Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters He, Y., & Yu, C.W.M. (2022). Developing an Entrepreneurial Competence Framework for Tertiary Arts Education Through a Delphi Method – A Chinese Perspective. In B. Ng (Ed.), Higher Education and Job Employability (pp.111-134). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Cheng, M. W. T., Conn, K., Yu, W. M. C., Sze, C. C., Ong, E. & Chu, S. K.W. (2022). Summarising Chapter. In Chu. S. K. W. & et al (Ed.), Evolving Language of Residential Education: Enhancing Students’ Learning in University Residential Halls (p. 181-188). Singapore: Springer. Fu, J., Hou, S. & Yu, W. M. C. (2022). Introducing financial literacy to residential college educational programmes: A systematic review. In Chu. S. K. W. & et al (Ed.), Evolving Language of Residential Education: Enhancing Students’ Learning in University Residential Halls (p. 111-127). Singapore: Springer. Law, W. C. R. & Yu, W. M. C. (2022). ASK: An undergraduate’s growth through international residential education experience. In Chu. S. K. W. & et al (Ed.), Evolving Language of Residential Education: Enhancing Students’ Learning in University Residential Halls (p. 85-99). Singapore: Springer. Yu, W. M. C. (2022). Capacity building for advancing and sustaining residential education. In Chu. S. K. W. & et al (Ed.), Evolving Language of Residential Education: Enhancing Students’ Learning in University Residential Halls (p. 151-160). Singapore: Springer. Chu, S. K. W., Yue, K. K. M., Yu, C. W. M., Liu, E. S. C., Sze, C. C., Conn, K., Ong, E., Cheng, M.W.T, Fu, J.Y. ,& Hou, S (2022). Evolving Landscape of Residential Education Enhancing Students’ Learning in University Residential Halls. Singapore: Springer. 石美寶、李子建、姚偉梅編著 (2019)。 迎接未來的四大能力 — 家長與孩子一起踏上成功之路。香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司。 姚偉梅 (2019)。 <各地中學職涯規劃教育之比較及及反思>。輯於, 《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》 (頁129-146)。台北市: 高等教育出版公司。 姚偉梅和林沛鎔 (2019)。 <各地大學職涯規劃教育之概況>。輯於, 《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》 (頁147-168)。台北市: 高等教育出版公司。 李子建、姚偉梅和許景輝 (2019)。 <21世紀技能教育:邁向未來多元夥伴協作>。輯於李子建、姚偉梅和許景輝(編), 《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》 (頁 233-251)。台北市: 高等教育出版公司。 李子建、姚偉梅和許景輝 (2019)。 <全球工作趨勢及教育改革焦點: 21世紀技能>。輯於, 《21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育》 (頁1-25)。台北市: 高等教育出版公司。 李子建、姚偉梅、許景輝編著 (2019)。 21世紀技能與生涯規劃教育。台灣: 高等教育出版公司。 Shek, Mei Po, Mabel (2018). Guidebook on teacher language use. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. version (EdUHK Users only) Kong, S Y (2017). Field experience: Guidelines on using assessment in lesson planning. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. version (EdUHK Users only) Yu, W. M. C. & Lee, C. K. J. (2017). Sustaining entrepreneurship education in Hong Kong as a learning city through partnership building: A Case of Teen Entrepreneurs Competitions. In James et al (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions: Delivering on the UNESCO 2013, Beijing Declaration on Building Learning Cities (pp. 137-154). Dordredht:: Springer Publishers. Law, Kim Fai Eric (2015). Hong Kong financial competency framework. Hong Kong: Investor Education Centre.,contains,991017835993303410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library Yu, Wai Mui Christina (2015). Implementation of the new FE framework. Hong Kong: publisher. Yu, Wai Mui Christina (2015). Reflective learning: A key to developing a professional ePortfolio. Hong Kong: publisher. 姚偉梅 (2012)。 <優師的變與不變>。輯於香港教育學院教育, 《ebook of GPET文集》 (頁31-36)。香港: 香港教育學院。 姚偉梅、黎楊惠玲、陳潔華、林藹陽 (2012)。 〈香港教師培訓課程中的性別教育元素初探〉。蔡寶瓊、陳潔華(編), 《教育的性別視角:課堂與教學實證研究》 (135-148)。香港: 香港城市大學出版社。 姚偉梅 (2010)。 <香港需要「專業抗命」的老師>。輯於香港教育學院教育教育政策與領導學系編, 《繼續發聲—教育政策論壇文集(二)》 (頁112-115)。香港: 香港教育學院。 Yu, W. M. C. & Velde, C. (2009). The changing context of business education: Competence requirements for the new paradigm. In C. Velde (Ed.), International perspectives on competence in the workplace: Implications for Research, policy and practice (2nd ed.) (pp.75-85). Dordredht: Springer Publishers. 姚偉梅 (2009)。 <商業科「折扣」的計算>。香港教育學院院校協作與學校體驗事務處 (編輯), 收入《能優化課堂教與學的觀課》 (頁112-115)。香港: 香港教育學院。
