Dr CHENG, Mo Yin, Vivian    鄭慕賢 博士
Guest Lecturer
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Scopus ID
Research Interests

STEM education, Creativity education, creativity in teaching and learning, assessment of creativity, interdisciplinary thinking, systems thinking, Science education, Liberal Studies and General Studies

Teaching Interests

STEM education, Creativity education, creativity in teaching and learning, assessment of creativity, interdisciplinary thinking, systems thinking, Science education, Liberal Studies and General Studies

Personal Profile

鄭慕賢博士 ,現職香港教育學院數社科技學系之助理教授,教授範疇包括STEM 及 STEAM教育、創造力培育、創意教學法、跨領域思維學習、常識科、通識科及科學科教學法等。獲香港大學科學學士、香港中文大學哲學碩士(教育)及香港浸會大學哲學博士(教育)。資深中學教師,曾為物理科科主任。經常為教育局主持創造力教學工作坊,曾為課程發展議會資優教育委員會委員。曾為香港大型教育計畫「校本創意思維培訓計畫」、「創意教學推廣計畫」及「激勵創造力之科學教育計劃」的主要負責人,並積極從事多項有關創造力及科學教育的研究及推廣工作。近年著作包括《創造力培育》(三書兩光碟)、《小學教師創意集》、《開發教學創造力》、《創造力培育-科學教育改革》(書及光碟)及博士論文《教學創造力:定義、評量及因素》。

Research Interests

STEM education, Creativity education, creativity in teaching and learning, assessment of creativity, interdisciplinary thinking, systems thinking, Science education, Liberal Studies and General Studies

Teaching Interests

STEM education, Creativity education, creativity in teaching and learning, assessment of creativity, interdisciplinary thinking, systems thinking, Science education, Liberal Studies and General Studies

Research Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Cheng, M. Y. V. (2017)。 Fostering student creativity in regular STEM teaching.。In Y.C, Lee et al., STEM Education – From theories to practices (34-39)。Hong Kong: Education University of Hong Kong。
Cheng, M. Y. V. (2015). Assessment for creative teaching and learning in disciplined improvisation. R. Wegerif, L. Li, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking (330-343). UK & USA: Routledge (Taylor and Francis).
鄭慕賢、鄭雅儀 (2008)。 從小學習系統思維。 輯於羅天佑、鄭美紅、布森梅和蘇詠梅編《綜合學習:理念與實踐》 (頁219)。香港: 文達出版社。
Cheng, M. Y. V. (2008). Consensual assessment in creative learning. In A. Craft (Ed.), Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It (pp.288). UK: Trentham.
鄭慕賢 (2008)。 「激動創造力的科學教育」計劃之成效。 輯於鄭慕賢編《創造力培育:科學教育改革》 (頁29)。香港: 激動創造力的科學教育計劃。
鄭慕賢 (2008)。 創造性科學學習之評估方法。 輯於鄭慕賢編《創造力培育:科學教育改革》 (頁24)。香港: 激動創造力的科學教育計劃。
鄭慕賢 (2008)。 創造性科學課程之設計。 輯於鄭慕賢編《創造力培育:科學教育改革》 (頁17)。香港: 激動創造力的科學教育計劃。
鄭慕賢 (2008)。 如何調適教學以培育創造力。 輯於鄭慕賢編《創造力培育:科學教育改革》 (頁21)。香港: 激動創造力的科學教育計劃。
鄭慕賢 (2008)。 淺談創造教育目標與方向。 輯於鄭慕賢編《創造力培育:科學教育改革》 (頁12)。香港: 激動創造力的科學教育計劃。
鄭慕賢(編) (2008)。 《創造力培育:科學教育改革》。香港: 激動創造力的科學教育計劃。
劉誠、鄭慕賢 (2005)。 創意的代價 (Cost of Creativity)。輯於許娜娜、吳恩澤和劉誠編, 《亞洲四地華人的創意:教育理論與實踐》 (頁85-92)。香港: 泛太平洋出版。

