Dr LAI, Yiu Chi    黎耀志 博士
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
(852) 2948 7648
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

Curriculum and Teaching methods of ICT, Classroom based Research, Assessment for Learning, Coding Education

External Appointments
  • Has been appointed as External Examiner for the courses organised by the Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, Open University of Hong Kong.
  • Has been appointed as External Examiner for the courses organized by the Continuing and Professional Education Division, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Personal Profile

Dr. Lai Yiu Chi retired as an Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology in 2023. He continues to help the department teach "Curriculum and Methods" courses and supervise doctoral students.

He obtained his BSc (Hons) degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 1985. Then he also got his Postgraduate Certificate in Education (HKU), BSc (Applied Computing) (1st hons) (OUHK), MSc (Electronic Commerce &Internet Computing) (Distinction) (HKU), MA (Educational Management) (University of Gloucestershire, UK) and Doctor of Education (University of Leicester, UK).

Dr. Lai has extensive teaching experience in Computer subjects and Mathematics. Before joining the HKIEd, he was a senior graduate master in a secondary school and was the subject coordinator of Computer Studies and Mathematics. His current teaching and research areas include Curriculum and Teaching Methods of ICT subjects and ICT in Education. He is active in educational research and curricular resource development. His publications include school textbooks, workbooks, monographs, journal articles, conference papers, training booklets, newspaper articles, CD-Roms, computer software, and learning websites. He is the principal author of market-leading Pearson titles, "New Senior Secondary Information and Communication Technology" and "Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE".

Research Interests

Curriculum and Teaching methods of ICT, Classroom based Research, Assessment for Learning, Coding Education

External Appointments

  • Has been appointed as External Examiner for the courses organised by the Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, Open University of Hong Kong.
  • Has been appointed as External Examiner for the courses organized by the Continuing and Professional Education Division, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Lai, Y.C., Leung, P.W., Wong, T.W., & Yuen, T.L. (2016). Exploring the use of mobile devices and applications to support Field Experience in Teacher Education Courses. In L. Briz-Ponce, J.A. Juanes-Méndez & F. José García-Peñalvo (Eds), Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Applications in Higher Education Settings (479-496). Hashey, PA: IGI Global..
黎耀志、李華昌 (2011)。 代數的基本概念教學:代數的課堂學習研究實例分析。輯於梁玉麟等編, 《數學課堂學習研究實踐與數學基本概念的教學》 (128-161)。合肥: 安徽教育出版社。
黎耀志、吳美華 (2010)。 以維基系統促進學生協作學習。輯於江紹祥和鄭國城(主編), 《學校教育的電子學習 / e-Learning in school education》(光碟版) (34-42)。香港: 香港教育學院。
Lai, Y. C., & Ng, E. M. W. (2010). A case study of infusing Web 2.0 tools for blended learning: virtual presentations as an alternative means of assessment.. In E. M. W. Ng (Ed.), Comparative blended learning practices and environments (pp170-187). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
黎耀志 (2009)。 香港資訊科技教育與青少年成長。 輯於胡少偉編《香港教育系列七——網絡世界下的青少年成長》 (頁65-71)。香港: 香港教育工作者聯會。
Lai, Y. C., Cheng, C. S., Yau, S. H., & To, K. W. (2009). New Senior Secondary Information and Communication Technology - Compulsory 1. Hong Kong: Longman Hong Kong Education.
Lai, Y. C., Cheng, C. S., Yau, S. H., & To, K. W. (2009). New Senior Secondary Information and Communication Technology - Compulsory 2. Hong Kong: Lomgman Hong Kong Education.
Lai, Y. C., Cheng, C. S., Yau, S. H., & To, K. W. (2009). New Senior Secondary Information and Communication Technology - Compulsory 3. Hong Kong: Lomgman Hong Kong Education.
黎耀志、鄭志成、邱少雄及杜家偉 (2009)。 《新高中資訊及通訊科技:必修部分一》。香港: 朗文香港教育。
黎耀志、鄭志成、邱少雄及杜家偉 (2009)。 《新高中資訊及通訊科技:必修部分三》。香港: 朗文香港教育。
黎耀志、鄭志成、邱少雄及杜家偉 (2009)。 《新高中資訊及通訊科技:必修部分二》。香港: 朗文香港教育。
Lai, Y. C. (2007). New Senior Secondary (NSS) Learning & Teaching Strategies for Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-(3) Development of Generic Skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity and Problem Solving). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
黎耀志 (2007)。 《新高中資訊及通訊科技科學與教策略─ (三) 發展共通能力 (批判性思考、創造力與解決問題)》。香港: 教育統籌局。
Lai, Y. C. (2007). New Senior Secondary (NSS) Learning & Teaching Strategies for Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-(2) Quality Interaction. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
黎耀志 (2007)。 《新高中資訊及通訊科技科學與教策略─ (二) 優質互動》。香港: 教育統籌局。
Wong, T. W., & Lai, Y. C. (2006). Maths and You (Textbooks and Workbooks) 1A-6D in English. Hong Kong: Manhattan Press (Hong Kong) Limited.
Lai, Y. C., Cheng, C. S., & Yau, S, H. (2005). Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE - Core module - Volume 1 (2nd edition). Hong Kong: Longman.
Lai, Y. C., Cheng, C. S., & Yau, S. H. (2005). Computer and Information Technology for HKCEE - Core module - Volume 2 (2nd edition). Hong Kong: Longman.
黎耀志、鄭志成及邱少雄 (2005)。 電腦與資訊科技會考課程核心單元一(第二版)。香港: 朗文香港教育。
黎耀志、鄭志成及邱少雄 (2005)。 電腦與資訊科技會考課程核心單元二(第二版 )。香港: 朗文香港教育。
LAI, Y.C. (2003). Computer for tomorrow 3A. Hong Kong: SNP Manhattan Press.
LAI, Y.C. (2003). Computer for tomorrow 3B. Hong Kong: SNP Manhattan Press.
LAI, Y.C. (2002). Computer for tomorrow 1A. Hong Kong: SNP Manhattan Press.
LAI, Y.C. (2002). Computer for tomorrow 1B. Hong Kong: SNP Manhattan Press.
LAI, Y.C. (2002). Computer for tomorrow 2A. Hong Kong: SNP Manhattan Press.
LAI, Y.C. (2002). Computer for tomorrow 2B. Hong Kong: SNP Manhattan Press.
黎耀志、吳銳堅和黃德華 (2001)。 e教學攻略手冊:數學篇。香港: 香港教育圖書公司。
Lai, Y. C. (2000). Manhattan Logo Programming 2. Hong Kong: Manhattan Press.
Lai, Y. C. (2000). Manhattan Visual Basic Programming 2. Hong Kong: Manhattan Press.
黎耀志 (2000)。 文達Logo程序編寫2。香港: 文達出版。
黎耀志 (2000)。 文達Visual Basic程序編寫2。香港: 文達出版。
Lai, Y. C. (1999). Manhattan Logo Programming 1. Hong Kong: Manhattan Press.
Lai, Y. C. (1999). Manhattan Visual Basic Programming 1. Hong Kong: Manhattan Press.
黎耀志 (1999)。 文達Logo程序編寫1。香港: 文達出版。
黎耀志 (1999)。 文達Visual Basic程序編寫1。香港: 文達出版。

