Dr LAU, Wing Chi Margaret    劉永慈 博士
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Early Childhood Education
(852) 2948 7549
(852) 2948 7160
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Early Childhood music,  Child Development and Early Education

External Appointments

Dr. Lau Wing Chi Margaret is at present invited as a consultant by the Centre of Early Childhood of Research Development with the collaboration of Education Department of Bureau (EDB) to provide professional consultancy of School-based Quality Improvement Scheme to various educational organizations and local kindergartens since 2007 to promote teachers' professional development on music teaching pedagogy. Dr. Lau is invited as the consultant of Creative Children Choir since 2001. She is currently invited as the music conductor of the North Point Methodoist Children's Choir since 1985. Dr Lau was invited as the External Course Assessor of the course Early Childhood Education: Music and Movement by the Open University of Hong Kong from Oct 2010 to Sept 2011.

Personal Profile

Lau Wing Chi, Margaret joined in the Institute in 1995. She holds a doctorate from Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. Her research areas are mainly on early childhood music and child development. Dr. Lau has published about ten journal articles regionally and internationally. She is at present invited as a consultant to provide consultancy services in the area of early childhood music to national projects in various pre-primary educational organizations since Sept 2007.

Research Interests

Early Childhood music,  Child Development and Early Education

External Appointments

Dr. Lau Wing Chi Margaret is at present invited as a consultant by the Centre of Early Childhood of Research Development with the collaboration of Education Department of Bureau (EDB) to provide professional consultancy of School-based Quality Improvement Scheme to various educational organizations and local kindergartens since 2007 to promote teachers' professional development on music teaching pedagogy. Dr. Lau is invited as the consultant of Creative Children Choir since 2001. She is currently invited as the music conductor of the North Point Methodoist Children's Choir since 1985. Dr Lau was invited as the External Course Assessor of the course Early Childhood Education: Music and Movement by the Open University of Hong Kong from Oct 2010 to Sept 2011.

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph (author)
劉永慈 (2018)。 〈運用「交互教學策略」培養幼兒早期閱讀的興趣〉。香港: 論文發表於教育及人類發展學院,幼兒教育學系。
Chapter in an edited book (author)
劉永慈、黃樹誠 (2016)。 讓生命教育融入音樂與肢體教學活動中。香港教育大學, 輯於《中國陶行知研究會生命教育專業委員會: 第四屆生命教育學術年會暨第三屆教師培訓活動論文集》 (頁165-172)。香港: 香港教育大學。
劉永慈 (2016)。 〈將歡樂的音樂律動遊戲帶進課室裏: 培育幼兒的社交技能〉。輯於張業茂、劉暢主編, 《國際化與信息化: 學校音樂教育的應對》 (頁 62-72)。中國武漢: 華中師範大學出版社。
劉永慈 (2015)。 〈香港學前音樂課程改革的需要與應對策略〉。音樂教育學院主編, 《國培計劃:第十期學校音樂教育新體系骨幹教師培訓暨中外學校音樂改革研討會第徵文選》 (頁 307-319)。中國北京: 中央音樂學院音樂教育學院。
劉永慈 (2015)。 <香港幼兒音樂課程面對的挑戰與對策>。輯於謝苑玫編, 載於第四屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇論文集<變動時代學校音樂教育的挑戰與對策> (頁157-170)。台南: 國立台南大學音樂學系。
劉永慈、黃樹誠 (2014)。 新穎的音樂-肢體課程對在職幼師於信念、態度、技能和知識上的改變。輯於代百生主編, 《媒體時代的學校音樂教育》 (頁103-113)。廣州,中國: 暨南大學出版社。
劉永慈 (2012)。 〈建立和破壞關係:兒童的關係建立及友誼維繫〉。輯於黃敏編, 《比比和朋友之旅-- 香港》 (頁63-72)。香港: 香港教育學院。
劉永慈 (2011)。 〈具效能的校本兒童音樂綜合課程〉。輯於黃艾珍、容燕文、陳譚美顏主編, 載於《幼教校本課程發展的實踐》 (頁42-54)。香港: 香港教育學院。
劉永慈 (2010)。 香港教育學院「卓越教學獎」之教學分享: 具素質及效能的教學。劉慧中、戴燕儀主編, 《幼兒教育面面觀: 研究與實務結集本 (二)》 (頁106-117)。香港: 香港教育學院。

