Mr CHONG, Yiu Kwong    莊耀洸 先生
Senior Lecturer I
Department of Education Policy and Leadership
(852) 2948 7901
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests
Human rights, Human rights education, Rule of law, Rule of law education, Education law
Personal Profile

Mr. Chong joined the Institute in 2007. He was graduated at CUHK, major in Government and Public Administration. He studies law at HKU and was admitted as a solicitor since 2000. He obtained a master law degree specialized in human rights. During his legal practice, he dealt with various significant human rights cases, such as defamation: Albert Tse v Paul Tse, right of assembly: HKSAR v Leung Kwok Hung, and family violence: Tin Shui Wai tragedy 2004. Since 2002, Mr. Chong conducted many seminars and workshops on education laws. Since 2004 in CUHK, he taught courses for undergraduates such as “Perspectives on the Basic Law”, “Understanding Human Rights”, “Discrimination and Bias in contemporary society” and “Law and Social Work”. In the Institute, he teaches courses like “Education and Law” and “Rule of Law and HK Legal System”. He was a member of the Centre for Citizenship Education and the Gender Matters Group. He takes part in the Law-related education project and the Basic Law Education project. The latter aimed at providing secondary school teachers with professional support on the teaching of the Basic Law. He was also active in civil society for the advancement of human rights.
Research Interests