Journal Publications
Relmasira, S.C., Lai, Y.C., & Donaldson, J.P. (2023). Fostering AI Literacy in Elementary Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) Education in the Age of Generative AI. Sustainability, 15, Article 13595. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151813595
Relmasira, S. C., Lai, Y. C., & So, C. F. H. (2021). Future jobs: Indonesian Primary Students’ Aspirations and Teachers’ predictions. The European Educational Researcher, 4(2), 209-225.
Yang, R., & Lai, Y. C. (2020). E-Learning Practices for English Teacher Education: Fourth-Tier Chinese Cities within Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework.. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 13(2), 15-30.
Yang, R., & Lai, Y. C. (2019). Using e-learning in pre-service English teacher education in Chinese fourth-tier cities: An exploratory study. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2(1), 29-57.
Yang, R., & Lai, Y. C. (2018). A study of the role of ICT in the doctoral research processes: An ethnographic approach. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Special Issue for IETC & ITEC, 11-25.
Lai, Y. C., Ng, E. M. W., & Yang, R. (2018). Teaching ICT with the flipped classroom approach in higher education settings. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 1(1), 29-43.
Lai, Y. C. (2017). Integrating assessment for learning strategies into online learning environments: A case study of teaching secondary ICT. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, November Special Issue, 200-214.
Yang, R., & Lai, Y. C. (2017). Exploring the e-Learning implementation among Chinese university learners of English: Comparison in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, October Special Issue, 1202-1218.
Lai, Y.C. (2017). Integrating Assessment for Learning (AfL) Strategies in Wiki-based Learning Activities: A Case Study of Teaching Perimeter in Primary School 於維基平台的學習活動中整合促進學習的評估策略:在小學教授周界的案例分析. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers 《台灣數學教師電子期刊》, 38(1), 1-22.
Lee, K.Y. & Lai, Y.C. (2017). Facilitating higher-order thinking with the flipped classroom model: A student teacher's experience in a Hong Kong secondary school. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 12(8), 1-14.
Cheng E. C. K., Chan, S., Wan, Z. H., Hung, V., Lim, C.P., Lai, Y.C.,Chan, T.M., Tam, C.M. (2015). Towards a curriculum framework for development teachers'personal knowledge management competencies. International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 1(2), 105-111.
黎耀志 (2015). 網路時代, 家長該何去何從?. 《百分百家長》網路時代的危與機, 第四十三期, 1-7.
Lai, Y.C., & Wong, T.W. (2015). Using social media and cloud services to facilitate teaching and learning in teacher education courses. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 6(4), 7-24.
Berry, R., Lai, Y.C. & Yin, P. (2014). Teaching Mathematics with Assessment for Learning concepts 促進學習評估在數學科的實踐. Assessment and Learning 《評估與學習》, 2014(3), 160-171.
Lai, Y.C. & Wong, T.W. (2013). Investigating the synergistic effects of integrating a learning management system and free wikis in teacher education courses. The International Journal of Technologies in Learning, 19(2), 37-50.
Wong, T.W., & Lai, Y.C. (2013). Roles of teachers in Learning Study: A case study in teaching fractions. Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in Mathematical Education, 17 (1), 47-61.
Wong, T.W., & Lai, Y.C. (2013). Think mathematically: A problem-based learning approach. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, 19(1), 19-35.
Hargreaves, E., Berry, R., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P., Scott, D., & Stobart, G. (2013). Teachers’ experiences of autonomy in Continuing Professional Development: Teacher Learning Communities in London and Hong Kong. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers' Professional Development, 17(1), 19-34.
Lai, Y.C. & Lum, E.K.L. (2012). Enhancing teaching and learning of Home Economics in secondary schools with wikis: An action research study. Themes in Science and Technology Education, 5(1/2), 43-58.
Ng, E. M. W., & Lai, Y. C. (2012). An Exploratory Study on Using Wiki to Foster Student Teachers’ Learner-centered Learning and Self and Peer Assessment (Best Papers Award from 2012 Informing Science + IT Education Conference). Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practices, 11, 71-84.
Wong, T.W., & Lai, Y.C. (2012). Explore young children’s misconceptions of divisions with remainders by integers, decimals and fractions 跨課題數學概念探究:不同形式的「帶餘數除法」. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers 《台灣數學教師電子期刊》, 29, 5-28.
Wong, T.W., & Lai, Y.C. (2012). Impact of entry-level Mathematics subject-matter knowledge on student teachers' Mathematcs pedagogical content knowledge development and their Mathematics teaching practice performance. Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in Mathematical Education, 16(1), 51-66.
Lai, Y.C. (2011). Designing Information and Communication Technology textbooks for senior secondary students: A Case Study in Hong Kong. The International Journal of the Book, 8(3), 33-50.
Lai, Y.C., & Ng, W.S. (2011). Nurturing information literacy of early childhood teachers through Web-based collaborative learning activities. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10(1), 78-84.
Lai, Y. C. & Ng, E. M. W. (2011). Using wikis to develop student teachers’ learning, teaching and assessment capabilities. The Internet and Higher Education, 14(1), 15-26.
Ng, E. M. W. & Lai, Y. C. (2010). Re-designing the curriculum for preservice information and communication technology teacher courses: An outcome-based approach. The International Journal of Learning, 17(6), 413-426.
Wong, T. W., & Lai, Y. C. (2010). Through teaching content analysis, see the essential need of using teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge in teaching elementary mathematics. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9 (1), 22-28.
黃德華 和 黎耀志 (2009)。 從小一數學單元舉隅看小學數學老師的專業要求。 數學教育期刊,第44期,頁 44-54。
Lai, Y. C., & Wong, T. W. (2009). Developing creativity in computer lessons. inroads (ACM SIGCSE Bulletin), 41 (2), 132-135.
Lai, Y. C., & Wong, T. W. (2007). Infusing problem solving skills into computer lessons. inroads (ACM SIGCSE Bulletin), 39 (4), 84-96.
黃德華 和 黎耀志 (2005)。 課堂學習行研究與“教”與“學”效益的提升。 中國教育與教学,10(2),頁63-68。
Lai, Y. C. (2005). Teaching computer applications to pre-school teachers through problem based learning approach. inroads (ACM SIGCSE Bulletin), 37 (4), 89-92.
黎耀志、黃德華 (2005)。 活用資訊科技進行數學科專題。 數學教育期刊,第42期,頁55-63。
Lai, Y.C., & Wong, T.W. (2005). From a technology graduate to a competent IT teacher. ACM SIGITE Newsletter, 2(2), 7-9.
Lai, Y.C., & Wong, T.W. (2005). Develop pupils’ high order thinking abilities via creative teaching approach. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 4(1), 43-46.
黃德華 和 黎耀志 (2004)。 香港小學數學教學模式及課堂學習行動探究。 杭州醫學高等專科學校學報,25(5),頁211-213。
Wong, T. W., & Lai, Y. C. (2002). Using a robot to foster children's creative thinking. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 1(2), 23-26.