Journal Publications
Cheng, M.Y.V. (2019). Developing Individual Creativity for Environmental Sustainability: Using an Everyday Theme in Higher Education. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 33, Article: 100567, 1-21.
Cheng, M. Y. V. (2018). Consensual Assessment of Creativity in Teaching Design by Supportive Peers—Its Validity, Practicality, and Benefit. Journal of Creative Behavior, 52(1), 5-20.
Cheng, M.Y.V. (2018). Views on Creativity, Environmental Sustainability and Their Integrated Development. Creative Education (Journal), 9(5), 719-743.
Cheng, V.M.Y. (2016). Personal Transfer of Creative Learning. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 22, 58-73.
Cheng, M. Y.V. (2011). Infusing creativity into Eastern classrooms: Evaluations from student perspectives.. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 6(1), 67-87.
CHENG, M. Y. V. (2010). Tensions and dilemmas of teachers in creativity reform in a Chinese context.. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 5(3), 120-137.
Cheng, M. Y. V. (2010). Teaching creative thinking in regular science lessons: Potentials and obstacles of three different approaches in an Asian context. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching., 11(1), 1-10.
Cheng, M. Y. V. (2006)。 A comprehensive curriculum framework for infusing creativity learning into Physics knowledge learning。 College Physics (in Chinese),18 (3),15-19。

Conference Papers
Cheng, M.Y. V. (2012, June). A review of modern and olden toys - In perspectives of Creativity and sustainability. International sysmposium on Creativity, Culture and related industries: Implication for Greater China Region, Hong Kong.
Cheng, M.Y. V. (2011, December). Assessment of creative science learning - Teacher classroom practices and their implication. 2011 TERA International conference on Education: Imagination and Creativity, Taiwan.
Cheng, M.Y. V. (2011, December). Conceptualizing "elasticity" of teacher chagne and classroom system. 2011 TERA International Conference on Education: Imagaination and Creativity, Taiwan.
Cheng, M.Y. V., Hui, N. N. A., Kwan, S.P., Leung, Y.B., Tan, A.G. (2011, December). Assessments for Creative Teaching and Learning in Classrooms and competitions. 2011 TERA International Conference on Education: Imagination and Creativity, Taiwan.
Cheng, M.Y. V. (2010, December). "Pressure and loading of teachers in creative teaching reform in Hong Kong" in symposium "Teachers' work and work life balance". The Second East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, Hong Kong.
鄭慕賢 (2009,5). 融入創意在課堂 ( 介紹「先發散,後聚斂,再發散」的思維流動模式)。論文發表於「2009香港資優教育周年會議」,香港。

Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
Cheng, M.Y. V. (2008). Creativity Acceleration through Science Education at Secondary School Level (Final report and research report of QEF project). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.

All Other Outputs
Cheng, M. V. Y. (2010)。 To be a creative teacher - Theories and practices (Workshop in 1st Global Chinese Conference on Science Education 2010) (in Chinese)。Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education。
Cheng, M. Y. V. (2010). A journey starting from unexpected learning outcomes (Presentation in Learning and Teaching Forum of FAS 2010-2011). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong of Institute of Education. (http://www.ied.edu.hk/fas/events/LTForum2010/(SES_Vivian)%20paper-creative%20OBL%20-%20Dec%202010%20presentation-shared.pdf).
Cheng, M.Y.V. (2010)。 發展智障學生創意思維工作坊 (Workshop on Development of Creative Thinking for Students with Intellectual Disabilities), organized by Education Bureau。Hong Kong


Assessment of Creativity Developments in School Engineering Design Process (CD-SEDP) – Multi-trait Multi-method Approach
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

Self-directed Learning (SDL) in STEM Education - Its Assessments and Relationships with Creativity Development
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

A New Pathway to Creativity Education - Using Product Assessment to Foster Creativity in School STEM Problem-solving Activities
It studies how to use product assessment to foster creativity in STEM education. It is try-out in my classes, and some of our students are interviewed. Data analyses are underway.
Project Start Year: 2019, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

Developing and Promoting Creative Environmental Practices for/in Primary School Education 「情尋綠意」之 創意環保實踐計劃
Developing creative environmental practices developing student creativity in 8 primary schools of Hong Kong, and followed by large scale disseminations to whole education field
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

Enhancing Developments in Creativity through Cross-disciplinary STEM+A learning
this project aims at developing creativity of students in 6 to 8 courses in Creativity minor of EdUHK through cross-disciplinary STEM or STEAM education
Project Start Year: 2017, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

Understanding and Enhancing Creativity in Making - An Explorative Study in STEM Education Context
This project aims at understanding and enhancing creativity in making in STEM learning.
Project Start Year: 2016, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

Production of a new Physics Education Programme for Ocean Park and Evaluation
This is a knowledge transfer project invited by the Ocean Park to specifically develop a new physics education programme for Ocean Park so that the student visitors could learn some physics topics in a more effective and interesting way when they are playing with the newly installed games. Besides, we shall carry out the subsequent evaluation of the programme.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢 as Team Member)