Journal Publications Michelle W. T. Cheng, Man-Lai Leung, Christina W. M. Yu, Kevin K. M. Yue, Elaine S. C. Liu, Samuel K. W. Chu (2021). Sustaining Healthy Staying Communities in University Residential Halls amid Unprecedented Pandemic Cheng, M. W., Leung, M. L., Yu, C. W., Yue, K. K., Liu, E. S., & Chu, S. K. (2021). Sustaining Healthy Staying Communities in University Residential Halls amid Unprecedented Pandemic. Sustainability, 13(11), 6176.. Sustainability, 13(11), 6176. Zhu, A.Y.F, Yu, C.Y.M., & Chou, K.L. (2019). Improving financial literacy in secondary school students: An randomized experiment.. Youth & Society, V(x), Cheng, E.W.L., Yu, C.W.M., Sin, L.S., & Ma, C.S.M. (2018). Stakeholders’ roles in field experience: some empirical evidence (doi: 10.1108/JARHE-08-2017-0103). Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 10(4), 556-569. Yu, W. M. C. (2016). Using E-Portfolios to Achieve Better Learning Outcomes in Professional Training: Views from Teacher Trainees and Supervisors. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 23(2), pp.67-78. Jia, N. A., Yu, W. M. C. & Lo, S. K. (2015). Branding of Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong: The role of core values. The International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 17(2), 1-20. Yu, W. M. C. (2014). The Meaning and Role of Entrepreneurship Education for School Students in the Global Economy. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 22(2), pp.7-19. Elliott, J., & Yu, C. (2013). Learning Studies in Hong Kong Schools: A Summary Evaluation Report on the ‘Variation for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning’ (VITAL) project. Éducation et didactique, 7(2), pp.147-163. Yu, W. M. C. (2013). Capacity Building to Advance Entrepreneurship Education: Lessons from the Teen Entrepreneurship Competition in Hong Kong. Education and Training, 55 (7), pp. 705-718. Yu, W. M. C. (2010). Transforming Online Learning in TVET: Using Blackboard. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 18(1), pp. 44-62. Yu, W. M. C. (2010). Business Curriculum and Assessment Reform in Hong Kong Schools: A Critical Review From a Competence-based Perspective. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 62(1), pp. 27-50. Man, T.W.Y. & Yu, C.W.M. (2009). Students’ perceptions towards entrepreneurship: the roles of authentic enterprise exposures and social interaction. International Review of Entrepreneurship (Formerly International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education), 7(3), 207-224. Yu, C.W.M. and Man, T.W.Y. (2009). Social Interaction and the Formation of Entrepreneurial Characteristics: A Case Study in an Authentic Entreprise Activity. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(8), 595-613. Man, W. Y. T., Yu, W. M. C. (2009). Social Interaction and Students' Perception of Entrepreneurship in the Context of Authentic Enterprise Exposures. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 7(3), pp. 207-224. Yu, W. M. C. (2009). Understanding Hong Kong business teachers in action: The case of teaching strategies formulation. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 55(2), pp. 212-229. Yu, W. M. C., & Man, W. Y. T. (2009). Social Interaction and the Formation of Entrepreneurial Characteristics: A Case Study in Authentic Entreprise Activity. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(8), pp. 595-613. Yu, W. M. C., & Boulton-Lewis, M. G. (2008). Hong Kong secondary business teachers' conceptions of student competence and ways of teaching. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 60 (3), 257-272. Yu, W. M. C. (2008). Business education in Hong Kong secondary schools: Past and future. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 16 (1), 51-63. Man, W. Y. T., & Yu, W. M. C. (2007). Social interaction and adolescent's learning in enterprise education: An empirical study. Education and Training, 49 (8/9), 620-633. Yu, C. W. M., & Man, T. W. Y. (2007). The sustainability of enterprise education: A case study in Hong Kong. Education and Training, 49 (2), 138-152. 姚偉梅 (2007)。 香港中學商業教育的歷史回顧及課程探究。 《教育史研究》第1期,頁6。 Yu, C. W. M. (2006). An investigation of pre-service teachers' conceptions and ways of teaching business subjects: The case of Hong Kong. The International Journal of Learning, 12 (8), 10. Yu, C. W. M. (2006). Secondary business education in Hong Kong: Teachers' conceptions of students' competence. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 14 (2), 19. Yu, W. M. C. (2005). Optimising learning in enterprise education. International Journal of Applied Entrepreneurship, 2 (1).