Journal Publications
Publication in refereed journal
Wong, Y. H. P. & Lau, W. C. M. (2018). Perceived attributes of music teaching effectiveness among kindergarten teachers: Role of personality.. Australian Journal of Teacher Education., 43(9), 28-38.
Lau, W. C. M. & Grieshaber, S. (2018). School-based integrated curriculum: An integrated music approach in one Hong Kong kindergarten.. British Journal of Music Education.doi:10.1017/S0265051717000250., 36, 1-20.
Lau, W. C. M. & Chan, M. C. (2017). Enhancing young children’s competence on reading comprehension through the Reciprocal Teaching Approach to Storytelling.. Tsing Hua Journal of Educational Research., 34, 1-44.
Lau, W. C. M. (2013). Using graphic organizer to deliver early integrated arts curriculum: Theory and practice.. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 12(2), 87-97.
Lau, W.C. M., & Hui P. L. (2013). Cultivating children’s creativity through interesting music activities.. Journal of Education National Changhua University of Education, 23, 1-34.
Lau, W. C. M. (2012). Cultivating Children's Musical Intelligence in Music Teaching. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 11(1 & 2), 57-67.
劉永慈、黃樹誠和黃有豪 (2012)。 教師「暢態」感受:音樂-肢體課程對教師健康及教學之啟示。 《香港幼兒學報》,第11卷第一和二期,頁68-72。
Lau, W. C. M. & So, Y. H. (2011). Promoting Children's Creativity through Musical Movement. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10(1), 31-47.
Lau, W. C. M. & Grieshaber, S. (2010). Musical free play: A case for invented musical notation in a Hong Kong kindergarten. British Journal of Music Education, 27(2), 127-140.
Lau, W. C. M (2010). Make a difference: School-based integrated music curriculum. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9(1), pp. 58-70.
Lau, W. C., M. & Tam, W. K. (2009)。 Enhancing young children's creativity through the 'open ended' art and craft creatviity。 New Horizons in Education (in Chinese),57(2),99-108。
劉永慈、蔣婉儀 (2008)。 通過互動式的音樂課程提升幼兒的創意。 《教育曙光》第56卷第2期,頁62-74。
Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Using singing games in music lessons to enhance young children's social skills. Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, 6 (2), 1-30.
黃樹誠、劉永慈 (2008)。 幼兒教育課程新改革:創意幼兒韻律教育課程。 《教育曙光》,第56卷第一期,頁95-106。
Lau, W. C. M. (2007). Adaptation of learning in the transition from kindergarten to primary school. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 6 (2), 32-39.
劉永慈 (2006)。 親子合唱活動的價值。 《成長園地:親子共成長‧攜手創未來》第3期
劉永慈、譚麗芬 (2005)。 淺談幼稚園顧問教師之實踐。 《香港幼兒學報》第4期第2卷,頁41-45。
Publication in policy or professional journal
劉永慈 (2008)。 藝術教育——配合幼兒發展的音樂綜合活動。 《香港幼兒學報》第7卷第2期,頁60-76。
Publication in non-refereed journal
劉永慈 (2023)。 <音樂與幼兒社交技能的培養>。 載於《幼苗坊》基督教香港崇真會社會服務部,香港,第57期,頁1-3。

