Professor (Practice) |
Department of Chinese Language Studies |
Associate Dean(QA&E) |
Faculty of Humanities |
Executive Co-Director |
Academy for Educational Development and Innovation |
Chinese language education (Languages 1 & 2), Content and language integrated learning, Assessment for learning
Chinese language education (Languages 1 & 2), language learning, teaching and assessment
1. Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), October 2015 to present
2. External Member, Internal Review Panel for Diploma in Chinese Opera Foundations, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), 2019
3. External Examiner, Applied Learning Chinese (for Non-Chinese Speaking Students) Programme, Hong Kong College of Technology, May 2015 to August 2018, September 2019 to
4. External Examiner, PGDE programme (Chinese majors), The University of Hong Kong, 2019-20 to 2021-22
5. Member, Incorporated Management Committee (IMC), HKIEd Jockey Club Primary School (JCPS), August 2014 to 2020
Dr. Pamela LEUNG has had many years of experience in the area of Chinese language teaching, both in the classroom and as a teacher educator. Dr Leung has taught at primary, secondary and tertiary levels in Hong Kong and overseas. Her areas of specialization include Chinese Linguistics and related teaching, learning and assessment strategies. Dr. Leung has been working on projects about using assessment for learning in language classrooms, using Putonghua (Modern Standard Chinese) as the medium of instruction in teaching Chinese language in Hong Kong, and teaching Chinese to non-Chinese speaking students.
Chinese language education (Languages 1 & 2), Content and language integrated learning, Assessment for learning
Chinese language education (Languages 1 & 2), language learning, teaching and assessment
1. Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), October 2015 to present
2. External Member, Internal Review Panel for Diploma in Chinese Opera Foundations, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), 2019
3. External Examiner, Applied Learning Chinese (for Non-Chinese Speaking Students) Programme, Hong Kong College of Technology, May 2015 to August 2018, September 2019 to
4. External Examiner, PGDE programme (Chinese majors), The University of Hong Kong, 2019-20 to 2021-22
5. Member, Incorporated Management Committee (IMC), HKIEd Jockey Club Primary School (JCPS), August 2014 to 2020
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters Chapter in an edited book (author) 梁佩雲 (2024)。 〈我愛學「古文」:香港小學生的心聲和憧憬〉。輯於梁佩雲、何志恒、張連航主編, 《文詩文教學新探--承傳與嬗變》 (210-224)。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。 梁佩雲 (2024)。 茶文茶路──茶文化在香港中文教學的可行定位。輯於王香生、張雙慶編, 《茶文化之旅:第七屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》 (239-249)。香港: 香港 中文大學聯合書院、明報月刊、世界華文旅遊文學聯會聯合出版。 梁佩雲 (2023)。 從學習成果看以STEAM促進語文學習的成效。輯於張連航、謝家浩主編, 《文化共融:世界華語教學的策略與實踐》 (6-21)。紅出版(青森文化)。,contains,991018230358803410&vid=EDUHKFind@EdUHK Library 梁佩雲 (2023)。 語文教育與歷史教育的相互作用。輯於陳曙光、何志恒、施仲謀主編, 《文言經典與文化教學實踐新探》 (27-42)。香港: 中華書局。 梁佩雲 (2022)。 支援非華語生以中文學習中國歷史。輯於姜鍾赫、蔡逸寧、梁操雅主編, 《21世紀中國歷史教育的挑戰與機遇》 (99-126)。香港: 中華書局。 梁佩雲 (2019)。 如何走好每一「步」?—落實「中國語文課程第二語言學習架構」的挑戰。輯於施仲謀、何志恆主編, 《中國語文教學新探》 (327-347)。香港: 商務印書館。 梁佩雲 (2018)。 傳承絲綢之路精神.發揚中華文化--為非華語學生編製中華文化讀本的嘗試與探新。輯於余濟美、張雙慶編, 《絲路之旅:第六屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》 (3-14)。香港: 大山文化出版社。 梁佩雲 (2017)。 為非華語學生編寫歷史故事:運用適切字詞的考驗與教學省思。輯於施仲謀、廖佩莉主編, 《漢語教學與文化新探》 (146-159)。香港: 中華書局。 梁佩雲 (2017)。 安徒生童話中的風景。輯於張雙慶、余濟美編, 《文學山水——第五屆 世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》 (707-724)。香港: 香港中文大學聯合書院、明報月刊聯合出版。 Leung, P. (2017). Learning to engage the digital generation in teacher education. In S. C. Kong, T. L. Wong, M. Yang, C. F. Chow, & K. H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era (39-54). Singapore: Springer. Lai, Y.C., Leung, P.W., Wong, T.W., & Yuen, T.L. (2016). Exploring the use of mobile devices and applications to support Field Experience in Teacher Education Courses. In L. Briz-Ponce, J.A. Juanes-Méndez & F. José García-Peñalvo (Eds), Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Applications in Higher Education Settings (479-496). Hashey, PA: IGI Global.. 梁佩雲 (2016)。 香港非華語學生中文書面語表達能力探析。輯於施仲謀主編, 《漢語教學與研究新探》 (119-139)。香港: 中華書局。 梁佩雲 (2015)。 袁枚遊記中的山水風姿與人文情懷。輯於余濟美、張雙慶編, 《文化生態之旅:第四屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》 (93-109)。香港: 香港中文大學聯合書院、明報月刊、世界華文旅遊文學聯會。 梁佩雲 (2015)。 香港非華語學生中文學習策略探究。輯於額爾很巴雅爾主編, 《國際漢語教學與中華文化:第十三屆國際漢語教學學術研討會論文集》 (224-230)。呼和浩特,中國: 內蒙古大學出版社。 梁佩雲 (2013)。 遨遊袁枚詩中的性靈山水。輯於張雙慶、余濟美編, 《行走的愉悅:第三屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》 (149-159)。香港: 香港中文大學聯合書院、明報月刊、世界華文旅遊文學聯會。 梁佩雲 (2012)。 香港小學生口語表達能力評析。輯於何文勝主編, 《面向多元化的語境︰語文教育的反思》 (320-326)。蘇州: 蘇州大學出版社。 梁佩雲 (2011)。 不一樣的旅遊寄託:探求朱自清《歐遊雜記》的教學心跡。輯於張雙慶、馮國培編, 《看山不是山 看水不是水》 (293-312)。香港: 明報月刊出版社。 Chow, A. & Leung, P. (2011). Assessment for learning in language classroom. In R. Berry, & B. Adamson (Eds.), Assessment reform in education: Policy and practice (135-154). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 梁佩雲 (2010)。 以評估促進說話能力的課堂教學實踐。輯於陳建偉、周小蓬、何文勝編, 《「中國語文課程改革中的有效教學與教師行為」國際研討會論文集》 (167-174)。香港: 文思出版社。 梁佩雲 (2008)。 從《西湖雜記》看袁宏道遊記中的「格套」。輯於張雙慶、危令敦編, 《情思滿香港.天地入沈吟:第一屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》 (255-281)。香港: 明報出版社有限公司。 Leung, P. W. P. (2008). Enhancing effective learning in a language teaching module. In D. Grossman, & M. F. Hui (Eds.), Improving Teacher Education through Action Research (pp.60-75). New York, USA: Routledge. Leung, P. P. W. (2007). Introducing e-learning in a traditional Chinese context. In M. J. Keppell (Ed.), Instructional Design: Case Studies in Communities of Practice (pp.275-295). Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Inc.. 梁佩雲 (2007)。 從「對學習的評估」到「導向學習的評估」。輯於梁佩雲、張淑賢編, 《導向學習的評估:教育實務匯編》 (1-6)。香港: 香港大學出版社。 梁佩雲 (2007)。 電子反饋庫。輯於梁佩雲、張淑賢編, 《導向學習的評估:教育實務匯編》 (133-135)。香港: 香港大學出版社。 Leung, P. P. W. (2006). An electronic feedback bank. In D. Carless, G. Joughin, N. Liu, & et al (Eds.), Assessing for Learning in Higher Education: Learning-Oriented Assessment in Action (pp.62-64). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Leung, P. P. W. (2006). Tapping into pre-service teachers' perceptions of successful language teachers: A repertory grid approach. In P. Caputi, H. Foster, & L. L. Viney (Eds.), Personal Construct Psychology: New Ideas (pp.273-294). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Edited book (editor) 梁佩雲、何志恒、張連航主編 (2024)。 《文詩文教學新探--承傳與嬗變》。香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。 何志恆、梁佩雲、張壽洪 (2021)。 STEAM蒸蒸日上:生活中的數理人文計劃專輯暨學生優秀作品集(2020-2021年度)。香港,中國: 香港教育大學。 何志恆、梁佩雲、張壽洪 (2020)。 STEAM蒸蒸日上:生活中的數理人文計劃專輯暨學生優秀作品集(2019-2020年度)。香港,中國: 香港教育大學。 梁佩雲、張淑賢〈編〉 (2007)。 《導向學習的評估:教育實務匯編》。香港: 香港大學出版社。 |
