Research Chair Professor |
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology |
Director |
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre |
Artificial Intelligence Literacy
Metaverse Literacy
Computational Thinking Education
STEM Education
Quantum Literacy Education
Mathematics Education
Pedagogy in Digital Classroom
Teacher Development
Policy in Digital Education
1. Editor-in-Chief, the international journal Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL)
2. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computers in Education (JCE)
3. Director of Hong Kong Education City Limited (EdCity) (May 2021 to Present)
4. Executive Committee Member of Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance (October 2021 to Present)
5. Member of CDC Committee on Technology Education, Curriculum Development Council, HKSAR Education Bureau
6. Member of the 7th Academic Committee of China Association for Educational Technology (CAET) (April 2024 to Present)
Professor Kong Siu-cheung is currently a Research Chair Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT); and Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre (AIDCEC), at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK).
Professor Kong is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL) and Journal of Computers in Education (JCE). He was the President of the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) in 2014 and 2015 and is serving as the President of the Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (GCSCE) from July 2023 to June 2025.
Professor Kong is on the Stanford Top 2% Scientist in Education list from 2019 to 2024. He was the winner of the 2019-2020 HKSAR University Grants Council Teaching Award (Team Award). He won EdUHK President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer (Team Award) in 2020 and Outstanding Performance in Administration (Team Award) in 2021 and 2024. He was also the winner of the National Teaching Award 2022 – Higher Education (Undergraduate) – Tier-Two Award – Team Award of the PRC. Currently, he is a member of the 7th Academic Committee of the China Association for Educational Technology (CAET).
Professor Kong is leading an international project on promoting coding education and computational thinking development starting from 2016 to 2025. He is also leading two projects on Artificial Intelligence Literacy education for senior primary and junior secondary students in Hong Kong and France; senior secondary students, university students, school teachers and parents, and administrative staff at workplace in Hong Kong from 2020 to 2026. He is the programme leader of the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence for Executive Professionals [MSc(AIEP)] programme at EdUHK. His research interests include AI literacy, metaverse literacy, and quantum literacy education; computational thinking, STEM and mathematics education; pedagogy in digital classrooms, teacher development, and policy in digital education.
Artificial Intelligence Literacy
Metaverse Literacy
Computational Thinking Education
STEM Education
Quantum Literacy Education
Mathematics Education
Pedagogy in Digital Classroom
Teacher Development
Policy in Digital Education
1. Editor-in-Chief, the international journal Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL)
2. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computers in Education (JCE)
3. Director of Hong Kong Education City Limited (EdCity) (May 2021 to Present)
4. Executive Committee Member of Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance (October 2021 to Present)
5. Member of CDC Committee on Technology Education, Curriculum Development Council, HKSAR Education Bureau
6. Member of the 7th Academic Committee of China Association for Educational Technology (CAET) (April 2024 to Present)
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Research book or monograph (author) Kong, S. C. (2005). Information technology and project-based learning: activating and facilitating. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S.C., & Pun, S.W. (2000). Information technology and school education: a critical reflection. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Limited. Kong, S.C., Man, Y.K., & Leung, C.K. (1999). Computer assisted learning: mathematics exploration. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Limited. Chapter in an edited book (author) Kong, S.C., & Kwok, W.Y. (2024). Computational thinking education in Hong Kong. In H. Abelson & S.C. Kong (Eds.), Computational Thinking Curricula in K-12: International Implementations (33-54). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Kong, S.C., Abelson, H., & Kwok, W.Y. (2024). Introduction. In H. Abelson & S.C. Kong (Eds.), Computational Thinking Curricula in K-12: International Implementations (vii-xviii). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Kong, S.C. (2023). Pedagogical design of STEM activities for developing problem-solving skills and digital creativity of primary students in the internet of things era: Six-step STEM pedagogy. In W.M. So, Z.H. Wan & T. Luo (Eds.), Cross-disciplinary STEM learning for Asian primary students: Design, practices and outcomes (147-163). NY: Routledge. Kong, S. C., Abelson, H., & Kwok, W. Y. (2022). Introduction to computational thinking education in K-12. In S.C. Kong & H. Abelson (Eds.), Computational thinking education in K-12: Artificial intelligence literacy and physical computing (pp. 1-12). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Kong, S. C., Huang, R., & Kwok, W. Y. (2021). e-Learning in teacher education in Hong Kong and Beijing in the digital era. In J. C. K. Lee & T. Ehmke (Eds.), Quality in teacher education and professional development: Chinese and German perspectives (pp. 94-106). London: Routledge. Kong, S.C. (2019). Components and Methods of Evaluating Computational Thinking for Fostering Creative Problem-solvers in Senior Primary School Education. In S.C. Kong & H. Abelson (Eds.), Computational thinking education (pp. 119-141). Singapore: Springer. Kong, S.C. (2019). Learning Composite and Prime Numbers through Developing an App: An Example of Computational Thinking Development through Primary Mathematics Learning. In S.C. Kong & H. Abelson (Eds.), Computational Thinking Education (pp. 145-166). Singapore: Springer. Kong, S.C., Abelson, H., & Lai, M. (2019). Introduction to Computational Thinking Education. In S.C. Kong & H. Abelson (Eds.), Computational Thinking Education (pp. 1-10). Singapore: Springer. Poon, L. K. M., Kong, S. C., Yau, T. S. H., Wong, M., & Ling, M. H. (2017). Learning analytics for monitoring students’ participation online: Visualizing navigational patterns on learning management system. In S. K. Cheung, L.-F. Kwok, W. W. Ma, L.-K. Lee, & H. Yang (Eds.), Blended Learning. New Challenges and Innovative Practices. ICBL 2017. LNCS, vol 10309 (pp. 166-176). Cham: Springer. Chan, S.C.M., & Kong, S.C. (2017). Development of an effective staff professional development for the enhancement of student learning. In S.C. Kong, T.L. Wong, M. Yang, C.F. Chow & K.H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era (75-90). Singapore: Springer Singapore. Cheng, H.F.K., & Kong, S.C. (2017). An approach to facilitate coherent concept image formation via guided reinvention. In S.C. Kong, T.L. Wong, M. Yang, C.F. Chow & K.H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era (233-244). Singapore: Springer Singapore. Kong, S.C., & Lai, M. (2017). Scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era: The way forward. In S.C. Kong, T.L. Wong, M. Yang, C.F. Chow & K.H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era (365-373). Singapore: Springer Singapore. Kong, S.C., Lai, M., & Wong, T.L. (2017). Towards a framework of studying scholarship of learning and teaching in higher education in a digital technology era. In S.C. Kong, T.L. Wong, M. Yang, C.F. Chow & K.H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era (1-16). Singapore: Springer Singapore. Lai, M., Tai, M.H., Kong, S.C., & Wang, W.C. (2017). Implementing the assessment of the generic attributes of students through self-assessment survey and ePortfolios at a higher education institution. In S.C. Kong, T.L. Wong, M. Yang, C.F. Chow & K.H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era (347-362). Singapore: Springer Singapore. Song, Y. & Kong, S. C. (2015). Employing a framework to examine the “niche” for mobile-assisted seamless learning from an ecological perspective. L-H. Wong, M. Milrad, & M. Specht, Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity (75-90). Singapore: Springer Singapore. Kong, S. C (2014). E-Learning in mathematics education. In B. Sriraman, J. F. Cai, K. H. Lee, L. H. Fan, Y. Shimuzu, C. S. Lim & K. Subramaniam (Eds.), The first sourcebook on Asian research in mathematics education: China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, and India (pp. 807-822). Hershey, PA: Information Age Publishing. Li, B., Kong, S. C., & Chen, G. (2014). A study on the development of the smart classroom scale. In G. Chen, V. Kumar, Kinshuk, R. Huang & S. C. Kong (Eds.), Emerging issues in smart learning (pp. 45-52). Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Chan, T.-W., Kong, S.C., & Cheng, H.N.H. (2014). Learning environments in mathematics education.. In S. Lerman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of mathematics education (pp. 348-353). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer. Kong, S.C. (2012). A knowledge-based approach of modeling an Internet-based intelligent learning environment for comprehending common fraction operations. In S. Graf, F.H. Lin, Kinshuk & R. McGreal (Eds.), Intelligent and adaptive learning systems: technology enhanced support for learners and teachers (pp. 101-118). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Kong, S.C. (2009). The popularity of digital culture and the role of parents. In Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers (Ed.), Hong Kong Education Series 7: The development of adolescent in the Internet world (pp.57-64). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers (In Chinese). Kong, S.C. (2009). A multiplatform e-learning system for collaborative learning: the potential of interactions for learning fraction equivalence. In T.T. Goh (Ed.), Multiplatform e-learning systems and technologies: mobile devices for ubiquitous ICT-based education (pp.244-259). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Kong, S.C. (2009). Project-based learning and information literacy. In W.M. So (Ed.), Project-based learning (pp.133-145). Hong Kong: Seedland Publishing Limited (In Chinese). Kong, S. C. (2008). The teaching of information technology for fostering information literacy: integrated with project-based learning. In S. C. Po, & W. M. So (Eds.), Integrated learning: theory and practice in primary school (pp.199-215). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education (In Chinese). Kong, S. C. (2008). The teaching of information technology for fostering information literacy: an integrated learning approach. In M. H. Cheng, & J. Lo (Eds.), Integrated learning: theory and practice in secondary school (pp.167-180). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education (In Chinese). Kong. S. C. (2008). A design-based study of cognitive tool for teaching and learning the perimeter of closed shapes. In R. Kobayashi (Ed.), New educational technology (pp.165-181). New York: Nova Science Publishers. Kong, S. C. (2008). Collaborative learning in a mobile technology supported classroom. In J. Lumsden (Ed.), Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology (pp.270-285). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Lo, Y.T., Leung, W.C., So, W.M., & Kong, S.C. (2007). Integrating web-based learning and inquiry learning: a case on research of teaching in primary classroom.. In W.M. So & M.H. Cheng (Eds.), Research in science education in Chinese society (pp.172-183). Hong Kong: Seedland Publishing Limited (In Chinese). Kong, S.C. (2005). A research framework for developing interactive learning environment. In F.L. Lee & H. Yeung (Eds.), Research handbook on computers in education – methodology and case study (pp.48-55). Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University Press (In Chinese). Kong, S.C., & Kwok, L.F. (2003). Education reform and cognitive tools: an innovative method of teaching a curriculum topic in basic education. In T.W. Chan & L.W. Wong (Eds.), Towards the digital learning society (pp.241-255). Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Company Limited (In Chinese). Kong, S.C. (2003). Information technology curriculum in Hong Kong basic education: foster ability to learn. In H.F. Law, K.T. Tsui, Q. Q. Zhong & M.Q. Yang (Eds.), Reforms of curriculum and instruction in Hong Kong and Shanghai: a paradigm shift (pp.209-224). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education 2003 (Hong Kong Edition) (In Chinese). Cheng, M.H., Kong, S.C., So, W.M., Chow, P.Y., Man Y.C., & Yu, L.W. (2001). Enhancing the quality of learning effected in the co-operating teacher scheme. In D. Kember, S. Candlin & L. Yan (Eds.), Further case studies of improving teaching and learning from the action learning project (pp.251-263). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Kong, S.C. (2000). Information technology in education and curriculum development. In Y.C. Cheng, K.W., Chow & K.T. Tsui (Eds.), School curriculum change and development in Hong Kong (pp.161-184). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education (In Chinese). Leung, K.P., Pun, S.W., & Kong, S.C. (Eds.) (2000). Computer education. In Centre for Research and International Collaboration (Ed.), Research and development of school curriculum in Hong Kong: an annotated bibliography (pp.157-192). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Edited book (editor) Abelson, H., & Kong, S. C. (Eds.) (2024). Computational thinking curricula in K-12: International implementations. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Kong, S. C., & Abelson, H. (eds.) (2022). Computational thinking education in K-12: Artificial intelligence literacy and physical computing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Kong, S.C., Wang, Q., Huang, R., Li, Y., & Hsu, T. C. (eds.) (2021). Conference Proceedings (Chinese Paper) of the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021). Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S. C., Wang, Q., Huang, R., Li, Y., & Hsu, T. C. (eds.) (2021). Conference Proceedings (English Paper) of the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021). Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Chang, M., Kong, S. C., Wang, Q., Huang, R., Li, Y., & Hsu, T. C. (eds.) (2021). Doctoral Student Forum Proceedings of the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021). Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Sun, D., Kong, S. C., Wang, Q., Huang, R., Li, Y., & Hsu, T. C. (eds.) (2021). Teacher Forum Proceedings of the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021). Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Cheng, H. N., Kong, S. C., Wang, Q., Huang, R., Li, Y., & Hsu, T. C. (eds.) (2021). Workshop Proceedings of the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021). Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., Hoppe, H.U., Hsu, T.C., Huang, R.H., Kuo, B.C., Li, K.Y., Looi, C.K., Milrad, M., Shih, J.L., Sin, K.F., Song, K.S., Specht, M., Sullivan, F., & Vahrenhold, J. (eds.) (2020). Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2020. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., Hsu, T.C., Huang, R.H., Looi, C.K., Milrad, M., Shih, J.L., So, H.J., & Dagiene, V. (eds.). (2020). Proceedings of International Teacher Forum on International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2020. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., Andone, D., Biswas, G., Hoppe, H.U., Hsu, T.C., Huang, R.H., Kuo, B.C., Li, K.Y., Looi, C.K., Milrad, M., Sheldon, J., Shih, J.L., Sin, K.F., Song, K.S., & Vahrenhold, J. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2019. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., & Abelson, H. (Eds.) (2019). Computational Thinking Education. Singapore: Springer. Kong, S.C., Andone, D., Biswas, G., Crick, T., Hoppe, H.U., Hsu, T.C., Huang, R.H,, Li, R.K.Y., Looi, C.K., Milrad, M., Sheldon, J.,Shih, J.L., Sin, K.F., Tissenbaum, M., & Vahrenhold, J. (Eds.) (2018). Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2018. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., Sheldon, J., & Li, K.Y. (eds.) (2017). Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2017. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., Wong, T.K., Yang, M., Chow, C.F., & Tse, K.H. (Eds.) (2017). Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era. Singapore: Springer Singapore. Wu, Y.-T., Chang, M., Li, B., Chan, T.-W., Kong, S. C., Lin, H.-C.-K., Chu, H.-C., Jan, M., Lee, M.-H., Dong, Y., Tse, K. H., Wong, T. L., & Li, P. (Eds.) (2016). Conference Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Jong, M. S. Y., Wu, Y.-T., Chan, T.-W., & Kong, S. C. (Eds.) (2016). Doctoral Student Forum Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Song, Y., Wu, Y.