Conference Papers
Relmasira, S. C., Lai, Y. C., & Donaldson, J. P. (2023, May). Developing AI Literacy For The Next Generation Of Scientists [Paper Presentation]. Responsible AI In The Natural Sciences: A Hybrid Mini Workshop., Pennsylvania, USA. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/calendar/166726026
Relmasira, S.C., Lai, Y.C., & So, C.F. (2021, December). AI Literacy: A Systematic Review of AI Teaching and Learning Practice for Children. Paper presented at the International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021, Hong Kong. https://eduhk.hk/iclt2021/index.html
Relmasira, S. C, Lai, Y. C., & So, C. F. H. (2020, November). Understanding Students’ Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Career Aspirations: Students, Teachers, and Experts Views in Indonesian Context. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education and Artificial Intelligence 2020 (ICEAI 2020), Hong Kong SAR, China.
SONG, Y., LAI, Y.C., & LING, M.H.A. (2020, November). Design of an augmented reality app for pupil’s vocabulary learning in a seamless learning environment. Paper presented at The International Conference on Education and Artificial Intelligence 2020 (ICEAI 2020)
Relmasira, S. C, Lai, Y. C., & So, C. F. H. (2019, December). Examining Artificial Intelligence Literacy of Primary School Students in Indonesia. Paper presented at the International Conference on Advances in STEM Education 2019, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Yang, R. & Lai, Y.C. (2019, July). How do English learners experience mobile-assisted language learning in Hong Kong and mainland China. Paper presented at the 2nd Pan-Pacific Technology-Enhanced Language Learning Conference (PPTELL 2019), New Taipei City, Taiwan.
Yang, R., & LAI, Y.C. (2019, May). A study on e-learning practices in English Teacher Education in Chinese fourth-tier cities with TPACK framework. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies, Hobart, Australia.
Yang, R. & Lai, Y.C. (2018, October). E-learning strategies in English language learning in pre-service teacher education: A comparative study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Yang, R. & Lai, Y.C. (2018, July). E-learning practices in pre-service English language teacher education in Hong Kong and mainland China. Paper presented at International Postgraduate Round-table and Research Forum cum Summer School 2018, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Yang, R., & Lai, Y.C. (2018, May). E-learning in English language learning in pre-service teacher education in mainland China. Paper presented at the International Conference on "English Language Education in the Chinese Context", Hong Kong SAR, China.
Lai, Y.C. (2018, March). Coding education and computational thinking for children. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2018, Kobe, Japan.
Lai, Y.C. (2017, March). Flipping the Classroom: Changing the Pedagogy of Teacher Education. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017, Kobe, Japan.
黎耀志 (2016,6). 初小班級的編程教育研究。論文發表於《科技增強教與學:發展與實踐》研討會,香港。
梁佩雲、張連航和黎耀志 (2016,5). Promoting language learning autonomy: The development of a community of practice across disciplines。主講論文發表於 「第二屆國際漢語教學研討會—國際文憑課程(IB)理念與語言教學」,香港。
黎耀志、張連航和梁佩雲 (2016,5). Design and implementation of the Language e-Learning Platform。主講論文發表於 「第二屆國際漢語教學研討會—國際文憑課程(IB)理念與語言教學」,香港。
Cheng, E. C. K., Chan, K. Y., Wan Z. H.,Hung V., Lim C. P., Lai, Y. C., Chan T. M. Tam, C. M. (2015, June). Toward a Curriculum Framework for Developing Teachers’ Personal Knowledge Management Competencies. 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Science and Humanities, Istanbul.
WONG, T. W., ; LAI, Y. C. (2014, April). A Case Study of School-based Curriculum Development on Significant Figures. Conference paper presented at KSME 2014 Spring Conference on Mathematics Education; Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea.
Lai, Y.C., & Wong, T.W. (2013, November). Using social media and cloud services to facilitate teaching and learning in teacher education courses.. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies., Madrid, Spain.
Berry, R., Lai, Y.C., & Ng, M.W.E. (2013, October). Assessment for learning (AfL) in an e-learning environment. The Inaugural Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology, Osaka, Japan.
Lai, Y.C., Berry, R., Ng, M.W.E., & Lo, S.K. (2013, October). Integrating assessment for learning (AfL) strategies in wiki-based learning activities: Conceptual framework and implementation. The Inaugural Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology, Osaka, Japan.
Ng, M.W.E., Lai, Y.C., & Berry,R. (2013, October). Transcending learning into practice - A case study of learning information technology concepts actively by using wiki as an environment for projects. The Inaugural Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology, Osaka, Japan.
Lai, Y.C. & Wong, T.W. (2013, June). Supporting field experience in teacher education course by using cloud services and mobile technology. Paper presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Thinking: Time for a Rethink?, Singapore.
