Dr LO, Tin Yau Joe    羅天佑 博士
GE Programme Advisor
General Education Office
(852) 2948 7316
(852) 2948 6616
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests
Hong Kong Studies, China Studies, General Studies, Liberal Studies, Civic Education
External Appointments
  • Reviewer for The Pacific Review (2024)
  • Specialist of HKCAAVQ (2023-2026)
  • Reviewer for Curriculum Journal, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) (2019)
  • Reviewer for Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Taylor and Francis (2018)
  • Reviewer for book proposal submitted to Routledge (London) (2018)
  • Reviewer for Asian Education and Development Studies (2018)
  • External Reviewer for Asia-Pacific Journal of Education (2018)
  • Expert Reviewer for HKCAAVQ (in the area of General Education) (2017-2018)
  • Member, Public Exam Board, HKEAA (2011-2014)
  • Member of the Task Group on Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers, HKEAA (2011-2014)
  • Member of the Assessment Working Group of the Chief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence (2013-2014)
  • Member of the External Validation Panel (Yi Jin Programme), HKCAAVQ (2013)
  • Member of the Curriculum Development Council Committee for the Personal, Social and Humanities Key Learning Area (2008-2013)
  • Member of the History Subject Committee (HKEAA, 2009-2010, 2011-2013)
  • Member of the Editorial Review Board of Alberta Journal of Educational Research (2012-2014)
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of the International Cultural Research Network (ICRN), University of Alberta, Canada (2009-2013)
Personal Profile

Dr Joe Tin-yau Lo is currently a General Education Programme Advisor at the General Education Office and an Adjunct Associate Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at EdUHK. He is the former Director of General Education (2016-2021), former Head of the Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Technology (2007-2009), former Head of the Department of Social Sciences (2002-2005), and the former Head of the Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary and Liberal studies (2007-2015) at the HKIEd/EduHK. He has been engaging in consultancy services for numerous projects/programmes and publishing extensively in the areas of Social Science Education, Citizenship Education, Comparative Education, History Education, China Studies and Hong Kong Studies.

Research Interests

Hong Kong Studies, China Studies, General Studies, Liberal Studies, Civic Education
External Appointments

