selected from the online survey, recipients of the annual Chief Executive Teaching Excellence Award, and recommendations of professional associations of practitioners. Additional case studies of four schools with recognised
exceptional professional capacities in overcoming adversities will be b

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Yue On James 高裕安 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Developing the Principal Well-being Inventory: A pilot study for establishing the principal well-being profile in Hong Kong
The occupational well-being of school principals worldwide has significantly declined due to heavy demands and growing accountability. This state of affairs is especially true for Hong Kong school principals who are currently experiencing an unprecedented professional dilemma arising from various political, social, and academic issues. However, understanding and tracking the occupational well-being of principals has largely been neglected in Hong Kong even though it has become a priority around the world with the establishment of the national principal occupational well-being profile. Based on the PI’s GRF project on principal well-being, this pilot project aims to develop a culturally-relevant, multidimensional instrument, the “Principal Well-being Inventory”, using a sample of 24 school principals in Hong Kong and validated by a three-expert panel.

This project will develop a culturally-relevant, multidimensional Principal Well-being Inventory (PWI), which will open up the potential for not only establishing an annually-updated on-line principal occupational well-being profile, but also making international comparisons of principal well-being. In addition, this project will inform the development of training programs for the preparation and on-going support of principal well-being. This project will then better equip Hong Kong principals by strengthening their well-being capital, which can be expected to seed success of their schools and consolidate human capital building in the Hong Kong community.

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): CHEN, Junjun 陳君君 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Personal Project: How Does the IB Middle Years Programme’s Capstone Experience Impact Students, Educators, and School Communities? (Research Matching Grant)
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): WRIGHT, Ewan Thomas Mansell (WALKER, Allan David as Co-Investigator)

An Exploration of the Role of Leadership in Successful Systemic Improvement in China
This study will examine the relationship between leadership, educational infrastructure and system-wide improvement through case studies of selected innovative system reform initiative implemented in three Mainland Chinese regions – Shanghai, Anhui and Guizhou. They are located in East, Central and West China. The study aims to deconstruct the innovative system reforms carried out in these provinces and examine the role of leadership in designing and deploying infrastructure necessary for successful systemic change. The study will employ a case study design and selects 4-6 municipal/provincial-level or district-level reform initiatives, such as commissioned administration (weituo guanli, which usually involves the commissioning of high-performing public schools to take over the administration of weaker ones), district-level teacher learning collaboration (which mainly refers to an established mechanism for expert teachers to network across schools and exert leadership beyond their immediate school level), as innovative cases for focused research. Data will be collected through observing cross-school collaborative learning activities, conducting in-depth interviews with different levels of leaders involved in the reform initiatives, and collecting documents and field notes. This study will make a unique contribution to three major bodies of educational literature: system reform; international understanding of system leadership; and educational leadership in China. The research findings will have important implications for system leadership and systemic improvement practices in Hong Kong and other societies.

1. To investigate the role of different levels of leadership in designing and deploying educational infrastructure towards systemic improvement in Mainland China;
2. To explore the characteristics of socio-cultural, political and educational systems that facilitate and inhibit the exercise of system leadership;
3. To develop rich case studies that explicate complex relationships between system leadership, educational infrastructure and systemic improvement; and
4. To draw lessons about executing leadership and designing and deploying infrastructure that may have implications for leading systemic reforms in Hong Kong and other societies.

Expected Outcomes:
1. Empirical data about how different levels of leaders design and deploy educational infrastructure to create the conditions for systemic improvement;
2. Explication of meanings of enactment and distribution of system leadership in the systemic reform;
3. Identification of the socio-cultural, political and systemic aspects of the Chinese education system that enable and inhibit system leaders to exert their leadership roles;
4. Development of rich case studies that explicate complex relationships between system leadership, educational infrastructure and systemic improvement; and
5. A set of propositions about what Hong Kong and other societies can learn from the practices of leadership execution and infrastructure deployment of these regions.

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): QIAN, Haiyan 錢海燕 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Investigating the Occupational Well-being of Hong Kong School Principals and Influential Psychosocial Risk Factors: A Mixed-methods Approach
Building on my previous research on the well-being of principals and teachers, this project has two aims: 1) to validate two robust instruments for evaluating principals’ well-being and influential psychosocial risk factors using a sample of Hong Kong principals; and 2) to investigate principals’ occupational well-being and influential psychosocial risk factors at work in the current Hong Kong context. The project will employ an explanatory sequential research design using a mixed-methods approach. First, a quantitative survey study will be conducted to explore the occupational well-being and influential psychosocial risk factors with a sample of principals in Hong Kong. Second, a qualitative study comprising in-depth individual interviews will be conducted with a sample of principals to elaborate the findings from the quantitative data analysis. This project is expected to improve the capacity of principals and their schools to serve the community, elucidate the psychosocial drivers that seed success and wellbeing, build Hong Kong’s human capital, and enrich and advance the international research agenda in relation to theory, research, and practice.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): CHEN, Junjun 陳君君 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Personal Project: How Does the IB Middle Years Programme’s Capstone Experience Impact Students, Educators, and School Communities?
A multi-cultural research team based at the APCLC consisting of Dr Darren Bryant, Prof Allan Walker, Dr Ewan Wright, Dr Chrysa Keung, Prof Sylvia Tang and Dr Gail Yuen have been awarded a competitive International Baccalaureate (IB) research grant to investigate the impact of the IB Middle Years Programme’s capstone experience on students, educators, and school communities. More specifically, the research will:1. Use extant IB data to examine how IB Middle Years Programme students’ Personal Project completion associates with subsequent performance in the IB Diploma Programme. The academic performance of IB and non-IB students will be examined to assess the impact of Personal Project experience.