Lai,Y.C., Wong, T.W., Lee, K.Y., NG, W.S., & Yuen, T. L. (2013, June). Enhancing student teachers’ professional development in Field Experience by using cloud services and mobile technology. Communities of Practice for Teaching Supervision ( HKIEd), Hong Kong.
吳美華、黎耀志 (2013,6). 在學校體驗視導中運用雲端應用與移動科技。論文發表於《數學的探究學習與綠色及雲端運算環境的電子學習》研討會,香港。
黎耀志、吳美華 (2013,6). 在中學課堂使用雲端應用的個案分享。論文發表於《數學的探究學習與綠色及雲端運算環境的電子學習》研討會,香港。
Lai, Y.C., Berry, R., & Ng, M.W.E. (2013, May). IT in Education e-Learning Series: Assessment for Learning (AfL) and Web 2.0 in Schools- Conceptual Framework and Implementation Strategies in Subject Teaching. EDB - IT in Education Professional Development Programmes for teachers, Hong Kong.
WONG, T. W., & LAI, Y. C. (2013, March). The Roles of Teachers in Learning Study: A Case Study in Teaching Fractions. Paper presented at KSME 2013 Spring Conference on Mathematics Education; Seoul, Korea., Seoul, Korea.
吳美華、黎耀志 (2012,6). 利用維基平台進行專題研習 - 以「資訊科技的社會議題」為主題的個案分析。《學校教育的數碼教室與處理學習差異的數學教育》研討會,香港。
黎耀志 (2012,6). ICT 教學策略的反思與優化。主講論文發表於《培生 2012 文憑考試分析日》,香港。
黎耀志、吳美華 (2012,6). 於維基平台的學習活動中整合促進學習的評估策略 - 一個在中、小學進行的設計本位研究。《學校教育的數碼教室與處理學習差異的數學教育》研討會,香港。
Lai, Y.C. & Berry, R. (2012, May). IT in Education e-Learning Series: Sharing Session on Integrating Assessment for Learning Strategies in Wiki-based Learning Activities - Pedagogy and the Effect on Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools (two sessions in March and May 2012). EDB - IT in Education Professional Development Programmes for teachers, Hong Kong.
WONG, T. W., & LAI, Y. C. (2012, April). A Study of the Impact of the Entry Level of Mathematics Subject Knowledge on Student Teachers’ Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development and their Mathematics Teaching Practice Performance. Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education 2012 Spring Conference on Mathematical Education Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Seoul Korea.
黎耀志 (2011,6). 教學的挑戰與契機:從課室到社交網絡。論文發表於《發展21世紀能力的電子學習.運用評估促進數學的學習》研討會,香港。
Lai, Y.C. & Wong, T. W. (2011, May). Integrating assessment for learning strategies in Web 2.0 learning activities. Paper presented at the 4th Redesigning Pedagogy: Transforming Teaching, Inspiring Learning International Conference, Singapore.
Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P., Scott, D. & Stobart, G. (2010, December). The teacher professional development model for implementing Assessment for Learning in the classroom. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
Hargreaves, E., Berry, R., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P., Scott, D. and Stobart, G. (2010, December). Autonomy through Teacher Learning Communities? The AfL goal of autonomy explored. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
Lai, Y.C., Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Leung, P., Scott, D., Stobart, G. (2010, December). Examining the organizational factors that constrain and support the institutionalization of assessment for learning in schools. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
Leung, P., Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C., Scott, D. and Stobart, G. (2010, December). Indications of change in classroom assessment: Feedback provided by teachers in implementing assessment for learning. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
Scott, D., Berry, R., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C., Leung, P. & Stobart, G. (2010, December). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong schools: implementation and evaluation. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asia International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
Lai, Y. C. & Wong, T. W. (2010, January). Designing school textbooks for the new senior secondary curriculum in Hong Kong.. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Hualien, Taiwan.
Ng, M. W. E., & Lai, Y. C. (2008, December). Beyond textbook communication exchanges: Are student teachers ready for virtual assessments?. Paper presented at the Ascilite Melbourne 2008, Melbourne, Australia.
黎耀志、陳超、吳樹民、黎潔瑩及黃思明 (2008,12). 香港課堂學習研究系列:課堂學習研究案例——多項式的加減。論文發表於世界課堂研究學會--國際研討會2008,香港。
Wong, T. W., & Lai, Y. C. (2008, April). To learn the way to learn mathematics: A learning study of advancing number sense. Paper presented at the 5th Nordic Conference on Research in Mathematics Education, Denmark.
黎耀志、鄭志成 (2008,3). 如何善用CIT的資源以迎新高中ICT課程。演講發表於「電腦與資訊科技──教學與應用」(2008年3月15日),香港。
鄭偉東、楊啟富、李華昌及黎耀志 (2007,11). 香港課室學習研究系列:運用消元法解聯立二元一次方程。論文發表於「世界課堂研究學會──國際研討會2007」,香港。
李樹英、高寶玉、勞傅燕華、賴明珠、黎耀志 (2007,8). 課室學習研究。演講發表於「課室學習研究工作坊」(2007年8月20日),北京。
Lai, Y. C., & Wong, T. W. (2006, November). The cluster model for conducting learning study for minor subjects in schools. Proceedings of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, Australia.
Wong, T. W., & Lai, Y. C. (2006, November). Exploring factors affecting Mathematics teaching effectiveness among pre-service primary Mathematics student-teachers. Proceedings of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, Australia.
Wong, T. W., & Lai, Y. C. (2005, October). Exploring the role of teachers through learning study. Paper presented at the College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences Inaugural Research Conference, Sydney.