Conference Papers Yu, W. M. C. & Iwata, Y. (2020, February). International of Curriculum in Teacher Education: A Comparative Study on Hong Kong and Japan. World Conference on Teacher Education, Osaka, Japan. Yu, W. M. C.; Taylor, T. W.; Shek, M. B; & Kong, K. Y. (2018, October). Raising A New Generation of Student-teachers for the 21st Century: Field Experience Learning Through Connectivity and Technology. The 7th National Conference on Work Integrated Learning, Brisbane, Australia. Yu, W. M. C. (2018, May). Meeting Teacher Competence Standards Through a Field Experience Outcome-based Filed Experience Framework: From Design to Large-scale Implement. The 9th TEAN Annual Conference: Thinking Deeply about Teacher Education, Birmingham, UK. Cheng, M.M.H., Lee, C.K.J., & Yu, W.M.C. (2017, May). Towards the Development of a Sustainable Teacher Professional Development Approach. The 8th TEAN Annual Conference: Thinking Deeply about Teacher Education, Birmingham, UK. Yu, W. M. C. (2015, September). Promoting Career and Life Planning Education in Schools: ‘School-University-Reaching-Enterprises (SURE) Partnership’. 2015 International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) Conference, Tsukuba, Japan. nil (2015, September). Partnership building for promoting life planning and career education in Hong Kong secondary schools. Paper presented at the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) International Conference: Restructuring careers over unexpected powerful forces, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C. (2014, July). Using E-portfolio in Teacher Education: A Case of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Eportfolio ePIC 2014 Conference, Greenwich, London. Yu, W. M. C. (2014, February). Meeting Teacher Competence Standards Through a Construction of an Outcome-based Filed Experience Framework: A Case of Hong Kong. International Teacher Education Conference 2014, Dubai. nil (2013, March). Meaning and role of ‘business and social’ entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C., Chong, K. M. E., & Lau, S. W. C. (2012, December). A Study on Engaging Student Teachers into Online Reflective Dialogue. Paper presented at the 3rd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Shanghai, China. Yu, W. M. C. (2011, December). Capacity Building for Advancing Creativity and Entrepreneurship: Teen Entrepreneurship Competition in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 15 UNESCO APEID International Conference, Jakarta. Yu, C.W.M., Lai-Yeung, T.W.L., Chan, A.K.W., Lam, O. Y. (2010, December). A Study of Gender in Teacher Education: Hong Kong Case.. The 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C. (2009, December). Lesson Study and Change of Teaching Conceptions: Case Studies in Pre-service Teacher Education. Paper presented at the World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference 2009, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C.,Chan, A.K.W., Lam, O. Y., Lai-Yeung, T.W.L. (2009, December). A critical examination of the development and discourses of studies on Gender & Education in Hong Kong, 1983-2009. Paper presented at the Symposium on Gender & Education in Hong Kong, HKIEd, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C. (2009, November). Transforming Online Learning in TVET: A Case of Using Blackboard Platform. Invited paper presented at the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Chan, K. W. A., Lai Yeung, W. L. T., & Yu, W. M. C. (2008, May). Gender in education: Pedagogical practices and research directions. Paper presented at the 2008 Spring Workshop - Research Matters: The Production of Knowledge, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C. (2007, December). How does business education reform bring along innovations in Hong Kong schools?. Paper presented at the 79th International Conference of International Society for Business Education, Vienna. Man, W. Y. T., & Yu, W. M. C. (2007, July). Do student really become more entrepreneurial? A study on the role of social interaction in an authentic enterprise activity. Paper presented at the 17th Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, Hong Kong. Yu, C. W. M., & Man, T. W. Y. (2006, November). How does social interaction facilitate experiential learning in enterprise education? A case of the teen entrepreneurs competition. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong. Yuen, Y. M. C., Yu, W. M. C., & Yuen, W. W. T. (2006, June). How textbook pictures describe gender roles: Case studies of general studies and technology studies. Paper presented at Challenges and Possible in Gender Equity Education: The 2nd International Conference in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C. (2005, July). An investigation of pre-service teachers' conceptions and ways of teaching business subjects: The case of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Journal of Learning, Spain. Yu, W. M. C. (2004, July). A proactive way to enterprise education and teacher preparation: Teen Entrepreneurs Competition. Paper presented at the 76th international conference of International Society for Business Education, Poland. Yu, W. M. C. (2004, July). Effective teaching approaches to developing competent business teachers: Teacher trainees' view. Paper presented at the 76th international conference of International Society for Business Education, Poland. Yu, W. M. C. (2004, June). How do business teacher trainees conceive professional competence and teach?. Paper presented at the first CSP conference in the study of professions, Norway. Yu, W. M. C. (2003, January). How do business teachers view students' competence in the knowledge society of Hong Kong?. Paper presented at the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2003, Sydney. Yu, W. M. C. (2003, January). What are the effective teaching strategies for developing students' competence?. Paper presented at the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2003, Sydney. Yu, W. M. C. (2003, January). What are the effective teaching strategies for developing students' competence?. Paper presented at the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement 2003, Sydney. Yu, W. M. C. (2001, July). An analysis of students' competence regarding the curriculum reform of business education in Hong Kong secondary schools. Paper presented at the 11th World Congress of Comparative Education, Korea. Yu, W. M. C. (1999, June). A possible tool to enhance the professional development in times of change: an investigation of competencies for collaborative work amongst educational key stakeholders. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Teacher Education, Israel. Yu, W. M. C. (1999, February). Creating a competency-based model for secondary vocational teachers to meet the latest changes and demands in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C. (1996, November). Managing Disruptive Behaviour in a Hong Kong Secondary School. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies 姚偉梅 (2019)。 「講求事實數據的理財教育」,《信報財新聞》。教育講論, 優質教育,頁C04 姚偉梅 (2019)。 「為香港理財教育把脈」,《信報財新聞》。教育講論, 優質教育,頁C04 Yu, W. M. C., Law, K. F. E., Ho, C. S. M. & Shek, M. P. B. (2019). The Hong Kong Financial Competence Framework 2.0. Hong Kong: Investor Education Centre, Hong Kong 李子建、姚偉梅、冼權鋒、許景輝、石美寶、李展華、胡少偉、羅世光、江浩民等 (2019)。 檢討香港中學推行生涯規劃教育的成效。香港: 教育局委託香港教育大學學術顧問團隊承辦。 Shek, M. P. M., Kong, W. Y. S., Sam, C. A. S., Yu, W. M. C. & Liu, H. Y. R. (2018). Guidebook on Teacher Language Use. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. 姚偉梅, 周慧君, 石美寶, 羅劍輝, 莊允遜, 鄭偉倫, 李展華, 林沛鎔 & 胡仕揚 (2017). 《「肯定」夥伴計劃:職業資訊小冊子》. 香港: 香港教育大學學校協作及體驗事務處. Yu, W. M. C. & et al. (2017). The SURE Partnership Project: Occupational Information Booklet. (76-page A5 size). Hong Kong: EdUHK Yu, W. M. C. & et al. (2017). The Infographics of Personal Financial Education.. Hong Kong: EdUHK Yu, W. M. C. & et al. (2016). Field Experience Handbook of the New Framework (for FE Supervisor - An online version) Hong Kong Yu, W. M. C., & et al (2015). The Hong Kong Financial Competence Framework. Hong Kong: Investor Education Centre, Hong Kong. Yu, W. M. C. (2015). A Study of Business-related Curriculum and Assessment in Secondary Schooling, Unpublished Review/Consultancy Report. HKSAR: Education Bureau. 姚偉梅及其他三位同事 (2014)。 接受數碼電台〈非常班房〉節目訪問 (Interview at DBC Radio)。Hong Kong YU, W. M. C., & et al (2013). Pilot Study I on the Outcome-based Field Experience Framework - Final Report. HKIEd YU, W. M. C., & et al (2012). Pilot Study I on the Outcome-based Field Experience Framework – Interim Report. HKIEd 姚偉梅 (2012)。 