2. Gather interview data from six schools across six jurisdictions that cover the IB’s three regions: (i) Africa, Europe and the Middle East, (ii) The Americas, and (iii) Asia Pacific. In-depth interviews and focus groups will be conducted with principals/vice-principals, IB coordinators, Personal Project supervisors and coordinators, Extended Essay supervisors and coordinators, students who recently completed the Personal Project, and Diploma Programme students taking the Extended Essay. Thematic and cross-case analyses will explore the impacts of the Personal Project experience on students, educators, and school communities.

3. Compare quantitative and qualitative datasets to investigate context-specific nuances that impact PP outcomes and the generalisability or transferability of study findings.

Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): WRIGHT, Ewan Thomas Mansell null, BRYANT, Darren Anthony null (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

A Cross-cultural Study of Student Leadership in Round Square Schools
In this study, we are examining how young people perceive, experience, and build leadership across different cultures, and what approaches are most effective in developing student leadership in Round Square schools.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): WRIGHT, Ewan Thomas Mansell null (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Antecedents, Mediator, and Moderators of Teacher Innovation in Schools: Evidence from Hong Kong
Using a two-phase research design, the project team attempts to address three questions: (1) what are the prevalent types of teacher innovation in Hong Kong? (2) how does teacher innovation emerge in schools, and (3) under which conditions are schools more conductive to teacher innovation?

This project is expected to generate at least two contributions. First, this project will enable a timely documentation of teacher innovative practices in Hong Kong, which facilitates a more nuanced understanding of the educational achievements as well as challenges in the society. Second, establishing a theoretical model that predicts teacher innovation will lay a useful foundation for future studies on teacher innovation in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LU, Jiafang 陸佳芳 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Service Leadership 3Cs for Entrepreneurial Teacher Leaders
- Disseminate the service leadership model and teacher entrepreneurialism as a teaching professional training programme
- Illustrate how service leadership and teacher entrepreneurialism address prevailing concerns in schools

Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chun Sing Maxwell 何振聲 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

A Cross-cultural Study of Student Leadership in Round Square Schools
In this study, we are examining how young people perceive, experience, and build leadership across different cultures, and what approaches are most effective in developing student leadership in Round Square schools.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): WRIGHT, Ewan Thomas Mansell (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Leadership Style of Principals and Work-Life Conflict/Enhancement of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools
The overall objective of this proposed study is to systematically investigate the role of the principals’ leadership style in the teachers’ experienced work- family conflicts and work-life enrichment. In the context of different leadership styles, work-related outcomes of the teachers will be examined, including their on-the-job behaviors, teaching performance, work attitudes, and collegial relations. The research team will recruit 50 primary or secondary schools and invite the principal together with 10 teachers from each school to participate in this study. A longitudinal study will be conducted with a total sample size of 500 teachers with three measurement points: baseline, 6-month and 12-month follow-up assessment. This study will not only contribute to the theoretical framework of work-family conflict and work-life enrichment, in particular the role of leadership style of supervisor, but it will also give invaluable information when designing, testing and implementing effective leadership training programs for school administrators in Hong Kong. Better functioning school environment will help preventing student suicides by easing stress on teachers, and in maintaining the overall education quality with a stable workforce of teaching professional.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): VYAS, Lina (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

What is the Contribution of School Leadership to Student Learning? A Thematic Review and Meta-analytic Study
The study, comprising a thematic review and meta-analysis, will critically examine the contribution of school leadership to student learning. It is motivated by the conundrum whereby research has failed to provide compelling and unequivocal results on the contribution to student learning from school leadership which we expect to have a considerable influence. This confusion makes it challenging for school leaders to know how to improve their leadership strategies for securing better student learning outcomes, and for enhanced school effectiveness and improvement. It also makes it difficult for professional developers to plan with clarity effective programs to prepare and develop school leaders, and for policymakers to formulate policies that lead to system improvement in schooling. Therefore, the study endeavors to clarify (a) the relationships between school leadership practices and student learning outcomes; (b) how these relationships may vary in different situations; and (c) how school leadership practices contribute to student learning.

The research plan comprises four steps designed to synthesize diverse findings from primary studies, and generate useful broad results: (1) systematic, comprehensive identification of all relevant primary studies examining the influence of school leadership on student learning; (2) extraction and coding of key variables; (3) meta-analysis to summarize quantitative results on the relationships between leadership practices and student learning; and (4) thematic review of qualitative results to understand how leadership practices affect student learning.

The study will advance our theoretical understanding on the diverse leadership practices enacted by different school leaders (principals, vice-principals, teacher leaders), overall relationship between school leadership practices and student learning, relative ‘effectiveness’ of different school leadership practices in enhancing different aspects of student learning (academic, non-academic), relative ‘effectiveness’ of school leadership practices in different contexts, and processes by which school leadership practices contribute to student learning.