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Lai, Y. C. Lai-Yeung, W. L. T., Man, W. Y. T., Ng, M. W. E. (2010). Internal Report on an advisory study on curriculum implementation in Technology Education Key Learning Area.. Hong Kong: Education Bureau and Hong Kong Institute of Education..

All Other Outputs
Lai, Y.C. (2015). External Examiner, IT3002EF & IT3002EP Use of Information Technology. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong.
Lai, Y.C., Ng, E.M.W., Ng, M.L., & Yuen, R.T.L. (2014). Enhancing student teachers’ professional development in field experience by using cloud services and mobile technology. Speech presented at Seminar on Teaching Development Grant (TDG) projects. Hong Kong: LTTC, HKIEd.
Lai, Y.C. (2014). External Examiner, IT4003EF Business Information Systems. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong..
Lai, Y.C. (2013). External Examiner, IT4003EF Business Information Systems. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong..
Lai, Y. C. (2013). Reviewer, The Internet and Higher Education. Elsevier.
Lai, Y.C. (2012). Reviewer, The Asia – Pacific Education Researcher, Springer.
Lai, Y.C. (2012). Reviewer, The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education. Singapore
Lai, Y.C. (2012). Reviewer, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. ASCILITE.
(2012). Associate Editor, The International Journal of Learning. Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing.
Lai, Y.C. (2012). External course assessor for "CBMP1064C 基礎數碼攝影及多媒體製作" Jointly Organized by the Open University of Hong Kong and Women's Commission for the Capacity Building Mileage Programme.. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong.
Lai, Y.C. (2012). External examiner, IT3002EF& IT3002EP Use of information technology. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong.
(2011). Associate editor, The International Journal of the Book. Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing.
Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2011). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: Final Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality Education Fund.
Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2011). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: 4th Progress Report. Hong Kong
Lai, Y.C. (2011). Reviewer, The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2011. Thailand
Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2011). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: 3rd Progress Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality Education Fund.
Lai, Y.C. (2011). External course assessor for an IT Course "網頁設計不求人" Jointly Organized by the Open University of Hong Kong and Women's Commission for the Capacity Building Mileage Programme. The Open University of Hong Kong.
Lai, Y.C. (2011). External examiner, IT3002EF Use of information technology. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong. The Open University of Hong Kong.
Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P., Hargreaves, E., Lai, Y.C. (2010). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: 2nd Progress Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality Education Fund.
Lai, Y. C., & Ng, E. M. W. (2010). Using Wikis to foster student collaborative learning. Paper presented at the Seminar on Inquiry in Mathematics Education and e-Learning in School Education. Hong Kong
Berry, R, & Leung, P.W., & Lai, Y. C. (2010). Invited seminar entitled “An Assessment for Learning Framework for Classroom Implementation” for EDB “How we walk the talk, Symposium on Assessment for Learning”.. EDB.
Lai, Y.C. (2010). External course assessor for an IT Course "網頁設計不求人" Jointly Organized by the Open University of Hong Kong and Women's Commission for the Capacity Building Mileage Programme. The Open University of Hong Kong.
Lai, Y.C. (2010). Reviewer, The Internet and Higher Education. Elsevier.
Lai, Y.C. (2010). External examiner, IT3002EF Use of information technology. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong.
Berry, R., Stobart, G., Scott, D., Leung, P. W., Lai, Y. C., & Hargreaves, E. (2009). Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools: First Progress Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education and Quality Education Fund.
Lai, Y. C. (2009). Reviewer, The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education. Hong Kong
Lai, Y. C. (2008). External examiner, IT3002EP use of information technology. Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong.
Lai, Y. C. (2007)。 Academic Consultant to the learning Study - 多項式的加減。Hong Kong: Centre for Learning-study and School Partnership of The Hong Kong Institute of Education and Education Bureau Variation for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning Project。
Lai, Y. C. (2007). External course assessor for an IT course of "Internet Surfing". Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong.
Lai, Y. C. (2007). External course assessor for an IT Course "Internet Surfing" Jointly Organized by the Open University of Hong Kong and Women's Commission for the Capacity Building Mileage Programme in 2007. Hong Kong