Journal Publications Publication in refereed journal 李純、梁佩雲 (2024)。 以《中國古代寓言》為例看「整本書閱讀」的教學意義,國際中文教育學報,15,81-103。 梁佩雲 (2019)。 活用粵語拼音促進中文二語的學習效能:以幼兒教學助理課程為例。 中國語文通訊,98(1),27-40。 梁佩雲 (2013)。 「成果導向學習」與大學教學的品質提升:以中文學科的實踐為例。 教育科學研究期刊,58(4),1-35。 梁佩雲 (2013)。 從評估表現看香港學生“看圖說故事”的學習需要。 中國語文通訊,92(2),61-76。 梁佩雲、周慧君 (2013)。 「由學生從事評估」以促進學習之研究:以一所香港中學為例。 屏東教育大學學報:教育類,40,105-148。 Hargreaves, E., Berry, R., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P., Scott, D., & Stobart, G. (2013). Teachers’ experiences of autonomy in Continuing Professional Development: Teacher Learning Communities in London and Hong Kong. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers' Professional Development, 17(1), 19-34. 梁佩雲 (2011)。 香港語文教師粵語與普通話教學話語修辭對照。 國際修辭學研究,1,140-149。 梁佩雲、范思 (2011)。 語言教學與讀寫教學重構-落實「普教中」的課堂教學設計。 中國語文通訊,89-90 (合刊),21-30。 Gao, X., Leung, P. & Trent, J. (2010). Chinese teachers’ views on the increasing use of Putonghua as a medium of instruction in Hong Kong schools. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(8), 79-103. 梁佩雲 (2010)。 成果導向的教與學──一個師訓課程的科目發展案例。 教育研究月刊,195,35-47。 Tang, S.Y.F., Leung, P.P.W., Chow, A.W.K. & Wong, P.M. (2010). A case study of teacher learning in an assessment for learning project in Hong Kong.. Professional Development in Education, 36(4), 621-636. 梁佩雲 (2010)。 香港小學「普教中」語文教材基本句型分析。 華文學刊,15(1),1-12。 梁佩雲 (2009)。 香港「普教中」課堂語言剖析:以三位小學教師為例。 基礎教育學報,18(2),1-20。 梁佩雲 (2006)。 從中學教師的普通話教學觀念看「用普通話教中文」在香港的潛在問題。 教育研究學報,21(2),235-258。 Publication in non-refereed journal 梁佩雲 (2013)。 評估量表對促進學習的作用。 評估與學習,2,88-93。 梁佩雲 (2012)。 淺談評估量表的設計誤區。 評估與學習,1,81-84。 |
Conference Papers Invited conference paper 張紫薇、梁佩雲 (2023,9). 香港小學華語課堂的跨語言實踐研究。第七屆華文作為第二語言之教與學國際研討會暨第十一屆華文教學國際論,新加坡。 梁佩雲 (2023,9). 華語教育中的跨語言實踐:香港中學課堂一瞥。第七屆華文作為第二語言之教與學國際研討會暨第十一屆華文教學國際論,新加坡。 梁佩雲 (2022,7). 繼往開來:語文教育與歷史教育的相互作用。主講論文發表於第四屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2021,8). 把握中文二語的學習機遇──以中文學習中國歷史。中文教育名家學者聯合講座:多語言、多文化背景下的中文學習,Zoom視像會議。 梁佩雲、張連航和黎耀志 (2016,5). Promoting language learning autonomy: The development of a community of practice across disciplines。主講論文發表於 「第二屆國際漢語教學研討會—國際文憑課程(IB)理念與語言教學」,香港。 黎耀志、張連航和梁佩雲 (2016,5). Design and implementation of the Language e-Learning Platform。主講論文發表於 「第二屆國際漢語教學研討會—國際文憑課程(IB)理念與語言教學」,香港。 梁佩雲 (2016,4). 中文母語教學與二語教學:香港學校實踐的觀察。香港浸會大學語文中心教師發展講論會,香港。 Refereed conference paper 梁佩雲 (2024,6). 中華文化在香港多族裔課堂的傳播。香港教育大學縱橫資訊科技文化創新中心,香港。 梁佩雲 (2024,4). 西樵鄉里印象。《第八屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會──大灣區文學之旅》,香港。 梁佩雲 (2022,12). 香港非華語生以中文學習的效能初探。論文發表於「第七屆國際漢語教學研討會」,香港。 梁佩雲 (2022,12). 香港非華語生以中文學習的效能初探。第七屆國際漢語教學研討會,香港。 梁佩雲和錢志安 (2022,12). 非華語生的中文學術語言之路。從差異到共融──香港少數族裔中文教育現況的實證研究專題論壇,第七屆國際漢語教學研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2022,7). 小學文言文閱讀教學尋趣。中文教學專題論壇─文言經典教學芻議,第四屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2022,5). 文言文教學的傳承與啟新:以香港小學的實踐為例。論文發表於第十一屆漢字與漢字教育國際研討會,首爾。 Leung, P.W.P. & Pao, S.S.F. (2021, December). In-depth reflective learning of student teachers from Field Experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021 (ICLT2021), Hong Kong. 梁佩雲 (2021,12). 以STEAM 促進語文學習。第十屆華文教學國際論壇,香港。 湯淑芬、梁佩雲 (2021,7). Cummins 雙語教育理論探析:以一所中英雙語國際學校為例。第六屆國際漢語教學研討會暨工作坊,高雄。 梁佩雲 (2019,7). 同儕教練:香港外籍大學生的中文學與教嘗試。第十七屆高校國際漢語教學研討會暨2019年英國漢語教學研究會年會,曼徹斯特。 湯淑芬、梁佩雲 (2019,7). 雙語教學中的雙文化教學思考。第五屆國際漢語教學研討會,香港。 Leung P.W.P. (2019, June). Chinese languages for non-Chinese speaking learners in a university of Hong Kong. International Conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education, Hong Kong. 梁佩雲 (2019,1). 開發中文二語教學的漢字系統教學配套。第九屆漢字與漢字教育國際研討會,越南。 梁佩雲 (2018,11). 如何走好每一「步」?──落實「中國語文課程第二語言學習架構」的挑戰。第三屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。 湯淑芬、梁佩雲 (2018,11). 香港中英雙語教育現況探析──以一所國際學校為例。第三屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2018,9). 正本清源:香港非華語學生中文教材語言功能探析。第五屆華文作為第二語言之教與學國際研討會,新加坡。 梁佩雲 (2018,5). 尋找調適非華語學生中文課程的路徑:前線教師的視角。第四屆國際漢語教學研討會,台北。 梁佩雲 (2017,12). 華語二語文化讀本的編撰與評鑑。第十二屆世界華語文教學研討會暨第十屆研究生論壇,台中。 梁佩雲、何志恆 (2017,12). 從電子課堂製作看語文教育工作者的電子教學觀念。普通話培訓測試中心二十周年慶典暨第二屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2017,11). 傳承絲綢之路精神.發揚中華文化──為非華語學生編製中華文化讀本的挑戰與創新。第六屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會,香港。 梁佩雲、張積榮 (2017,4). 「教是為了不敎」:粵語拼音在教授香港非華語學生中文的活用案例。海上絲綢之路的國際漢語論壇,香港。 梁佩雲 (2016,12). 調適校本非華語學生中文課程的困惑:以一所中學的實踐為例。第一屆語文教育國際研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2016,5). 從實踐中探索國際教育精神:以一個培育漢語教師的科目教學爲例。第二屆國際漢語教學研討會—國際文憑課程(IB)理念與語言教學,香港。 梁佩雲 (2015,11). 安徒生童話中的風景。第五屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2015,11). 設置中文二語課程的思考:以香港「中國語文課程第二語言學習架構」爲例。亞太地區國際漢語教學學會第七届年會,神戶,日本。 梁佩雲 (2015,7). 香港非華語學生中文學習策略探究。第十三届國際漢語教學學術研討會,呼和浩特,中國。 Leung P.W.P. (2015, June). The efficacy of using digital lecture in language learning contexts. The 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015: Languages, Literatures & Literacies, Denmark. Leung, P.W.P. (2015, June). From monocultural to multicultural: An expanding knowledge-base required of L1 Chinese teachers in Hong Kong. The 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015: Languages, Literatures & Literacies, Denmark. Leung, P.W.P. (2014, June). An evaluation of a school-based second language Chinese curriculum in Hong Kong. IAIMTE Special Interest Group Conference: When East Meets West: The teaching and learning of reading and writing in the multilingual and multicultural context, Hong Kong. 