Results from the study will be translated into a set of practical recommendations on effective school leadership practices so as to inform different aspects of policy and practice in school effectiveness and improvement. These aspects include enabling school leaders at different levels to apply the recommendations to enhance specific priority areas in student learning (e.g., academic or non-academic), leadership professional developers to use the recommendations to develop training materials, and policymakers to use the recommendations to leverage the collective capacity from leaders at different levels within the school, and formulate school leadership and improvement policies that cater to schools with different needs across the system.

The main purposes of this project are to:

1. Examine the relationships between leadership practices of school leaders and student learning outcomes;
2. Examine how the relationships between school leadership practices and student learning outcomes may vary according to contextual and methodological variables; and
3. Understand the processes by which school leadership practices contribute to student learning.

Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): Tan C. Y. (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Career and Life Planning for Hong Kong Youth Development: Challenges and Opportunities
This is an external competitive research project under the Public Policy Research (PPR) Grant, funded by Policy Innovation and Coordination Office (PICO), the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.This funded project aims to explore youth’s career development in the stage of senior secondary education. We intend to identify values and effects of the expanded career and life planning (CLP) education on students’ awareness of multiple pathways of lifelong development.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): SZETO, Sing Ying, Elson (WALKER, Allan David as Co-Investigator)

EdUHK Learning from its Big Data
The project aims to
1. Identify the extent of data inconsistencies in current databases
2. Document current data flow practices across systems
3. Secure and facilitate information flow across database systems with minimal disruption
4. Identify administrative, faculty, and student issues that analysis of the data can inform
5. Use multiple databases to identify predictors of key performance indicators to inform
policies and practices to enhance student participation in such activities

Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CHIU, Ming Ming (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Promoting Teacher Learning and Improving Instruction: What is the Role of Cross-school Instructional Leadership?
The project explores the role of expert teachers as cross-school instructional leaders in Shanghai
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): QIAN, Haiyan 錢海燕 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Capacity Building for Lead Teacher Training Universities (LTTUs) in Vietnam
This project was designed to improve capacity of Lead Teacher Training Universities (LTTUs) and central teacher management unit in Viet Nam to improve effectiveness of teachers' and principals' education and training to meet the demands of educational reform in Viet Nam.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Trajectory from Good School to Great School: Change Management Processes from Professional Capital and Ambidexterity Perspectives
The proposed study will adopt two theoretical perspectives, professional capital and ambidexterity, to explain schools’ change efforts and related policies to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education (Curriculum Development Council, 2015). By synthesising the two perspectives, we will examine how successful STEM education requires both investment in professionalising teachers and developing ambidextrous strategies for achieving both excellence and innovation. The proposed study will adopt a mixed-method approach, with qualitative data collected from systematic observations inside and outside classrooms, documents of team/school meetings and principal/teacher interviews, and quantitative data collected from classroom observations and student/teacher surveys.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): KO, Yue On James 高裕安 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

State-funded Outsourcing of English Language Education: Does New Education Privatisation Ensure “Quality Education for All” in Hong Kong Secondary Schools?
The study aims to examine and theorize the practice of state-funded outsourcing of English language education (ELE) focusing on its quality and equity, with reference to the Hong Kong context. Many governments have turned to state-funded outsourcing of education (Ed-outsourcing) to enhance the quality and economic efficiency of Education, and ultimately, the competitiveness of their societies (Barrera-Osorio, Guaqueta & Patrinos, 2012). The quality of state-funded Ed-outsourcing, what Burch (2009) termed new education privatisation, however, is disputed in the international literature (Ball and Youdell, 2008). It has also been documented that new privatization techniques have reproduced or even increased disparity in learning opportunities in many contexts (ibid.). Although some concerns related to quality and equity in Ed-outsourcing have been echoed in HK (e.g. the need for quality-control systems) (Chan & Ng, 2015), few, if any, attempts have been made to investigate changes and impacts at the school and government-regulation levels. Thus, this project intends to explore and theorize the emerging phenomenon of providing schools with state funds to buy and integrate third-party services into their delivery of education, focusing on its quality and equity.
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): CHOI, Tae Hee 崔太僖 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Collaborator)

A Distributed Perspective on Middle Leadership in International Baccalaureate Continuum Schools in Northeast Asia
This research focuses on middle leaders’ interaction with senior leaders, other middle leaders, and informal leaders, and the tools and routines that they employ when engaging in these interactions. Framing the study around DL in IB continuum schools, will result in the identification of leadership practices, the materials, resources and routines that middle leaders use and develop to support their practice, and the impact of contextual factor, such as participation in the IB continuum, that facilitate or impede effective leadership distributions.

This study aims to

1. identify the impact of facilitating and impeding factors on distributive leadership. This can inform future revisions of IB standards and practices, the IB leadership framework and corresponding professional development in a manner that will enhance leadership capacity. Given the recent thrust of the IB in the leadership arena, research that accounts for the impact of context, including the influence of IB mandates and structures, is essential;

2. identify specific middle leadership practices, including tools and routines, that show how middle leaders interact with formal and informal leaders and teachers. An evaluation of these practices and interactions can serve to document exemplars of effective IB leadership practice that can inform professional learning as well as provide examples of practice for use in other IB schools.