-T., Chan, T.-W., Kong, S. C., Ma, H. H., Lai, A.-F., Chai, C. S., Wang, L., & Yu, H. (Eds.) (2016). Teacher Forum Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Gao, D., Wu, Y.-T., Chan, T.-W., Kong, S. C., Lee, M.-H., Yang, J.-C., Shih, J.-L., Hong, J.-C., Shang, J., Cheng, K.-H., & Chen, S. Y. (Eds.) (2016). Workshop Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Chang, B., Biswas, G., Chen, W., Gu, X., Ogata, H., Chen, W. Q., Kong, S.C., & Qiu, F. (eds.) (2015). Doctoral Student Consortium Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2015. Hangzhou, China: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Ogata, H., Chen, W. Q., Kong, S.C., & Qiu, F. (eds.) (2015). Main Conference Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2015. Hangzhou, China: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Matsui, T., Ayub, A.F.M., Jiang, B., Ogata, H., Chen, W. Q., Kong, S.C., & Qiu, F. (eds.) (2015). Work-In-Progress Poster Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2015. Hangzhou, China: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Kojiri, T., Supnithi, T., Wang, Y., Wu, Y.-T., Ogata, H., Chen, W. Q., Kong, S.C., & Qiu, F. (eds.) (2015). Workshop Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2015. Hangzhou, China: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Chang, B., Chen, W. Q., Gu, X. Q., Liu, C.C., Ogata, H., Kong, S.C., Kashihara, A. (eds.) (2014). Doctoral student consortium proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014. Japan, Nara: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Liu, C.C., Ogata, H., Kong, S.C., Kashihara, A. (eds.) (2014). Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014. Japan, Nara: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Mohd Ayub, A. F., Matsui, T., Liu, C.C., Ogata, H., Kong, S.C., Kashihara, A. (eds.) (2014). Work-In-Progress poster proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014. Japan, Nara: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Wu, Y.T., Supnithi, T., Kojiri, T., Liu, C.C., Ogata, H., Kong, S.C., Kashihara, A. (eds.) (2014). Workshop proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014. Japan, Nara: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Chen, G., Kumar, V., Kinshuk, Huang, R., & Kong, S. C. (Eds.) (2014). Emerging issues in smart learning. Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Kong, S. C., Chen, M. P., Shih, J. L., & Chuang, T. Y. (Eds.) (2012). Workshop Proceedings of 2012 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education. Tainan: National University of Tainan, Taiwan. Kong, S. C., Chen, M. P., Shih, J. L., Chuang, T. Y., Huang, R. H., Wong, L. H., Shang, J. J., Wang, M. H., & Lan, Y. J. (Eds.) (2012). Proceedings of 2012 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education. Tainan: National University of Tainan, Taiwan. Kong, S. C., Chen, M. P., Shih, J. L., Chuang, T. Y., Xie, Y. R., Chai, C. S., Lan, Y. J., & Wang, L. (Eds.) (2012). Teacher Forum Proceedings of 2012 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education. Tainan: National University of Tainan, Taiwan. Chang, B., Hirashima, T., Ogata, H., Wong, S.L., Kong, S.C., & Yu, F.Y. (Eds.) (2010). Joint Proceedings of the Work-in-Progress Poster and Invited Young Researcher Symposium at the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Hirashima, T., Mohd Ayub, A.F., Kwok, L.F., Wong, S.L., Kong, S.C., & Yu, F.Y. (Eds.) (2010). Workshop Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Ogata, H., Liu, C.C., Kinshuk, Biswas, G., Chee, Y.S., Wong, S.L, Kong, S.C., & Yu, F.Y. (Eds.) (2010). Doctoral Student Consortium Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Wong, S.L, Kong, S.C., & Yu, F.Y. (Eds.) (2010). Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Wang, F.L., Au, O., Kong, S.C., & Kling, F. (Eds.) (2010). Hybrid Learning 2.0: Broadening Horizons. Beijing: Beijing Normal University. Kong, S.C., & Cheng, G. (2010). E-Learning in school education. Hong Kong: Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C., & Leung, C.K. (2010). Inquiry in mathematics education. Hong Kong: Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Wang, Q.Y., Kong S.C., Zhang, B.H., Chang, B., Cheng, G., Shih, J.L., Lee, J.D., Sim, S.H., Wong, L.H., Tseng, C.C., Chun, C.C., Chao, C.C., Wang, A.C., Yen, C.J., Chen, C.P., Hong, J.C., Miao, C.Y., Looi, C.K., Li, X.M., & Shen, Z.Q. (Eds.) (2010). Workshop Proceedings of the 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Singapore: Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education. Wang, Q.Y., Kong, S.C., Yu, S.Q., Chen, M.P., Wong L.H., Zhang, J.P., Chen, J.G., Tseng S.S., Chang, C.C., Kwok, L.F., & Chai, C.S. (Eds.) (2010). Proceedings of the 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Singapore: Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education. Kong, S.C., Ogata, H., Arnseth, H.C., Chan, C.K.K., Hirashima, T., Klett, F., Lee, J.H.M., Liu, C.C., Looi, C.K., Milrad, M., Mitrovic, T., Nakabayashi, K., Wong, S.L., & Yang, S.J.H. (Eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Hong Kong: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Kwok, L.F., Kong, S.C., Charoenporn, T., Hirashima, T., Kojiri, T., Mitrovic, A., Ogata, H., Sornlertlamvanich, V., Supnithi, T., Takenaka, M., Tarumi, H., Thaiupathump, C., Wang, F.L., Yu, F.Y., & Yu, Y.T. (Eds.) (2009). Workshop Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Hong Kong: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Kong, S. C., Fox, B., Lee, F. L., & Li, S. C. (Eds) (2006). Proceedings of the Information Technology in Education Conference. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. 江紹祥、文耀光、梁志強 (1999)。 《電腦輔助學習:數學探究》。香港: 香港三聯書店。 |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Kong, S.-C., & Wang, Y.-Q. (2024). The impact of school support for professional development on teachers' adoption of student-centered pedagogy, students’ cognitive learning and abilities: A three-level analysis. Computers & Education, 215, 105016. Kong, S.-C., Cheung, M.-Y.W., & Tsang, O. (2024). Developing an artificial intelligence literacy framework: Evaluation of a literacy course for senior secondary students using a project-based learning approach. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6, 100214. Kong, S.-C., & Yang, Y. (2024). A human-centered learning and teaching framework using generative artificial intelligence for self-regulated learning development through domain knowledge learning in K-12 settings. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 17, 1588-1599. Kong, S.-C., Lee, J. C.-K., & Tsang, O. (2024). A pedagogical design for self-regulated learning in academic writing using text-based generative artificial intelligence tools: 6-P pedagogy of plan, prompt, preview, produce, peer-review, portfolio-tracking. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 19, 030. Korte, S.-M., Cheung, W.M.Y., Maasilta, M., Kong, S.C., Keskitalo, P., Wang, L., Lau, C.M., Lee, C.K.J., & Gu, M. (2024). Enhancing artificial intelligence literacy through cross-cultural online workshops. Computers and Education Open, 6, 1-8. Kong, S.-C., & Lin, T.J. (2023). Developing self-regulated learning as a pedagogy in higher education: An institutional survey and case study in Hong Kong. Heliyon, 9(11), e22115. Kong, S.-C., & Liu, B. (2023). Evaluating the self-regulated learning of programming of primary students via a performance-based assessment platform: Mixed methods research approach. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 61(5), 977-1007. Sit, E. C. Y., & Kong, S.-C. (2023). A deep learning framework with visualisation for uncovering students’ learning progression and learning bottlenecks. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 62(1), 223-249. Kong, S.-C., & Wang, Y.-Q. (2023). Monitoring cognitive development through the assessment of computational thinking practices: A longitudinal intervention on primary school students. Computers in Human Behavior, 145, 107749. Kong, S.-C., Cheung, W. M.-Y., & Tsang, O. (2023). Evaluating an artificial intelligence literacy programme for empowering and developing concepts, literacy and ethical awareness in senior secondary students. Education and Information Technologies, 28(4), 4703-4724. Kong, S.-C., & Lai, M. (2023). Effects of a teacher development program on teachers’ knowledge and collaborative engagement, and students’ achievement in computational thinking concepts. British Journal of Educational Technology, 54, 489-512. Kong, S.-C., Lai, M., & Li, Y.G. (2023). Scaling up a teacher development programme for sustainable computational thinking education: TPACK surveys, concept tests and primary school visits. Computers and Education, 194, 104707. Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Wong, S. L., Kong, S.-C., & Shih, J.-L. (2023). Replies to commentaries on IDC Theory in practice. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 18, 25. Looi, C.-K., Wong, S. L., Kong, S.-C., Chan, T.-W., Shih, J.-L., Chang, B., Wu, Y.-T., Liu, C.-C., Yeh, C. Y. C., Chen, Z.-H., Chien, T.-C., Chou, C.-Y., Hung, H.-C., Cheng, H., & Liao, C. C. Y. (2023). Interest-Driven Creator Theory: Case study of embodiment in an experimental school in Taiwan. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 18, 23. Kong, S. C., Cheung, W. M. Y., & Zhang, G. (2023). Evaluating an artificial intelligence literacy programme for developing university students’ conceptual understanding, literacy, empowerment and ethical awareness. Educational Technology and Society, 26(1), 16-30. Kong, S.-C., & Lin, T.J. (2022). High achievers’ attitudes, flow experience, programming intentions and perceived teacher support in primary school: A moderated mediation analysis. Computers & Education, 190, 104598. Kong, S.-C., & Ma, Y. (2022). Principals' perceptions of online teaching and learning in school after the outbreak of the pandemic. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 20(1), 1-18. Kong, S.-C., & Yuen, C.-N. (2022). An analysis of the attitudes and behaviours of university students and perceived contextual factors in alternative assessment during the pandemic using the attitude–behaviour–context model. Heliyon, 2022, e11180. Kong, S.-C., Cheung, W. M.-Y., & Zhang, G. (2022). Evaluating artificial intelligence literacy courses for fostering concepts, literacy and empowerment of university students: Refocusing to conceptual building. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 7, 100223. Kong, S. C. (2022). Problem formulation in computational thinking development for nurturing creative problem solvers in primary school. Education and Information Technologies, 00, 1-20. Kong, S. C., & Lai, M. (2022). Computational identity and programming empowerment of students in computational thinking development. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(3), 668-686. Kong, S. C., & Lai, M. (2022). Validating a computational thinking concepts test for primary education using item response theory: An analysis of students’ responses. Computers and Education, 187, 104562, 1-18. Kong, S.C., & Wang, Y.-Q. (2021). Investigating primary school principals’ programming perception and support from the perspective of reasoned action: A mixed methods approach.. Computers and Education, 172, 104267, 1-17. Kong, S.C. (2021). Delivery and Evaluation of an E-Learning Framework Through Computer-aided Analysis of Learners’ Reflection Text in a Teacher Development Course. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 16, 28. Kong, S.C., & Wang, Y.-Q. (2021). Item response analysis of computational thinking practices: Test characteristics and students’ learning abilities in visual programming contexts. Computers in Human Behavior, 122 (106836), 1-11. Kong, S.-C., Cheung, W. M.-Y., & Zhang, G. (2021). Evaluation of an artificial intelligence literacy course for university students with diverse study backgrounds.. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2 (100026), 1-12. Kong, S.C., & Wang, Y.-Q. (2021). The influence of parental support and perceived usefulness on students’ learning motivation and flow experience in visual programming: Investigation from a parent perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52, 1-22. Kong, S.C., Kwok, W.Y., & Poon, C.W. (2021). Evaluating a learning trail for academic integrity development in higher education using bilingual text mining. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 30(2), 305-322. Wei, X., Lin, L., Meng, N., Tan, W., Kong, S.-C., & Kinshuk. (2021). The effectiveness of partial pair programming on elementary school students’ Computational Thinking skills and self-efficacy.. Computers and Education, 160 (104023), 1-15. Kong, S.C., & Liu, B. (2020). A performance-based assessment platform for developing computational thinking concepts and practices: EasyCode. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee Learning Technology, 20(2), 3-10. Kong, S.C., Lai, M., & Sun, D. (2020). Teacher development in computational thinking: Design and learning outcomes of programming concepts, practices and pedagogy. Computers and Education, 151 (103872), 1-19. Kong, S.C., & Wang, Y.Q (2020). Formation of computational identity through computational thinking perspectives development in programming learning: A mediation analysis among primary school students.. Computers in Human Behavior, 106 (106230), 1-12. Kong, S.C., & Wang, Y.Q. (2019). Nurture interest-driven creators in programmable robotics education: an empirical investigation in primary school settings. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14, Article 20, 1-19. Kong, S.C., & Wang, Y.Q. (2019). Positive youth development from a “3Cs” programming perspective: A multi-study investigation in the university. Computer Science Education, 29(4), 335-356. Kong, S.C., & Wang, Y.Q. (2019). Assessing perceptions of programming education among P-12 school teachers and principals: A multigroup invariance analysis. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 37(6), 718-729. Kong, S.C., Li, K.Y., & Kwok, C.W (2019). Measuring parents’ perceptions of programming education in P-12 schools: Scale development and validation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(5), 1260-1280. Kong, S.C. (2019). Partnership among schools in e-Learning implementation: Implications on elements for sustainable development. Educational Technology and Society, 22(1), 28-43. Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Chang, B., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., Liu, C.-C., Kong, S.-C., Jeong, H., Mason, J., So, H.-J., Murthy, S., Yu, F.-Y., Wong, S. L., King, R. B., Gu, X., Wang, M., Wu, L., Huang, R., Lam, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Interest-driven creator theory: Towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the twenty-first century. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(4), 435-461. Kong, S. C., Chiu, M. M., & Lai, M. (2018). A study of primary school students' interest, collaboration attitude, and programming empowerment in computational thinking education. Computers & Education, 127, 178-189. Kong, S.C. (2018). The learning outcomes of students after walking through a learning trail on academic integrity. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 29(3&4), 97-122. So, W. W. M., Kong, S. K., Wan, Z.H., & Chen, Y. (2018). An Analysis of Approaches to Inquiry in a Multimedia Learning Environment of E-Textbooks. Curriculum and Teaching, 33(2), 67-89. Kong, S.C., Li, P., & Song, Y. (2018). Evaluating a bilingual text-mining system with a taxonomy of key words and hierarchical visualization for understanding learner-generated text. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 56(3), 369-395. Kong, S.C. (2018). Parents’ perceptions of e-learning in school education: Implications for the partnership between schools and parents. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27(1), 15-31. Chai, C.S., & Kong, S.C. (2017). Professional learning for 21st century education. Journal of Computers in Education, 4(1), 1-4. Kong, S.C., Looi, C.K., Chan, T.-W., & Huang, R. (2017). Teacher development in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Beijing for e-Learning in school education. Journal of Computers in Education, 4(1), 5-25. Kong, S. C. (2016). A framework of curriculum design for computational thinking development in K-12 education. Journal of Computers in Education, 3(4), 377-394. Wong, T.-L., & Kong, S. C. (2016). Using social bookmarking for acquiring web resources for e-Learning. International Journal of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 20(3), 251-264. Yu, X., & Kong, S.C. (2016). Impacts of social network on course completion in online self-regulated learning: An empirical study based on learning analytics.. E-Education Research, 2016-8, 31-39. Yu, X., & Kong, S.C. (2016). Using collective intelligence to support online learning and teaching: A learning analytics perspective. Open Education Research, 22(3), 98-106. Li, B., Kong, S. C., & Chen, G. (2015). Development and Validation of the Smart Classroom Inventory. Smart Learning Environments, 2(3), 1-18. Kong, S.C. (2015). An experience of a three-year study on the development of critical thinking skills in flipped secondary classrooms with pedagogical and technological support. Computers and Education, 89, 16-31. Kong, S.C., & Song, Y. (2015). An experience of personalized learning hub initiative embedding BYOD for reflective engagement in higher education. Computers and Education, 88, 227-240. Zhou, Y., Kong, S.C., & Chang, D. (2015). A study of an Internet game evaluation model using weighed index. China Educational Technology, 5, 1-7. Li, B., S.C. Kong, Jiang, F., & Chen, G. (2014). The status and trend of research towards smart learning environments: A content analysis of international publications in the past decade. Open Education Research, 20(5), 111-119. Kong, S. C., Chan, T.