梁佩雲 (2014,6). 尋找學習的印記:香港中文課堂教學話語探析。第十二届國際漢語教學學術研討會,哈爾濱,中國。 梁佩雲 (2013,12). 香港非華語學生中文書面表達能力評鑒。「語文與國際漢語課程、教材、教學及評價研究」國際研討會,成都,中國。 梁佩雲 (2013,11). 袁枚遊記中的山水風姿與人文情懷。第四屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2013,8). 香港非華語學生的口語表達評鑒。第五屆亞太地區國際漢語教學學會年會,墨爾本,澳大利亞。 梁佩雲、徐天就 (2012,11). 荷蘭學生學習漢語補語的偏誤分析。第一屆馬里蘭大學國際漢語習得及教學研討會,華盛頓,美國。 梁佩雲 (2012,10). 反思有效的國際漢語教學策略──以荷蘭語爲母語的漢語教室觀察。第四屆亞太地區國際漢語教學協會年會,河內,越南。 梁佩雲 (2011,12). 促進中文教與學的評估量表設計。第五屆華文教學國際論壇,香港。 梁佩雲 (2011,12). 遨遊袁枚詩中的山水──性靈江山。第三屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會,廣州,中國。 梁佩雲 (2011,11). 語‧文整合-粵語在香港中文課堂的教學功能探析。漢語數碼化教與學國際會議,香港。 梁佩雲 (2011,9). 從評估結果看口語學習的需要和可行策略。第二屆「華文作為第二語言之教與學」國際研討會暨第九屆「東南亞華文教學」研討會,新加坡。 Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P., Scott, D. & Stobart, G. (2010, December). The teacher professional development model for implementing Assessment for Learning in the classroom. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. Hargreaves, E., Berry, R., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P., Scott, D. and Stobart, G. (2010, December). Autonomy through Teacher Learning Communities? The AfL goal of autonomy explored. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. Lai, Y.C., Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Leung, P., Scott, D., Stobart, G. (2010, December). Examining the organizational factors that constrain and support the institutionalization of assessment for learning in schools. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. Leung, P., Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C., Scott, D. and Stobart, G. (2010, December). Indications of change in classroom assessment: Feedback provided by teachers in implementing assessment for learning. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. Leung, P.P. W. (2010, December). Aligning teaching and learning activities with expected learning outcomes. The 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. Leung, P.P.W. (2010, December). Learning from "Field Experiences": The value of internship in learning to teach Chinese as an international language. The 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. Scott, D., Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P. & Stobart, G. (2010, December). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong schools: implementation and evaluation. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong. 梁佩雲 (2010,12). 香港小學生口語表達能力評析。"語文教育的反思與漢語國際教育"國際研討會,蘇州。 梁佩雲 (2010,7). 從一場"慳電膽"風波看香港報章的新聞語篇組織。世界漢語修辭學會第二屆年會暨修辭學國際學術研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2009,12). 香港小學「普教中」語文教材基本句型分析。論文發表於「語文課程與教學改革反思」國際研討會,重慶,中國。 梁佩雲、范思 (2009,11). 語言教學與讀寫教學重構──落實「普教中」的課堂教學設計。論文發表於小學教育國際研討會 2009,香港。 梁佩雲 (2009,9). 不一樣的旅遊寄託:探求朱自清《歐遊雜記》的教學心跡。論文發表於第二屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會,香港。 梁佩雲 (2008,7). 香港語文教師的粵語與普通話教學話語修辭對照。論文發表於世界漢語修辭學會第一屆年會暨修辭國際學術研討會,山東,中國。 Leung, P. W. P., & Chow, L. Y. A. (2008, April). Applying assessment for learning in Hong Kong language classrooms. Paper presented at the International Symposium: Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, Hong Kong. 梁佩雲 (2008,4). 以評估促進說話能力的課堂教學實踐。論文發表於「中國語文課程改革中的有效教學與教師行為國際研討會」,廣州。 梁佩雲 (2008,4). 小學語文教師的課堂語言特色:以香港的「普教中」個案為例。論文發表於「中國語文課程改革中的有效教學與教師行為國際研討會」,廣州。 Leung, P. W. P. (2007, December). Chinese language teachers' attitudes towards using Putonghua as the medium of instruction (PMI) in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 1st Halliday Centre for Intelligent Applications of Language Studies Conference on "Becoming a World Language: The Growth of Chinese, English and Spanish", Hong Kong. 梁佩雲 (2007,10). 從「反思」看語文師訓生的教學觀念發展。論文發表於「東西方研究國際學術研討會」,香港。 梁佩雲 (2006,12). 教學媒介變遷對語文教學成效的影響──香港小學語文課堂分析。論文發表於「第八屆世界華語教學研討會」,台北。 梁佩雲 (2006,11). 從《西湖雜記》看袁宏道遊記中的「格套」。論文發表於「世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會」,香港。 梁佩雲 (2006,11). 從教室言談看「以普通話教授中文」的課堂教學與評估。論文發表於「亞太教育研究學會國際研討會」,香港。 梁佩雲 (2006,5). 以普通話為教學語言的真正挑戰──管窺香港小學語文課堂。論文發表於「兩岸四地語文政策國際學術研討會」,香港。 Other conference paper Luk, C. M. J., & Leung, P. W. P. (2006, April). Signs of reflective ability in practicum teaching journals. Paper presented at the 41st Regional Language Centre International Seminar, Singapore. 陳賢冰、梁佩雲、李偉成、周慧君及陳錦榮 (2005,12). 轉變中的教師教育和教育實踐的路向。論文發表於「香港中文大學教育學院40周年紀念國際研討會」,香港。 |
Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies Authored play, poem, novel, story 梁佩雲編著 (2017)。 《非華語學生中華文化讀本.歷史人物篇》。香港: 語常會計劃。 Computer software or system 知識共享協會、梁佩雲 (2020)。 「中華文化讀本」流動應用程式。香港: 語常會計劃。 |
All Other Outputs Review of books or of software 梁佩雲 (2018)。 論文評委。《華文學刊》。 Leung, P.W. P. (2017). Reviewer of a manuscript.. Teacher and Teacher Education. Teacher and Teacher Education. 梁佩雲 (2016)。 論文評委。 《華文學刊》。《華文學刊》。 Leung, P. W. P. (2016). Reviewer of a journal article,香港教師中心學報 (The Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal). 香港教師中心學報 (The Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre. Leung, P. W. P. (2009). Reviewer of a journal article, 香港教師中心學報 (The Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre. Leung, P. W. P. (2008). Reviewer of a journal article, 香港教師中心學報 (The Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre. Leung, P.W.P. (2007). Reviewer of a journal article, Education Journal (2007). Hong Kong: CUHK Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Postgraduate research theses Leung P.W. P. (2017). External examiner of EdD thesis. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.. Leung, P. W. P. (2016). External examiner of PhD thesis.. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong. Other outputs 梁佩雲、張壽洪、張紫薇、何志恆、廖先、文英玲 (2021)。 香港小學生文言作品學習概念初探, 香港教育大學中國語文學系—中文學與教協作網絡教研成果交流講座。香港 Leung, P.W.P. (2021). Reviewer of manuscript. International Journal of Chinese Language Education. 梁佩雲、謝家浩、張連航、林善敏、陳曙光、金夢瑤 (2021)。 