3. develop a line of research on leadership in IB schools. This is sorely lacking in the literature. A distributed perspective permits an improved understanding of how leaders work together and of how context shapes leadership distribution. This research, in particular, will suggest context-relevant strategies that support middle leaders in their work.

Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): BRYANT, Darren Anthony (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

APCLC -Regional Research Grant: Leading Learning for School Effectiveness: Instructional Leadership Practices of Primary School Principals in Malaysia.
Over the past decade, policymakers in East Asia have implemented new policies and programs aimed at increasing the capacity for leadership in schools (Cheng & Walker, 2008; Hallinger, 2011; Walker & Kwan, 2008).
The rationale for developing new approaches to the recruitment, selection, training, and evaluation of school leaders is based upon an increasingly substantial empirical knowledge base concerning the contributions that instructional leadership makes to school performance (Hallinger & Heck, 1996; Leithwood et al., 2006; Robinson et al., 2008).

Since the introduction of NPQH in Malaysia in 1999, the role of the principal has changed radically and dramatically (Jones et al. 2015). In 2012 the Ministry of Education significantly redefined the principal’s role and placed many more additional demands upon school leaders (Ghani 2013). At present, principals and head teachers in Malaysia are expected to lead transformation and change in order to improve school and system outcomes (Anthony et al. 2015).
As previous scholars have noted the existing knowledge base consists largely of theory and empirical research from Western cultural contexts (Cheng, 1995; Hallinger, 1995, Hallinger & Leithwood, 1998; Hallinger et al., 2005; Harris & Jones, 2015; Walker & Dimmock, 2002). This limitation of the knowledge base on school leadership in East Asia represents the focus of this project. The proposed project seeks to contribute to the development of the knowledge base on principal instructional leadership in Malaysia.

The study aims to:

I. To identify the boundaries of the current knowledge base on instructional leadership based upon literature reviews of indigenous literature.
II. To develop a preliminary empirically-based understanding of how principals conceive and enact their role as instructional leaders .
III. To synthesize the results of qualitative research conducted in order to generate propositions concerning commonalities and differences in the enactment of principal instructional leadership in Malaysia and overseas
IV. To compare propositions emerging from the results of this National study with findings from the Western literature.

Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Understanding Middle Leadership in Hong Kong Secondary Schools
Conventionally, the work of secondary school middle leaders has focused on managerial tasks of subject area administration, but has not accounted for Middle Leaders’ (MLs) potential in leading innovative practice, participating in school-wide leadership and engaging the professional and local communities beyond the school. This conception of middle leadership requires of senior leaders, teachers and MLs themselves a significant shift in understanding the nature of secondary school MLs’ work: a change in focus from managing to leading. However, the research base on secondary school middle leadership is very limited, typically focusing on MLs’ subject area responsibilities, issues of hierarchy and influence within schools, and formal job preparation. There is vast potential for MLs to contribute to their schools beyond subject area management, yet the research base yields limited insight on such work and on how MLs can be supported to accomplish it.

The main purposes of this project are to examine how teachers and leaders in Hong Kong secondary schools understand middle leadership, what MLs do, and the factors shaping such understanding and actions. The study builds on recent research which contends that just as effective principals must lead across a broad purview of responsibilities, so too must effective MLs in order to build successful schools. In order to better understand middle leadership in Hong Kong secondary schools and factors that influence how middle leadership is conceptualised and enacted, the study will:

1. theorise middle leadership by examining commonalities and variations in teacher, middle and senior leaders' understandings of middle leaders' roles in secondary schools;
2. analyse opportunities for middle leadership at the subject, school-wide and external leadership levels.
3. evaluate opportunities and challenges faced by ML in their role enactment.
4. examine critical skills and support structures needed to help MLs optimize leadership opportunities and mitigate challenges that they face.
5. examine how MLs are developed for their roles within and outside their schools and postulate strategies to support and strengthen their preparation.
6. provide evidence of and explain the impact of organizational and cultural factors on intra- and inter-school variations in middle leadership.

Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): BRYANT, Darren Anthony (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Collaborator)

Leading School-based Research to Improve Student Learning: Lessons from Shanghai
This study aims to build an in-depth understanding of the leadership strategies and practices associated with the successful promotion and implementation of school-based research in Shanghai. More specifically, the study aims to identify and analyze the key roles played by school leaders in leading school-based research to improve student learning. The study is located in Shanghai because school-based research as a change strategy has been promoted and mobilized at a large scale, something rarely seen in other settings.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): QIAN, Haiyan 錢海燕 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Collaborator)

APCLC Regional Research Grant: Developing an Indigenous Conception of Instructional Leadership in China (Shanyang)
This research is a part of a larger comparative study of principal instructional leadership being conducted in Central Vietnam, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. The purpose of this study is to seek the understanding of the indigenous conception of instructional leadership of principals in Shanyang of the Chinese Mainland. More specifically, the study aims to convey the elementary school principals’ perspectives and their practices in the domain of instructional leadership.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LIU PENG 劉鵬 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