Conference Papers
Invited conference paper
劉永慈 (2023,8). 讓幼兒在音樂韻律中享受唱遊的樂趣。《第126次研討會香港基督教幼稚園教師會五十五周年記念特刊 》,頁17,香港。
LAU, W. C. M. (2017, May). Using musical games to nurture young children’s social competence (Invited conference speaker).. Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) –Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children. Department of Early Childhood Education., Hong Kong.
劉永慈 (2015,9). 香港學前音樂課程改革的需要與應對策略。邀請論文發表於國培計劃--第十期學校音樂教育新體系骨幹教師培訓暨中外學校音樂教育改革研討會,北京。
劉永慈 (2015,4). <將歡樂的音樂律動遊戲帶進課室裏: 培育幼兒的社交能力>。文章發表於《第五屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇:國際化與訊息化:學校音樂教育的應對》,頁 29-39,華中師範大學音樂學院,武漢。
劉永慈 (2014,11). 〈韻律教育在幼兒音樂教學活動中的實踐〉。主講論文發表於「2014國際學前教育研討會」會議,香港。
Lau, W. C. M. (2013, September). Enhancing Children’s Language Learning Through the Practice of Musical Intelligence.. The 13th Annual International Languages – Elementary / African Heritage Symposium, Toronto Ontario, Canada, Toronto.
劉永慈 (2012,3). 香港幼兒音樂課程的現況與挑戰。主講論文發表於「21世紀兒童教養: 國際幼兒教育會議」論文集, 頁47-57. 台北,台灣。
Lau, W. C M. (2011, September). Keynote speaker, Becoming effective teachers: Enhancing children's learning through the integration of music, Arts, and Language. Keynote speech presented at Toronto District School Board (TDSB) International Languages- Continuing Education Department International Languages Symposium, Canada, Toronto.
劉永慈 (2010,11). 《提升音樂智能的實踐與技巧。論文發表於國際學前教育研討會, 頁24-31. 陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心主辦, 澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局協辦. 香港.,香港。
Lau W. C. M. (2010,7). Nurturing Children's Musical Lives by Building Bridges--Sharing of Chinese songs.。Programme of 14th International ISME Early Children Music Education Commission Seminar.,Beijing。
劉永慈、黃樹誠和韓永華 (2006,11). 透過音樂──肢體活動提升兒童的創意。論文發表於「亞太教育研究學會國際研討會:全球化中的教育研究、政策與實踐」,香港。
劉永慈 (2006,4). 透過音樂律動遊戲提升幼兒的社交技能。論文發表於「華人社會的教育發展學術研討會」,澳門。
Refereed conference paper
Lee, K. Y. B., & Lau, W. C. M. (2019, July). Enhancing Young Children’s Social-Emotional Development through Visual-mediated Music Movement―A Preliminary Study.. International Society of Music Education (ISME) 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research: Music Education in the Dawn of a New Era., Macau.
劉永慈 (2019,7). 〈以交互教學法說故事來培養幼兒的閱讀理解能力: 以香港一所幼稚園為例〉。論文發表於《第五屆國際漢語教學研討會》,香港。
Lau, W. C. M., Sun, J., Mou, W. P. P., Wong, Y. H. P., & Lee, K. Y. B. (2018, December). Using music visualization to promote young children’s social and emotion development in Hong Kong kindergarten.. 12th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education- 2018 Singapore., Singapore.
劉永慈 (2018,11). 〈如何在幼稚園的音樂遊戲中培養幼兒語言能力〉。論文載於《第三屆語文教育國際研討會文集》。香港教育大學中國語言學系、香港學校音樂及朗誦協會。,香港。
劉永慈、李國揚 (2018,5). 〈運用多媒體音樂律動遊戲促進幼兒社交情緒發展的初步研究〉。論文載於《第九屆兩岸四地啟智服務研討會文集》,台北: 中華民國智障者家長總會。
劉永慈、黃樹誠 (2016,12). 讓生命教育融入音樂與肢體教學活動中。論文發表於「中國陶行知研究會生命教育專業委員會: 第四屆生命教育學術年會暨第三屆教師培訓活動大會」,香港。
Lau, W. C. M. (2016, October). Musical performance at Cultural Night. A music performance Presented and conducted at the 13th Asian Christian Conference on Early Childhood Education: Past, Present and Future of Christian Early Childhood Care and Education—Commemorating 50 years of Asian Christian Conference., Japan, Toyko.
Lau, W. C. M. (2016, July). Music practices of Hong Kong preschools.. Paper presented at 68th OMEP World Assembly & International Conference: Transforming Early Childhood Systems for Future Generations., Korea, Seoul.
劉永慈 (2016,5). 辨識學前幼兒社交能力的發展及教師輔導的策略。論文發表於香港教育學院幼兒教育系2016年度幼教研討會--促進幼兒全人發展:家庭、學校與社會的角色,香港。
Lau, W. C. M. (2015, April). Cultivating Children’s Musical Intelligence in Music Teaching. Department of ECE Departmental Conference 2014 /2015. Hong Kong Institute of Education., Hong Kong.
劉永慈、麥蘊聰 (2014,11). 〈透過故事活動提升幼兒的口語表達能力〉。論文發表於「亞太教育研究會及香港教育研究會2014國際會議」,香港。