變則通:充分把握中文線上教學的機遇,保良局中學教師培訓工作坊。香港: 保良局。 Leung, P.W. P. (2020). Reviewer of a book manuscript. Springer Leung, P.W. P. (2019). Reviewer of a manuscript. npj Science of Learning. Leung P.W. P. (2019). External examiner of EdD thesis. United Kingdom: The University of Bristol. Leung P.W. P. (2019). Internal examiner of EdD thesis. Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong. Leung, P. (2018). Initiatives to Assist non-Cantonese Speaking Students. Hong Kong: Fifth Forum on Inclusive and Equitable Education for All in Hong Kong: How EdUHK Encourages and Enhances the Learning Process for Minority Language Students. Leung, P.W.P. (2018). Rethinking Chinese Language instruction for non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Research Cluster Fund Project R3899 & CRLLS Seminar Series 2018. 梁佩雲 (2018)。 論文評委。Education Journal 《教育學報》。 梁佩雲 (2018)。 論文評委。《國際中文教育學報》第3期。 梁佩雲 (2017)。 論文評委。《國際中文教育學報》第2期。 Leung, P.W.P. (2017). Reviewer of a book proposal. Springer Science & Business Media Singapore. 梁佩雲 (2017)。 篇章的銜接與連貫:系統功能語言分析。香港: 香港教育大學評估研究中心「中文語料庫及中文作文自動評改系統」教師工作坊。 梁佩雲 (2017)。 停車坐愛楓林晚──製作中國語文教育研究電子課堂的初心和意義。香港: TDG資助「透過電子課堂促進學生進行中國語文教育研究的能力」計畫分享會 [二]。 梁佩雲 (2016)。 非華語學生的中文教與學。香港: 香港教育大學中國語言學系「中國語文校本課程理論與實踐」工作坊系列。 Leung, P.W.P., & Tse, C.Y. A. (2016). Enhancing HKIEd Students' IELTS and General Vocabulary through Incorporating E-Learning into English Enhancement Courses. Hong Kong: LTTC, HKIEd. Leung, P.W.P. (2015). Reviewer of a manuscript. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology. Leung P.W.P. (2015). Reviewer of a book proposal. Springer Science & Business Media Singapore. Lai, Y.C., Ng, M. W. E. & Leung, P.W.P. (2015). Enhancing Student Teachers’ Professional Development in Field Experience by Using Mobile Technology – Part 2. Hong Kong: HKIEd. Leung, P.W.P. (2015). Effective ways of enhancing student learning by using digital lectures. Hong Kong: Learning and Teaching @HKIEd Festival 2015. Leung P.W.P., Man Y.L., Wang, C.J., Ho, C.H. & Kwong, Y. K. (2014). 數碼中文課堂巡禮:實踐與反思 (Reflecting on the development of digital lectures in the Department of Chinese Language Studies). Hong Kong: HKIEd. 梁佩雲 (2014)。 教學媒介語對香港小學生中文學習策略的影響。香港: 2014-2015年度香港教育學院中國語言學系語文教育學術討論會。 梁佩雲 (2012)。 論文評委。《華文學刊》(2013)。 梁佩雲 (2012)。 論文評委。《華文學刊》(2012)。 Leung, P.W.P. (2012). Reviewer of a journal article. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Leung, P.W.P. (2012). Reviewer of a journal article. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2011). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: Final Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality Education Fund. Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2011). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: 4th Progress Report. Hong Kong Leung, P. W. P. (2011). Reviewer of a journal article, New Horizons in Education Journal (2011). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers' Association. Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2011). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: 3rd Progress Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality Education Fund. Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2010). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: 2nd Progress Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality Education Fund. Leung, P.W.P. (2010). Reviewer of a journal article, New Horizons in Education (2010). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers' Association. Berry, R, & Leung, P.W., & Lai, Y. C. (2010). Invited seminar entitled “An Assessment for Learning Framework for Classroom Implementation” for EDB “How we walk the talk, Symposium on Assessment for Learning”.. EDB. Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P. W., Lai, Y. C., & Hargreaves, E. (2009). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: First Progress Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education and Quality Education Fund. Leung, P. W. P. (2007). Reviewer of a journal article, New Horizons in Education Journal (2007). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers' Association. Leung, P. W. P. (2006). Reviewer of a journal article, New Horizons in Education Journal (2006). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers' Association. |
A Study of Translanguaging in the Chinese History Lesson for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 非華語生中國歷史課堂的跨語言實踐研究 本研究旨在探討以中文為教學媒介語的教師對在課堂中語言轉換的看法和實踐。研究將採用案例研究法,定性分析研究對象在非華語初中生中國歷史科課堂中使用的跨語言實踐策略和課後反思。通過課堂觀察和課後刺激回憶訪談(Stimulated Recall Interview),研究成果將揭示以中文教授非華語生中國歷史科的機會和挑戰,為內容與語言整合模式(Content Language Integrated Learning, CLIL)的學說提供中文教學場域的研究顯證,並拓展以英文為教學媒介語的同類研究範疇。 Project Start Year: 2023, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan, Pamela |
賽馬會「看動畫.讀名篇.識古文」學習計劃 Jockey Club Animated Classical Chinese for Curious Minds Project 為響應教育局提出於小學課程內加入文言文建議篇章的倡議,香港教育大學(教大)獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助港幣超過二千五百萬,推出「賽馬會『看動畫.讀名篇.識古文』學習計劃」,計劃為期三年,由二零二二/二三學年開展。計劃旨在深化學童對古文與中華文化的知識,讓學童愉快學古文。 In line with the Education Bureau’s advocacy of promoting Chinese classical texts in primary schools, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) presents the Jockey Club Animated Classical Chinese for Curious Minds Project, supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust with a donation of over HK$25 million. The three-year project, which began in the 2022/23 academic year, aims to enrich primary students’ knowledge of Chinese classical texts and culture in a lively and interesting way. Project Start Year: 2022, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Yan Leung, Stephen (LEUNG, Pui Wan, Pamela as Co-Principal Investigator) |