APCLC Regional Research Grant: Developing an Indigenous Conception of Instructional Leadership in China (Shanghai and Hubei)
This research is a part of a larger comparative study of principal instructional leadership being conducted in Central Vietnam, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. The purpose of this study is to seek the understanding of the indigenous conception of instructional leadership of principals in Shanghai and Hubei in the Chinese Mainaland. More specifically, the study aims to convey the elementary school principals’ perspectives and their practices in the domain of instructional leadership.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): QIAN, Haiyan 錢海燕 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

APCLC Regional Research Grant: Developing an Indigenous Conception of Instructional Leadership in China (Gui Zhou Province)
This research is a part of a larger comparative study of principal instructional leadership being conducted in Central Vietnam, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. The purpose of this study is to seek the understanding of the indigenous conception of instructional leadership of principals in Gui Zhou Province in the Chinese Mainland. More specifically, the study aims to convey the elementary school principals’ perspectives and their practices in the domain of instructional leadership.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Leadership of special educational needs coordinators for Inclusive Education in Hong Kong’s mainstream primary and secondary schools
To strengthen the implementation of inclusive education, the government created a new deputy principal position beginning in the academic year 2008–2009. The position included taking on the roles of a special educational needs coordinator (SENCO). The SENCOs are a new tier of middle leaders who are in a vital position to change and restructure the education system. With no available research data regarding the roles and responsibilities of SENCOs, this study represents an initial and significant effort to understand SENCOs’ conception of their roles and the challenges of fulfilling their responsibilities. The pilot study adopted an inductive qualitative case study approach that examine the middle leadership in a sample of local primary schools, including (a) investigations into the various conceptions of SENCO leadership held by principals, SENCOs, and other teachers; and (b) the development process of SENCO leadership at the school level. Data will contribute to a hypothetical foundation for further research in a larger study and significant in terms of informing policies and practices on school reforms for inclusive schooling, shedding light on leadership training needs, and providing foundational data for future research in this area.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): POON-MCBRAYER, Kim Fong 潘劍芳 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

Understanding Middle Leadership Conceptualization and Enactment within School Leadership Distributions: A Comparative Study of International and Local International Baccalaureate Schools in Hong Kong
This IRG was granted as a pilot study for an Early Career Scheme proposal. The study aims (a) to analyse how middle leadership is distributed; to uncover factors that facilitate or inhibit this distribution, (b) to analyze the differing impacts that full continuum or DP only schools have on shaping middle leadership; (c) to describe and analyse models of middle leader distribution that are enacted in different school contexts.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): BRYANT, Darren Anthony (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Investigator)

The role of leadership in improving teachers’ research engagement: A comparative study of Hong Kong and Shanghai
The purpose of the research is to explore the role played by school schools (including but not confined to school principals) in improving teachers’ research engagement, and in converting research knowledge into practice across the two research sites of Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): QIAN, Haiyan 錢海燕 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Principal Investigator)

APCLC Regional Research Grant: Developing an Indigenous Conception of Instructional Leadership in China (Beijing)
This research is a part of a larger comparative study of principal instructional leadership being conducted in Central Vietnam, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. The purpose of this study is to seek the understanding of the indigenous conception of instructional leadership of principals in China. More specifically, the study aims to convey the elementary school principals’ perspectives and their practices in the domain of instructional leadership.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Developing and Refining an East Asian Conceptualization of Principal Instructional Leadership
Over the past decade, policymakers in East Asia have implemented new policies and programs aimed at increasing the capacity for leadership in schools (Cheng & Walker, 2008; Hallinger, 2011; Walker & Kwan, 2008). The rationale for overhauling school management systems (e.g., school based management, quality systems, accountability structures) and developing new approaches to the recruitment, selection, training, and evaluation of school leaders is based upon an increasingly substantial empirical knowledge base concerning the contributions that instructional leadership makes to school performance (Hallinger & Heck, 1996; Leithwood et al., 2006; Robinson et al., 2008).

At the same time, scholars have noted that this knowledge base consists largely of theory and empirical research from Western cultural contexts (Cheng, 1995; Hallinger, 1995, Walker & Dimmock, 2002). This limitation of the knowledge base on school leadership in East Asia represents the focus of this project. The proposed project seeks to contribute to the development of the knowledge base on principal instructional leadership in four East Asian societies: China, Hong Kong and Vietnam.

Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Understanding School Management Teams: Beyond Sharing Role Responsibilities
This project focuses on school management teams at three types of schools in the region: local schools in Hong Kong, local schools in Mainland China, and international schools at both places. It seeks to advance a dynamic and multilevel understanding of school management teams.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LU, Jiafang 陸佳芳 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Collaborator)

The International Baccalaureate Continuum: student, teacher and school outcomes
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global leader in international education, encouraging students to be active learners, well-rounded individuals, and engaged world citizens. Having grown dramatically in recent years in response to the burgeoning demand for high quality international curriculum, there is a need to document school practices associated with successful programme implementation and positive student outcomes that result from the IB curriculum.

The purpose of this study is to explore and document the impact of the IB continuum on students, teachers and schools in full-continuum IB schools in five Southeast Asia societies. The project will explore the impact that studying continuously in a full-continuum school has on DP students’ academic and affective learning outcomes. It will also explore changes longer term engagement with the full-continuum has had on individual, group and school-wide practices such as pedagogical practice, teacher collaboration, curriculum planning, school structures, leadership, school culture and cross level (PYP, MYP and DP) collaboration.