Human rights, Human rights education, Rule of law, Rule of law education, Education law
Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book (author)
莊耀洸 (2019). 大襟裝盡顯創校精神—瑪利諾神父教會學校. 陳美怡. 李子健. 張樹娣. 鄭保瑛., 校服歲月 : 圖說香港校服史 (23-26). 香港: 中華書局.
莊耀洸 (2019)。 教著法律枷鎖教國歌。羅潔玲、張銳輝(編), 《通識教育研討會2018文集》 (頁 18-19)。香港: 香港教育大學、香港教育專業人員協會、香港通識教育教師聯會。
莊耀洸 (2018)。 論中學教科書的基本法教育。關展祺、張銳輝, 通識教育研討會2017文集 (20-21)。香港: 香港教育大學、香港教育專業人員協會、香港通識教育教師聯會。
莊耀洸、徐嘉穎 (2017)。 捍衛人權法治的價值—機制與空間的日益敗壞。羅金義, 回歸20年—香港精神的變易 (229-262)。香港: 香港城市大學出版社。
莊耀洸 (2017)。 港人是否享有自決權?。鄭宇碩, 探討本土主義 (176-188)。香港: 香港城市大學當代中國研究計劃。
莊耀洸 (2016)。 教育局執行資助則例欠積極  釀漫長訴訟折騰校方和教師。香港教育專業人員協會權益及投訴部, 讀出我權益—教師權益手冊 (79-81)。香港: 香港教育專業人員協會。
莊耀洸 (2016). 法庭上的好戰長毛. 陳玉峰, 我反抗故我在—梁國雄司法抗爭二十年 (43-47). 香港: 上書局.
莊耀洸 (2016). 甚麼是符合國際標準的普選?. 馬嶽, 民主十問 (160-184). 香港: 香港城市大學出版社.
莊耀洸 (2016). 長毛最重要官司? 首宗未經批准遊行案例. 陳玉峰, 我反抗故我在—梁國雄司法抗爭二十年 (194-207). 香港: 上書局.
莊耀洸 (2016). 通識教科書(法治、人權)的謬誤. 賴得鐘、張銳輝, 通識教育研討會2015文集 (16-20). 香港: 香港教育學院、香港教育專業人員協會、香港通識教育教師聯會.
莊耀洸、譚棨禧 (2015). 中大與八九民運雜談. 陳嘉銘, 中大五十年(下冊) (153-155). 香港: 中大五十年編輯委員會.
莊耀洸、譚棨禧 (2015). 校園的流浪學人: 中大怪婆婆. 陳嘉銘, 中大五十年(下冊) (422-423). 香港: 中大五十年編輯委員會.
莊耀洸 (2015)。 普選的國際標準。葉蔭聰、陳景輝, 罷課不罷學—雨傘運動前夕的理論和思想大檢閱 (223-228)。香港: 進一步多媒體有限公司。
莊耀洸 (2015)。 通識教科書(法治、人權)的謬誤。賴得鐘、張銳輝、鄺皓凝, 通識教育研討會2014文集 (21-25)。香港: 香港教育學院、香港教育專業人員協會、香港通識教育教師聯會。
莊耀洸 (2014)。 從人權角度看少數族裔中文教育。王惠芬、葉皓羚, 無酵餅--「中文作為第二語言」的教與學初探 (138-147)。香港: 香港融樂會。
莊耀洸 (2014)。 中大與八九民運雜談。香港中文大學學生會, 一九八九年春夏之交 我們在北京⋯⋯ 中大學生八九民運見證 (306-312)。香港: 香港中文大學學生會。
莊耀洸 (2014)。 香港學界角色的進一步探討。香港中文大學學生會, 一九八九年春夏之交 我們在北京⋯⋯ 中大學生八九民運見證 (301-305)。香港: 香港中文大學學生會。
Chong Yiu Kwong (2014). Promote Adequate Housing Rights by International Standards. China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, Land Expropriation: Rights Defense and Law (4-14). Hong Kong: China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group.
莊耀洸 (2014)。 從國際人權標準看性傾向和性別認同歧視。黃美鳳, 同志及跨性別平權報告 (72-76)。香港: 香港基督徒學會、女同學社、同志公民。
莊耀洸 (2014)。 法官比律師更多的維權狀況。中國權律師關注組, 富中國特色的司法制度 (11-12)。香港: 中國權律師關注組。
莊耀洸、劉尹渭 (2014)。 從律師宣誓制度看中國司法。中國權律師關注組, 富中國特色的司法制度 (9-10)。香港: 中國權律師關注組。
莊耀洸 CHONG, Yiu Kwong (2013)。 國際標準的普選定義Definition of universal suffrage under international standards。戴耀廷 Tai Yiu Ting, 《法治@教育》_Rule of Law@Education (224-226)。Hong Kong: Subculture Newsroom。
莊耀洸 Chong Yiu Kwong, 徐嘉穎 Tsui Ka Wing (2013)。 台灣與香港教師人權態度之別—個人權利、限制公民權利及人權教育Difference of between Taiwan and Hong Kong teachers on human rights attitude regarding individual rights, civil rights constraint and human rights education。戴耀廷 Tai Yiu Ting, 《法治@教育》_Rule of Law@Education (138-144)。Hong Kong: Subculture Newsroom。
莊耀洸 Chong Yiu Kwong, 徐嘉穎 Tsui Ka Wing (2013)。 台灣與香港教師人權態度之別—私隱、平等及社會福利Difference of between Taiwan and Hong Kong teachers on human rights attitude regarding privacy, equality and social welfare。戴耀廷 Tai Yiu Ting, 《法治@教育》_Rule of Law@Education (145-151)。Hog Kong: Subculture Newsroom。
莊耀洸 Chong Yiu Kwong, 徐嘉穎 Tsui Ka Wing (2013)。 概論台灣與香港教師人權態度之別 Brief comment on difference of human rights attitude between Taiwan and Hong Kong teachers。戴耀廷 Tai Yiu Ting, 《法治@教育》_Rule of Law@Education (133-137)。Hong Kong: Subculture Newsroom。
莊耀洸、徐嘉穎 (2013)。 甚麼是符合國際標準的普選?。馬嶽, 民主十問 (129-146)。香港: 香港民主發展網絡。
莊耀洸 (2013)。 不透過指引繼續推國民教育 Continue promoting national education without the guideline。輯於溫健民、高俊偉編, 我們的公民教育—從德育及國民教育爭議出發 Our Ideal Civic Education—Controversies on Moral and National Education (頁58-62)。香港: 香港教育學院學生會編輯委員會、幹事會(第19屆)。
莊耀洸 Chong Yiu Kwong (2012)。 以國際標準促進適足住屋權 Advancing adequate housing rights by international standards。中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, 中國維權律師關注組專題文集—土地徵收: 維權與法律 CHRLCG Collection of articles on land resumption—defending rights and law (4-10)。Hong Kong: 中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group。
Chong Yiu Kwong and Debbie Tsui (2012). Hong Kong: An overview of Human Rights Situations under the New Era of Ruling. Forum Asia, Report on the Performance and Establishment of NHRI in Asia (67-86). Bangkok: Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum Asia).