-W., Huang, R., & Cheah, H. M. (2014). A review of e-Learning policy in school education in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing: implications to future policy planning. Journal of Computers in Education, 1(2), 187-212. Song, Y., Kong, S. C. (2014). Going beyond textbooks: a study on seamless science inquiry in an upper primary class. Educational Media International, 51(3), 226-236. Kong, S.C. (2014). Developing Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills through Domain Knowledge Learning in Digital Classrooms: An Experience of Practicing Flipped Classroom Strategy. Computers and Education, 78, 160-173. Kong, S.C., & Song, Y. (2014). The impact of a principle-based pedagogical design on inquiry-based learning in a seamless learning environment in Hong Kong. Educational Technology and Society, 17(2), 127-141. Kong, S. C., Chan, T.-W., Griffin, P., Hoppe, U., Huang, R., Kinshuk, Looi, C. K., Milrad, M., Norris, C., Nussbaum, M., Sharples, M., So, W. M. W., Soloway, E., & Yu, S. (2014). E-learning in school education in the coming 10 years for developing 21st century skills: Critical research issues and policy implications. Educational Technology and Society, 17(1), 70-78. Kong, S. C. & Song, Y. (2013). 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Conference Papers Refereed conference paper Kong, S.-C, Yang, Y., & Zhang, H. (2024, June). A proposed framework for promoting metaverse literacy. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Metaverse and Artificial Companions in Education and Society (MetaACES 2024), Taiwan. Kong, S.-C, & Yang, Y. (2024, May). Using the robot-assisted attention-engagement-error-feedback-reflection (AEER) pedagogical design to develop machine learning concepts and facilitate reflection on learning-to-learn skills: Evaluation of an empirical study in Hong Kong primary school. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2, Angers, France. Kong, S.-C, Yang, Y., & Yeung, W. K. (2024, May). A proposed TPACK model of teaching STEM with AI components: Evaluating a teacher development course for fostering digital creativity. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2, Angers, France. Ma, Y. T., Kong, S.-C., & Sun, D. (2023, December). Using self-regulated digital storytelling in primary students’ English learning: An exploratory factor analysis. Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023, Japan. Kong, S.C., Korte, SM., & Cheung, W.MY. (2023, August). Nurturing artificial intelligence literacy in students with diverse cultural backgrounds. Innovative Technologies and Learning. ICITL 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14099, Cham. Kong, S.C., & Hu, Y. (2023, June). Evaluating a teacher development course in STEM with artificial intelligence model training: Problem-solving skills and digital creativity development. Paper presented at the Seventh APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2023 (CTE-STEM 2023), Taoyuan, Taiwan. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, W.Y. (2023, June). Metaverse literacy in primary to 12th-grade and higher education. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Metaverse and Artificial Companions in Education and Society (MetaACES 2023), Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, W.Y. (2023, May). A pedagogical innovation of using scratch animations for learning Chinese Language creative writing and learning coding skills for computational thinking development in primary schools. Paper presented at the 27th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2023), Beijing, China. Kong, S.-C., & Yuen, C. N. (2022, November). Alternative assessment in the eyes of university teachers: Exploring the relationships between teachers’ attitudes, teaching environment and behaviour. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi2022), Valencia, Spain. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, W.Y. (2022, November). A pedagogy in STEM classrooms for primary students to develop knowledge of electricity and problem-solving skills. Paper presented at the 30th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kong, S.C., Hu, Y., & Lai, M. (2022, November). Computational thinking development: Validating an instrument for self-regulated learning using animation. Paper presented at the 30th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kong, S. C. (2022, June). Learning and teaching in higher education in the era of metaverse for future-readiness of learners: Research issues and policy implications. Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Metaverse and Artificial Companions in Education and Society (MetaACES 2022), Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, W. Y. (2022, June). Pedagogical use of Scratch coding for co-developing English Language “Locations and Directions” building blocks and computational thinking. Paper presented at the Sixth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022 (CTE-STEM 2022), Netherlands: TU Delft Open Publishing. Kong, S. C., Lai, M., & Cheung, H. T. (2022, May). The effectiveness of a teacher development course on artificial intelligence teaching empowerment. Paper presented at the 26th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2022, The Education University of Hong Kong. Kong, S.-C., Lam, S. S.-M., Lam, W. W.-M., Lau, K. K.-M., Yee, L. T.-S., & Yung, R. S.-N. (2021, November). Four case studies on applying alternative assessments in higher education with technology tools to facilitate teaching and learning. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi2021), Valencia, Spain. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, W.Y. (2021, November). From mathematical thinking to computational thinking: Use Scratch programming to teach concepts of prime and composite numbers. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2021, Bangkok, Thailand. Kong, S.C., Poon, C.W., & Liu, B. (2021, November). Analysing reachable and unreachable codes in App Inventor programs for supporting the assessment of computational thinking concepts. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2021, Bangkok, Thailand. Kong, S.C., & Zhang, G. (2021, September). Developing a conceptual framework for designing artificial intelligence programmes. Paper presented at the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021), Hong Kong. Kong, S.C. (2021, June). An experience of conducting online teacher development for computational thinking teaching in a primary school context. Paper presented at the Fifth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021 (CTE-STEM 2021), Singapore. Kong, S.C., Lai, M., & Siu, K.-Y. (2020, November). Development of computational thinking concepts in Scratch programming. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2020, Jhongli City, Taiwan. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, W.Y. (2020, September). Development of mathematical concepts on linear functions using a technology-supported platform: With potential for flipped classroom strategy implementation.. Paper presented at the 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2020 (Nominated for best paper award), Lanzhou, China. Kong, S.C., & Liu, B. (2020, September). The design and implementation of a performance-based assessment platform for computational thinking development: EasyCode.. Paper presented at the 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2020, Lanzhou, China. Kong, S. C., & Wang, Y.-Q. (2019, December). Relationship between parents’ perceptions of programming education and their emotional and behavioral outcomes. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2019. Paper presented at the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2019, Jhongli City, Taiwan. Kong, S. C., & Wang, Y.-Q. (2019, November). Assessing programming concepts in the visual block-based programming course for primary school students. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2019). Paper presented at the 18th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2019), Copenhagen, Denmark. Kong, S. C., Wang Y. Q., & Lai, M (2019, May). Development and validation of an instrument for measuring digital empowerment of primary school students. ACM Global Computing Education Conference, Chengdu, China. Kong, S.C. (2019, May). Perspectives of Primary School Principals towards Programming Education. Paper presented at the 23rd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2019, Wuhan, Hubei, China. Kong, S. C., & Lao, C. C. A. (2019, February). Assessing in-service teachers’ developments of computational thinking practices in teacher development courses. Paper presented at the SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2019 (SIGCSE 2019), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Kong, S. C. (2018, November). An online course for learning basic statistics concepts in higher education: An evaluation study.. Paper presented at the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2018), Manila, Philippines. Kong, S. C., Li, R. K. Y., & Kwok, R. C. W. (2018, May). Perception of parents on programming education in P-12 schools. Paper presented at the 22nd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, GCCCE 2018, Guangzhou: South China Normal University. Kong, S. C., & Lao, C. C. (2017, December). Computational thinking development through programmable robotics activities in STEM education in primary schools. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), Christchurch, New Zealand. Kong, S. C. (2017, June). A survey study for understanding interest of primary school learners in programming mobile apps: Designing an interest-driven curriculum. Paper presented at the 21st Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2017, Beijing. Kong, S. C. (2017, June). Developing concepts and procedural knowledge on finding area of irregular shapes through inquiry and cognitive tools featuring visualization. Paper presented at the 21st Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2017, Beijing. Kong, S. C. (2016, November). A study of an online community for promoting Chinese reading among primary schools in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2016, India. Kong, S. C. (2016, November). Mathematics visualization for developing the concept of average. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2016, India. Wang, X.-C., Kong, S.C., & Huang, R.-H. (2016, July). Influence of digital equipment on interaction quality in technology-rich classroom. Paper presented at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT2016, Austin, TA. Kong, S.C., & Li, P. (2016, May). Implementing a bilingual text-mining system with hierarchical visualization to reflect the changes of learners’ understanding of academic integrity. Paper presented at the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016 (GCCCE 2016), Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., & Li, P. (2016, May). The Interest-Driven Creator Theory and Coding Education. Paper presented at the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016 (GCCCE 2016), Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., & Yu, X. H. (2016, May). Collective intelligence and learning analytics for online learning and teaching support. Paper presented at the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016 (GCCCE 2016), Hong Kong. Li, P., Kong, S. C., Wong, T.-L., & Guo C. (2015, November). Enhanced bilingual text analysis for BYOD with hierarchical visualization. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education, Hangzhou. Wang, X., Kong, S.C., & Huang, R. (2015, November). Interaction observation tool development in K‐12 smart classroom. Paper presented at the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2015), Hangzhou, China. Li, P., & Kong, S. C. (2015, June). Intuitive visualization of underlying user relation in Moodle. Paper presented at the AECT-LKAOE 2015 Summer International Research Symposium, Shanghai. Li, P., Kong, S. C., Guo, C., Wong, E., & Chan, J. (2015, June). Enhancing academic integrity online via blended learning and discussion analytics. Proceedings of the 10th eLearning Forum Asia, Singapore. Kong, S.C., & Song, Y. (2015, May). A study of bring your own device (BYOD) initiative for reflective engagement in a higher education institution. Paper presented at the 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2015, Chungli, Taiwan. Li, P., & Kong, S. C. (2015, May). Contribution-oriented user relation visualization for discussion forums. Proceedings of the 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Taipei. Wong, T.-L., Kong, S.C., Wang, F.L., & Kwan, R. (2015, May). Predicting potential dropout students in MOOC via data mining. Paper presented at the 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2015, Chungli, Taiwan. Li, B., & Kong, S.C. (2014, May). Technology intelligence of the smart learning environment: A content analysis of publications in the past decade. Paper presented at the 18th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Chungli, Taiwan. Wong, T.L. & Kong, S.C. (2014, May). Learning analytics in text: An application to asynchronous online discussion. Paper presented at the 18th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Chungli, Taiwan. Kong, S.C. (2013, November). Territory-wide readiness for IT integration into curriculum delivery for learner-centered learning: The current state in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia. Si, Z.G., & Kong, S.C. (2013, July). A study of the development of problem-solving skills among primary school students under the support of information technology. Paper presented at the Fourth Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning: Innovations and Applications, Tainan. Kong, S.C. (2013, May). Developing information literacy through domain knowledge learning in digital classrooms. Paper presented at the 17th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing. Wang, L., Si, Z., & Kong, S.C. (2013, May). A case study of teachers’ knowledge building of practical knowledge in a community of practice. Paper presented at the 17th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing. Chan, K.W., & Kong, S.C. (2012, November). Designing and implementing e-learning classrooms to improve students’ writing. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012, Singapore. Kong, S.C. (2012, November). Digital classrooms for developing subject knowledge, information literacy and twenty-first century skills. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012, Singapore. Wong, T.L., & Kong, S.C. (2012, November). An analysis of using social bookmarking for acquiring web resources for e-learning. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012, Singapore. Zhou, Y., & Kong, S.C. (2012, August). The research on common knowledge in word problem auto-solving system. Hybrid learning: Technological revolution, pedagogical evolution, The City University of Hong Kong. Wong, T. L., & Kong, S. C. (2012, May). An intelligent social bookmarking system for searching quality web resources for e-Learning. Proceedings of 2012 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Tainan. Zhou, Y., Kong, S.C., &. D. Zhang (2012, May). A new method of evaluating Internet application: Using the evaluation for Internet game as an example. Proceedings of 2012 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Tainan. Kong, S.C. (2012, March). Using mobile devices for learning in school education. Proceedings of 2012 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, Los Alamitos / Washington / Tokyo. Chan, K.K.W., & Kong, S.C. (2011, December). Process writing: An online collaborative writing environment for primary school students. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE 2011, Thailand. Li, K.M., & Kong, S.C. (2011, December). Current development of information technology in education in Hong Kong - key findings of a territory-wide review survey. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE 2011, Thailand. Wong, T.L., Kong, S.C., & Wang, A. (2011, December). Potential of using computer-mediated-communication tools for after-school learning. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE 2011, Thailand. Wang, A., & Kong, S.C. (2011, August). A study of relations between students’ CMC behaviors and perceived effects of CMC on learning for incorporating CMC in hybrid learning. Hybrid Learning: 4th International Conference, ICHL 2011 Hong Kong, China, August 2011 Proceedings, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York. Wang, A., & Kong, S.C. (2011, May). Computer-mediated-communication for learning: a study of relations between students’ computer-mediated-communication behaviors and personal characteristics. ICT-based Education Innovations: Proceedings of 2011 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, New York. Kong, S.C., Cheng, G., & Liu, M.L. (2010, December). Tracking classroom activities in mobile technology-mediated lessons. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM], Putrajaya, Malaysia. Kong, S.C., Chan, C.L., & Wang, F.L. (2010, August). Experience of blended learning in school education: knowlededge about perimeter of closed shapes. Hybrid Learning, Proceedings of Third International Conference, ICHL 2010, Beijing. Kong, S.C. (2010, July). Information technology in education in Hong Kong. The Latest Research Development of Information Technology Education in 2010, Jilin, China. Huang, X., Yeung, Y.Y., & Kong, S.C. (2010, June). RFID technology and scientific inquiry. Workshop proceedings of the 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM], Singapore. Kong, S.C., Li, K.M., Cheng, K.S., & Kwok, W.Y. (2010, June). Conceptualizing the framework for developing an online resource bank geared to school education. Proceedings of the 14th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education [CDROM], Singapore. Kong, S. C. (2009, May). Design of a web-enabled learning environment for self-reflection and remote teaching supervision of student-teachers. Proceedings of the 13th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2009), Taipei. Henri, J., Kong, S.C., Lee, F.L., & Li, S.C. (2008, November). Developing an information literacy framework: the Hong Kong experience. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge for All: Role of Libraries and Information Centres, Mumbai. Kong, S. C. (2008, October). School-based planning for technology enhanced learning in the knowledge society. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers in Education, Taipei. Kong, S. C. (2008, March). Collaborative learning in a mobile technology supported environment: A case study on analyzing the interactions. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile, and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, Beijing. Kong, S. C., & Li, C. S. (2007, November). A study of using a cognitive tool in a mobile technology supported classroom. Supporting learning flow through integrative technologies, Amsterdam. Yeung, Y. Y., Kong, S. C., & Wu, X. Q. (2007, July). Innovative use of free and open-source software to support students' effective learning: Exemplars in science education. Paper presented at the Proceedings of International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning 2007(CD-ROM), Hong Kong. Kong, S. C. (2007, May). An information technology curriculum framework for fostering information literacy. Proceedings of the 11th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Guangzhou. Wu, X. Q., Yeung, Y. Y., & Kong, S. C. (2007, May). Application of the LabVNC open-source software in web-based remote-controlled experiments. Proceedings of the 11th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Guangzhou. Kong, S. C. (2006, November). The design of a collaborative learning environment in mobile technology supported classroom: concept of fraction equivalence. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Amsterdam. Lee, F. L., Pun, S. W., Li, S. C., Kong, S. C., & Ip, W. H. (2006, November). Using interactive whiteboards (IWB) in enhancing learning and teaching in Hong Kong schools. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Amsterdam. Henri, J., Kong, S. C., Lee, F. L., & Li, S. C. (2006, August). An information literacy framework for schools: The Hong Kong experience. Proceedings of the World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council, Seoul. Kong, S. C. (2006, June). The implementation of an information literacy framework: student assessment. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing. So, W. M. W., Kong, S. C., & Leung, W. C. T. (2006, June). Building resource-based learning environment for inquiry learning of the "Earth movement". Proceedings of the 10th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing. Kong, S. C. (2005, November). An experimental study on a cognitive tool for classroom use: a knowledge of fraction equivalence. Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences, Amsterdam. Kong, S. C., Lee, F. L., & Ip, S. F. (2005, November). The implementation of an information literacy framework: key issues in professional development. Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences, Amsterdam. Kong, S. C., Lee, F. L., Li, S. C., & Henri, J. (2005, November). A study of the development of an information literacy framework for Hong Kong students. Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences, Amsterdam. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M.W. (2005, June). Using computer-mediated learning resources for creating an inquiry learning environment to building knowledge of family trees: an evaluation study. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Laie, HI. Lam, S.Y., Kwok, L.F., & Kong, S.C. (2005, June). Interactions in collaborative fraction learning on mobile platform. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Laie, HI. So, W.M.W., Kong, S.C., & Leung, W.C.T. (2005, June). A pedagogical design of IT-supported inquiry learning in General Studies. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Laie, HI. Kong, S.C., Lam, S.Y., & Kwok, L.F. (2005, May). A cognitive tool in handheld devices for collaborative learning: comprehending procedural knowledge of the addition of common fractions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005, Mahwah, NJ. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M.W. (2005, March). An evaluation study on computer-mediated learning resources for the inquiry approach to building knowledge of family trees. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, AZ. So, W.M.W., Kong, S.C., & Leung, W.C.T. (2005, March). Integrating information technology to support inquiry learning in primary classrooms: case studies on motion of the Earth. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, AZ. So, W.M.W., & Kong, S.C. (2004, July). Building a computer-supported classroom learning environment for teaching and learning puberty: an inquiry approach. Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference - ACEC2004, Adelaide, Australia. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M.W. (2004, May). Integrating information technology in the learning and teaching of General Studies: facilitating the inquiry approach for building knowledge of family tree. Proceedings of the 8th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong. Kong, S.C. (2003, December). An Internet-based cognitive tool for understanding multiplication of fractions: a way for learning the operator view of common fraction. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong. Ng, E.M.W., Kong, S.C. & Yeung, A.S.W. (2003, December). Computer-supported learning environment – practicing what we preach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., & Kwok L.F. (2002, December). Modeling the process of learning common fraction operations: designing an Internet-based integrated learning environment for knowledge construction. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Vol. 1, Auckland. Kong, S.C., & Kwok L.F. (2002, September). An Internet-based intelligent learning environment for modeling the process of learning common fraction operations. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Anaheim, Calgary, Zurich. Kong, S.C., & Kwok L.F. (2002, July). Architecture of an intelligent learning environment for learning fraction operations. Proceedings of the 13th Chinese Process Control Conference, Macau and Zhuhai. Kong, S.C., & Kwok L.F. (2001, November). A case study on web-based cognitive tools for learning fractions with technology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education / School Net 2001, Vol. 2, Seoul. Kong, S.C., & Wong, Y.H. (2001, April). Information technology and basic education: a case study. Proceedings of Curriculum and instruction of IT education for the 21st century – a joint conference for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau areas, Hong Kong. Au, W.K., Kong, S.C., Leung, K.P., Ng, M.W., & Pun, S.W. (2000, November). Information technology competency for Hong Kong teachers - a new era and a new paradigm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education / International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction 2000, Vol. 2, Taipei. Kong, S.C., & Kwok L.F. (2000, November). Intelligent interactive learning environment: design issues. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education / International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction 2000, Vol.1, Taipei. Kong, S.C., Au, W.K., & Pun, S.W. (2000, November). A study on the school information technology pilot scheme: possibilities of creative and lifelong learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education / International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction 2000, Vol. 1, Taipei. Kong, S.C., & Kwok L.F. (2000, July). An automated intelligent learning environment: design and implementation. Automation Science and Technology Application Conference Proceedings, Macau. Pun S.W., Kong, S.C, & Au, W.K. (2000, May). Information technology competencies: what teachers want to know and be able to do?. Proceedings of the Fourth Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education Volume 1, Singapore. Kong, S.C., Au, W.K., & Pun S.W. (1999, November). A case study on the implementation of information technology education pilot scheme in Hong Kong. Advanced research in computers and communications in education, Vol. 2, Amsterdam. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, L.F. (1999, August). An adaptive intelligent design of interactive learning system. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Anaheim, Calgary, Zurich. Kong, S.C., & Kwok, L.F. (1999, June). A computer-based graph-sketching environment for teaching and learning. Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong. Kong, S.C., Leung, K.P., & Leung C.K. (1997, December). An interactive system for teaching and learning of prime numbers in primary mathematics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Charlottesville, VA. Kwok, L.F., Lau, W.T., & Kong, S.C. (1996, November). An intelligent decision support system for teaching duty assignments. Proceedings of Australian New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, Adelaide, Australia. |
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies Consulting or contract research report Kong, S.C., Li, K.M, Song, Y. J. & Chui, H.L. (2014). Report for Provision of Services for Conducting the Research Study on the Pilot Scheme on e-Learning in Schools (Part 2). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Li, K.M., & Kong, S.C. (2012). Final report on “Review Survey(s) on the Third Strategy on Information Technology (IT) in Education”. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Li, K.M., & Kong, S.C. (2011). Interim report on “Review Survey(s) on the Third Strategy on Information Technology (IT) in Education”. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S.C., Cheng, K.S. (2010). A report on formative evaluation of using mobile device in learning and teaching for the quality education fund project. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S. C. (2009). The adapted Information and Communication Technology curriculum under the New Senior Secondary Curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C., Li, K.M., & Cheng, K.S. (2009). A report on the study on need analysis of an online depository of curriculum-based learning and teaching resources for various key learning areas at key stage 3. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S. C., & Li, K. M. (2008). A report on designing a resource pack to support school-based development of information technology in education. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Li, K. M., & Kong, S. C. (2007). A report on the phase (I) study on evaluating the effectiveness of the "Empowering learning and teaching with information technology" strategy (2004/2007) (Chinese version). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S.C. (2007). A report on the assignment completed by participants of the course “New Senior Secondary Learning and Teaching Strategies for Information and Communication Technology - Catering for Learner's Diversity”. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S. C., Li, S. C., Pun, S. W., & Yuen, H. K. (2007). A report on the provision of consultation service: revamp of the teachers' IT training framework. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S. C. (2006). A report on the consultancy and support services to Learning Centre – Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School for the 2005-06 School Year. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Yeung, Y. Y., Cheng, M. H. M., So, W. W. M., Cheng, V. M. Y., Kong, S. C., & Ng, P. H. (2006). Evaluation Report of the Project "Diffusion of Learning Centre Scheme to Schools in Hong Kong: Immanuel Lutheran College-Learning Centre in Secondary Science (S1-S3)". Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Yeung, Y. Y., So, W. M. W., Cheng, M. H. M., Cheng, V. M. Y., Kong, S. C., & Ng, P. H. (2006). Evaluation Report of the Project "Diffusion of Learning Centre Scheme to Schools in Hong Kong: Fanling Public School-Learning Centre in Primary General Studies". Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Lee, F.L., Pun, S.W., Li, S.C., & Kong, S.C. (2006). The development of using Interactive WhiteBoards (IWB) in enhancing learning and teaching in schools. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S.C., Henri, J., Lee, F.L., & Li, S.C. (2005). A study on the development of an information literacy framework for Hong Kong students. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Au, W.K., Kong, S.C., Leung, K.P., Ng, M.W., & Pun, S.W. (1999). Levels of Information Technology (IT) competency core course elements and assessment tools for teacher training in IT in education. Hong Kong: Education Department. |
All Other Outputs Other outputs Kong, S.C. (2014). Self-regulated learning and e-learning. Modern Education Bulletin. Kong, S.C. (2012). Learning and teaching in digital classrooms. Modern Education Bulletin. Kong, S.C. (2011). E-Learning and mathematics learning and teaching. Modern Education Bulletin. Kong, S.C. (2010). Technical support and the development of e-Learning environment for quality school education. Technical Support Service Journal (TSS Journal). Kong, S.C. (2009). Using digital video editing software to teach concept of intellectual property rights. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S.C. (2009). Using animation production software to teach concept of intellectual property rights. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S.C. (2009). Computer programming concepts. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S.C. (2009). Information technology in education and soul. Restricted online access at Sing Tao Daily. Kong, S.C. (2009). Developing webpage. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S.C. (2009). Concepts of computer systems. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S.C., Shroff, R., & Hung, H.K. (2009). Facilitating self-reflection of student-teachers on teaching by web-enabled video technology [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2009). The new senior secondary curriculum and methods of teaching information technology. Modern Education Newsletter. Kong, S.C. (2009). Using word processing software for learning Chinese Language. Hong Kong: Education Bureau. Kong, S.C., Shroff, R., & Hung, H.K. (2009). Remote teaching supervision [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2007). The role of parents in ubiquitous information society. Online accessible at La Salle Primary School Parent-Teacher Association Resources at: (In Chinese). Kong, S.C., Yeung, Y.Y., & Wu, X.Q. (2007). Remote-controlled experiment and explorative learning [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2006). Information literacy and project-based learning [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2006). Computer-supported collaborative learning [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2006). The role of pedagogy in using technology for teaching and learning [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2006). Strategies to cater for learner’s diversity: pacing learning and teaching according to the abilities of learner [Video]. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S.C. (2006). Strategies to cater for learner’s diversity: considering learning styles of learners [Video]. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S.C. (Ed.) (2006). Resource package on effective strategies to cater for learner’s diversity, professional development programme of the “New Senior Secondary Learning and Teaching Strategies for Information and Communication Technology” [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S.C. (Ed.) (2006). Course materials on effective strategies to cater for learner’s diversity in the professional development programme “New senior secondary learning and teaching strategies for information and communication technology” (CD ROM). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Kong, S.C. (2005). Information searching skill for learning [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2005). Information literacy: realize the sources of information [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2005). Information literacy: proper use of information [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2005). The use of interactive whiteboard for teaching Chinese [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2005). The use of interactive whiteboard for teaching English [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2005). The use of interactive whiteboard for teaching Mathematics [Video]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (2005). Information technology education for fostering information literacy. Sing Tao Daily. Kong, S.C. (2005). The development of information technology in education for information literacy development. Hong Kong Association for Computer Education 2004 Year Book. Hong Kong: HKACE. Kong, S.C. (2005). Information Technology Education for Information Literacy Development. Modern Education Newsletter. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M. (2005). Information technology assisted learning compact disk: earthquake and volcano [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd. Kong, S.C. (2005). The realization of the learner-centered approach: Cooperative learning as pedagogy. Hong Kong Institute of Education Department of Information and Applied Technology Learning and Teaching Bulletin. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M. (2005). Information technology assisted learning compact disk: self-protection [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M. (2004). Information technology assisted learning compact disk: classification of living things [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M. (2004). Information technology assisted learning compact disk: family tree [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M. (2004). Information technology assisted learning compact disk: puberty [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd. Kong, S.C. (2004). A critical reflection on the role of the information technology curriculum in basic education: fostering information literacy. Modern Education Newsletter. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M. (2004). Information technology assisted learning compact disk: solar system [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd. Kong, S.C. (2004). The information technology curriculum and lessons on project-based learning. Modern Education Newsletter. Kong, S.C., & So, W.M. (2004). Information technology assisted learning compact disk: touring in Hong Kong [CD ROM]. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd. Kong, S.C. (2002). Information technology and early childhood education. Modern Early Childhood Teacher. Kong, S.C. (2000). Smart use of computer classroom for enhancing teachers’ competency in education reform. Ming Pao Daily. Kong, S.C. (2000). The operations of spreadsheets I. Hong Kong: Department of Information and Applied Technology, Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C., & Pun, S.W. (1999). An overview of application of information technology in Hong Kong [VCD]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. Kong, S.C. (1999). Information technology and mathematics education. EduMath. Kong, S.C., Man Y.K., & Leung, C.K. (1998). A survey of computer assisted learning software for Hong Kong Primary mathematics. EduMath. Pun, S.W., Kong, S.C., Leung, K.P., Lee, F.L., & Ki, W.W. (1997). A preliminary study on the information technology policy for Hong Kong basic education towards the 21st Century. Online accessible at: |
Uncovering the "Black Box" of Machine Learning: Promoting Artificial Intelligence Literacy with AlphaAI robots in Senior Primary/Junior Secondary Schools across Hong Kong and France the project aims to (1) equip senior primary/junior secondary students in Hong Kong and France with AI literacy, using the AlphAI robots; (2) develop and implement a neuroscience-informed pedagogical framework, placing a strong emphasis on upskilling in-service teachers to teach AI literacy course in senior primary/junior secondary schools; (3) develop and validate research instruments for AI literacy in K-12 context; and (4) strengthen collaboration and facilitate knowledge exchange between Hong Kong and France in the field of AI literacy education. Project Start Year: 2024, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung, LEE, Chi Kin, John |
Provision of Services to Develop Learning and Teaching Resources on Coding Education for Primary 6 Students and to Provide a Briefing Session cum Seminar on the Resources To better equip our students with computational thinking to face the challenges in the era of rapid development in innovation and technology and to sustain the momentum of teachers in teaching coding education with paradigm shift focusing on student-centred learning, the current project will develop and design a set of coding education learning and teaching resources together with related professional development programmes for teachers based on the deliverables and experience by the CoolThink@JC project. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
Animation, Coding, Cognitive Tool as Pedagogies for Subject Learning, Self-Regulated Learning, and Computational Thinking Development: Coding, Chinese Language, English Language, and Mathematics This QEF project aims to use animation, coding, cognitive tool as pedagogies for four subjects in the primary school curriculum – namely, Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, and Coding – to support students to learn subject knowledge and at the same time develop their self-regulated learning and computational thinking capabilities. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
A Study on Developing Artificial Intelligence Literacy for Students, Teachers/Parents and Administrative Staff for Effective Learning, Teaching and Productivity at Workplace: Applied Artificial Intelligence This project is the Phase III of the AI project series. The objective is to further develop Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) Programmes for educated citizens in Hong Kong, which encompass students, teachers/parents, and administrative staff at the workplace. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
A Study on Developing Artificial Intelligence Literacy for Students, Teachers/Parents and Administrative Staff for Effective Learning, Teaching and Productivity at Workplace: Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) This project is the Phase III of the AI project series. The objective is to further develop Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) Programmes for educated citizens in Hong Kong, which encompass students, teachers/parents, and administrative staff at the workplace. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
Metaverse Literacy and Self-identity This project – with a goal of supporting adolescent students to develop metaverse literacy – will develop and validate a research instrument on assessing students’ understanding of metaverse literacy and their self-identity in the metaverse. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
Provision of Services to Develop Learning and Teaching Resources on Coding Education for Primary 5 Students and to Provide a Briefing Session cum Seminar on the Resources To better equip our students with computational thinking to face the challenges in the era of rapid development in innovation and technology and to sustain the momentum of teachers in teaching coding education with paradigm shift focusing on student-centred learning, the current project will develop and design a set of coding education learning and teaching resources together with related professional development programmes for teachers based on the deliverables and experience by the CoolThink@JC project. Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
Provision of Services to Develop Learning and Teaching Resources on Coding Education for Primary 4 Students and to Provide a Briefing Session cum Seminar on the Resources To better equip our students with computational thinking to face the challenges in the era of rapid development in innovation and technology and to sustain the momentum of teachers in teaching coding education with paradigm shift focusing on student-centred learning, the current project will develop and design a set of coding education learning and teaching resources together with related professional development programmes for teachers based on the deliverables and experience by the CoolThink@JC project. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
Develop and Evaluate an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Programme for Senior Secondary School Students and University Students of Hong Kong (Phase II) To be better prepared to face the current and future AI-infused society, it is important for students to have basic understanding on AI. This project offers an “Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme” to all Secondary Grade 4 to 6 students in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
Developing and Evaluating an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Programme for University Students and Senior Secondary Students of Hong Kong (Phase II) (RMG) To be better prepared to face the current and future AI-infused society, it is important for students to have basic understanding on AI. This project offers an “Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme” to all Secondary Grade 4 to 6 students in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung |
Hybrid Learning Experience among School Leaders and Educators in Hong Kong Over the past year, schools, educators, students and parents across the globe have all been facing unprecedented challenges in teaching and learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As time goes by, stakeholders of the education industry gradually adapt to and embrace the new normal of education by transforming from face-to-face to hybrid mode of teaching and learning. This research conducts a bilingual survey with school leaders and educators from local community in order to understand thoroughly educators’ experience, concerns and room for improvement on hybrid learning Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
A Review of the GILO Self-assessment Questionnaire The GILO self-assessment questionnaire is now almost a decade old. In July 2020, a working group was formed to kick-start a review of the survey items used. The working group agreed that there was an urgent need to review items on Global Perspectives (GILO 7) to improve their validity. It was estimated that the review will take about one year, and will involve a literature review, piloting of new/ replacement items (on at least 200 students), data analysis and substantial documentation efforts. Given the amount of work involved, it was suggested that the items for all seven GILOs be reviewed in stages. In this project, the team aims to: (a) identify the approach and methodology to review the items in the question bank of the GILO self-assessment questionnaire with reference to the Rubrics for Generic Intended Learning Outcomes (GILO Rubrics); (b) develop new/ replacement items for GILO 7 (Global Perspectives) in the question bank of the GILO self-assessment questionnaire with reference to the GILO Rubrics; (c) pilot the new/ replacement items for validation and reliability purposes; and (d) collect feedback on the new/ replacement items. Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, YU, Kwan Wai Eric 余君偉 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Development for EdUHK and Secondary School Students This project aims at offering workshops for EdUHK and secondary school students to develop their AI literacy. A total of 360 students will be covered in two years. In addition, the set of tailored teaching materials can be deployed by other educators. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung, CHEUNG, Ka Luen |
Designing and Evaluating an Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme for University and Secondary School Students In this digital society, in which the application of artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly, it is essential for university and secondary school students to be literate in AI. This study aims to design and evaluate an AI literacy programme to be delivered to 360 students over two years by deploying the flipped classroom learning approach. We propose a two-dimensional conceptual framework for AI literacy: the cognitive dimension covers AI concepts and methods for engaging with AI, evaluating AI applications, and using AI for problem solving; and the affective and sociocultural dimension covers empowerment by AI and the ethical use of AI. Pre-/post-course surveys and tests and focus group interviews will be conducted to evaluate how effective the programme is in equipping the students with AI concepts, developing their awareness of AI, and empowering them. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the flipped classroom learning approach for the AI literacy programme will be assessed. This study will contribute to the development of a programme for promoting AI literacy and the validation of instruments for evaluating AI concepts, AI literacy, and AI empowerment. The impacts of the study will include the promotion of AI literacy in society, especially among the young generation, and the encouragement of ethical AI use. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Strategic Development of the EdU Online Classes Platform (EOCP) for the Enhancement of Online Learning and Teaching in Local Schools The project is a crisis management strategy for facing the sudden and big switch of teaching and learning mode in the educational sector. The project goal is to transform the crisis of the prolonged suspension of on-campus teaching and learning to be an opportunity for the comprehensive implementation of online teaching and learning. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung, HUI, Yan Keung, John |
E-learning Materials in Mathematics for Primary School Students This project aims at producing high quality animated video clips with songs to enable primary school students to learn and understand various mathematical concepts with fun. The direct beneficiaries include primary school students, their teachers, and parents. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 |
Developing Computational Thinking of Senior Primary School Students through Programming Education – Phase II This project strives to inspire students to apply digital creativity in their daily lives and nurture their proactive use of technologies for social good from a young age. The project aims to prepare students for a fast-changing digital future through a hands-on, minds-on, and joyful learning experience. An independent evaluation has found that students participated in the first pilot phase of the project grew twice as much in problem-solving skills when compared with non-participating students. Following the successful implementation of the four-year pilot, the second phase of the project is launched in 2020, with the aim of mainstreaming computational thinking education. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung, Prof. ABELSON, Hal, Prof. LEE, Kwok On Matthew |