劉永慈 (2014,4). 〈香港幼兒音樂課程面對的挑戰與對策〉。論文發表於《第四屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇:變動時代學校音樂教育的挑戰與對策論文集》,國立台南大學,台南。
Lau, W. C. M. & Wong , S. S. P. (2013, May). A new Music-Movement curriculum model: The transformation of the In-service kindergarten teachers’ belief, attitude, skill, and knowledge in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the School Music Education in the Era of Multimedia: The 3rd Music Education Forum of Greater China in Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau.
劉永慈、黃樹誠 (2013,5). 新穎的音樂-肢體課程對在職幼師的改變。論文發表於「第三屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇」,澳門。
劉永慈、陳詠茵 (2013,3). 運用小組故事活動提升幼兒的口語表達能力。論文發表於香港亞洲研究學會第八屆研討會:亞洲的變革、發展及文化: 從多角度出發,香港。
Lau, W. C. M. (2012, October). Implementation A Creative School-Based Integrated Music Program At Kindergarten Level in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Education Research (ICER). Cultivating Humanity and Transforming the Knowledge Society: For a Vision of future Education, Seoul, Korea, Korea.
劉永慈、陳明珠 (2011,12). 透過說故事的「交互教學策略」提升幼兒閱讀理解的能力。主講論文發表於處理學生學習差異國際會議: 政策、實踐與研究, 香港教育學院,香港。
Lau, W. C. M. (2011, January). A study of promoting quality of life of young children with musical games and movement.. Paper presented at ICHPER.SD Asia Congress-Physical Activity for Health and Quality of Life., Taiwan.
黃樹誠、劉永慈 (2010,7). 透過音樂肢體活動提升兒童的抗逆力。主講論文發表於「第十屆兒童靈性國際會議」,香港。
劉永慈、許佩玲 (2009,11). 透過音樂節奏活動、肢體動作提升兒童的創作力。論文發表於小學教育國際研討會〈 為下一代缔造未來: 廿一世紀小學教育新視野〉,香港。
劉永慈、譚惠群 (2009,11). 透過「開放式」美勞活動提升兒童創造力。論文發表於小學教育國際研討會〈 為下一代缔造未來: 廿一世紀小學教育新視野〉,香港。
Lau, W. C. M. (2009, July). Songs and games are just the beginning: The value of songs and games in building a sense fo self-esteem, and communication skills. Paper presented at the Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association, Adelaide, Australia.
Lau, W.C.M (2008). 《藝術教育——配合幼兒發展的音樂綜合活動》. 《香港幼兒學報》第7卷第2期,頁60-76。, Hong Kong.
Lau, W. C. M. (2008, November). Beliefs and values of a kindergarten teacher in enhancing young children's musical creativity. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Educational Association Conference 2008, Hong Kong.
Wong, S. S. P., & Lau, W. C. M. (2008, November). The change of teachers' belief, attitude, skills and knowledge through a new preschool music-movement curriculum in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Conference 2008, Singapore.
Lau, W. C. M. (2008, May). Understanding the ways of promoting children's musical creativity: A study of kindergarten teachers'views. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education 2008, Athens, Greece.
Lau, W. C. M. (2008, January). Using singing games and creative movement to enhance young children's social competence. Paper presented at the 17th World Conference of International Play Association 2008, Hong Kong.
Lau, W. C. M., & Wong, S. S. P. (2008, January). Towards a new creative world through music and movement in kindergarten. Paper presented at the 17th World Conference of International Play Association 2008, Hong Kong.
Lau, M. W. C. (2006, November). Make a difference to develop young children's social skills with joyful singing and musical games. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong.
Wong, S. S. P., Lau, W. C., & Hong, W. W. (2006, November). Promoting young children's creativity through music and movement. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong.
Lau, M. W. C. (2006, October). Let young children's music creativity unleashed: An experience in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial International Conference of Korean Society for Early Childhood Education in Collaboration with World OMEP Transcending Modernity in Early Education and Care
劉永慈 (2006,6). 遊戲化的音樂活動。論文發表於「第五屆國際學前教育研討會論文集」,香港。