Developing Teaching Packages using VEX Robotics
This project aims to develop three sets of teaching and learning packages using the VEX Robotics for control and automation.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Chi Fuk Henry 蘇賜福 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Investigating Pupils’ English Vocabulary Learning Engagement Supported by Virtual Location-based Task Tool in COVID-19
Vocabulary learning for English as a second language (ESL) learners is a boring experience in school education because learners have few opportunities to review and apply the vocabulary learned in class to real-life settings. In the COVID-19, learners have to stay at home most of the time, the opportunities for consolidating the vocabulary in authentic learning environments are even rare. In the light of it, this study aims to develop and implement a virtual location-based task tool (refer to Figure 1) to engage learners in game-based learning activities to perform location-based tasks in a virtual world, especially in COVID-19.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): SONG, Yanjie 宋燕捷 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Designing and Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Teaching Packages for Junior Secondary Students
This project covers joint efforts to bring up the new generation of AI talent in our society. By designing and developing AI teaching packages for secondary students, we will actively engage in future educational activities by encouraging the young generation to explore AI and improve their literacy level, which includes the positive and ethical use of AI, as well as the limitations and risks.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Chi Fuk Henry 蘇賜福 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Enhancing Pupils’ English Vocabulary Learning in a Seamless Learning Environment Supported by an Augmented Reality App
This Departmental Collaborative Research Fund project aims to develop an AR app to help learners learn vocabulary in an immersive and seamless learning environment, allow them to generate their own vocabulary learning content, increase their interaction with real objects without time and place constraints, provide opportunities for retention of the target vocabulary with the combination of picture and text media, and document their learning trails for pedagogical decision making via learning analytics.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): SONG, Yanjie 宋燕捷 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

A Study of Online Evidence-based Assessment System to Promote Collaborative and Cooperative Learning in Group Activities
Many courses involve group projects and/or activities to let students to collaborate and work together to solve problems. However, it is not easy to ensure all students are actively contributed and collaborate with each other to complete the project. As teachers usually collect the final outcome and mark it as a whole, it is difficult to assess the group project fairly within a group if the workload is unevenly distributed. In this project, we proposed to use “An Online Evidence-based Assessment System” as a centralized platform for students to carry out group activities such as discussion, initiating activities, sharing resources, providing feedback and solution, etc. The proposed system will keep track of the progress of individuals within a group, and the best member and best group will be selected every week and showed on their main page as a compliment. Detailed reports will be generated for both students and teachers. Students will receive a regular report to show their current progress, such as the number of posts, replies, completed tasks, interaction degree with other members, etc., to promote active engagement and collaborative learning. Whereas teachers will receive activity log of all students in the class, which could be used to set assessment criteria and identify free-riders. We have invited six teachers to deliver group projects and/or activities with our pilot platform. To study the effect of this online evidence-based assessment approach on students and teachers in higher education, quantitative data will be analyzed by data mining modeling techniques to discover interesting learning patterns.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LAM, Wai Man Winnie 林惠民 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Multi-modal Measurement of Learning Engagement in Hong Kong Primary School Students
Active engagement is one of the most important factors for effective learning and it is associated with positive learning outcomes like academic performance and college attendance. Traditional measures like questionnaires or observation are not able to provide automatic, continuous, real-time, non-contact, and low-cost measure of learning engagement but due to the recent advance in technology, it is feasible to develop such measures in the context of intelligent tutoring system (ITS). Data of the interaction pattern between learner and ITS, such as learners’ responses, assessment of their response, the feedback provided by the ITS, the ITS’s next move, reaction and response of learners, could be used to detect learners’ affect and disengagement behavior. Moreover, common learning affects like boredom, confusion, delight, engagement and frustration can be detected among high school students playing an educational game in a school computer laboratory from their facial expressions detected by low-cost webcam. Based on these findings, we are aimed to develop and validate an interaction-based detector and a facial expression detector which is aimed to measure the affective and behavioral components as well as affective component of learning engagement, respectively among Hong Kong primary school students who are learning mathematics in a self-development intelligent tutorial system.