學科學術語言探析:支援非華語生以中文學習中國歷史 (A study of subject-specific academic language: Supporting non-Chinese speaking students to learn Chinese History in Chinese ) 本計劃採用語料庫研究方法,分析現行的香港初中中國歷史教科書,探究學生所需掌握的基本中國歷史學科學術語言及有關教材的語體特色,以建議調適方法,務求令教材能支援非華語生學習以中文學習。 Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Study on Transition of Chinese Language Learning and Teaching of Non-Chinese Speaking Children from Kindergarten Education to Primary Education This project investigate how kindergartens, primary schools and student parents assist non-Chinese speaking (NCS) children to develop their Chinese abilities from the perspective of transitioning from kindergarten education to primary education. Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): LIANG, Yuan 梁源 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Strategic Development of the EdU Online Classes Platform (EOCP) for the Enhancement of Online Learning and Teaching in Local Schools (FHM) Amid Covid-19 and its impact on the local education sector, EdUHK needs to reach out and build connections in new ways. The project aims to o share readily usable teaching and learning materials, good practices, references, etc., of online teaching, with in-service and pre-service teachers; to extend and expand into a community of practice for in-service and pre-service teachers; to provide support to in-service teachers in improving the quality of online teaching; and to build a lively hub of resources and activities in online teaching, contributing to an increasingly digital education landscape. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan, Pamela, LEE, Fung King, Jackie |
Enhancing online learning and teaching in FHM courses This project aims to promote online learning and teaching in FHM courses which need further support. Currently, a number of FHM courses have benefited from the BLUE II project, and 22 high quality e-learning packages have been developed to support online learning and teaching in over 25 different FHM courses. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, more and more courses will have to provide a significant amount of online learning and teaching to students in the coming academic year, it is desirable that more high quality e-learning packages can be developed for more FHM courses. In this project, a total of 28 FHM courses have been identified, and e-learning packages will be developed for these courses. It is hoped that through this project, online learning and teaching can be further promoted in FHM courses. Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan, Pamela |
古文教學學甚麼:香港小學生文言文學習概念探析 本研究嘗試從了解學生需要的角度出發,探究在鼓勵學習文言作品的教學氛圍中香港小學生學習文言作品的概念,進而探求小學生感興趣的古文教學題材和教學途徑。 Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
STEAM蒸蒸日上:生活中的數理人文 本計劃旨在為小學生創設一個以「生活中的數理人文」為題材的活動,引導學生從生活出發,就自己感興趣的課題,廣泛閱讀,認真思考,積極探求事物的原理,並提升中文閱讀能力。另外,計劃還引導參與學生透過寫作實用文類,分享探究成果,從而發展多功能的中文寫作能力。同時,學生的學習成果,例如閱讀科普人文讀物、寫作計劃書、觀察及實驗報告,都會透過不同的評估活動,比方匯報分享、互評而深化學生的思考,營造校園閱讀及寫作氛圍。 本計劃的具體目標包括: 1.透過鼓勵學生廣泛閱讀與數理人文題材有關的中文書籍,培養學生通過中文學習的興趣,並提升閱讀能力; 2.透過分享探究成果,培養學生樂於與人分享的態度,並提升中文寫作能力; 3.透過互評、觀摩,擴大學生的知識面,並形成以「生活中的數理人文」為主題的語文學習共同體。 Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chi Hang 何志恒 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
《中華文化讀本 ‧ 歷史人物篇》電子及互動化計劃 為促進非華語學生認識歷史人物的興趣,並提升認讀及理解中文的能力,本計劃將紙本《中華文化讀本‧歷史人物篇》電子化,製成獨立流動應用程式,方便讀者下載及隨時閱讀。原文20位中國歷史名人的故事均配上廣州話錄音,並加插動畫、閱讀理解及評估活動,令內容更活潑生動。 Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, WAI HUNG (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Principal Investigator) |
Exploring Features of CALP in Chinese Teaching Materials for Non-Chinese Speaking Students in Hong Kong This study aims to investigate the quality of Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) input as evident in the teaching and learning materials in Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students in Hong Kong. By comparing the materials adopted in teaching the Chinese Language subject and the General Studies subject, this study will address the following questions: 1. What are the CALP features in Chinese Language as evident from the text analyses of teaching, learning and assessment materials for NCS students? 2. What are the CALP features in General Studies as evident from the text analyses of teaching, learning and assessment materials for NCS students? Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Establishing a Research Cluster in the EdUHK for Promoting Research on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education Hong Kong is a multilingual society with three principal languages: Cantonese, English and Putonghua. Since 1997, Hong Kong has adopted the “Biliterate and Trilingual” language policy, which aims at developing citizens who are biliterate in both written Chinese and English as well as trilingual in Cantonese, Putonghua, and spoken English. Thus, research related to multilingual acquisition and multilingual education is of great importance in Hong Kong. The area ‘multilingual acquisition and multilingual education’ is under "4123 language development, second language development, audiology" of H1 Psychology and Linguistics, according to the existing mechanism of RGC. In this project, a group of EdUHK colleagues who have expertise in the field of multilingual acquisition and multilingual education will form a research cluster. The project team members plan to have bi-monthly meetings, discussing issues related to multilingual acquisition and multilingual education in Hong Kong. In the second year of the project, the team will hold an international conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education, and invite leading scholars in the field from around the world to give keynote speeches, and our project team members and other scholars from around the world will also present their research at the conference. By the end of the project, the team plan to come up with a joint proposal to bid for the Hong Kong government Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Fund, and the proposed project will aim at gaining a better understanding of multilingual education policies in Hong Kong, and how multilingual education can be carried out more effectively in Hong Kong. Recommendations will be made. It is hoped that the research cluster will strengthen the research profile of EdUHK in this field, and when language policy related issues need to be addressed/discussed, the government / EDB will consider consulting us because of our expertise and reputation in this field. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Lixun (LEUNG, Pui Wan, Pamela as Co-Investigator) |