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Authored play, poem, novel, story
劉永慈 (2017)。 〈舊曲新詞兒歌唱作大賽兒童繪畫比x 仁禮孝作品集〉,載於《仁禮孝兒歌童畫集》。 香港教育大學,香港教育博物館。香港: 香港教育大學,香港教育博物館。。

All Other Outputs
Other outputs
Lau, W. C. M. (2024). Invited Guest Speaker of a series of music workshops, seminars, and class observation: "Approaches of Conducting Integrated Music Activities for Young Children" for Grace Methodist Church Kindergarten.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2024). Invited Guest Speaker of a series of music seminars, workshops and class observation: "Skill of conducting and designing Music Activities for preschoolers" for Asbury Methodist Kindergarten & Nursery. Hong Kong. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2023)。 Invited Guest Speaker of a series of music workshop, seminar, and class observation "Skills for Conducting Creative Music Activities for Young Children" for CCCHK Chi To Church Kei Pok Kindergarten (Tseung Kwan O)。Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2022). Guest Speaker of a music seminar and workshop: "Conducting music activities for preschooler" for Mink Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten. Hong Kong.
劉永慈 (2022)。 快樂起步--幼稚園駐校社工服務彙集〈序一〉,載於《社‧情‧信》,頁4,基督教協基會社會服務部。
Lau, W. C. M. (2022). Guest Speaker of a music seminar and workshop: "Strategies for conducting rhythmic games, and the principles of designing music activities for young children" for Mink Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2021). Guest Speaker of a music seminar and workshop: "Enhancing young children's creativity and social competence through music and movement" for Po Leung Kuk Lee Shu Fook Kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2021). Guest speaker for staff development music seminar and workshop: "Conducting Creative Music Activity for Young Children" for Learning Habitat Kindergarten & Bilingual Nursery. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M (2021). Invited Guest Speaker for staff development music workshop and seminar: "Implementation of integrated Music and Movement activities for young children", for C. & M. A. Fairview Park Kindergarten & Nursery School.. Hong Kong
劉永慈 (2021)。 香港教育專業人員協會「第十一屆全港寶貝SING聲星歌唱比賽」比賽評判。香港
Lau, W. C. M. (2021). Invited guest speaker for teacher’s professional development music workshop and seminar: “Let children enjoy the fun of singing and playing in the rhythm of music” for the Hong Kong Christian Kindergarten Teachers’ Association (25 kindergartens, 344 teachers). Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2020). Guest speaker for the Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service Division entitled "An extensive understanding the development of early childhood education and the intelligence of collaborations between preschools Social Workers" under the 'Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions'. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2020). Guest Speaker of Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon (Pre-School Education) Staff development day--The strategies for implementing music activity in preschools.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2020). Guest Speaker of Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adventists, teacher professional development music seminar – Integrated music curriculum for kindergarten.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2020). Guest Speaker of Tsung Tsin Mission Pak Tin Graceful Kindergarten –Professional training on music teaching for young children.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Invited speaker of staff development music seminar and workshop for Greenfield English International Kindergarten & Nursery (Lohas Park) --Young kids' Music World.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Invited speaker of music seminar for Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adventists- Conducting class observation on music lessons.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Guest speaker for the Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service Division entitled "Collaborations between preschools Social Workers" under the 'Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions'.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Guest speaker of staff development music seminar and workshop for Tsung Tsin Mission Graceful Kindergarten- Bringing interesting music games into classrooms for young children.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Invited Speaker of music seminar and workshop for Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adventists- Enhancing teaching skills on rhythm learning and music appreciation in kindergarten.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Guest Speaker of music seminar and workshop for Gracefield Christian Kindergarten- Guiding skills of music activities for young children.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Guest speaker of Po Leung Kuk Yick Chak Fung Kindergarten, music seminar and workshop - Enhancing teachers' creativity through music and movement.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2019). Guest speaker of seminar and workshop for staff of Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adventists - Skills of guiding music activity for young children. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2018). Guest speaker of teacher professional development music seminar and workshop for Catholic Religious School Council: Nurturing young children’s creativity through Music and Movement. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2018). Guest Speaker of music seminar and workshop for Yan Chai Hospital Kwok Chi Leung Kindergarten/ Child Care Centre - Music and Movement with creativity for young children.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2018). Guest speaker of teacher professional development music seminar and workshop for Fanling Baptist Church Lui Ming Choi Kindergarten: Skills of leading music activity and activity planning for young children in kindergarten.. Hong Kong
劉永慈 (2018). 《音樂律動遊戲培育社交技能》,. 香港: 信報新聞 C 04, 優質教育, 教研陣地.
劉永慈 (2018)。 香港教育專業人員協會「第八屆全港寶貝SING聲星歌唱比賽」 大會評判。香港
Lau, W. C. M. (2018). Parents should encourage, not pressure preschoolers into hobbies. South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/print/news/hong-kong/education/article/2136850/parents-should-encourage-not-pressure-preschoolers-hobbies. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2017). Guest speaker of music training seminar and workshop for Lutheran Church Social Welfare Organization (10 nurseries) : Music and Movement with Creativity for kids.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2017). Guest speaker of St Barnana’s Kindergarten, music seminar and workshop - Skills of leading music activity for young children in kindergarten.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2017). Guest speaker of Chan Mung Yan Lutheran Kindergarten. Two music seminars and workshops - Creative Music Choir for young children.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2017). Invited speaker. Conducting rhythmic activities, music appreciation and creativity in preschool classrooms--A staff development music seminar and workshop. Hong Kong: Rhenish Mission School (Kindergarten).
Lau, W. C. M. (2017). Invited speaker. Music seminar and workshop: Integration of art education-Music and movement for 220 principals and teachers of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Tung Wah Group Hospitals (TWGHs) Kindergarten.