  • Reviewer for The Pacific Review (2024)
  • Specialist of HKCAAVQ (2023-2026)
  • Reviewer for Curriculum Journal, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) (2019)
  • Reviewer for Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Taylor and Francis (2018)
  • Reviewer for book proposal submitted to Routledge (London) (2018)
  • Reviewer for Asian Education and Development Studies (2018)
  • External Reviewer for Asia-Pacific Journal of Education (2018)
  • Expert Reviewer for HKCAAVQ (in the area of General Education) (2017-2018)
  • Member, Public Exam Board, HKEAA (2011-2014)
  • Member of the Task Group on Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers, HKEAA (2011-2014)
  • Member of the Assessment Working Group of the Chief Executive Award for Teaching Excellence (2013-2014)
  • Member of the External Validation Panel (Yi Jin Programme), HKCAAVQ (2013)
  • Member of the Curriculum Development Council Committee for the Personal, Social and Humanities Key Learning Area (2008-2013)
  • Member of the History Subject Committee (HKEAA, 2009-2010, 2011-2013)
  • Member of the Editorial Review Board of Alberta Journal of Educational Research (2012-2014)
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of the International Cultural Research Network (ICRN), University of Alberta, Canada (2009-2013)
Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
Pan, Suyan and Lo, Joe Tin-yau (2018). Higher Education and China’s Global Rise: A Neo-tributary Perspective. London: Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education Series.
梁操雅、羅天佑 (2017)。 《香港考評文化的承與變》。香港: 商務印書館。
方駿、羅天佑 (2009)。 《中國史探賾》。香港: 華夏文化藝術出版社。
Grossman, D. L., & Lo, J. T. Y. (2008). Social Education in Asia: Critical Issues and Multiple Perspectives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Chapter in an edited book (author)
Pan, Suyan and Lo, Tin-yau Joe (2023). Neo-statism and Comparative Research in Higher Education: Experience from Hong Kong. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2022 (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 46A), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-234. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-36792023000046A015.
Lo, Tin-yau Joe and Pan, Suyan (2022). Reflecting on Covid-19 and Internationalization of Higher Education: Implications and Complications. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021 (International Perspectives on Education and Society) (119-133). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
李子建、羅天佑 (2022) 歷史人物教學:生命及價值觀教育的視角。輯於李子建 (主編) 《生命教育:理論基礎、取向和設計》,頁323-336。台北:元照出版有限公司。
Lo, J.T.Y. & Pan, Suyan (2022). Reflecting on COVID-19 and Internationalization of Higher Education: Implications and Complications. In Wiseman, Alexander (Ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021, pp. 119-133. UK, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd.
Lo, T.-Y. J., & Pan, S.-Y. (2021). Rethinking the "Chinese Characteristics" in China's Internationalization of Higher Education as Soft Power. In A. W. Wiseman & P. M. Davidson (Eds.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2020 (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Volume 40) (pp.59-70). UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Lo, Tin-yau Joe and Pan, Su-yan (2018). Reflecting on the Research into China’s Soft Power in International Education with Comparative Perspective: The Case of Confucius Institutes. In Alexander W. Wiseman (ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2017 (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Volume 34) (pp. 49-57). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2016). Textbook and Identity: A Comparative Study of the Primary Social Education Curricula in Hong Kong and Singapore. In: J.H.Williams, & W.D.Bokhorst-Heng (Eds.), (Re)Constructing Memory: Textbooks, Identity, Nation, and the State (pp.263-294). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Joe Tin-yau LO, Eric King-man CHONG (2015). Global Citizenship Education in the Primary Social Education Curricula in Hong Kong and Shanghai: An Intra-cultural Comparative Study. In Merryfield, M., Augustine, T. & Harshman, J. (Eds.), Research in Social Education - Research in Global Citizenship Education (pp. 137-162). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Marsh, C., Morris, P., & Lo, J. T. Y. (2014). Centralization and De-centralization: An Historical Analysis of the School-based Curriculum Development Initiatives in Hong Kong. In: C. Marsh, & J. C. K. Lee (Eds.), Asia’s High Performing Education Systems: The Case of Hong Kong (pp.33-50). London: Routledge.
梁操雅、丁新豹、羅天佑、羅慧燕 (2011)。 源與流,承與變: 廣州教會學校的發展。輯於梁操雅、丁新豹、羅天佑、羅慧燕編, 《教育與承傳 (二) — 南來諸校的口述故事》 (頁 1-22)。香港: 香港教育圖書公司。
羅天佑、梁操雅 (2011)。 實地考察探究 — 歷史文化的學習。輯於羅天佑、梁操雅編, 《實地考察探究:理論與實踐》 (頁 7-32)。香港: 香港教育圖書公司。
Lo, J. T. Y. (2011). Learning in the museum: Perceptions, practices and problems. In: C. N. Leung, & J. T. Y. Lo (Eds.),《Education and heritage: Historico-cultural perspective》, (教育與承傳 — 歷史文化的視角(2011)) (pp.301-323). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing.
梁操雅、羅天佑 (2010)。 〈實地探究:從實踐中學習歷史與文化〉。輯於羅天佑主編, 《探究學習: 理念與模式》 (頁106-170)。香港: 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心。
羅天佑 (2010)。 〈「探究學習」 — 往何處去?〉。輯於羅天佑主編, 《探究學習: 校本發展與實踐》,第二冊 (頁 594-599)。香港: 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心。
布森祖、羅天佑 (2008)。 在通識教育推行價值學習:取向、策略、學習設計與限制。 輯於鄭美紅、羅天佑編《綜合學習:理論與實踐(中學篇》 (頁123-145)。新加坡: Marshall Cavendish Education。
布森祖、羅天佑 (2008)。 議題探究為本的通識教育:設計與實踐問題初探。 輯於鄭美紅、羅天佑編《綜合學習:理論與實踐(中學篇)》 (頁15-31)。新加坡: Marshall Cavendish Education。
羅天佑、梁操雅 (2008)。 實地探究:常識科本地歷史與文化的全方位學習。輯於布森祖、蘇詠梅編, 《綜合學習:理論與實踐(小學篇)》 (頁101-120)。新加坡: 名創教育 (Marshall Cavendish Education)。
羅天佑、鄭美紅 (2008)。 序:統整課程——迷思與省思。 輯於羅天佑、鄭美紅編《綜合學習:理論與實踐(中學篇)》 (頁1-12)。新加坡: 文達出版社。
羅天佑、鄭美紅 (2008)。 後記:啟示與未來發展方向。 輯於羅天佑、鄭美紅編《綜合學習:理論與實踐(中學篇)》 (頁249-258)。新加坡: 文達出版社。
Grossman, D. L., & Lo, J. T. Y. (2008). Epilogue. In: D. L. Grossman, & J. T. Y. Lo (Eds.), Social Education in Asia: Critical Issues and Multiple Perspectives (pp.207-214). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Grossman, D. L., & Lo, J. T. Y. (2008). Introduction. In: D. L. Grossman, & J. T. Y. Lo (Eds.), Social Education in Asia: Critical Issues and Multiple Perspectives (pp.1-13). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Po, S. C., & Lo, T. Y. J. (2008). Developing an integrated approach to social education: A case study of two junior secondary schools in Hong Kong. In D. L. Grossman, & J. T. Y. Lo (Eds.), Social Education in Asia: Critical Issues and Multiple Perspectives (pp.111-136). USA: Information Age Publishing.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2007). Whole-school approach to the implementation of civic education in Hong Kong secondary school - A case study. In: H. Maitles (Ed.), Exploring Cultural Perspectives in Education (pp.167-192). Edmonton, Alberta: International Cultural Research Network Press.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2007). The use of instructional resources in implementing interdisciplinary personal, social and humanities (PSHE) curriculum in the junior secondary schools in Hong Kong. In: B. S. Kwak, & C. C. Gim (Eds.), Internet and Textbook (pp.67-84). Seoul, Korea: The International Association on Textbooks and Educational Media and Kyoyook-Kwahak-Sa Publishing Company.
羅天佑 (2007)。 小組實地探究、回應與反思。輯於梁佩雲、張淑賢編, 《導向學習的評估:教育實務匯編》 (頁44-45)。香港: 香港大學出版社。
Lo, J. T. Y. (2006). Assessing field-based group inquiry: Feedback and reflection. In: D. Carless, G. Joughin, & N. F. Liu (Eds.), How Assessment Supports Learning: Learning-Oriented Assessment in Action (pp.29-31). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
羅天佑、方駿 (2006)。 雷沛鴻的成人教育思想與實踐(1921-1949)。輯於丁新鈞、周佳榮和黃嫣梨編, 《近代中國留學論文集》 (頁408-421)。香港: 香港歷史博物館。
姚繼斌、方駿、徐葉慧蓮、羅天佑 (2005)。 校園欺凌:一個值得全社會關注的問題。輯於姚繼斌、方駿、徐葉慧蓮、羅天佑編, 《從欺凌暴力到關懷互愛》 (頁1-6)。香港: 教育出版社有限公司。