The project focuses on international schools in Southeast Asia that have offered the full continuum of IB programmes for at least ten years. The study will include the following components.

1.Comparative analysis of student academic outcome data from full-continuum and ‘DP’ only schools in order to gain insights into the differential impact of the full-continuum on students over time;

2.Development and testing of an instrument aimed assessing the Learner Profile attributes of student studying in IB schools;

3.Application of the Learner Profile Scale to understand the impact of IB programmes on student affective development in full-continuum schools;

4.Case-studies of two (2) full-continuum schools located in different countries in Southeast Asia. The case studies will seek to uncover and describe patterns of best practice in leading the implementation of the full continuum of IB programmes to achieve maximum impact on the quality of teaching and learning.

5.A detailed story line of the impact of the full continuum on student outcomes and schools processes drawn from the combination of quantitative and qualitative data.

Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

APCLC Regional Research Grant: Developing an Indigenous Conception of Instructional Leadership in Vietnam (Hanoi)
This research is a part of a larger comparative study of principal instructional leadership being conducted in Northern Vietnam, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. The purpose of this study is to seek the understanding of the indigenous conception of instructional leadership of principals in Vietnam. More specifically, the study aims to convey the elementary school principals’ perspectives and their practices in the domain of instructional leadership.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

APCLC Regional Research Grant: Developing an Indigenous Conception of Instructional Leadership in Vietnam(Danang)
This research is a part of a larger comparative study of principal instructional leadership being conducted in Central Vietnam, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. The purpose of this study is to seek the understanding of the indigenous conception of instructional leadership of principals in Vietnam. More specifically, the study aims to convey the elementary school principals’ perspectives and their practices in the domain of instructional leadership.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): HALLINGER PHILIP 賀靈傑 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Team Member)

Bilateral (Hong Kong): Reshaping Educational Practice for Improvement in Hong Kong and England: How Schools Mediate Government Reforms
Raising standards of teaching and learning in schools is at the forefront of policy makers’ minds internationally. The importance attached to learning outcomes is obvious in the substance of key educational reforms across societies and contexts. However, there is continuing uncertainty about how and to what extent schools implement these reforms and, most importantly, whether they really have a positive impact on student learning outcomes.
This project investigates whether government education reform policies make a real difference in schools, particularly to student outcomes, in Hong Kong and England. In order to build understanding we focus on three main areas – system policy, school leadership and the school community. The first area will detail and then compare systemic government reform models which seek to raise standards of pupil outcomes by changing teaching and learning, in school and classroom structures and cultures. This will involve an analysis of recent government reform documentation and interviews.
The second area focuses on the roles and qualities school leaders need to lead and manage change successfully. This will involve an examination of how school leaders at all levels mediate reforms to make them work in their school contexts. Information will be sought about the skills, knowledge and capacities they need to build and sustain a strategic and operational focus, on the leadership of learning and teaching. The third area looks at outcomes at the grassroots level. This will involve identifying the challenges school leaders, teachers and pupils face as they respond to systemic government reforms.
Drawing on existing and newly-collected data the project will compare and contrast the similarities and differences between schools both within and between Hong Kong and England. This comparative analysis will provide new insights into the nature of the leadership and management of change in educational practice. This will involve identifying similarities and differences in the social, cultural and societal values of the two countries as they reverse similar policy trajectories.

Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Advancing Online Learning: Aligning Pedagogy, Course Design and ICT with Open-source Delivery
Despite the promise of web-based instruction, universities in Hong Kong have been slow to utilize available technology to produce quality courses, meet the changing learning needs of students, successfully engage a large number of teachers in innovative new web learning technologies, tap emerging and non-traditional local and regional student markets, and increase their visibility in the Region. This presents a gap in the instructional landscape, one brimming with potential for institutions wanting to break with a continued reliance on past learning paradigms, and establish a presence through high quality online courses.

This project focuses on the development and dissemination of cutting-edge closed and open source web-based, student-centered learning materials accessible from a range of static and portable devices. These modes of delivery and learning, such as podcasts and wikis, are relatively nascent and in need of further research into how they can be leveraged in the interest of student learning. Building on knowledge collected during the development of an initial set of web-based courses for the IEMA programme, this project aims to extend HKIEd’s foray into online learning through the design of innovative online instructional resources using a range of pedagogies carefully integrated with social networking tools.

The deliverables include:
• a comprehensive, user-friendly template for designing web-based courses (available across the Institute).
• an organized collection of functioning open source courses using the IEMA program courses as a set of demonstration courses which illustrate and elaborate on the practical options and potential for making HKIEd’s knowledge resources more broadly accessible.
• completion of the Institutes first fully web-based program (IEMA).

Beyond these deliverables, the project will have at least three other outcomes:
i. increased capacity among instructional staff to integrate new technology into their teaching,
ii. a group of HKIEd faculty who can serve as ‘early adopters’ and coaches for other staff and programs that wish to move in this direction,
iii. cross departmental cooperation between the LTTC, IT and APCLC/EPL departments. which will leverage existing but largely untapped investments made by HKIEd in learning technologies.

Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Leadership in International Schools
The number of international schools in the Asia-Pacific Region is growing exponentially. Because of the exacting nature of these schools, the different levels of systemic support and diverse composition of student and staff backgrounds, leading instruction effectively is a complex exercise. Many international schools follow one or more of the IBO programs (PYP, MYP, DP) and continue to work through the challenges this brings. Despite the growth of the international school sector very little is known about how and why instructional leadership is enacted in international schools - this leaves a substantial gap in the literature

The purpose of this study is three-fold.

1. to identify what constitutes principal instructional leadership in international schools recognized as ‘high performing’, across a range of national settings which are.

2. to identify both the patterns and perceptions of whom with, how and why instructional leadership is distributed throughout the schools.

3. to discern how principals energize and manage distributed instructional leadership within their schools. This includes investigation into the place of formal structure, trust and the multi-directionality of distributed instructional leadership in the schools.

Given the flexibility granted relatively recently to schools in national systems, such as Hong Kong, to offer alternate curriculum, an increasing number of ‘local’ schools are implementing IBO programs. This will inevitably call for different; perhaps hybrid approaches to instructional leadership. These may be usefully informed by better understanding of international school leadership. Therefore, the outcomes of the study will be used to construct a research agenda targeting the internationalization of Hong Kong schools and instructional leadership.

Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Principal Preparation Programmes: A Synthesis of Best Practice Internationally
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

A Study of Successful Practices in the IB Programme Continuum
This resesarch project illuminates key strategies and practices that promote successful programme implementation and transition within full continuum IB schools. The mixed methods study analysed data from a global survey of 235 IB coordinators and case studies of five full continuum schools in the Asia-Pacific region. The study found that schools employed leadership practices and management strategies to address issues and challenges emerging from programme transitions. Commonly and saliently identified leadership practices and management strategies included 1) various strategies for the purpose of articulation, 2) cross-programme interaction, and 3) strategic staffing. Among the three major leadership and management strategies, articulation promoted a better transition through building consistency and coherence between programmes. Consistency between programmes in terms of teaching, learning, and assessment was critical to a smooth transition. In a similar vein, coherence of curriculum between programmes was another key pillar for a smooth transition. Finally, support for students was also directly associated with better programme transitions.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): HALLINGER PHILIP 賀靈傑 (WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量 as Co-Principal Investigator)

The Missing Link: School Leadership and Student Outcomes in HK Secondary Schools (A GRF Project)
This study is based on the premise that if school leadership is to hold real meaning it must be framed predominantly in terms of student outcomes, and it brings together these two issues for the first time in research in Hong Kong. Drawing on a current landmark project in the UK, and on previous research into school leadership in Hong Kong, the study investigates the complex relationship between school leadership and a range of student outcomes in Hong Kong secondary schools. Specifically, it will determine the extent to which variation in student outcomes –both formal achievement and affective outcomes – is associated with variation in how leadership is conceptualized and practiced. It will also determine both the direct and indirect influence of leadership on in-school factors and student outcomes. A mixed method approach will combine quantitative and qualitative methods to provide both a comprehensive picture of the relationship across Hong Kong secondary schools as well as rich descriptions drawn from selected case study schools. Outcomes of the research are expected to enhance theoretical understanding of school leadership generally and expand knowledge of leadership effects specifically in Hong Kong. Findings can be subsequently used to inform education policy makers and hold tremendous potential for future school leadership development programmes in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Ensuring the future of school leadership in Hong Kong: Principal recruitment, selection and appointment (A GRF Project)
The current educational reform environment in Hong Kong and elsewhere substantiates the importance of principal leadership in schools while, at the same time, expresses concern about the quantity, quality, preparation and development of future principals. Expressions of concern about how principals are recruited and appointed to their positions and the efficacy of the process form an important part of this discussion both locally and globally. Given the widely acknowledged (direct and indirect) influence of the principal over school outcomes, principal recruitment, selection and appointment (RSA) are inseparably linked to issues of principal preparation and quality, and thus the education received by students. How principals are recruited, selected and appointed may be particularly pertinent in Hong Kong given the presence of so many diverse hiring agencies, the fact that principals tend to remain in the one school for most of their career and that very little is known about those holding the power of appointment – School Supervisors and School Management Committees. Research into the principal RSA process and those who make the decisions is totally absent in Hong Kong and this is becoming increasingly problematic given the current dearth of good applicants for principal positions, the destructive perceptions held by many of the criteria and the process involved and the ever demanding reform environment. This research proposes to investigate from a number of important angles the efficacy, effectiveness and legitimacy of the principal RSA in Hong Kong and to develop a model of good practice for possible implementation in schools. For the first time, the study proposes to collect perceptions from those on both sides of the process in order to both inform theory and improve policy and practice through the identification of the most effective approaches to RSA. Using a four-phase, multi-method research design this study slots neatly into a longer term agenda which aims both to better understand and further develop educational leadership in Hong Kong schools.
Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