Only a few previous studies have been conducted to examine the dynamics of learning engagement by manipulating learning process. A well-known study in social psychology has been conducted to making participants cognitive busy by asking them to engage an additional cognitive task like counting backward. We plan to use this experimental paradigm, namely cognitive busyness study, to observe how affective and behavioral components of learning engagement change over time. Our objective is to examine the dynamic changes of affective and behavioral components of learning engagement using the cognitive busyness experimental paradigm in process of engagement, disengagement, and re-engagement.
To achieve the objectives mentioned above, we will conduct one validation study and one study using the cognitive busyness paradigm. In the first study, 60 primary school students of Grade 4 from 2 schools will be recruited and participated while another 30 Grade 4 students will participated in the second study. We will develop a web-based mathematics tutoring software which teaches problem solving skills for Equal Group and Multiplicative Compare problems and our studies will be conducted when students are engaging this tutoring system. In the validation study, participants will engage in the tutoring system for about one hour each day for four consecutive days and video of their faces and their interaction with the system will be recorded and collected. The ground truth labels for affective and behavioral aspects of learning engagement of the students will be based on human observation. Using feature extraction and machine learning algorithm in previous studies, we will extract the features from interaction pattern and facial expression detected by video clips and features will be used to detect affective and behavioral engagement by machine learning algorithms. Cohen’s Kappa and A’ statistics will be used as the metrics to evaluate detector goodness. In the cognitive busyness, participants will also be asked to engage in our developed ITS for about 1 hour per day and for four consecutive days. To make participants cognitive busy, beside the learning activities, participants will be asked to count backward from easiest version to the most difficult one until they report that they are not able to engage in the learning activity. Then they will be asked to stop the counting back and re-focus on the learning task only. We will track the changes in the affective, behavioral and cognitive aspects of learning engagement thorough out the process of engagement, disengagement a
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): CHOU, Kee Lee 周基利 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Coding As Learning with Robots in Hong Kong Primary Schools
QEF Project: This project aims to explore how to develop pupils’ coding knowledge and skills as well as learning through coding activities in Hong Kong primary schools.
(i) to develop primary school pupils’ coding knowledge and skills through coding activities;
(ii) to explore the pedagogy and assessment strategies in coding activities in Hong Kong primary schools;
(iii) to provide exemplars of good experience of coding education in Hong Kong primary school environments.

Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Exploring Assessment Strategies in Flipped Classroom Approach
The pedagogy to be examined in the study is called “flipped classroom” which emphasizes on flipping the directed instructions to online lectures but having group activities in classes. This approach is widely promoted around the world in recent years. However most studies conducted on flipped classroom are still mainly on the design principles and the implementation process. The assessment issues involved in a flipped classroom still need to be investigated. These include two aspects: (1) How to assess the students’ learning outcomes in a flipped classroom; and (2) How to use assessment strategies to support learning in a flipped classroom. The proposed study aims to investigate these assessment issues in flipped classroom approach.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Initiatives of subject-based learning and teaching for mobile devices
(1) To develop five applications and/or strategies which would serve the common needs of
academic/teaching staff in the Department for teaching and learning Mathematics and Information
Technology with mobile devices;
(2) To offer support to colleagues in carrying out the initiatives; and
(3) To evaluate the effectiveness of the applications and/or strategies.

Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Building a Language Learning Autonomy Community
this project aims to set up a platform to link up all the self learning materials to stimulate and improve students’ self-learning motivation and capability in the momentum of “Blended learning” and “self-learning” which have always been emphasized in formal and non-formal language learning to support learner autonomy.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Lin Hong 張連航 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Engaging Learners with Flipped Classroom
During a directed study week, learners will learn from different online materials prepared by their educators according to their online pre-test results. The online lecture materials may consist of a wide variety of digital formats such as videos, animations and pictures. Learners would attempt an online post-test after learning at their own pace and time. To consolidate learners’ knowledge, they would also apply their recent acquired knowledge to solve authentic problems in groups when they meet in class where the educator could provide more support to those learners who did not do well in the post-test. The series of activities proposed not only help learners to become more engaged in the learning process but also the individual differences could be better taken care of.
Project Start Year: 2015, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志, NG MEE WAH, EUGENIA 吳美華

Building a Community of Practice (CoP) to enhance student teachers' professional development in Field Experience via web technologies
Institute-wide TDG Project: The project aims to establish a Community of Practice (CoP)to enhance student teachers' professional development in Field Experience via web technologies. It also aims to further promote good practice of using mobile technology and cloud services in higher education institutions.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Developing Personal Knowledge Management Training Curriculum Guide and Resources
This project aims to develop a Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) curriculum guide and resources to teacher educators for nurturing pre-service teachers’ PKM competencies and instructional design skills.
Project Start Year: 2014, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Chi Keung Eric 鄭志強 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Using Social Networks to Foster Professional Dialogue: An Exploratory Study in Teacher Education Courses
The study aims to explore the feasibility and areas of using social networks in teacher education courses.
Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Professional development of Mathematics student teachers through blended learning approach
In the study, we will
(1) investigate the pros and cons of using Learning Management System (LMS) in mathematics education course from a user’s perspective; and
(2) explore the strategies in developing the professional knowledge of mathematics student teachers with a blended learning approach.

Project Start Year: 2013, Principal Investigator(s): WONG, Tak Wah 黃德華 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

Enhancing Student Teachers' Professional Development in Field Experience by Using Cloud Services and Mobile Technology
Institute-wide TDG Project: This project aims to adopt mobile technology and cloud services to create a convenient and efficient environment to enhance student teachers’ professional development in Field Experience. Colleagues from five departments across three faculties, the School Partnership and Field Experience Office (SPFEO) and Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) will be involved in this project.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Integrating Assessment for Learning (AfL) Strategies in Wiki-based Learning Activities: Pedagogy and the Effect on Teaching and Learning
GRF Project: The study aims to integrate AfL strategies in wiki-based learning activities for primary and secondary school pupils. The study will help us identify effective pedagogy and assessment strategies in these kinds of online learning activities. By the end of the study, we will develop basic guiding principles for using AfL in wiki-based activities and adapt some learning models that can be applied to other online collaborating tools and social networking websites. The study should be able to provide examples of good practices of e-learning implementation in school environments. This research is supported by General Research Fund, Research Grant Committee, Hong Kong.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Fostering student teachers’ learner-centred learning capacities by adopting information and communication technologies as the change agents
Fostering student teachers’ learner-centred learning capacities by adopting information and communication technologies as the change agents
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): NG, Mee Wah Eugenia 吳美華 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Team Member)