Edited book (editor)
梁操雅、丁新豹、羅天佑、羅慧燕 (編) (2011)。 《教育與承傳(二) - 南來諸校的口述故事》。香港: 香港教育圖書公司。
羅天佑、梁操雅 (編) (2011)。 《實地考察探究:理論與實踐》。香港: 學術專業圖書中心。
梁操雅、羅天佑(編) (2011)。 《教育與承傳 — 歷史文化的視角》。香港: 香港教育圖書公司。
羅天佑 (主編) (2010)。 《探究學習: 校本發展與實踐》,全二冊。香港: 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心。
羅天佑 (主編) (2010)。 《探究學習: 理念與模式》。香港: 香港教育學院跨學科及通識教育研究中心。
鄭美紅、羅天佑(編) (2008)。 《綜合學習:理論與實踐(中學篇)》。新加坡: Marshall Cavendish Education。
姚繼斌、方駿、徐葉慧蓮、羅天佑(主編) (2005)。 《從欺凌暴力到關懷互愛》。香港: 教育出版社有限公司。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Hui, S.K.F., Lee, J.C.K., Lo, J.T.Y., & Au, M.Y.Y. (2023). Museum education activities in Hong Kong: Teachers' and students' perspectives. Journal of Education and Human Development, 12(1), 16-33.. https://doi.org/10.15640/jehd.v12n1a2
Lo, T. Y. J., & Pan, S.-Y. (2021). The internationalisation of China’s higher education: soft power with ‘Chinese characteristics’. Comparative Education; DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2020.1812235, 57(2), 227-246.
Lo, J. T. Y., Cheng, I. N. Y., & Wong, E. M. Y. (2017). Hong Kong’s curriculum reform: intentions, perceptions and practices. Asian Education and Development Studies, 6(1), 95-106.
Pan, Su-Yan & Lo, Tin Yau Joe (2017). Re-conceptualizing China’s Rise as a Global Power: A Neo-tributary Perspective. The Pacific Review, 30(1), 1-25.
Lo, J. T. Y., & Pan, S. Y. (2016). Confucius Institutes and China’s Soft Power: Practices and Paradoxes. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(4), 512-532.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2012). Curriculum Changes and Their Implications for the Development of Citizenship: A Comparative Study of the Primary Social Education Curricula in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Chinese Education and Society, 45(2), 77-97.
Lo, J. T. Y (2010). The Primary Social Education Curricula in Hong Kong and Singapore: A Comparative Study. Research in Comparative and International Education, 5(2), 145-157.
唐海萍、閻玉春、羅天佑 (2010)。 北京與香港的小學環境教育政策與實踐比較研究。 教育導刊 (Journal of Educational Development),8,頁47-50。
Lo, J.T.Y. & Po, S. C. (2010). The Development of Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies Curriculum in Hong Kong: Perspectives and Problems. International Journal of Educational Reform, 18(3), 224-249.
Lo, J.T.Y. & Po, S.C. (2009). Teaching about the World in the Global Classrooms: Practices and Problems. Curriculum and Teaching, 24(1), 45-56.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2008). Learning in the Museum: A Case Study. Pacific-Asian Education, 20(2), 17-28.
Lo, J. T. Y., & Merryfield, M. (2008). Teaching Chinese national identity to elementary students in Hong Kong. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 20(4), 22-25.
Merryfield, M., Kasai, M., Lo, T. Y. J., & Po, S. C. (2008). Worldmindedness: Taking off the blinders. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 2 (1), 6-20.
Po, S. C., Lo, T. Y. J., & Merryfield, M. (2007). Problems and practices in promoting global education in Hong Kong primary schools: A case study. Education and Society, 25 (1), 39-56.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2007). Nationalism and globalism in the junior secondary history curricula of Hong Kong and Shanghai. Compare - A Journal of Comparative Education, 37(1), 37-51.
Lo, J. T. Y., Merryfield, M., & Po, S. C. (2006). Teaching about the world: Two case studies. Research in Comparative and International Education, 1 (3), 286-300.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2005). Continuity and change in the meanings of citizenship - A case study of the primary education curriculum in Hong Kong, 1967-2002. Pacific-Asian Education, 17(1), 54-68.
Lo, J. T. Y., & McNaught C. (2005). Reviewer of book, Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macao: Comparative Perspectives on Continuity and Change. Hong Kong. Educational Research Journal, 20(1), 141-143.
羅天佑、方駿 (2005)。 金應熙及其香港史研究。 社會科學評論,2,頁117-124。