Lau, W. C. M. (2016). Invited speaker. Staff Development Training for Rhenish Mission School (Kindergarten)."The music teaching skills and knowledge for implementing the Music-Movement elements in preprimary settings. November, 2016.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2016). Invited speaker. "The transition from kindergarten to primary school" - A seminar for 400 parents of EDUHK Jockey Club Primary School.. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School.
Lau, W. C. M. (2016). Invited speaker of music seminars and worksjhops for principal, headteachers, & teachers: Creative music teaching.. Hong Kong: The Methodist Church, Hong Kong (12 kindergartens & nurseries).
LAU, W. C. M. (2016). Invited speaker for teacher professional development of music seminars and workshops: Guiding skills of Music and movement activities in kindergartens.. Hong Kong: Creative Kindergarten (Rutland Avenue).
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Invited guest speaker of teacher professional development seminar: Observation and Assessment of young children.. Hong Kong: Welborn Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten..
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Invited speaker of music seminars and workshops for principal, headteacher & teachers: Creative music-movement activities.. Hong Kong: Chan Mung Yan Lutheran Kindergarten.
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Invited guest speaker of a staff development programme for principals, headteachers & teachers: Guiding Singing games and activities in kindergartens and nurseries.. Hong Kong: Creative Kindergarten & Day Nursery.
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Invited speaker for teacher professional development of music seminars and workshops:Integrated music activities.. Hong Kong: Creative Kindergarten & Day Nursery (Tuen Mun).
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Reviewer of Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Guest speaker of a professional talk for conductors and pianists: Music and children's emotion and social behaviour. Hong Kong: North Point Methodist Church Children Choir.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Guest speaker on Teacher professional development and Music workshop: Teachers' Professional Roles and the Approaches on Music Teaching.. Hong Kong: The Tsun Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service Company Limited.
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Guest speaker of music seminar and workshop for principal, headteacher,and teachers: The skills of guiding music activities for young children in Nursery--Further Study.. Hong Kong: Christian & Missionary Alliance Lei Tung Nursery School.
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Honorable Education Consultant of Hong Kong, Kowloon & New Territories Education Advancement Association.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2015). Lau, W. C. M. (1983-present). Music advisor & conductor, North Point Methodist Church Children Choir,Hong Kong.. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2014). Guest speaker and advisor of music workshop for teachers: Conducting observations and supervision on guiding music activities in nursery classrooms.. Hong Kong: The Chinese Rhenish Church SYNOD Lok Fu Mursery.
Lau, W. C. M. (2014). Guest speaker of a music seminar and workshop for principal,headteacher and teachers: Creative music teaching in early childhood classroom.. Hong Kong: North Point Methodoist Church Kindergarten & Nursery.
Lau, W. C. M. (2014). Invited guest speaker of msuci seminar and workshop for principals, headtecher & teachers:Integrated music activities conducting in Nursery.. Hong Kong: The Chinese Rhenish Church SYNOD Lok Fu Rhenish Nursery.
Lau, W.C.M. (2014). Invited speaker of music professinal training music workshop and seminar for 250 preprimary principals, headeachers & teachers of Creative Kindergarten & Nursery: The Skills of Guiding Music Activities in Kindergartens. Hong Kong: Creative Kindergarten & Nursery.
Lau, W. C. M. (2014). Adjudicator of children singing contest (in groups), invited by Professional Teachers Union (PTU). Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2014). Guest Speaker of music Training Workshop for Hong Kong local pre-primary adminstrators, headteachers and teachers: Effective Learning and Teaching (Series 2) ~ Music and movement. Hong Kong: Kindergarten and Primary Section, Curriculum Development Institute. HKSAR, Education Bureau Government Section.
Lau, W. C. M. (2013). Guest Speaker of music training workshop for Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service Company Limited. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2013). Guest Speaker of Music training workshop for Shek On Memorial Kindergarten:Implementing an integrated Music and movement activities in kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2013). Guest Speaker of Music Training workshop for Hong Kong local pre-primary adminstrators,headtechers and teachers: Effective Learning and Teaching Music Series II: Music and Movement. Hong Kong: Kindergarten and Primary Section, Curriculum Development Institute. Education Bureau Government Secretariat, The Government of HKSAR. People's Republic of China.
劉永慈 (2013). 合唱比賽評判: 「第三屆全港寶貝SING 聲星歌唱比賽」. 香港: 香港教育專業人員協會.
Lau, W. C. M. (2012). Guest Speaker of Music training workshop for St. Stephen's Girls' College Kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2012). Music training workshop for Hong Kong local pre-primary administrators, head-teachers and teachers entitled "Effective Learning and Teaching Music Series II: Music and Movement", Education Bureau, Kindergarten and Primary Section Curriculum, Development Institute. HKSAR.. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2011). Guest Speaker of the music seminar and workshop for Hong Kong local kindergartens and nursery administrators, head-teachers and teachers. "Effective Learning and Teaching: Music and Movement”, Education Bureau, Kindergarten and Primary Section, Curriculum Development Institute, HKSAR. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2011). A song “Zippy My Friend” composed for “Zippy’s Friend” project supported by the HKIEd-ECE & Hong Kong Bank Foundation Fund.
Lau, W.C.M. (2011). Reviewer of Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2010). External Course Assessor of the course BEd Early Childhood Education: Music and Movement. The Open University of Hong Kong..
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). Invited talk and sharing on a School-based project entitled “Effective School-based Integrated Music and Movement Curriculum”, EDB School-based Professional Support Section, HKSAR. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). Asbury Methodist Kindergarten—Integrated music and movement activities for young children. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). Invited as a guest speaker to run a music seminar & workshop for principals, head teachers, & teachers of S. K. H. Kindergarten and Nursery Council — entitled "Music activities for young children".. Hong Kong: S. K. H. Kindergarten and Nursery Council.
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). Spring View Kindergarten – Communication skills and questioning technique. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). James A/C Kindergarten –skills of leading musical activity for kindergarten teachers.