Transfer of creative learning in HKIEd - a preliminary study
this project examines the processes and outocmes of transfer of learning in two creativity-related courses in HKIEd.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

Understanding prospective teachers' view on creativity, sustainability and their education
this project studies the views of students in B.Ed. courses of HKIEd on creativity, sustainability and their education.
Project Start Year: 2012, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢

In-Service Teacher Development Course - "Workshops on Scientific Investigation in General Studies (2011/12)"
The aim of the course is to enhance capacity building in planning and conducting Scientific Investigation for topics in Strand 3 "Science and Technology in Everyday Life" of the General Studies (GS) curriculum. It is expected that, through attending this course, participants could master basic pedagogical content knowledge in teaching relevant topics in GS and be more confident in devising Scientific Investigation activities for their students.
Project Start Year: 2011, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢 as Team Member)

Strategic development and implementation of OBL modules in General Studies and Liberal Studies
This TDG project is a continuous part of the previous TDG project on “Blueprint – Departments’ Special Initiatives for Strategic Development on OBL” (project code - H052) which consisted of three stages and to be completed in December 2009.

The present TDG project will base on the outcome of “stage 3 – piloting of OBL embedded modules” of the previous TDG project (Semester 1 of 2009-2010). The suggestions and recommendations resulted from the data collected on student learning outcomes by trial tracking of their performance in assessment tasks, as well as teaching colleagues’ and students’ feedback will be taken into consideration for strategic development and implementation of the selected OBL module in semester 2 of 2009-2010.

This TDG project will comprise 4 stages. First, feedback from teaching colleagues and students on the first pilot OBL embedded module in Semester 1 of 2009-2010 will be reviewed. This is followed by the development of OBL teaching in a teaching-related module and an academic studies module in semester 2 of 2009-2010. The feedback from teaching colleagues and students on these two OBL embedded modules will be studied for planning of full implementation of OBL teaching in the subsequent semesters.

Project Start Year: 2010, Principal Investigator(s): SO, Wing Mui Winnie 蘇詠梅 (CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢 as Co-Investigator)

Development of Resources and Activity Materials for the Teaching of Science and Technology in Ancient China (Part of the departmental TDG project "Developing Resources for Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Major Subject of MSST)
There has been an increasing demand for both primary and secondary students to understand and appreciate the relationships between science, technology and society in a historical context through the study of primary General Studies and secondary science in Hong Kong and similar curricula elsewhere in the world. This proposal is intended to develop in the first place a resource bank to facilitate the design of teaching activities on scientific and technological development in ancient China. Based on the information collected, some exemplary teaching activities will be developed to cater for different curricular contexts including General Studies, Sciences and Liberal Studies. These materials will be tried out in relevant BEd or PGDE modules to gauge the feedback of the lecturers and students concerned. The outcomes of the project will include resources and activities applicable to the teaching of science-related academic and methods modules.
Project Start Year: 2006, Principal Investigator(s): LEE Yeung Chung (CHENG Mo Yin, Vivian as Co-Investigator)

Diffusion of Learning Centre Scheme to Hong Kong Schools - General Studies KLA (Primary)
As appointed by the Quality Education Division, EMB of HKSAR Government, the Fanling Public School is carrying out the Learning Centre scheme. The HKIEd team is contracted to act as a partner from the tertiary education sector to support and facilitate the school's role in enhancing the teaching and learning of the General Studies subject in any Hong Kong schools through the effective use of information teachnology. The HKIEd team will provide academic advices and resources from existing projects, organise a series of training workshops and conduct relevant evaluation/educational research for the Fanling Public School.
Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢 as Co-Investigator)

Diffusion of Learning Centre Scheme to Hong Kong Schools - Science KLA (Secondary)
As appointed by the Quality Education Division, EMB of HKSAR Government, the Immanuel Lutheran Collage is carrying out the Learning Centre scheme. The HKIEd team is contracted to act as a partner from the tertiary education sector to support and facilitate the school's role in enhancing the teaching and learning of the secondary Science subject in any Hong Kong schools through the effective use of information technology. The HKIEd team will provide academic advices and resources from existing projects, organise a series of training workshops and conduct relevant evaluation/educational research for the Immanuel Lutheran College.
Project Start Year: 2005, Principal Investigator(s): YEUNG, Yau Yuen 楊友源 (CHENG, Mo Yin Vivian 鄭慕賢 as Co-Investigator)

Creativity Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) at Secondary School Level
Curriculum development & Teacher development for enhancing student creativity through science-related learning.
Project Start Year: 2004, Principal Investigator(s): CHENG Mo Yin, Vivian