Conference Papers
Refereed conference paper
Lee,CKJ., Hui,KFS., Lo TYJ & Au YYM (2021, December). Museum education in Hong Kong: Teachers’ and students’ perspectives. Paper presented at the International Conference on Learning and Teaching, The Education University of Hong Kong.
Lo, J. T. Y., Ding, L., & Hung, S. H. (2015, February). Social science teachers’ perception and implementation of inquiry learning – A comparative study between two local senior secondary schools. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Ho, N.K., & Lo, J.T.Y. (2010, December). The Theory of ZPD: Its relevance, misuse and effective application in teaching small groups for the purpose of enquiry learning. Paper presented at The 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2009, June). Learning in the museum: Practices and problems. Paper presented at the Education and Heritage, Hong Kong.
Lo, T. Y. J., & Po, S. C. (2009, June). A case study of preparing global citizens through general studies in Hong Kong primary school: Intention and tensions. Paper presented at the Globalising Citizenship Education: Ambitions and Realities, Hong Kong.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2007, December). Social Education in Asia: Perspectives from national case studies. Paper presented at the Seminar on Social Education in Asia: Critical Issuse and Multiple Perspectives, Hong Kong.
Lo, T. Y. J., Merryfield, M., & Po, S. C. (2006, April). Chinese politics, globalization, and social education in the "world city" of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco.
Lo, T. Y. J., Po, S. C., & Merryfield, M. (2005, July). Global education: What is to be learnt? Promises and problems in fostering global citizens.. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Pacific Circle Consortium, Sydney.
Lo, T. Y. J., Po, S. C., & Merryfield, M. (2005, July). Teaching about the world: Two case studies. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Pacific Circle Consortium, Sydney.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Translation of other's work
卜正民(Timothy Brook) 著、方駿、王秀麗、羅天佑譯 (2016)。 《縱樂的困惑 — 明代的商業與文化》。廣西: 廣西師範大學出版社。
Consulting or contract research report
Lo, J. T. Y. (2009). Interim and Final Reports on the University-School Partnership Project Titled: “Preparing Students for the New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies: A School-Based Approach to Enhancing Enquiry Learning at Key Stage 3”. Hong Kong: Education Bureau..
Written teaching case study or extensive note
Lo, J. T. Y. (2006). Co-operative Learning, Experiential Learning and Field-based Learning (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2006). Independent Equiry Study (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
Lo, J. T. Y. (2006). 單元及課堂計劃. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.