Enriching students’ IT in education knowledge in Singapore
An academic from National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, briefed us about the education system and in particular, IT in Education, in Singapore. An officer from Ministry of Education briefed us on the IT policy in Singapore. There was lesson participation and observation at NIE. Apart from visiting NIE, there were visits to a primary and secondary school which enabled our students to have a holistic view of IT in education in Singapore. Apart from the formal agenda, students also undertook some informal activities such as visiting parks, museum and other scenic spots.
Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): NG MEE WAH, EUGENIA 吳美華 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Principal Investigator)

Assessment for Learning in Hong Kong Schools
This project aims to improve teacher quality and their capacity to use assessment for learning (AfL) for classroom teaching. Specifically, it aims to provide teachers with a school-embedded AfL professional development programme, to create and disseminate models of good practice in assessment, and to investigate the impact of the AfL professional development programme on teaching and learning.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): BERRY RITA SHUK YIN 張淑賢 (LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志 as Co-Investigator)

EDB: Provision of Service for an advisory study on curriculum implementation in Technology Education Key Learning Area (TEKLA)
(1.) review the implementation of TEKLA curriculum at junior secondary level in Hong Kong schools; (2.) provide recommendations for curriculum re-structuring, re-arrangement of learning elements, re-scheduling learning sequence, or new implementation strategies of the TEKLA curriculum; and (3.) explore and suggest possible ways to implement TEKLA curriculum in the future including but not limit to the feasibility of using individual subjects, modular approach, or subject integration at junior secondary level in schools that can enable smooth progression to the New Senior Secondary education.
Project Start Year: 2009, Principal Investigator(s): LAI, Yiu Chi 黎耀志

Creating a Virtual Learning Community via Video Production and Sharing
In light of the recent trend of express ideas using videos, it is proposed to complement traditional paper format assignment submission to including multiple formats such as pictures, videos and other digital formats. The videos will be shared between the two classes so that they can learn from each other and extend learning outside classroom. Participants are required to record part of their processes when they are completing their assignments in digital formats and post it in the internet for sharing ideas and / or seeking comments for improvement. Apart from being the producer of non-text assigments, they are expected to give comments to the production of learners of the same and different modules. It is hope that the proposed mode of expressing ideas can develop participants’ generic skills, in particular, cooperation, communication, creativity and information technology
Project Start Year: 2008, Principal Investigator(s): NG Mee Wah Eugenia (LAI Yiu Chi as Co-Investigator)

HKIEd's Research in IT Education
The funding aims to support activities and researches related to teaching and learning in ICT.
Project Start Year: 2007, Principal Investigator(s): LAI Yiu Chi

Provision of Services for Professional Development Programme "New Senior Secondary Learning and Teaching Strategies for Information and Communication Technology
The programme is designed with the understanding that the teacher participants have rich experience in teaching ICT at schools and yet they might not have different (new) teaching approaches to teach the NSS ICT curriculum. Thus, this professional development programme is to enhance participants' understanding of theories and related delivery approaches in the areas of: 1) catering for learner's diversity, 2) quality interaction and 3) development of generic skills (critical thinking, creativity and problem solving) when teaching the new curriculum. It is expected that by the end of the programme, participants will have the confidence and competence to teach NSS ICT curriculum with appropriate teaching approaches.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): NG Mee Wah, Eugenia (LAI Yiu Chi as Co-Investigator)

Friends of Changjei (Hong Kong) 倉頡之友 ● 香港
A portal site for learning Canjie Input Method. This site is sponsored by the Inventor of Canjie Input Method, Mr. Chu Bong Foo.
Project Start Year: 2003, Principal Investigator(s): LAI Yiu Chi

Prizes and awards

VocabGo app: "Gold Medal"

Date of receipt: 16/11/2020, Conferred by: International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) Taiwan 2020
Silver Medal
In iCAN 2019, EdUHK showcased four edtech innovations and the GMoodle system for assessment automation has been awarded with two prizes: silver medal and special award. The GMoodle system is developed for assessment of collaborative learning. The whole process of collaboration is recorded by the system to provide an objective measure and fair evaluation to reflect the actual contribution of each student in a group project.
Date of receipt: 24/8/2019, Conferred by: The International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN) 2019
Special Inventor Award
In iCAN 2019, EdUHK showcased four edtech innovations and the GMoodle system for assessment automation has been awarded with two prizes: silver medal and special award. The GMoodle system is developed for assessment of collaborative learning. The whole process of collaboration is recorded by the system to provide an objective measure and fair evaluation to reflect the actual contribution of each student in a group project.
Date of receipt: 24/8/2019, Conferred by: The International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN) 2019
A best paper award from the 2012 Informing Science + IT Education Conference (InSITE 2012)
The Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference solicits papers discuss the use of IT to teach, learn, or inform clients, as well as IT education. Our paper "An Exploratory Study on Using Wiki to Foster Student Teachers' Learner-centered Learning and Self and Peer Assessment" receives a best paper award at InSITE 2012, Montreal, Canada. The conference was held at the Concordia University from 22nd to 27th June, 2012. The paper is accepted and published by Journal of Technology Education: Innovations in Practices.
Date of receipt: 27/6/2012, Conferred by: Informing Science Institute