接受香港電台第一台〈我們不是怪獸 - 相信我們的孩子〉節目訪問,(Interview at RTHK Radio 1)。Hong Kong 姚偉梅 (2012)。 新高中「企會財」科的癥結與出路。香港: 《星島日報》, 頁F5。 YU, W. M. C., & et al (2011). Student Teacher Learning Framework for Field Experience. HKIEd Yuen, Y. M. C., Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K., Leung, C. S. S., Ngai, S. K. G., Yu, W. M. C., & Yuen, L. H. (2010). Report on provision of consultancy service for a study on pedagogical strategies to enhance learning effectiveness in a small class setting - Final report.. Hong Kong Yuen, Y. M. C., Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K., Leung, C. S. S., Ngai, S. K. G., Yu, W. M. C., & Yuen, L. H. (2009). Report on provision of consultancy service for a study on pedagogical strategies to enhance learning effectiveness in a small class setting - Third progress report. Hong Kong 姚偉梅 (2009)。 「為教育著想 老師勿忍氣吞聲」。《香港經濟日報》,國是港事,A23。 Yuen, Y. M. C., Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K., Leung, C. S. S., Ngai, S. K. G., Yu, W. M. C., & Yuen, L. H. (2009). Report on provision of consultancy service for a study on pedagogical strategies to enhance learning effectiveness in a small class setting - Second progress report. Hong Kong Yu, W. M. C. (2008). Teaching and Learning of Junior Secondary Business Curriculum. BEd(S) Course Pack, Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences & Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.. Yu, W. M. C. assisted Professor Elliott, J. (2008). to publish A Report on An Independent Evaluation of the 'Variation in Teaching and Learning' Project (VITAL) - Learning Studies as an Educational Change Strategy in Hong Kong.. Yuen, Y. M. C., Wong, P. M., Cheung, C. K., Leung, C. S. S., Ngai, S. K. G., Yu, W. M. C., & Yuen, L. H. (2008). Report on provision of consultancy service for a study on pedagogical strategies to enhance learning effectiveness in a small class setting - First progress report. Hong Kong Yu, W. M. C. (2008). Inquiry into the Teaching and Learning of Business Studies. BEd(S) Course Pack, Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences & Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.. Yu, W. M. C. (2008). Teaching and Learning of Accounting and Financial Studies. PDGE(S) Course Pack, Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences & Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.. 姚偉梅 (2007)。 「商業科「折扣」的計算」。《大公報》,頁26A。 Yu, W. M. C. (2007). Advanced Secondary Methods for Teaching Business Studies. BEd(S) Course Pack, Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences & Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Yu, W. M. C. (2007). Fundamentals of Business Education. PDGE(S) Course Pack, Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences & Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.. 姚偉梅 萬穎恩 (2007)。 「商科課改 老師不足」。《信報財新聞》,頁43。 姚偉梅、萬穎恩及商業學生 (2007)。 (25 Sept, 2007) 。接受香港電台第五台〈家家有教〉節目訪問。 姚偉梅 (2007)。 〈靠神教養孩童〉。 收入《香港聖經教會年刊:竭力建造》 (頁163至166)。香港: 香港聖經教會。 姚偉梅 (2007)。 「中國需要普及學校商业教育」。《信報財經新聞》,頁41, A8b。 Man, W. Y. T., Yu, W. M. C. & Lam, C. Y. (2006). Instructor's Manual for Teen Entrepreneurs Competition. Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences & Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.. 姚偉梅 (2004)。 「職業導向」課程是全港中學生的「必須品」。《星島日報》, 頁A9。 So, K. S., & Yu, W. M. C. (1996). Problem-based learning in business education. Proceedings of the Conference on Business Education in Hong Kong (pp. 31-39). Hong Kong Yu, W. M. C. (1996). The implementation of Co-operative learning in Principles of Accounts at secondary 4 & 5 levels. Proceedings of the Conference on Business Education in Hong Kong (pp. 55-63). Hong Kong
All Other Outputs 姚偉梅、萬頴恩 (2009)。 商科課改,教師不足。香港: 香港教育學院。 Yu, W. M. C., & Man, W. Y. T. (2007)。 商科課改 老師不足。香港 Yu, W. M. C. (2003). Meeting the workforce demands of Hong Kong’s new era in secondary business education: Business teachers’ conceptions of students’ competence and choice of teaching strategies, Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology. Yu, W. M. C. (1996). Managing disruptive behavior in a Hong Kong secondary school. Unpublished master dissertation. Cheltenham & Gloucester: Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education (University of Gloucestershire)..