Chong Yiu Kwong (2012). 以檢視清單評鑑各大學性騷擾政策 Assessing universities’ sexual harassment policies by a checklist. Chan Kit Wa, Anita, Choi Po King, 《教育的性別視角—課堂與教學實證研究》Gender Perspectives in Education: Empirical Research into Schooling Processes (149-177). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.
莊耀洸 (2012). 「從人權案例看警察執法和監警會工作」. 輯於洪清田主編, 《人文香港—香港發展經驗的全新總結》 (頁203-219). 香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司.
莊耀洸 (2012). 「通識教科書(人權、法治)的謬誤」. 輯於關展祺、尹艷明編, 《通識教育研討會2011文集》 (頁28-31). 香港: 香港教育學院、香港教育專業人員協會、香港通識教育教師聯會.
莊耀洸 (2011). 「慈善組織」. 輯於趙文宗、洪雪蓮、莊耀洸編, 《社會福利與法律應用:溝通與充權(增訂再版)》 (頁60-78). 香港: 紅投資有限公司.
莊耀洸 (2011). 「戶外活動」. 輯於趙文宗、洪雪蓮、莊耀洸編, 《社會福利與法律應用:溝通與充權(增訂再版)》 (頁217-232). 香港: 紅投資有限公司.
莊耀洸 (2011). 「教科書之謬誤(一): 政治發展及司法制度」. 輯於香港教育學院《基本法》教育計劃小組編, 《基本法》教育計劃教與學分享--人權教育和法治教育的教與學 (頁38-45). 香港: 香港: 香港教育學院.
莊耀洸 (2011). 「教科書之謬誤(三): 人權知識和態度」. 輯於香港教育學院《基本法》教育計劃小組編, 《基本法》教育計劃教與學分享--人權教育和法治教育的教與學 (頁54-59). 香港: 香港教育學院.
莊耀洸 (2011). 「教科書之謬誤(二): 普通法及《基本法》」. 輯於香港教育學院《基本法》教育計劃小組編, 《基本法》教育計劃教與學分享--人權教育和法治教育的教與學 (頁46-53). 香港: 香港: 香港教育學院.
莊耀洸 (2011). 「教科書之謬誤: 論教科書中的法治」. 輯於香港教育學院《基本法》教育計劃小組編, 《基本法》教育計劃教與學分享--人權教育和法治教育的教與學 (頁26-36). 香港: 香港教育學院.
莊耀洸、徐嘉穎 (2011). 「人權」. 輯於趙文宗、洪雪蓮、莊耀洸編, 《社會福利與法律應用:溝通與充權(增訂再版)》 (頁79-93). 香港: 紅投資有限公司.
Chong Yiu Kwong (2011). Implementation of International Human Rights Conventions – the Hong Kong Experience. In Jefferson R. Plantilla & Salbiah Ahmad (eds.), Law, Jurisprudence and Human Rights in Asia (pp39-55). Selangor (Malaysia): Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Centre (HURIGHTS OSAKA) and Strategic Information and Research Development Centre (SIRD).
莊耀洸 (2010). 國民教育下的基本法教育」、「驗毒計劃須符兒童權利」、「從專業操守看學校挺遊行」、「對種族歧視條例毋須過慮」. 輯於教育政策論壇文集(二)—繼續發聲。頁62-62, 114-115, 132-133, 156-157, 教育政策論壇文集(二)—繼續發聲 (*-*). 香港: *.
莊耀洸 (2010)。 「奮力求生,難逃一死:記天水圍滅門案死因研訊」。輯於吳惠貞編著, 《化悲憤為力量--天水圍家暴慘劇後五年》 (頁98-105)。香港: 群福婦女權益會。
Chong Yiu Kwong, Kwok Kai Chung and Law Yuk Kai (2010). Addressing Human rights education deficits in the changing political order in Hong Kong. *, The state of human rights education in Northeast Asian school systems: obstacles, challenges, opportunities (pp6-31). Osaka: Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Centre.
莊耀洸 (2010)。 「戶外活動」。輯於趙文宗、洪雪蓮和莊耀洸編, 《社會福利與法律應用:溝通與充權》 (頁238-253)。香港: 紅投資有限公司。
莊耀洸、徐嘉穎 (2010)。 「人權」。輯於趙文宗、洪雪蓮和莊耀洸編, 《社會福利與法律應用:溝通與充權》 (頁61-78)。香港: 紅投資有限公司。
莊耀洸 (2009)。 學校的法律責任與疏忽。輯於吳迅榮、黃炳文主編, 《廿一世紀的學校領導 : 持續與創新》 (頁229-249)。香港: 學術專業圖書中心。
Textbook (author)
莊耀洸 CHONG, Yiu Kwong (2013)。 政改方案與國際人權標準Political Reform Proposal and International Human Rights Standard。Hong Kong: Subculture Newsroom。
莊耀洸、蔡泳詩、區美寶、許佩琳 (2011). 《反歧視實務小冊子》. 香港: 新婦女協進會.
Edited book (editor)
爭取全民退休保障聯席 (2014)。 國際人權角度: 香港必須落實全民退休保障。香港: 工友權益聯社。
莊耀洸 (2011). 《基本法》教育計劃教與學分享--人權教育和法治教育的教與學. 香港: 香港教育學院.
趙文宗、洪雪蓮、莊耀洸編 (2011)。 《社會福利與法律應用:溝通與充權(增訂再版)》。香港: 紅投資有限公司。
莊耀洸、蔡泳詩、區美寶、許佩琳編著 (2011). 《反歧視實務小冊子》. 香港: 新婦女協進會.
趙文宗、洪雪蓮、莊耀洸編 (2010)。 《社會福利與法律應用:溝通與充權》。香港: 紅投資有限公司。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
莊耀洸Chong Yiu Kwong、徐嘉穎Debbie Tsui (2014)。 六四對《基本法》的影響 June Fourth Impact on Hong Kong Basic Law。 台灣人權學刊 Taiwan Human Rights Journal,2(4),101-106。
Leung, Y. W., Yuen, WW. & Chong, Y. K. (2011). School based human rights education: Case studies in Hong Kong secondary schools. Intercultural Education, 22(3), 145-162.
Publication in policy or professional journal
莊耀洸 (2023). 強制舉報虐兒的條例草案與諮詢文件的主要分別. 《社聯政策報》POLICY BULLETIN, 34, 11.
Chong Yiu Kwong (2017). Human Rights Development in the First 20 Years of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal (CCPS) Focus – Hong Kong Twenty Years after the Handover: Quo Vadis?, 3 (2), 575-616.
莊耀洸 Chong Yiu Kwong (2013)。 香港人權監察的工作及展望 Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor: Its job and Prospect。 台灣人權學刊 Taiwan Human Rights Journal,Vol. 2 No. 1,179-190。
莊耀洸、郭曉忠 Chong Yiu Kwong and Kwok Hiu Chung (2012)。 香港人權發展次現況及其隱憂 Situations and Worries on Hong Kong’s Human Rights Human Rights Development。 Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences: Special Issue: Human Rights Studies 思與言人文與社會科學期刊: 「人權研究」專號,Vol.50 No.4,45-121。
Publication in non-refereed journal
莊耀洸 (2022)。 九龍仔尋縱?。 海濱文圃,9,25-30。
莊耀洸 (2014)。 香港的少數族裔中文教育與人權。 教育部第66期人權教育電子報,66,1-20。