Computational and Design Thinking Focused STEM Education for Developing Problem Solving Capability and Digital Creativity of Junior and Senior Primary School Students This project adopts computational thinking and design thinking approaches to develop learning and teaching materials for organizing STEM activities for junior and senior primary school students with the goal of developing problem-solving capability and digital creativity of students. This project will conduct development for EdUHK students and in-service teachers and facilitating them to adapt the learning and teaching materials for school-based use in the partner schools of the project. This project will adopt the Communities of Practice (CoP) approach to disseminate STEM education among primary schools. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Use Coding as a Pedagogy for Teaching Subject Knowledge in Mathematics, General Studies and English Language and Fostering Computational Thinking The goal of this project is to use coding as a pedagogy in teaching core subjects in primary schools, including Mathematics, General Studies and English Language for promoting senior primary school students to develop both subject knowledge and computational thinking (CT). The project has two objectives – (i) To design learning and teaching materials for coding education in these three core subjects in primary schools: (a) Mathematics: Using Scratch programming to enhance the concepts of prime and composite numbers in Primary 6; (b) General Studies: Using Micro:bit and Inventor Kit to deepen the conceptual understanding of electricity building on traditional inquiry approach in Primary 5; (c) English Language: Using Scratch programming to develop building blocks for learning and teaching of locations and directions in Primary 4. (ii) To develop primary school teachers in these three core subjects to use the designed learning and teaching materials in curriculum delivery to facilitate students’ development of subject knowledge and CT. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Argumentation and Critical Thinking Development through e-Learning To promote critical thinking skills in conjunction with English language learning, a project “Argumentation and Critical Thinking Development through e-Learning” is initiated by EdUHK. Arguendo, an e-Learning platform designed by the University of Toronto and supported by the donation of the Li Ka Shing Foundation, is used in this project. Arguendo will help EdUHK postgraduate students develop dialogical skills, i.e. questioning, challenging, answering, responding and clarifying, through dialogues and role-play around short essays or arguments drawn from texts selected by teachers and/or created by students. Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, STAPLETON R PAUL |
Mathematical Concept Development for Secondary School Students through e-Learning To promote mathematics e-Learning in local secondary schools, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) initiates a project titled “Mathematical Concept Development for Secondary School Students through E-Learning” with generous donation from the Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF). The project aims to equip local pre-service and in-service teachers with quality teaching methods as well as rich learning and teaching resources, which will in turn enrich the learning experience of students in Hong Kong. The project will deploy Cornerstone Maths, an e-Learning platform developed by SRI International together with the University College London (UCL) Knowledge Lab, with funding support from the LKSF. Cornerstone Maths deploys Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for establishing visualisation and interactivity elements in the platform to facilitate the communication and formation of mathematical concepts in the learning process. Cornerstone Maths targets at junior secondary students and covers a few curriculum units with teaching and learning resources readily available. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟 |
Beyond the E-Portfolio: Connectivity and Communities of Learning in a Virtual Environment With the emphasis of tertiary education shifting beyond the physical boundaries of the university, it is important to have a means for students to feel connected when they are geographically distant and to connect with their disparate learning experiences in order to make meaning of these experiences beyond individual, solitary reflection. The aim of this three-year, cross-disciplinary, cross-institutional project is to stimulate students to form virtual communities of learning supported by a faculty mentor to explore more deeply how their individual learning experiences affect their development as university students and as human beings. To achieve this, we will create a virtual learning environment, or working e-portfolio, that becomes a tool for mobile communication, social learning and collaboration, in which students coalesce into communities of learning motivated by the challenge of an inquiry-based approach. This will serve the dual purpose of enhancing student learning while also providing psychosocial support when they are physically not present in the classroom. The higher education sector as a whole will share the benefits of having a learning framework and an e-learning tool which work synergistically to encourage conversation, build social and electronic connectivity and puts the collective learning power of a community at its core. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): Dr Julie Chen, Professor Tai Pong LAM, KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Boundary Interaction: Developing a Science Curriculum to Integrate Learning in the Informal Spaces The project will be a part of a two-year project focusing on the conceptualization of boundary activity for connecting the merits of learning in informal spaces with formal learning, as relates to inquiry-based science curriculum development. An iterative design and refinement of the boundary activity based on the design-based approach will be conducted together with teacher professional development. With an aim to evaluating the efficiency of the intervention, student and teacher performance will be examined. A lesson package will be shared across schools with the purpose of scaling the innovation at the final stage. In this project, the participants are 16 science teachers and 300 students from 4 junior secondary schools in Hong Kong. The subject domain will be the secondary 1 integrated science in Hong Kong. Mixed research methods will be employed to conduct qualitative data analysis on teaching and learning behaviors in and out of the classroom, and quantitative data analysis on achievement test results, survey results and the relationship among the activity performance, learning artefacts and test achievement. Case study methods will be used to interpret the teacher changes. The research findings will inform science curriculum design and development, science syllabus improvement, science teacher education as well as inspire the pedagogical design of mobile learning. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): SUN, Daner 孫丹兒 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Collaborator) |
Promoting Mobile Learning in the EdUHK and beyond through further development of a Mobile Learning Community In recent years, the fast development of mobile technologies has greatly enriched and assisted students’ subject learning in higher education, and more and more lecturers have started using mobile technologies (smart phone, tablet, pocket pc, notebook, etc.) to assist their teaching. This project aims to showcase the vitality and creativity of tertiary students of different levels (undergraduates, masters, doctorates) and from different disciplines (Science, Social Science, Education, Arts and Humanities, etc.) in mobile learning, and lecturers’ good practices of utilizing mobile technologies in assisting their teaching, with the ultimate goal of promoting mobile learning in the EdUHK and beyond. From 2013 to 2015, through a Community of Practice (CoP) project led by the current PIs, a Mobile Learning Community (MLC) was established successfully in the HKIEd. Although the CoP project was a success, without funding support, it is hard to sustain the meaningful community activities. In this newly proposed project, we aim to promote mobile learning in the EdUHK and beyond through further development of the Mobile Learning Community we have established. First, we aim to expand the membership of the MLC, and include members from sister institutions in Hong Kong, and from overseas institutions. A survey among EdUHK staff members about their current practices regarding the use of mobile technologies in their teaching will be conducted, and follow up interviews will be carried out, so as to identify and promote good practices of mobile-assisted teaching. Students’ mobile learning stories will also be collected and shared. Furthermore, we will conduct a series of seminars/workshops/sharing sessions on mobile learning by students and staff from EdUHK, and invite experts in this area from outside EdUHK to give public lectures on mobile learning. E-portfolios about students’ mobile learning experiences and teachers’ mobile-assisted teaching experiences will be compiled and uploaded onto the MLC website. Large number of App reviews related to different subject learning written by students will be uploaded onto MLC website for sharing as well. A Facebook page will be created to allow community members to exchange ideas about mobile learning conveniently. It is hoped that, through this project, an extended and intensive study of the use of mobile technologies by students and academic staff can be carried out, which will shed light on how mobile technologies can be integrated into existing technology use in higher education and enhance students’ subject learning. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Lixun 王立勛 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Computational Thinking and Coding Education The aim of the coding education project is to nurture and enhance youth’s capabilities of computational thinking through coding mobile applications. The objectives of the project are to: (1) Equip senior primary school students with fundamental programming concepts as the foundations for learning more in the future; (2) Develop computational thinking, including logical thinking and problem solving skills, of senior primary school students; (3) Develop computational thinking perspectives of senior primary school students, including understandings of themselves, their relationships to others, the technological world, and the generation of interest and motivation for further advancement in coding and computational thinking; and (4) Raise public awareness of the importance of developing computational thinking of the young generation starting at an early learning stage. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, Prof. ABELSON, Hal, Prof. LI, Robert |
Teachers' Conceptual Change in Their Pedagogical Practices with E-Textbook: From Conception to Realization General Research Fund (GRF) project funded by University Grant Council (UGC) Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Developing Coding Competency and Computational Thinking among Learners in HKIEd with Interest in Mathematics Education Coding education involves the cultivation of students’ programming literacy, which is highlighted in a number of educational documents as a competency that should be possessed by everyone, not just computer programmers. In the latest development of coding education, the focus is no longer on the accuracy of code, but the production of programming artifacts such as Apps, games, animations, and digital stories, the formation of communities, as students usually collaborate to produce the programming artifacts, and the use of programming to control physical objects. The objective of this project is to provide courses for HKIEd students to learn about coding, including the development of Apps, the use of programming to remote control digital devices, and the design and production of tangible artifacts through 3D printing. To evaluate the effectiveness of the project, instruments for assessing the development of students’ coding competency and literacy are needed. Hence another objective of this project is to develop a set of assessment instruments for coding competency and literacy. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
A Study to Collect Evidence through ePortfolios and Coursework to Demonstrate Students’ Achievement in Generic Intended Learning Outcomes (GILOs) This project aims at the development and deployment of an institutional framework on Generic Intended Learning Outcomes (GILOs) Achievement of Students. The institutional GILOs cover seven generic attributes important for curriculum learning in the higher education sector. The GILOs initiative aims to assess and demonstrate students’ achievement in GILOs through ePortfolios and coursework. The systematic collection and analysis of ePortfolios and coursework in the GILOs initiative will support our students to make self-reflection on and our academic/teaching (A/T) staff to make evidence-based evaluation of student learning progress and achievement. The outcomes of the GILOs initiative will provide concrete student learning evidence for an informed planning of curriculum advancement. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, LO SHIU HING, SONNY 盧兆興 |
Setting up a Coding Education Centre/Unit at EdUHK/HKIEd This project aims to set up the Coding Education Unit for EdUHK/HKIEd. The Unit is operated under the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC). Its goal is to nurture youth’s competence, character, confidence, connection and caring for a healthy and productive life through coding education. The Unit organizes courses and activities for students in EdUHK/HKIEd and local schools to learn coding skills, App development, design and production of artifacts with 3D printing. Through learning the programming language such as Java and Swift, it provides opportunities to enhance students’ skill building, personal recognition, community involvement, and positive connections with adults. Those are important elements to lead to positivity in youth development, which are the process of developing teenagers to be well prepared and productive for challenges in everyday life. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
QEF-2013/0541 Building a Community of Practice (CoP) for Mathematics Teachers: Using Cognitive Tools and Communication Platforms inside and outside Digital Classrooms for Developing Mathematics Concept of Learners The goal of this project is to build a community of practice (CoP) which promotes mathematics teachers from the senior primary school sector to use cognitive tools and communication platforms in digital classrooms for mathematics concept development. This project aims to promote the shift from teacher-centered paradigm to learner-centered paradigm for the development of domain knowledge; to promote teachers and learners to transform the practice of passive learning into active, constructive and interactive learning; and to promote teachers to continuously refine pedagogical designs based on learners’ evidence of improvement and awareness of progress. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
QEF-2013/0545 Building Reading Community of Tomorrow in Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific Region The goal of this project is to promote students to naturally develop true interest and sustainable habit of reading. This project aims to promote a sustainable model of silent reading for provoking students to read in an enjoyable and extensive manner; to provide teacher development for inspiring teachers to become role model of silent reading; and to enable teachers to act out the model of silent reading sustainably in school. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “E-pedagogy in Mathematics Learning and Teaching” This project aims to develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as an exemplar of professional development for all academic and teaching staff at EdUHK/HKIEd. To meet the need for enriching primary and secondary teachers’ professional development related to e-learning in Hong Kong, a MOOC “E-pedagogy in Mathematics Learning and Teaching” is developed as a signature course of EdUHK/HKIEd to equip the academic and teaching staff at EdUHK/HKIEd, as well as pre- and in-service mathematics teachers with the ability and competence in developing e-pedagogy for learner-centered learning. E-pedagogy course packs which include topics on five dimensions in primary mathematics and three dimensions in secondary mathematics will be developed. A Putonghua language version is provided alongside the Cantonese version in the course resources such as videos. After the digital resources are developed in each stage, academic and teaching staff at EdUHK/HKIEd will be invited to trial and evaluate the MOOC. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Investigate the Pre-service Primary School Teachers' Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) The study aims to examine the usage of a US well-developed concept, mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), in Hong Kong context. It utilizes the US constructs of MKT to study the MKT of the pre-service primary mathematics teachers in Hong Kong. This study has three research questions: (1) What is the MKT performance of pre-service primary mathematics teachers across different years of study? (2) Are there any differences in the MKT performance of pre-service primary mathematics teachers across different years of study? (3) What are the strength and weak domains of MKT among pre-service primary mathematics teachers across different years of study? Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Time-Based Multi-Style Activity Visualization on Moodle This project aims at applying multiple styles visualization for user activity analysis with time-based approaches on Moodle platform, preparing for future investigation on the enhancing of teaching quality and learning efficiency by designing the learning path. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Ping 李平 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Developing and Evaluating a Learning Analytics Platform to Support University Teachers for Pedagogical Decision-making in Fostering Reflective Engagement of Students The project aims to develop a learning analytics platform conducive to data-oriented decision-making; to evaluate the impact of a learning analytics platform on facilitating reflective engagement of students in the learning process; and to evaluate the impact of a learning analytics platform on teachers’ pedagogical decision making. The expected outcomes include a deliverable learning analytics platform, which can help teachers gain a better understanding of students’ learning process, and identify learning issues to predict learning patterns and make corresponding pedagogical decision-making; a higher quality learning-teaching process, which will provide flexible teaching and learning environments where students can control their own learning; the platform will also segregate the learning objects into appropriate segments so as to address the needs of students with different learning styles; a higher degree of engagement in learning with reflection, which will enable students to engage in learning with reflective thinking associated with personal experience and social issues and interact with peers and teachers anytime, anywhere; and a transformation of teachers’ traditional pedagogical practices of summative assessment into formative assessment, which will enable teachers to give students assessment that corresponds to their learning performance (i.e. through statistical report on students’ responses on online quizzes) throughout the learning process. With various tasks and discussions throughout a course, apart from being able to give quality feedback to students, teachers will also have a clear understanding of what students know and do not know during the learning process instead of at the end of a unit of instruction. A deliverable learning analytics platform, pilot test reports, the establishment of a community of practice, analysis of evaluation data and guidelines on the use of the platform are the expected key deliverables of the project. The project dissemination activities include three teacher professional development programs for reporting the design and implementation of the learning analytics platform in the proposed project, two presentations for reporting the development and implementation status of the learning analytics platform and two conference presentations for disseminating the effects of a learning analytics platform on supporting university teachers for pedagogical decision-making in fostering reflective engagement of students. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, SONG, Yanjie 宋燕捷, POON, Kin Man 潘建文 |