Provision of Services for Conducting the New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies Curriculum Implementation Study
The Study aims to answer research questions on the preparation for, and the implementation and impact of the NSS Liberal Studies Curriculum, including Independent Enquiry Study (IES), in senior secondary education.
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): (LO, Tin Yau Joe 羅天佑 as Co-Principal Investigator)

Conference and Exhibition on “Education and Heritage”
This is conference intended for academics, teachers and professionals in the related areas to share experiences and bandy ideas on heritage and education in natural contexts. The conference will consist of one plenary session of invited speakers and parallel focused sessions on numerous sub-themes: heritage education, history of education, field-based learning, community studies. The conference will be substantiated by an exhibition of the archive material of HKIEd related to development of local education.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LO Tin Yau Joe

The Provision of the Resources Pack and Training Programmes on ‘Field Study on Historical Sites in Guangzhou’ for Senior Secondary Chinese History Teachers
The project aims to develop resources pack for field study of historical sites through a series of professional development programs with teachers. The data and information collected through the project will inform and improve the teachers’ practices in field-based learning on historical sites at senior secondary level.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LO, Tin Yau Joe 羅天佑

Promoting Teachers’ Professional Development in Liberal Studies: Field-based Teaching and Learning
This project aims to promote the image of the HKIEd as a teachers’ professional development for the new curriculum reform initiative related to life-wide, authentic, and experiential learning, develop teaching and learning repertoire in field-based learning in support of the inquiry mode of teaching in the NSS Liberal Studies, build up field-tested resource for the teacher education programmes and develop research agenda and nuture research literacy in area of field-based inquiry.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LO Tin Yau Joe

University-school Support Programme: Preparing Students for the NSS Liberal Studies: A School-based Approach to Enhancing Enquiry at Key Stage 3
This project aims to promote enquiry-based learning at Key Stage 3 through a flexible two-year school-based professional support scheme. In the scheme, teachers will be guided to make sense of enquiry-based learning through enquiring into their own classroom practices. Engaging in a continuous discourse with others about their practices and reflecting on the impact their practices on learning throughout the two-year period, participating teachers will be able to restructure “their store of mutual knowledge” and eventually their “practical consciousness”.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LO, Tin Yau Joe 羅天佑

Oral History and Heritage Conservation Projects on the Development of Education in Hong Kong
This project undertakes the oral history of Hong Kong education, aims to publish a series of monographs relating to education in Hong Kong and a proposed encyclopedia of Hong Kong education.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LO Tin Yau Joe

Learning in the Field: Impacts on and Implications for Teaching Preparation
This project investigates the development and implementation of a common approach adopted in the General Studies and Liberal Studies modules, namely field-based learning. Through action research into the instructional design and practices of field-based learning in six General Studies / Liberal Studies modules, this project aims to enchance colleagues’ understanding of the development and implementation of this approach of learning in the various teacher education programmes and explores how it can be further improved. The outcomes of this proposed project include an evaluation report of field-based learning for teacher preparation and field-tested instructional framework and resources for promoting this learning approach in the General Studies and Liberal Studies modules.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): PO Sum Cho (LO Tin Yau Joe as Co-Investigator)

Accountability versus Relevance: Tensions in Adopting an Issue-enquiry Approach to Integrated Studies in Hong Kong Secondary Schools
This project aims to investigate a critical issue in adopting an issue-enquiry approach to integrated studies in Hong Kong secondary schools, namely the tensions between accountability and relevance. Through a case study, this research seeks to explore how teachers perceive and address the tensions in promoting issue-enquiry learning in Liberal Studies, an integrated subject in the Hong Kong secondary curriculum, and its impacts on the teaching and learning of the subject curriculum. Major issues and problem arising from such tensions are further identified and examined critically. Based on the findings, this research study discusses the possible ways for resolving the tensions and the extent of and conditions for promoting an issue-enquiry approach to Liberal Studies in the new senior secondary curriculum.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): PO Sum Cho (LO Tin Yau Joe as Co-Investigator)

Provision of Professional Development Programme 2007/08: NSS Learning & Teaching Strategies for Liberal Studies Curriculum for the Area of Study 'Society and Culture'
The programme entitled “New Senior Secondary (NSS) Learning and Teaching Strategies for Liberal Studies Curriculum for the Area of Study ‘Society and Culture’ is an 18-hour course designed for secondary school teachers who teach the new Liberal Studies (LS) curriculum in the future. Courses were delivered in the form of interactive workshops with a maximum capacity of 30 teachers.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LO Tin Yau Joe

Research and Development Project in Using Rubrics as Instructional and Assessment Guides for the Non-written Mode of Independent Enquiry Study
The project aims to: 1)study the integration of assessment into learning and teaching strategies with use of rubrics as instructional and assessment guides; 2) document the school experiences on developing and using school-based rubrics as instructional and assessment guide; 3) illustrate the use of school-based instructional and assessment rubrics with classroom experiences and student works in the IES process; 4) make use of the fruits of this study to help NSS LS teachers prepare for effective learning, teaching, and assessment strategies of the subject; and 5) develop a rubric bank under the assessment framework of IES
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG May Hung May, SO Wing Mui Winnie (LO Tin Yau Joe as Co-Investigator)