Blazing a Trail: Adaptation of Chinese Curriculum for Non-Chinese Speaking Students in Hong Kong This project aims at exploring alternatives for the development of school-based Chinese curriculum for NCS students. By interviewing teachers of Chinese Language and General Studies in the same schools, the difficulties in teaching Chinese Language and teaching General Studies in Chinese to NCSs will be examined. Findings will shed light on whether the idea of integrating contents of General Studies in the teaching of Chinese Language to NCSs is acceptable to front line teachers. Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
小學伙伴協作計劃:語文課改深化──發展能有效照顧學習差異的「校本生本」課程 本計畫與小學夥伴協作,運用「校本、生本」課程模式,結合多元課堂活動、合作學習等策略發展能照顧學生學習差異的校本語文科課程,研究有效地發展高效益的「校本生本」課程的模式和方法,以及根據課 程成品分析教材和教學活動的要素和特質。本計畫並致力總結研究成果,發表研究報告和論文,同時把成果轉化為BEd(CL)及PDP等課程的學與教材料。 Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Sau Hung 張壽洪 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Team Member) |
Cultivating a Blended Learning Environment in Promoting One Course One Online Lesson: Pedagogical Use of LMS Moodle Blended learning has potential in enhancing students’ learning outcomes and satisfactions. The goal of this project is to encourage blended learning for students’ reflective engagement and deep learning. Since 2011, the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle has been adopted as an e-Learning platform at the Institute. By encouraging the pedagogical use of the features of LMS Moodle, this project aims to promote one course one online lesson for enriching the learning process with the ultimate goal of enhancing students’ learning outcomes. This project is to provide supporting staff at faculty/departmental levels to offer direct support to academic/teaching staff in planning and implementing the pedagogical use of LMS Moodle. These supporting staff will be developed with knowledge about the e-Learning framework and policies of the Institute as well as the capacity in using the pedagogical features of LMS Moodle for promoting reflective engagement and deep learning of domain knowledge. The target of this project is to encourage academic/teaching staff to consider offering blended learning courses with quality online lessons using pedagogical features of LMS Moodle such as online discussion forum and peer assessment workshop to replace one to a few lessons in the face-to-face mode of learning and teaching with the goal of enriching the learning process for deep learning. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LIM, Cher Ping 林质彬, LEE, Chi Kin John 李子建 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
非華語學生中華文化讀本:歷史人物篇 本計畫旨在為有志提升中文水平的非華語學生編製一冊以中華文化為題材的讀本,供課堂教學或課餘閱讀,以培養學生學習中文的興趣和提升中文閱讀能力。 Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Theory and Practice of School-based Curriculum: Enhancing the Teaching Performance of Chinese Language Student Teachers This project is related to innovative curriculum design / classroom practical teaching. Based on language curriculum reform, prior researches on this area and comments on student teachers by placing schools in past years, it caters for school-based curriculum and diversity in student learning. Through regular talks, workshops, and electronic classroom, student teachers can gain better understanding of different teaching environment and acquire the related teaching strategies. By collaborating with primary schools, student teachers in the placement schools can enhance their professional competencies in teaching in the medium of Putonghua and Cantonese and teaching non-Chinese students. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Yuen Yee, Frankie 余婉兒 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Using Digital Lectures to Enhance Students' Competences in Conducting Chinese Language Education Research This project aims to enhance students’ competences in conducting language education research through the production of a series of digital lectures; and to strengthen staff pedagogical thoughtfulness as a learning community through establishing a technology-enhanced environment in the Department of CHL. Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Chi Hang 何志恒 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
小學伙伴協作計畫:課改深化工作──利用評估數據改善教學 本計劃為中國語言學系與小學協作系列的持續發展活動。過去十多年,這項計劃由支援小學發展為伙伴協作,由推動課程改革──校本語文課程規劃,教材建設,教學評估,逐步聚焦在課程改革的深化工作──照顧學習差異。本年度計劃的重點在教學評估──協助教師有效地運用教學評估,掌握運用評估數據改善學與教效能的技術。 Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Sau Hung 張壽洪 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Building a Language Learning Autonomy Community this project aims to set up a platform to link up all the self learning materials to stimulate and improve students’ self-learning motivation and capability in the momentum of “Blended learning” and “self-learning” which have always been emphasized in formal and non-formal language learning to support learner autonomy. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Lin Hong 張連航 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Enhancing HKIEd students' IELTS and general vocabulary through incorporating e-learning into English enhancement courses This Teaching Development Grant project aims at improving students’ vocabulary learning with individual student results documented by the reporting features of WordEngine, a commercial and visually stimulating vocabulary acquisition e-platform. Because vocabulary embedded in a course can encourage the development of good study habits and reflection, students can get personal satisfaction in vocabulary e-learning with WordEngine's recycling activities, gaming, and detailed reports showing vocabulary growth within the project period. Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