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). Sharing of good teaching practice: “Excellence in Teaching Award (2008-2009) Sharing Session” for all Institute colleagues and students. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). The Hong Kong Lutheran Social Services, LC-HKS—Music teaching kits (II). Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). External Course Assessor of the Open University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). Reviewer of Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2010). Reviewer of New Horizons in Education.. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2009). Grace Methodist Kindergarten—Enhancing teachers’ skills of leading music activity. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2009). The Hong Kong Lutheran Social Services, LC-HKS—Music teaching kits (i). Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2009). Professional Consultancy on University-school Support Programme entitled Empowering Early Childhood Institutions in Implementing Effective School-based Curriculum (EESC) entitled “Effective School-based Integrated Music and movement curriculum” for Po Leung Kuk Yick Chak Fung Kindergarten, Tseung Kwan O. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2009). Recipient of the “Soong Ching Ling Early Childhood Education Award” from Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M (2009). Invited talk and sharing on a School-based project entitled “Make a Difference: An Effective Integrated Music and Movement Curriculum for Young Children”, EDB School-based Professional Support Section, HKSAR. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2009). Guest speaker for 10 Kindergartens under Hong Kong Catholic District-- Arts and Movement. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Catholic Council.
Lau, W.C.M. (2009). Honorary Education Advisor, Consultant of the Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories Kindergarten Education Association. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). Carbo Anglo-Chinese kindergarten –Enhancing teaching skills on music, physical education, and art & craft. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). Consultancy Service –Teacher Professional Development (CECRD) Training workshops and music seminars for kindergarten teachers of CCC Kei Wah Kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). Tivoli Kindergarten – Music activities for young children. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). Professional Consultancy on University-school Support Programme Empowering Early Childhood Institutions in Implementing Effective School-based Curriculum (EESC) -“Make a Difference: Integrated Music and movement Curriculum for Young Children” for Yat Tung Estate Sin Yat Tong Kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). Tak Sun Private Kindergarten—Fostering teacher’s skill on leading music activity. Hong Kong
Lau. W.C.M. (2008). Music training workshop, Canan Kindergarten entitled Enhancing teachers’ skills on music activity. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Reviewer of journal article, Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood.
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). Professional Consultancy on School-based Quality Improvement Scheme (CECRD) – “Enhancing teachers professional on music teaching strategies and skills” for CCC Hong Kong Chi Ho Church Kei Pok Kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). Reviewer of Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood.. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2008). St. Stephen’s Catholic Kindergarten—Music workshop. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2007). Strategies kindergarten teachers use to enhance children's musical creativity: Case studies of three Hong Kong teachers. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.
Lau, W.C.M. (2007). Consultancy Service –Teacher Professional Development (CECRD) Training workshops and music workshops for pre-primary educators of Early Childhood Learning Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2007). Professional Consultancy on School-based Quality Improvement Scheme (CECRD, 2008)-“Promoting teachers professional of teaching skills and the manipulating of music instruments” for St James Lutheran Kindergarten. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2007). Short Training courses for local kindergartens organized by Centre of Early Childhood Research & Development (CECRD). Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2007). Invited talk for Hong Kong Institute of Education Jockey club Primary School—The transition from Kindergarten to Primary One. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2007). Talk for North Point Methodist Children Choir Committee– Sharing on group singing. Hong Kong
劉永慈 (2007)。 兒童合唱訓練心得分享〈三〉。香港
劉永慈 (2006)。 兒童合唱訓練心得分享〈二〉。香港
劉永慈 (2006)。 親子合唱的好處。香港
Lau, W.C.M. (2006). Invited talk for Luk Chiu Kwan Hung Early Childhood Research Centre, Eye-On International Education Association—Musical Games for young children. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2006). Talk for Lutheran Church St. James Kindergarten—Music and EQ. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2006). Talk and training seminar for Yan Chai Hospital Ming Tak Kindergarten & Nursery –Integrated music curriculum. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2006). Talk for Evangelical Lutheran Church ( ELCHK Nam Cheong Kg, ELCHK Shatin Lutheran Kg, NMS Lutheran Kg, Yuen Long Lutheran Life Kg) –Learning and teaching English songs through music and movement. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2005). Invited talk for North Point Methodist Children Choir Committee– Sharing on leading group singing. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2005). Training workshop, Anani Kindergarten-- Enhancing teachers skills on leading music and movement activity. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2004). Invited guest speaker of Music semiar and workshop for principal, headteacher and teachers: The skills of guiding music activities for young children in Nursery.. Hong Kong: Christian & Missionary Alliance Lei Tung Nursery School.
Lau, W.C.M. (2004). Christian Kindergarten Teachers Association –Bringing integrated music activity in the kindergarten classrooms. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2004). Man Sang Kindergarten—Enhancing teaching skills on leading music activity. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2004). Consultant and director of ETV Pre-primary Programme, Educational Television Curriculum Resource Section of the Education and Manpower Bureau. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2003). Training workshop for 澳門聖瑪沙利羅慈惠托兒所 entitled The trend of Multiple Intelligence in early childhood music education and the integration of music curriculum. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2002). Music workshop for Christian Kindergarten Teachers Association—Integrated music curriculum for young children. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2001). Invited speech and workshop entitled “The myths of Eurhythmics —Theory & Practice” for Christian Kindergarten Teachers Association. Hong Kong
Lau, W. C. M. (2001). Music Consultant of Creative Children Choir. Hong Kong.. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M. (2001). Honorary music consultant of Children’s Choir, Creative Children Choir. Hong Kong
Lau, W.C.M (1983). Music Conductor, North Point Methodist Church Children’s Choir. Hong Kong


