Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book (author) 陳湛明 (2009)。 教師的協作與團隊精神。 輯於黃炳文、吳迅榮和許明輝主編《校長專業發展:理論與探索》 (頁67-78)。廣東,中國: 翁源縣科技教育局。 陳湛明 (2009)。 白禮賓的九個「團隊角色」與學校團隊的協作。 輯於黃炳文、吳迅榮和許明輝主編《校長專業發展:理論與探索》 (頁99-106)。廣東,中國: 翁源縣科技教育局。 陳湛明 (2007)。 法律與教育。 輯於余煊編《提升中層領導能力,加速學校效能發展:小學中層管理人員領導培訓課程總結報告》 (頁64-68)。香港,香港教育學院 陳湛明 (2004)。 新來港學童課外活動。 輯於袁月梅編《新來港學生教育:研究與發展》 (頁151-164)。台北,台北師大 陳湛明 (2001)。 法治、刑事法律責任與學校訓育工作。 輯於胡少偉編《學校法治教育》 (頁4-21)。香港,香港教育工作者聯會
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal Ng, S. W., Chan, T. M. K., & Yuen, G. (2017). Outsourcing extra-curricular activities: A management strategy in a time of neoliberal influence. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(4), 470-484. Cheng E. C. K., Chan, S., Wan, Z. H., Hung, V., Lim, C.P., Lai, Y.C.,Chan, T.M., Tam, C.M. (2015). Towards a curriculum framework for development teachers'personal knowledge management competencies. International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 1(2), 105-111. CHAN Tsan Ming Kenneth, NG Shun Wing (2015). Management of Outsourcing Extra-Curricular Activities in Primary Schools: Issues and Considerations. International Studies in Educational Administration, 43, 3-17. Ng, S. W., & Chan, T. M. K. (2014). Continuing professional development for middle leaders in primary schools in Hong Kong. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(6), 869-886. Wu, S. W., Yu, H., & Chan, K. T. M. (2010). An Experience of Implementing a Leadership Training Project for School Middle Managers. The Journal of Quality School Education, 6, 31-39. 胡少偉、余煊、陳湛明 (2010)。 培訓中層人員領導的一個經驗。 《優質教育學報》,第6期,31-39。
Conference Papers Refereed conference paper Cheng, E. C. K., Chan, K. Y., Wan Z. H.,Hung V., Lim C. P., Lai, Y. C., Chan T. M. Tam, C. M. (2015, June). Toward a Curriculum Framework for Developing Teachers’ Personal Knowledge Management
Competencies. 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Science and Humanities, Istanbul. CHAN, Tsan Ming Kenneth (2011, July). Outsourcing of Extracurricular Activities in Primary Schools. 3rd Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society Paris (France), 20-23/07/2011, Paris, France. Other conference paper CHAN, Tsan Ming Kenneth (2014, June). A Critical Analysis on the implementation of Other Learning Experiences in Hong Kong Secondary Schools as a Compulsory Component. A Child's World – Next Steps, UK. Chan, T.M. (1997, October). Commentator for Pioneer of Moral Education : The ICAC. Proceedings of the Conference of Furthering a Culture of Lawfulness: The role of primary & secondary education in countering crime and corruption by Civita, Mexico City, Mexico. Chan, T.M.,Cheng, M.H., Chow, P.Y., Hui-Siu, M.Y., Kong, S.C, Li, K.M., So, W.M. Wong-Yu, L.W., Yeh, C.S. (1996, November). The Co-operating Teacher Scheme, Implications for Collaboration and Teacher Development. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Educational Research Association
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies Film, video 余煊、陳湛明 (2007)。 「提升中層領導能力,加速學校效能發展」學校中層管理人員領導培訓課程。香港教育學院教育政策與行政學系。 陳湛明 (2006)。 《急救課程實習示範2006新版》〈視象光碟〉。香港聖約翰救護機構。 陳湛明及其他編者 (2003)。 《急救課程手冊》VCD影片。香港,香港聖約翰救傷會 Chan, T.M., Yeung, S.K., Wong P.M., Yuen, C.C.& Hui, K.F.P. (2002). Educational change. (VCD: teaching materials for all modules related to educational change in Hong Kong). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education 陳湛明及其他編者 (2001)。 《急救課程手冊》影片。香港,香港聖約翰救傷會 Computer software or system Chan T.M. (2010). Web-based Resources on the Organization of Extra-Curricular Activities in School, Hong Kong Consulting or contract research report Wong, P. M., Chan, T. M. K., Ng, S. W., Pang, I. W., Wu, S. W., Yu, H., & Wong, C. K. (2008). Comprehensive Review Report of St. Paul's College Primary School. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education. 余煊、陳湛明及黃柄文 (2007)。 香港中學中層人員領導培訓課程〈第1期及第2期〉總結報告。教育統籌局、香港教育學院教育政策與行政學系。 楊善錦、余煊及陳湛明 (2005)。 《「校本中層管理領導培訓計劃」總結報告》,循道衛理聯合教會及小學校監校長會。香港 Written teaching case study or extensive note CHAN, T.M.K (2011). 陳湛明(2011):急救證書課程手冊(第三版),香港聖約翰救護機構。. Hong Kong 黃炳文、陳湛明、吳迅榮、龐憶華、余煊等 (2009)。 全面評鑑報告(聖保羅小學)。香港: 香港教育學院。 陳湛明及其他編者 (2007)。 《急救課程手冊》第二版。香港,聖約翰護機構 陳湛明及其他編者 (2003)。 《急救學教學套》教材。香港,香港聖約翰救傷會 Chan T.M. (2002). Classroom Management in Resource Kit for School-based Induction Programme for New Teachers. 陳湛明及其他編者 (2001)。 《急救課程手冊》。香港,聖約翰救護機構 陳湛明 (2000)。 處理嚴重違規學生的技巧。香港,香港教育學院、津貼小學議會
All Other Outputs Other outputs Chan, T. M. K. (2008). Consultant, Disciplinary forces training. The Hong Kong Institute of Education (Division of Continuing Professional Education).