Establishment of New Paradigm with Feasible Models in Teaching and Learning Science for Problem Solving and Future Development The project aims to create critical mass, in terms of human resources and digital resources in science to meet the needs of local students; support the development of a new teaching and learning paradigm that implants blended leaning and eLearning (beLearning) as an indispensable component in programme-level curriculum design; actively engage students in the beLearning movement; and to cultivate a community of practices that serves as an effective change agent in the development of beLeaning. Expected outcomes and deliverables of the project include a host of T&L objects across a wide range of science topics will have been developed and used by teachers; practical and feasible blended and eLearning models established; practical and feasible models to actively engage students established; and community of practice established and buy-in of frontline teachers enhanced. To engage a large group of teachers to develop a host of T&L objects across a wide range of science topics; develop practical and feasible beLearning models; develop various models to actively engage students; develop various models to actively engage students; design and launch a series of activities to promote the successful models to other teachers, programmes and institutions are the major activities of the project. The project team will also organize professional development workshops; set up a blended learning multidisciplinary support team in the Faculty of Science of CUHK and the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology of HKIEd to provide support to teachers; work to formalize the models described under O2 and O3 (e.g., to formalize the use of online courses as pre-requisite courses, to provide students who involve in student models as described under O3 with formal recognition); organize and participate in T&L workshops and conference and set up a website and organize workshops to disseminate project results. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): Wai Yin POON, Thomas Kwok Keung AU, Ming Chung CHU, Liwen JIANG, Matthew Kin Wah MAK, Pang Chui SHAW, Teng Fong WONG, KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Reinforcing the Importance of Academic Integrity and Ethics in Students through Blended Learning – A Deployment of Augmented Reality Applications The objectives of this project are to: enhance teaching and learning by helping students to develop the concepts of academic integrity and ethics; and develop a learning environment supported by innovative digital technologies whereby students will be motivated to learn about academic integrity and ethics. In order to achieve these two objectives, a number of intended learning outcomes (ILOs) for students are set: able to share their experiences in making ethical decisions and acting with integrity in real-life contexts; to apply theoretical learning about academic integrity and ethics to real-world scenarios; to internalise the concepts of academic integrity and ethics through immersive collaborative simulations and ongoing discussions; and to reflect on the course of action a university graduate should take in order to make an informed decision to act ethically and with integrity in real-world circumstances. The expected deliverables include the AR system, a learning environment with interactive AR learning trails to support teachers in deploying blended learning for issues of academic integrity and ethics; a repository of activities and scenarios developed based on subject disciplines or using physical locations to create learning trails for the various topics under the umbrella of academic integrity and ethics within the system; a substantial amount of data on student engagement in the learning activities as well as their views and opinions on ethical matters; the strengthened infrastructure support for augmented reality within the partner institutions, or even for the entire education sector in Hong Kong; and with concerted efforts by all involved, the research outcomes from this project have the potential to make Hong Kong one of the regional leaders in the educational use of AR. Coupled with the Learning Analytics Project, there is also the possibility of Hong Kong becoming a regional leader in learning analytics. Training workshops and roadshows will be conducted at least twice per semester at the partner institutions at the piloting stages. Results and findings from the pilots will be shared in conferences and seminars for feedback. The experience gained from the project and the analysis derived from the data will be disseminated regularly at international conferences and in journal publications. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): Eva WONG (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Common Interests and User Relation Investigation on Moodle The project aims at applying web-based IT technology to analyze and discover the learners’ common interests (i.e. keywords) and their inner relationship on the discussion board of Moodle, preparing for further investigation of teaching and learning engagement in the future. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Ping 李平 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for Reflective Engagement of Learners in Digital Classroom The project aims to enhance the competency of HKIEd academic/teaching staff in promoting learners’ reflective engagement in line with HKIEd e-learning strategies. The project has the objectives to enhance the reflective engagement of learners in course learning in HKIEd; to enhance the reflective engagement of lecturers in course teaching in HKIEd; to enhance the sustainability of e-learning implementation in course learning and teaching in HKIEd; and to enhance the scalability of e-learning implementation in course learning and teaching in HKIEd. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, CHUNG, Wai Yee Joanne 鍾慧儀, SONG, Yanjie 宋燕捷 |
Provision of Services for Conducting the Research Study on the Pilot Scheme on e-Learning in Schools (Part 2) The Education Bureau has commissioned the Hong Kong Institute of Education to conduct a research study, in the form of an in-depth case study of the selected 11 e-Learning pilot projects, to evaluate the effectiveness of the Pilot Scheme on e-Learning in Schools in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, LI, Kai Ming 李啟明, SONG, Yanjie 宋燕捷 |
Fostering a mobile learning community: The use of mobile technologies in studying subject knowledge through English in tertiary education in Hong Kong This project intends to achieve the following objectives: 1). Identifying creative and effective use of mobile technologies in learning subject knowledge through English; 2). Investigating how such mobile learning helps to enhance students’ subject and English learning through guided self-reflection; 3). Helping students to conduct critical evaluations of their mobile learning and make strategic efforts to address weak areas in both their subject knowledge and their English; 4). Building a community of mobile learning among tertiary students and academic/teaching staff and motivating them to use mobile technologies in learning and teaching EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses; 5). Discussing EMI and EAP (English for Academic Purposes) related issues and offering pedagogical suggestions on mobile learning/teaching of subject knowledge through English for both teachers and students; 6). Sustaining the community members’ interest in using mobile technologies in learning and teaching through regular sharing of members’ successful experience. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): MA, Qing (KONG, Siu Cheung as Co-Investigator) |
TDG Project: Teaching and learning portfolios for active, engaged and reflective learning This project aims to: (a) design and develop e-portfolios via the Mahara environment to enhance active, engaged and reflective learning; (b) select, design and develop suitable learning and teaching materials for incorporation in the e-portfolios; (c) enable the students to aware the rationales and the advantages of adoption of teaching and learning portfolios in education; and (d) enhance the quality of learning and teaching of mathematics and information technology courses. Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): POON, Kin Keung Eric 潘建強, KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, MAN, Yiu Kwong 文耀光 |
Formative Evaluation and Teaching Training of Pilot Scheme on e-Learning in Schools "Learning Enhancement through Mobile and e-Learning" (形成性評估及專業培訓:學校電子學習試驗計劃 「透過移動學習及電子學習促進學習」) This project aims to support the pilot schools to design, implement and evaluate school-based e-Learning programs for using mobile technology to enhance subject learning in the primary school sector. In this project, the project team will organize professional development activities to prepare teachers for the launch of the target e-Learning programs. The project team will also evaluate the e-Learning programs at different stages through attainment tests, class observations, and interviews with students and teachers. The project team will prepare reports at different stages and attend the disseminate session at the end of the project period to share the evaluation results. Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
A Study of Using Information Technology in Mathematics Education The goal of this research is to enhance the development of IT-supported educational resources effective for learning and teaching mathematics. By the method of documentary analysis, this research will study the potential and ways of integrating IT components into mathematical curriculum to (i) help students who have low mathematical abilities to improve their mathematics learning; (ii) promote students to learn mathematics through inquiry and exploration; (iii) support students to develop twenty-first century skills. Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
An Intelligent E-Learning System for Web Resources Sharing: A Design Experiment This project aims at conducting a design experiment, in which we design and implement an intelligent E-learning system based on social bookmarking to help students collaboratively access useful and creditable Web resources, facilitating inquiry-based learning. The E-learning system is integrated with data mining techniques to automatically recommend students relevant Web resources that are regarded to be helpful and trustful by the course instructors and peers. Grouping of students is adopted as a strategy to improve the effectiveness of the Web searching process as well as the quality of the acquired information. Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Tak Lam 黃德霖 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Enhancing the Relationship between Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and Information Technology Courses This project aims to develop IT-supported learning and teaching resources to promote students to have active learning experience under innovative practices and resources for classroom learning of mathematics and information technology. Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): MAN, Yiu Kwong 文耀光, HO, Kwok Pun Victor 何國斌, KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Evaluation of Pilot Scheme on e-Learning in Schools “Implementation of Information Literacy Education in the Integrated Humanities Subject through E-learning Approach (以電子學習模式實踐資訊素養教育於綜合人文學科)" This project aims to support the pilot school to design, implement and evaluate a school-based e-Learning program for the Integrated Humanities subject for junior secondary school students. In this project, the project team will organize professional development activities to prepare teachers for the launch of the target e-Learning program. The project team will also evaluate the e-Learning program at different stages through attainment tests, class observations, and interviews with students and teachers. The project team will prepare reports at different stages and attend the disseminate session at the end of the project period to share the evaluation results. Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