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
Chong Yiu Kwong (2019, December). Hong Kong’s watershed 2019: A point of No Return—human rights and historical perspectives. International Conference on the 40th Anniversary of Kaohsiung Incident and Comparative Studies of Democratization in East Asia, Taipei.
Chong, Y.K. (2015, June). Equal opportunities laws and inclusive education in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Joint Conference between the British Council and the HK Institute of Education in HK- Policy and Issues for Students with Special Education Needs, Hong Kong.
Chong Yiu Kwong (2011, December). Current situation and worries of Hong Kong human rights development. Paper presented in the International Seminar on Taiwan, Hong Kong and China human rights interflow Seminar, Taipei.
Chong Yiu Kwong (2010, December). Implementation of International Human Rights Conventions—HK experience. Paper presented at International Conference on Propagation and Implementation of the Idea of Human Rights, Taipei.
Other conference paper
蔡詠詩, 莊耀洸 (2011,4). 對抗性騷擾:從個案介入到制度轉變。2011年性/別政治與本土起義研討會,香港。

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Consulting or contract research report
戴綺蓮、許佩琳、區美寶、莊耀洸、陸潔玲 (2015)。 反性騷擾政策檢視清單——大專院校及中小學研究報告。Hong Kong: 新婦女協進會。

All Other Outputs
Review of books or of software
Chong Yiu Kwong (2019). Review of Journal paper. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies. Emerald.
/ (2018). Review of a manuscript. Esther Sui-Chu Ho, Education Journal 《教育學報》. 香港教育研究所 HKIER , The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Other outputs
/ (2018). Review of a manuscript. Hong Kong: Emerald Publishing Limited.