Research and Development Project in Using Rubrics as Instructional and Assessment Guides for the Written Mode of Independent Enquiry Study in the CMI Context
The project aims to: 1)study the integration of assessment into learning and teaching strategies with use of rubrics as instructional and assessment guides; 2)document the school experiences on developing and using school-based rubrics as instructional and assessment guide; 3)illustrate the use of school-based instructional and assessment rubrics with classroom experiences and student works in the IES process; 4) make use of the fruits of this study to help NSS LS teachers prepare for effective learning, teaching, and assessment strategies of the subject; and 5) develop a rubric bank under the assessment framework of IES
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG May Hung May, LO Tin Yau Joe

Problem-based Learning in Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Technology
The proposed project aims to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the subject areas of MSST and to extend staff's repertoire of teaching strategies through trialing of the problem-based learning approach (PBL). The strengths of PBL in enhancing the quality of knowledge acquisition and development of higher order skills are well documented in some educational contexts like medical education. The project is structured in several coherent phases which progressively lead staff through the processes of professional development, planning, piloting, implementation, evaluation and generation of deliverables. The project will be evaluated through focus group interviews, staff and student surveys, and continuous assessment to examine student perceptions of PBL and the degree of improvement of students' ability to solve PBL cases. The outcomes of the project will be disseminated through publication of PBL materials and evaluation outcomes, and staff seminars or symposia.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LEE Yeung Chung (LO Tin Yau Joe as Co-Investigator)

EDB: Provision of Services for the NSS courses on Liberal Studies for In-service Secondary School Teachers Course (x) "Learning and Teaching Strategies for NSS Liberal Studies - Society and Culture"
The programme entitled Provision of Services for the NSS courses on Liberal Studies for In-service Secondary School Teachers Course (x) “Learning and Teaching Strategies for NSS Liberal Studies – Society and Culture” is an 18-hour course designed for secondary school teacher who teach the new Liberal Studies (LS) curriculum in the future. Courses were delivered in the form of interactive workshops with a maximum capacity of 30 teachers.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): LO Tin Yau Joe

Enhancing Teaching and Learning of the Liberal Studies Modules offered by the Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Technology through Blackboard System
The project aims at enabling the core modules for Liberal Studies offered by MSST Department to employ on-line technology as part of the module teaching and learning activities. Blackboard is the target platform to start with. It is hoped that the try-out of the core modules will be able to arouse the attention of all academic staff in the Department and subsequently be expanded to the remaining modules offered by the Department. With the financial and manpower support from the project, it is also expected to provide enhancement to the existing departmental web pages to include the addition of forum for some modules in the Department's web page. The on-line communication and web-data could also enrich the pedagogical repertoire of the lecturers and student teachers.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): LO Tin Yau, Joe

Integrating the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Curriculum at the Junior Secondary Level: Possibilities and Problems
This study explores how teachers attempt to integrate the personal, Social and Humanities Education (PSHE) curriculum at the junior secondary level and the impacts on teaching and learning in two schools. Through case studies of two secondary schools with completely different background, mission, management structure, method of funding, socio-economic background of their student population and medium of instruction, this study seeks to describe, illuminate and explain the different approaches adopted by teachers in integrating students' learning in the PSHE curriculum. This study further discusses the impacts on teaching and learning based on the "thick descriptions" of teachers' endeavors generated from the case studies. The possibilities and problems of an integrated approach to PSHE are identified and critically examined with reference to the conceptual frame adopted by Alexander (2000) in investigating teachers' teaching. There are four interconnected themes within this frame, namely presage, context, process and product. The outcomes of this study will enhance colleagues' research literacy on integrated learning and enrich their pedagogical repertoire for teacher development in Liberal Studies, PSHE and General Education.
Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): PO Sum Cho (LO Tin Yau, Joe as Co-Investigator)