A Study of Policy on Equality of Opportunity for Hong Kong Students to Engage in Inquiry Learning in the Digital World Based on a model on collaboration between school and parents to foster information literacy (IL), the project aimed at formulating policy advice on supporting every student to obtain physical access to computing facilities and Internet connection in school and at home for inquiry learning; and to receive appropriate support from schools and parents for a safe, healthy, secure, and encouraging school and home environment for the development of IL and participation in IT-based inquiry learning. The project looks into the political context in Hong Kong, with a focus on policy issues from the educational perspective. Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Online resource-based inquiry learning environment: Effects of teacher pedagogical practices on science understanding of primary learners working in groups The digital age has not only changed the fundamental nature of resources; its exponential growth in amount and access has also changed how and where instruction and learning take place. Although some teachers can make wide use of learning resources from the internet, the resources are often used haphazardly. We know from the literature that inquiry learning is an effective pedagogy, but there are varied conceptions in employing teacher scaffolding in the pedagogical design of inquiry learning, particularly with learners at primary level. Hence, this proposed research attempts to answer the question “How do different pedagogical orientations of inquiry learning using online resources help primary learners working in groups develop better science understanding? The research will take upper primary pupils studying science topics in the form of groups as the context of study, and aim to gain an in-depth understanding of teacher conceptions and practices that are essential to support effective inquiry learning. Insights gained from this proposed research study will result in models of teacher pedagogical practices that can be used to inform future teacher professional development initiatives in teacher education. This proposal is based on the studies conducted by the research team in the previous years. These studies provide preliminary understanding of effective pedagogical designs and impacts on learning; for example, the approaches of inquiry learning, learner academic background and/or teacher support levels. This proposed research will involve teachers applying instructional practices with available online resource-based learning units to learners working in groups which is a commonly used classroom setting for science activities. This is to extend the investigation to identify how teachers’ pedagogical practices can impact learners’ understanding of science. The research methodology includes survey, interview, observation and analysis of lessons with support from the research team to explore how to “Make Teaching and Learning More Effective” as intervention throughout the two-year study. Changes of teachers’ conceptions and pedagogical practices will be identified by pre and post-lesson interviews. Learners’ learning will be measured by pre and post-lesson tests and concept mapping to study the changes in science understanding. The data analysis will focus on investigating the characteristics, correlations, multiple regression and interaction effect between conceptions of teaching, pedagogical practices, learner background and learning outcomes. The findings will provide useful information to facilitate teachers to design effective practices with the use of online resources in appropriate ways, in order to enhance learners’ inquiry learning of science. Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Provision of Services for Review Survey(s) on the Third Strategy on Information Technology (IT) in Education The Education Bureau has commissioned the Hong Kong Institute of Education to conduct an evaluation study, in the form of territory-wide questionnaire surveys across the three school sectors in Hong Kong, to review the effectiveness of official IT in education strategy. Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LI, Kai Ming 李啟明, KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Provision of Services for Need Analysis of an Online Depository of Curriculum-based Learning and Teaching Resources for various KLA at Key Stage 3 The Education Bureau has commissioned the Hong Kong Institute of Education to conduct a study of need analysis of an online depository of curriculum-based learning and teaching resources for various Key Learning Areas (KLAs) at Key Stage 3. For the collection of solid information to inform the development of the captioned online depository, research activities including documentary analysis, focus group discussions and online questionnaire survey are going to be conducted to study the use of e-resources for teaching the six KLAs in secondary schools in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥, LI, Kai Ming 李啟明 |
Formative Evaluation of Using Mobile Device in Learning and Teaching for the QEF Project (Boundless School, Mobile Learning Project) This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of mobile technology on school education. Eleven pilot schools will be invited to embed the designed mobile learning strategies in the learning and teaching of two selected subject units within the research period. Pre-test—Post-test instruments will be developed for evaluating the effect of the designed strategies on student achievement. Classroom observation will also be conducted to investigate student reaction to the designed strategies. Additionally, interviews will be organized for the individual teachers and selected students who participate in this study to look into their perception of the designed strategies. Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): KONG Siu Cheung |
Information and Communications Technology for Enhancing Students’ Learning in the Real and Virtual World A visiting scholar from Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU) will stay at HKIEd MSST Department for 6 months to conduct various research and scholarly activities with the IT and Science colleagues. The expected benefits and deliverables include (a) further research work on the establishment of a computer-supported ubiquitous learning environment in the real world and innovative use of FOSS for effective teaching and learning of science; (b) better knowledge about the science education system in Mainland China; (c) development of some selected computer-mediated learning courseware in various disciplines; and (d) consolidation of the academic linkage between the two institutions. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Advisory Service for Developing the Adapted Information and Communication Technology Curriculum Framework under the Senior Secondary Curriculum for Student with Intellectual Disabilities This project aims to develop an adapted ICT curriculum framework under the new senior secondary curriculum for the target students. There are three outputs from this project, namely a spectrum-based ICT curriculum framework adapted for senior secondary school students across the ‘Mild’ to ‘Severe’ grades of intellectual disability; a set of user-friendly and user-centered exemplars on the classroom learning and teaching of the elective subject ICT under the adapted ICT curriculum frameworks; and a series of informative professional development activities about the development and implementation of the adapted ICT curriculum framework for schools which admit intellectually disabled students. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): KONG Siu Cheung |
A Study Analyzing Reflections of Student-teachers on Using a Web-enable Self-monitoring Video System in Classroom for Enhancement of Teaching Quality This research aims to establish a web-enable video system for student-teachers to self-monitor in-class videotaping of and post-lesson reflection on their teaching performance. A one-stop platform for self-monitoring a digital video recording system to conduct in-classroom teaching and self-reflection framework for post-lesson reflection on the videotaping teaching performance have been developed. Eight student-teachers have been invited to use the designed system to conduct in-class videotaping and make post-lesson reflection twice within the research period. Interviews have been conducted to collect opinions of student-teachers on the usability and effectiveness of the designed system. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): KONG Siu Cheung |
A Study of Developing Information Literacy in School Education (ILEd) In response to the emphasis of information literacy (IL) in the education reform of the HKSAR Government, this study targets at promoting the development of IL with the effective use of information technology (IT) in school education. This study has a twofold aim: to define the context of IL in the emerging knowledge society and study its relationship with IT; and to investigate how to develop IL in school education for achieving the goal of quality education. A report will be compiled to discuss the contexts and methods for developing IL in school education. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): KONG Siu Cheung |
A Study on Assessing the Perception of Student-teachers and Supervising Teachers in Utilizing Web-enable Video Technologies for Remote Teaching Supervision. The research aims to establish a web-enable video system for remote teaching supervision. The system has been designed to enable supervising teachers to remotely observe classroom situations, conduct post-lesson discussions, and perform post-lesson evaluations without on-site visits to the placement schools. Eight pairs of supervising teachers and student-teachers have been invited to use the designed system twice within the research period. Individual interviews have been conducted for each of the participants to collect their opinion on the effectiveness and areas for improvement for the designed system. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): KONG Siu Cheung |
Home-school Collaboration to Promote Information Literacy: Supporting Enquiry Learning in the Digital Age The research aims to promote home-school collaboration on fostering information literacy (IL) for enquiry learning (EL) with the goal of ensuring that no learner is disadvantaged from learning in the information society. This research reviews policies of Hong Kong and overseas on promoting IL for EL and strategies for home-school collaboration and studies the concerns of schools heads, parents and stakeholders in policy making. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 |
Provision of Services on Designing a Resource Pack to Support School-based Development of Information Technology in Education The aim of the Project is to design a user-centred and user-friendly Resource Pack for supporting the development and implementation of tailor-made IT in education plan in a school-based manner. A printed master copy of the Resource Pack, which is in the form of paper-based package, and the corresponding electronic file will be delivered to the EDB for the dissemination purposes. The ultimate goal of the Resource Pack is to provide multiple materials for school principals to enhance the quality of their school-based IT in education plans according to the individual needs of their schools and students. Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): KONG Siu Cheung, LI Kai Ming |
Research and Development Project in Using Rubrics as Instructional and Assessment Guides for the Non-written Mode of Independent Enquiry Study The project aims to: 1)study the integration of assessment into learning and teaching strategies with use of rubrics as instructional and assessment guides; 2) document the school experiences on developing and using school-based rubrics as instructional and assessment guide; 3) illustrate the use of school-based instructional and assessment rubrics with classroom experiences and student works in the IES process; 4) make use of the fruits of this study to help NSS LS teachers prepare for effective learning, teaching, and assessment strategies of the subject; and 5) develop a rubric bank under the assessment framework of IES Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG May Hung May, SO Wing Mui Winnie (KONG Siu Cheung as Co-Investigator) |
Problem-based Learning in Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Technology The proposed project aims to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the subject areas of MSST and to extend staff's repertoire of teaching strategies through trialing of the problem-based learning approach (PBL). The strengths of PBL in enhancing the quality of knowledge acquisition and development of higher order skills are well documented in some educational contexts like medical education. The project is structured in several coherent phases which progressively lead staff through the processes of professional development, planning, piloting, implementation, evaluation and generation of deliverables. The project will be evaluated through focus group interviews, staff and student surveys, and continuous assessment to examine student perceptions of PBL and the degree of improvement of students' ability to solve PBL cases. The outcomes of the project will be disseminated through publication of PBL materials and evaluation outcomes, and staff seminars or symposia. Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LEE Yeung Chung (KONG Siu Cheung as Co-Investigator) |
Applications of Free and Open-Source Software for Supporting the Effective Teaching and Learning of Science The visiting scholar stayed at HKIEd MSST Department for 6 months and to conduct the following kinds of research and scholarly activities with the IT and Science colleagues: 1) innovative design of computer-mediated experiments as based on FOSS for enhancing students' science process skills; 2) editorial work of the online science journal called Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching with an aim to promote it to more science educators and teachers in various regions of mainland China; 3) talk and Seminar; and 4) visit other tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and a few secondary/primary schools. Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG Yau Yuen (KONG Siu Cheung as Co-Investigator) |
Provision of Services for Professional Development Programme "New Senior Secondary Learning and Teaching Strategies for Information and Communication Technology The programme is designed with the understanding that the teacher participants have rich experience in teaching ICT at schools and yet they might not have different (new) teaching approaches to teach the NSS ICT curriculum. Thus, this professional development programme is to enhance participants' understanding of theories and related delivery approaches in the areas of: 1) catering for learner's diversity, 2) quality interaction and 3) development of generic skills (critical thinking, creativity and problem solving) when teaching the new curriculum. It is expected that by the end of the programme, participants will have the confidence and competence to teach NSS ICT curriculum with appropriate teaching approaches. Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): NG Mee Wah, Eugenia (KONG Siu Cheung as Co-Investigator) |
Provision of Consultant Service: Revamp of the Teachers' IT Training Framework The Hong Kong Institute of Education was commissioned by the EMB to conduct a research on "Revamp of the Teachers' IT Training Framework", in collaboration with Hong Kong Baptist University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and The University of Hong Kong. The framework was designed to advance teacher's information literacy and effective integration of IT in teaching and student learning under different KLA and at different levels of schooling. The research team will work with stakeholders in teacher education, primary and secondary schools and experts in education bodies to revamp the teachers' IT training framework for Hong Kong teachers. Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): YUEN Hoi Kau, PUN Sai Wing, LI Siu Cheung, KONG Siu Cheung |
Consultancy and Support Services to Learning Centre - Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School for the 2005-06 School Year As appointed by the EMB of HKSAR Government, the Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School is carrying out the Learning Centre scheme. The HKIEd team is contracted to act as a partner from the tertiary education sector to support and facilitate the school's role in enhancing the teaching and Learning of the primary Mathematics in Hong Kong schools through the effective use of information technology. The HKIEd team will provide academic advices and resources, organise a series of seminars for staff development and conduct relevant evaluation and educational research for the Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): KONG Siu Cheung |
Phase (I) Study on Evaluating the Effectiveness of the "Empowering Learning and Teaching with Information Technology Strategy (2004/2007) It is an EMB commissioned project (from May 2005 to December 2006) which aims to conduct a systematic review of the progress of various ITEd initiatives/projects as well as making recommendations to the ongoing development of Information Technology in Education (ITEd) in Hong Kong. The findings collected will pave way for the evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Strategy at next phase of this evaluation exercise. Moreover, the project will, at last, establish a mechanism to track the progress of various ITEd initiatives/projects and to retrieve useful information at school, student and community levels from a data bank with a well defined Knowledge Management model. Such a mechanism will allow policy makers to upkeep and analyze relevant data for subsequent continuous evaluation to inform future policies. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): LI Kai Ming, KONG Siu Cheung |
Diffusion of Learning Centre Scheme to Hong Kong Schools - General Studies KLA (Primary) As appointed by the Quality Education Division, EMB of HKSAR Government, the Fanling Public School is carrying out the Learning Centre scheme. The HKIEd team is contracted to act as a partner from the tertiary education sector to support and facilitate the school's role in enhancing the teaching and learning of the General Studies subject in any Hong Kong schools through the effective use of information teachnology. The HKIEd team will provide academic advices and resources from existing projects, organise a series of training workshops and conduct relevant evaluation/educational research for the Fanling Public School. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |
Diffusion of Learning Centre Scheme to Hong Kong Schools - Science KLA (Secondary) As appointed by the Quality Education Division, EMB of HKSAR Government, the Immanuel Lutheran Collage is carrying out the Learning Centre scheme. The HKIEd team is contracted to act as a partner from the tertiary education sector to support and facilitate the school's role in enhancing the teaching and learning of the secondary Science subject in any Hong Kong schools through the effective use of information technology. The HKIEd team will provide academic advices and resources from existing projects, organise a series of training workshops and conduct relevant evaluation/educational research for the Immanuel Lutheran College. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (KONG, Siu Cheung 江紹祥 as Co-Investigator) |