從實踐中學習:探索數碼課堂的教學潛能(Learning by doing: Exploring the teaching potentials of digital lectures) Following the successful experience of a Teaching Development Grant project on the development of digital lectures in the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL)in 2013/14, this project attempts to further promote the production of digital lectures within CHL incorporating both students’ and teachers’ reflections and suggestions. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
A survey on Chinese language learning strategies adopted by non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong This project aims at investigating strategies adopted by non-Chinese speaking students in learning Chinese language in Hong Kong. Data are collected through a student questionnaire, student focus group discussions and teacher interviews. Relevant school based curriculum, teaching materials and students' language performances are also analyzed for reference. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Building a Community of Practice (CoP) to enhance student teachers' professional development in Field Experience via web technologies Institute-wide TDG Project: The project aims to establish a Community of Practice (CoP)to enhance student teachers' professional development in Field Experience via web technologies. It also aims to further promote good practice of using mobile technology and cloud services in higher education institutions. Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Development of digital lectures in the Department of Chinese Language Studies This proposed project aims to cultivate staff pedagogical thoughtfulness as a learning community through establishing a technology-enhanced environment in the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL). The idea is consistent with the Institute‟s commitment to provide a „total learning experience‟ for students. Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
香港非華語學生的粵語口語及中文書面語運用情況研究 有鑑於本港非華語學生學習中文的討論日趨熱烈,本計畫採用語言測試方式,蒐集現時就讀於本港中小學的非華語學生的語言材料,探討非華語學生的粵語口語和中文書面語的具體運用情況。通過對照中小學生學習中文的成效,揭示不同學習階段非華語學生學習中文的需要。 Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Enhancing Student Teachers' Professional Development in Field Experience by Using Cloud Services and Mobile Technology Institute-wide TDG Project: This project aims to adopt mobile technology and cloud services to create a convenient and efficient environment to enhance student teachers’ professional development in Field Experience. Colleagues from five departments across three faculties, the School Partnership and Field Experience Office (SPFEO) and Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) will be involved in this project. Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
語文教師教學知識的發展:協同評課的反思與研究 通過啟導計劃,探究新手、經驗及專家等不同階段的語文教師的教學知識的特點,以提升在職教師及職前學員教學實踐效能。學院導師與地區學校已受訓及仍未受訓的啟導老師組成一個深度協作、互動的觀課視導團隊,藉課前指導、觀課前及後會談、觀課及評課,協助實習學員提升教學規畫及教學實踐的能力,以此進一步培訓啟導老師觀課及評課技巧。 Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Yuen Yee, Frankie 余婉兒 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
New Initiatives Supporting Implementation of “3+3+4”_Embedding OBL at the Departmental Level This UGC funded project has been conducted with the following aims: 1. To enrich students’ learning experiences through OBL that emphasizes a constructive alignment of teaching, learning and assessment activities in line with the objectives of the 335 academic structure. 2. To cascade implementation of OBL to the delivery and frontline levels, which will form an essential part of the overall quality assurance mechanism of the Institute. 3. To pilot OBL at the departmental level, namely the Chinese Department and the English Department, so as to develop the teaching, learning and assessment strategies that will facilitate OBL implementation in all departments. Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools This project aims to improve teacher quality and their capacity to use assessment for learning (AfL) for classroom teaching. Specifically, it aims to provide teachers with a school-embedded AfL professional development programme, to create and disseminate models of good practice in assessment, and to investigate the impact of the AfL professional development programme on teaching and learning. Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): BERRY RITA SHUK YIN 張淑賢 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
支援小學語文教師實踐新課程改革 1. 落實校本語文課程的課改精神,深化語文課程改革; 2. 落實語常會語文教肯檢討總結報和所說,協助學校「建立一支專業語文教師隊伍」 3. 建立我系與本港小學之間的伙伴協作網絡關係; 4. 有關「中國語文教育」的伙伴協作計劃 5. 建立本院以本系在香港語文教育的地位。 Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Man Sing 何文勝 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Intellectual Demand in English Teaching in HK Chinese Medium Junior Secondary Schools: A Cross-lingual perspective This study will examine English classroom teaching discourse in Chinese-medium, junior secondary schools (S1-S3), focusing on the nature of intellectual demand upon students. Intellectual demand is defined in this study as thinking opportunities provided for students in the classroom, including recall and recognition, comparison, abstract reasoning, analysis etc. Intellectual demand cannot be observed directly. It is mediated through language use in teacher-student interaction in the classroom. A low level of intellectual demand is considered a barrier to L2 development. Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): HE AN E 何安娥 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