Empowering Local School Teachers' Capabilities in Responding to COVID-19-Related Legal Issues Through Experiential Learning
The project has impacted the target non-academic sector (i.e. local school teachers) with deepened understanding on general common law concepts and strengthened capabilities to cope with COVID-19 related legal issues through experiential learning. By delivering common law concepts in the form of interactive lecture, discussions and case studies with videos showcasing different simulated real-life scenarios which might possibly be encountered by the targets, the legal awareness of local school stakeholders on the relevant legal values and concepts (e.g. negligence) have been raised and highlighted. With enhanced degree of legal values and awareness especially on issues related to tort law, local teachers become more aware of the potential legal issues that may arise from COVID-19 both within and outside the school setting, and would also be better prepared to handle relevant matters more confidently in an appropriate manner.
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): Dr Richard Wai Sang WU (CHONG, Yiu Kwong 莊耀洸 as Team Member)

Catholic Social Ethics for Teachers (social issues)
The Catholice Socail Ethics Curriculum Project (Social Issues) 天社倫港情篇 2017-18 is a continuation of the previous project on national issues in 2015-17. Its emphasis , however, lies on incorporating Basic Law education into the teaching of Catholic Social Ethics in both primary and secondary schools. Again launched by the Centre for Catholic studies and collaborated with EdUHK academics, the project provided teacher training to a total of 80 schools and 200 teachers and its efficacy will be evaluated by the EdUHK team. The intended outcomes of this project is an open e-platform of teaching resources for local teachers and conference papers and research articles.

This project provides teacher training and conducts research on teaching Catholic Social Ethics in Hong Kong catholic primary and secondary schools. After teacher training on understanding different Hong Kong social issues, employing teaching and learning methods and strategies, and Catholic social ethics, the school teachers incoporate Catholic Social Ethics in school curriculum takes place in Religious Education, General Studies or related subjects. Post-teaching evaluation have also been conducted. There are 86 schools and 216 teachers participating this project.

Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LAM, Tak Shing, John 林德成 (CHONG, Yiu Kwong 莊耀洸 as Co-Investigator)

The Practice of Rule of Law (and Human Rights) Education in Hong Kong’s Secondary Schools
This study features individual interviews with liberal studies teachers, school principals, legal practitioners and NGO campaigners in Hong Kong with an aim to exploring the state of rule of law and human rights education in Hong Kong secondary schools.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LEE, Man Yee Karen 李敏儀 (CHONG, Yiu Kwong 莊耀洸 as Co-Investigator)

Study on Students’ Attitudes and Views on Sexual Harassment
This study is aimed at assessing students’ attitudes towards sexual harassment, Wonjokyuje, premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. It is intended that the survey will provide information and useful data for assessing students’ sexual attitudes and concept of sexual harassment in particular. The results will reflect timely referencing points in discerning a spectrum of sexual attitudes from students covering a growth period from childhood to adulthood.
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): LUK-FONG YUK YEE, PATTIE 陸方鈺儀 (CHONG, Yiu Kwong 莊耀洸 as Co-Investigator)

Exploring the Promotion of Gender Equity Education in Seoul-Joint project of Gender Matters Interest Group and SAO
A three-day study tour to Seoul, South Korea, as hosted and organized by the Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education so as to see how does the Korean Government apply gender policies in the country. The group has been led to visit institutes and organizations working for the gender equality and sex education in Korea. The group managed to participate in the opening ceremony of a conference about gender.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LUK-FONG YUK YEE, PATTIE 陸方鈺儀 (CHONG, Yiu Kwong 莊耀洸 as Co-Investigator)

Basic Law Education Project
The BLE is a two year school-based project, aiming at providing secondary teachers curriculum and pedagogical support in the teaching of the Basic Law and law-related concepts in the forthcoming New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies Curriculum.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (CHONG, Yiu Kwong 莊耀洸 as Co-Investigator)

Law-Related Education Project
A pilot action research of three secondary schools on curriculum development and teaching of Law Related Education infused in Liberal Studies or Integrated Humanities. Curriculum, teaching plans and pedagogies of teaching of rule of law and human rights were negotiated between the schools and the researchers. Staff development of relevant subject knowledge and pedagogies were provided. Interviews with teachers and students before and after the lessons and classroom observations were conducted to collect data to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Yan Wing 梁恩榮 (CHONG, Yiu Kwong 莊耀洸 as Co-Investigator)