An Empirical / Longitudinal Investigation into the Worklives and Principalship Preparation of Assistant Principals in Hong Kong (A GRF Project)
Over the last two years, 60% of new secondary school principals in Hong Kong have come directly from the ranks of assistant principals. Despite this fact and policy concerns about the next generation of school leaders, empirical investigation and substantive theories into the worklives, motivations and learning of assistant principals remains woefully inadequate. This is particularly so in Hong Kong where research into assistant principals, and particularly those who aspire to the principalship, is virtually nonexistent. Given this void, this project proposes to investigate the worklives of assistant principals in secondary schools in Hong Kong, and particularly those who openly aspire to the principalship. The study therefore also targets the important area of what assistant principals consider is an appropriate preparation for the principalship and how they conceive the relationship been the assistant principalship and the principalship itself. The study will combine qualitative and quantitative methods to compare career assistant principals with assistant/aspiring principals and to track a group of the latter over a two-year period. Together, the survey and longitudinal data will represent a major theoretical and methodological contribution to the field of Educational Leadership in a central but neglected area, especially in Hong Kong. Findings will also lead to improved understanding of the nexus between system policy and leadership preparation and our understanding of the transition from assistant principal to principal. The study also has the potential to inform policy makers of the training and development needs, career aspirations, beliefs and motivations of assistant principals and future principals, and the transition between the two positions. In even more practical terms, such information can be utilised to improve the pool and quality of future principals and career assistant principals. In short, the study expects to contribute to theory, practice and policy implementation in the area of the assistant principalship and school leadership in general.
Project Start Year: 2003, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Development of a Cross-Cultural Framework and Accompanying Instrumentation for Comparative Analysis in Educational Administration (A GRF project)
This study constitutes the second phase of an-ongoing project to develop and apply a cross-cultural framework for the comparative study of school administration, organisation and curriculum. The project is underpinned by the aim to generate a valid and reliable model which recognises societal as well as organisational culture as an important and hitherto neglected element in understanding the configuration of schools and schooling in different societies. It is important to make valid comparison between schools in different societies for many reasons, including improved practices which may result, as well as the avoidance of failure with regard to the implementation of policies imported from overseas societies which make no allowance for cultural transposition. Thus far, scholars have largely focused on structural-functionalist perspectives rather than cultural approaches when attempting comparison between schools. The first phase of the project, now completed, was based on extensive literature review and the researchers’ own research. It identified key dimensions of school curricula, organisation and administration as well as dimensions of culture, with the result that a cross-cultural framework has now been developed. This second phase aims at developing qualitative and quantitative instruments to reflect each of the dimensions of the framework, field testing the model and instruments by collecting empirical data in a selection of schools in Hong Kong, Singapore and Perth, Australia, refining the model and instruments ready for wide scale application.
Project Start Year: 1998, Principal Investigator(s): WALKER, Allan David 汪雅量

Prizes and awards

The 2018 Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award
The 2018 Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award of The Journal of Educational Administration – Volume 55, number 2: “Leading Learning in Asia – emerging empirical insights from five societies” in rewarding the outstanding contributions to scholarly research.
Date of receipt: 14/4/2018, Conferred by: Emerald Publishing
The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance 2016/17 in Teaching

Date of receipt: 12/5/2017, Conferred by: The Education University of Hong Kong
The Edwin M. Bridges Award
The Edwin M. Bridges Award presents at annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) in recognition of his significant contributions to the preparation and development of school leaders. The UCEA is a consortium of major universities in the US and Canada that offer doctoral training in the field of educational administration. The Edwin M. Bridges Award is the most prestigious award in the field, presented annually for original and outstanding work in the area educational leadership. Key criteria include the design and implementation of innovative school leadership development programmes, high quality conceptual and empirical research that illuminates important issues, research-based tools that enhance leadership education and long term, high impact contributions to leader development.
Date of receipt: /11/2015, Conferred by: The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA)
Fellow of Australian Council for Educational Leadership (ACEL)

Date of receipt: /10/2011, Conferred by: Australian Council for Educational Leadership (ACEL)
Joseph Lau Endowed Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership

Date of receipt: /3/2011, Conferred by: HKIEd
William G. Walker Memorial Orator

Date of receipt: /9/2010, Conferred by: Annual Conference of the Australian College of Education and the Australian Council for Educational
Educational Administration Quarterly Outstanding Reviewer of the Year

Date of receipt: /1/2007, Conferred by: Educational Administration Quarterly
Educational Administration Quarterly Outstanding Reviewer of the Year

Date of receipt: /1/2006, Conferred by: Educational Administration Quarterly
Exemplary Teaching Award

Date of receipt: /1/2003, Conferred by: Faculty of Education (CUHK)
Exemplary Teaching Award

Date of receipt: /1/2002, Conferred by: Faculty of Education (CUHK)
Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award

Date of receipt: /1/2001, Conferred by: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Exemplary Teaching Award

Date of receipt: /1/2001, Conferred by: Faculty of Education (CUHK)
Exemplary Teaching Award

Date of receipt: /1/1999, Conferred by: Faculty of Education (CUHK)
Outstanding Achievement Award for Tertiary Based Administrators

Date of receipt: /1/1998, Conferred by: Australian College of Educational Administration (ACEA - NT)
William G. Walker Memorial Orator

Date of receipt: /7/1997, Conferred by: Annual Conference of the Australian College of Education and the Australian Council for Educational