Zippy's Friends Programme in Kindergarten in Hong Kong
Zippiy's Friends (ZF) is an international programme designed to promote young children's emotional and social competence. With sponsorship from Hong Kong Bank Foundation, in 2011 a total of 240 teachers from 120 kindergartens has been trained trained to run the programme and 17,000 young children and parents have been benefited from the programme. Based on our study on children particating in Zippy's Friends Project, we will publish a book to share our experience from Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai in 2011-12. This book will provide useful resources for students and teacher in Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Mun Amanda 黃敏 (LAU, Wing Chi Margaret 劉永慈 as Co-Investigator)

How Teachers Think and Act in Promoting Young Children's Musical Creativity
The aim of the project is to have an overview of a group of kindergarten teachers' understanding of how they think and act in supporting musical creativity in young children. The instruments for data collection include Focus Group Interview, Interview Questinnaire for teachers, and video recording to capture teacher's interaction from the focus group interview. The interview schedule covered three main topics: the definition and examples of musically creative processes, people (adults and children) and products. Different perspectives were expressed by the teachers. They provided rich and a great deal of information about the strategies in promoting musical creativity in children.
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LAU Wing Chi Margaret

Zippy's Friends Programme in Kindergarten and Primary Schools in Hong Kong (2005-2009)
It teaches children how to cope with everyday difficulties, to talk about their feelings and explore ways of dealing with them, and to help other people with their problem. Up to now, a total number of 149 primary schools and 400 kindergartens have participated in the project. 1,374 teachers were trained to run the ZF program. A total of 21,017 kindergarten children and 9,621 Primary One children have benefited from Zippy's Friends' Program with enhanced emotional and social competence. The Zippy's Website was launched in 2005-6 in order to provide further professional support for teachers and parents.The Hong Kong Bank Foundations has contributed 2,885,000 to support the Hong Kong Institute of Education in introducting Zippy's Friends' Programme from 2006-2009. (Zippy Friends Phase 2). This programme teaches children how to cope with everyday difficulties, to talk about this feelings and explore suitable coping strategies. Zippy's Friends members are responsible for training teaches (kindergarten and primary) to implement the programme at school and evaluate the effect of the programme on children's development.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): WONG Mun, Amanda (LAU Wing Chi, Margaret as Co-Investigator)