小學語文教師的粵語與普通話教學話語修辭對照研究 A Study of Language Teachers’ Classroom Discourse Rhetoric in Hong Kong: Cantonese versus Putonghua 「用普通話教中文」在香港發展迅速,但反對人士普遍認為,粵語是本港大部分師生的母語,一旦改變教學媒介,不但影響師生的課堂互動,降低教學素質,甚至連管理課堂的成效也將成疑。本研究將以小學語文教師為對象,通過分析課堂教學實錄,嘗試從語用及修辭角度,探析以粵、普作為教學媒介,在語文教學過程中的形式異同,從而檢視這些語言特色對學生語文學習的影響。 Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG Pui Wan Pamela |
Language Teachers' Professional Development: A Comparative Biographical Narrative Study The proposed inquiry aims to explore professional experiences of four different groups of language teachers, including Chinese teachers who have Putonghua as their mother tongue, Chinese teachers who have Cantonese as their mother tongue, and Native English Teachers (NET).The study, drawing on research on Nonnative English speaker teacbers in English language teaching, examines dynamics underlying the two groups of Chinese teachers' professional identity development in relation to the recent introduction of Putonghua as medium of instruction in some Hong Kong schools. The findings inform language teachers' professional development programmes, potentially contribute to the teaching of Chinese as a global language and deepen our understanding of teachers' professional identity in relation to the teaching of two international languages (Chinese and English). Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): GAO XUESONG 高雪松 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Preparedness of Primary Schools for Teaching Chinese Language through Putonghua in Hong Kong 本研究將集中檢視在教育當局訂定新語文教學方針以來,本港小學實施普通話教授中國語文的情況。結合量化與質化的研究方法,研究將搜集多元化的資料,從不同層面剖析學校語文教學的現狀,以供教育決策當局參考。 Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Assessment for Learning (AFL) in Secondary Classrooms The research project is a qualitative study on the practice of Assessment for Learning (hereafter, AFL) in classroom and school in Hong Kong. By examining 12 AFL cases, the project aims to seek understanding of 1. AFL practices in teaching & learning in secondary classrooms; and 2. the conditions at various levels in the school that support / constrain the practice of AFL. It also aims at generating practical significance in terms of insights for putting AFL in practice for teachers and administrators in an era of assessment reform in Hong Kong. Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): TANG, Yee Fan Sylvia 鄧怡勳 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Learning to Learn in Putonghua: Exploring the Critical Conditions of Primary One Students’ Transition to Classroom Language Learning in a Non-native Language 學會以普通話學習──小一學生適應以非母語學習語文的關鍵條件研究 本研究旨在探討誘導本港小學生以普通話學習中國語文的有效方法,作為在職教師的專業發展及職前學員培訓的參考。於2007-2008新學年開始,觀察教師如何引領小一學生適應語文授課媒介的轉變。追蹤個案的發展,確定學生適應授課媒介轉變的臨界期(critical period),並分析其中影響學生學習的關鍵因素。 Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Readiness of Teachers for Teaching Chinese Language through Putonghua in Hong Kong The project is a small scale pilot study in one of the Institute's key research areas, i.e., language education and literature. It examines both the advantages and disadvantages of using Putonghua as the medium of instruction (PMI) in teaching Chinese in the past few years, as perceived by a group of local front-line teachers undertaking the MEd course. Findings will inform the design of a comprehensive study of the extent PMI is used in the broader school community. Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG Pui Wan, Pamela |
Project for Assisting Primary Language Teachers in Prosecution of the New Senior Secondary Reform 支援小學語文教師實踐新課程改革計劃 為配合本系將來之發展取向,計劃的主要目的有五:1. 落實校本語文課程的課改精神,深化語文課程改革;2. 落實語常會語文教育檢討總結報告所說,協助學校「建立一支專業語文教師隊伍」;3. 建立我系與本港小學之間的伙伴協作網絡關係;4. 推廣有關「中國語文教育」的伙伴協作計劃;5. 建立本院及本系在香港語文教育的地位。 Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): HO, Man Sing 何文勝 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
Training for the Pre-service Teachers to Enhance their Effectiveness of Language Teaching 提升職前學員語文教學效能的培訓系列 本研究計劃是中文學系為提升教育學院職前學員教學效能的計劃。主要是讓學員及早掌握中文科的內容教法知識,讓他們有更充分的準備和信心面對真正教學環境的挑戰。本計劃是從不同面向,透過不同的活動組織,提升學員的學科內容教學法知識和能力、各環節包括「小組協作教學計劃」、「戲劇與教學」和「因勢利導:『以普通話教中文』培訓系列」。 Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): YU, Yuen Yee, Frankie 余婉兒 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |
A Study of Teaching Strategies in the Chinese Language Classroom Conducted in Putonghua 以普通話教中文的課堂教學策略研究 This study investigates factors related to the teaching effectiveness in the Chinese Language classroom taught in Putonghua. A serial of lessons taught by five primary schoolteachers were observed and analyzed. Pre- and post-lesson interviews with teachers and students concerned were also conducted. Data obtained were shared with pre-service teachers at two special workshops and used as supplementary materials for enriching the content of methods modules. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 |
Blended Learning, Learning Design and Peer Learning: Eight Departmental Approaches The purpose of this research project is to investigate teacher-educator and student perceptions of blended learning which uses a specific learning design of peer learning.Blended learning is a pedagogical approach that combines face-to-face teaching and learning with online learning to provide diverse learning experience for students. Peer learning promotes the learning outcomes of: working with others; critical enquiry and reflection; communication and articulation of knowledge, understanding and skills; managing learning how to learn and self and peer assessment (Boud, Cohen & Simpson, 2001). The research will examine the lectures' perceptions of teaching a blended module using peer learning and student perceptions of participating in a blended learning module using peer learning. The research will examine both the advantage and disadvantages of blended learning from both the teacher and students' perspectives. Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): KEPPELL MICHAEL JAMES 康沛明 (LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 as Co-Investigator) |